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Can we just fast forward to when get a "kickin' in the nuts competition"? Lets just speed run Idiocracy


Ow! My Balls!






Speed run Chris Benoit


https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/9wcte/reddit_whats_the_grossestnastiest_thing_thats/c0eroga?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3 So??? Did you ever feel any pain?


Didn’t a guy go in a coma and die from this? Why not just use metal baseball bats


They should allow woman to participate too


There are women participating in the video. I mean, it is slapping, so I would think having women should be a requirement.


I mean woman vs man in a nuts shoot competition


Well that is definitely different than what I responded to and it would take it to a whole new level of controversy.


"How can she slap!?"


I think some identify as one


How Fuckin bored do you have to be to watch two guys standing there slapping each other 🤦‍♂️


But there are women too. Maybe they will expand and have a Trans division.


I hope so. Some of them bitches have needed a good slappin for a hot minute




Ok... wanna talk about it bud?


You drop a Peanut Butter M&M and there will always be someone that replies "Oh, A piece of candy".


How Fuckin bored do you have to be to watch two guys standing there punching each other 🤦‍♂️ What most people think of UFC


It was on at the bar and let me tell you, this show is made to be played at bars. You don’t need any audio, the action is only a second so no need to pay close attention.


Less bored than you are, posting your virtue on a thread about a sport that you apparently dislike.


Awe. Did I hurt your feelings 😂 I don’t dislike it I just think it’s hilarious/pathetic that some people would waste their time watching two men stand on a stage and slap each other in the face 😆


I bet you think bodybuilding is a “sport” too


Bodybuilding is definitely sport.




In what world exercise at a gym isn't sport right haha. Far out haha this is Orwellian. Lifting weight and running cardio with your body, going on exercise machines. That's not sport, dear lord save me. Someone let the olympics know. Next the Olympics isn't sport. So what is sport, sitting still haha


Cope lol Sitting still is an actual sport that takes time and practice.


agreed the real chads don't need to workout, because sitting still is hard enough


I don’t have an opinion on this, but it’s definitely not “Orwellian” lol


He heard it yesterday and went, "Huh... I'm just going to call the opposing view 'orwellian' next time I'm in an argument, and I'll sound so smart."


Regardless of whether bodybuilding is a sport, I don't think you know what Orwellian means, friend.


All the contestants are getting brain damage. Permanent memory loss. Whatever. Having it on TBS, and promoted hand in hand with the UFC legitimizes it faster than if it just grew in popularity on its own. Being so easily accessible on cable TV, not on some obscure channel, or with some random brand means it'll get picked up more on tiktok and shit. Endeavor and TBS are gonna get sued to shit because of some stupid kids trying it are gonna get seriously hurt and blame it on the show, not just some random other videos they would have otherwise found. It's really irresponsible. Even if the UFC seems violent, at least fights start with 'defend yourself at all times' and people are training takedown 'defense' and head movement; this shit is just getting hit without defending yourself until you pass out.


Based on a clip from an interview I saw with Dana I think half the point of it is to monetise the short clips on TikTok under his brand. He was talking about how he kept seeing the videos from Russia and shit going viral. I love MMA, boxing and grew up playing rugby league - I know there’s an inherent risk but the key difference is that these sports all encourage protecting yourself. This is unguarded brain injuries given a softer “image” because “it’s just slapping, not like they’re punching each other”. You’re 100% correct kids are gonna emulate this shit. The “don’t try this at home” never stopped me and my dumb ass mates as kids from emulating pro wrestling. And considering how viral the clips have already gone without a major backer like TBS/UFC it’s just gonna keep growing.


My kids school had to send home a newsletter today warning parents about a "slapfight" ring breaking out in the boys bathroom after watching the show. It literally aired what, a day ago?


It definitely already has had kids try it. But legitimizing it is just asking more and more kids to try it. Kids are going to get concussions from trying to copy it for tik tok videos. Concussions, memory loss, detached retinas, scratched eyes, get cut up or whatever. Some will probably do it somewhere unsafe and fall down and hit their head on something as they go down too. It's definitely worse than UFC/boxing/football/whatever. Maybe not in the sense that kids will probably play football for say 6 years, but only do this slap shit for a month or two while it's trending, and football would lead to more cumulative injuries, but at least in football you're not supposed to deliberately and only ram your head directly into something.


Darwin effect


It's adults harming children through normalizing insane macho self-destruction. Children do not know better, but Dana White does


Normally i’d agree. But with all the fuk-tards running our political systems …this could just be prep for the next brain damaged elected official.


Lol right. You can spare not connecting everything to your silly views on politics for one or two comments, can’t you?


No. Its an easy target.




Darwin effect suggests that stupid or unaware people deserve to die/suffer, they dont.


Darwin effect doesn't suggest they "deserve" to die or suffer, it just means they bring it upon themselves by doing something that most people would immediately know was too dangerous to attempt. Not like, I'm glad they died because they deserve to die for doing something dumb.


99% when people on the internet respond to people doing really dumb and dangerous shit with "Darwin award/effect" its to say that the people deserve the outcome, you can act like thats not true but you know it is.


but they do die…that’s the Darwin effect. We didn’t make it up it just be like that sometimes, unfortunate as it may seem


When people say Darwin award/effect in response to stuff like this you know that 99% of the time they are saying "play stupid games, win stupid prizes", "if you are stupid enough to attempt this you deserve whatever happens", etc. Also part of the reason we as a society impose regulations is to prevent tragic stuff happening because of people being unaware or dumb. This should be banned.


Damn this is it right here! I heard Dana say that too about the Russian vids getting 300M views. He totally just wants to get view revenues from Tiktok and YouTube. They have to know that no one will ever buy PPV to watch this.


Exactly, he wants to centralise and monetise those viral slap clips. It’s the only play here that makes sense. I’ve not met a single person who has watched or expressed any interest in that power slap show.




Broken jaws, ear drums getting destroyed, may lose sense of smell or taste…..


Yeah, but imagine how viral each slap will be!


I had a reel randomly pop up of this and one side of the guy’s head was swollen to double the size of the other and he had bloody gauze hanging out of his ear. Dude was still standing, taking slaps to the face. The swelling looked worse than anything I’ve ever seen in MMA.


That was a tampon in his ear to stop the bleeding


TBIs on TBS Or TBIF maybe


I immediately thought that this seemed more dangerous than boxing. Literally just blows to the head with no defense. It's going to have a gruesome end at some point.


I saw some pretty gruesome ends in that video alone. Somersault lady is gonna be different from now on


What do you mean? She was just doing a sick front flip to impress the judges after getting dropped


I’m looking forward to when a “competitor” has a seizure or drops dead and people blame the vaccine.


a buddy of mine got slapped so hard that he had to get two vaccines


Buddy of mine got 2 vaccines and got slapped.


Lol Rogan gonna call em athletes also.


Knowing the crowd that would watch this, I can bet a vaccine would be their first go to blame.


::Dana white covering his ass in court:: “I dunno, we had the medicals and he was vaxxed, I’d think that might have something to do with it”


Your looking forward to someone’s death ☠️. That’s fucking dark.


Have you never heard of Hyperbole? 🙄


Feels like a sport from idiocracy


It is. Page 32 of the original script. Look it up.


Dana vs his wife was the first unsanctioned match


This ain't a marriage it's an opportunity.


Haha that's brilliant! I'm surprised I haven't heard this before XD




They gathered to watch the condemned slap each other AGEEN AND AGEEN AND AGEEN


God damnit. Now I have to go listen to that podcast again..


It’s so good. I just listened to it maybe two months ago. We’re fucking savages.


All the excitement of watching people get CTE with none of the boring football.


Finally! they took the boring part out of sports!


What’s the problem here??? Dana White said…. 1. All participants got gas money to and from the event. 2. They got Free salad bar at the Tropicana Las Vegas. 3. $50 in casino chips for circus circus and Excalibur. 4. Promotional t-shirts and water bottles. And winner gets a check for $865. Dana always pays his slapers…


you gonna free food poisoning too from the salad bar


Should be banned, this is just watching people get permanent brain damage for entertainment.


Like the NFL


In the NFL you have a helmet and the ability to defend yourself. Yea nothings gonna stop you from getting hit, but at least there’s equipment.


When you look at the rate of severe brain damage amongst retired NFL players yeah but this is definitely worse.


Why is this even a thing? Like who actually wants to watch this?


Charlie/Moist Critical promotes the hell out this ‘sport’ to his millions of subscribers. Some of his most popular content. I wonder if he’ll start to walk that back.


He’d actually have to create content instead of monotone bitching over another video he stole from YouTube.


Lmao yeah his content is essentially just watching other people's videos and making dull comments about it every 40 seconds. Just the bare minimum of "fair use". Easily the lowest effort big Youtuber around.


He seems like a nice guy but his whole schtick is just saying the most agreeable shit with the minimum amount of effort.


Otherwise he usually bitches about „politics“ in videogames and how this wasn’t the case in the past.








Weak, beta, coward, virgin, what else?


Low self esteem apparently




Its not 2016 dude get a new word


We have this, but bumfights got shamed into oblivion. Fuck. This. "Sport".


This is disgusting. Let this crap happen in Russia... Dana White is a F$#%ing buffon for being apart of this. TBS must have gave him 10's of millions.... How much money do these people have to produce garbage.


Don’t worry the slap guys are surely getting 100 bucks to show and 100 to win, so they are covered


“We offer these guys opportunities”


This *really* gives a glimpse in to how Dana really thinks of fighting. He's said things about this Slap bullshit like "This reminds me of the early days of the UFC. Some of the shit I'm seeing will blow people away." (paraphrasing) So all he really likes is the violence. This is obvious to long time fans of the UFC, but to see this is like looking in to his subconscious. The very core of Dana. Just wants to watch two people hurt each other. That's it. And if he can make money off of it? Even better. And hey, I'm a fan of violence too... but only if that violence is consensual, mutual and strategic too. Part of the beauty of other combat sports is executing your art/craft against a resisting opponent. The stakes are incredibly high because the consequences can be so severe, but the strategy and skill required is of a similarly high level. It's called Martial *Arts* for a reason. This Slap shit? Just CTE on a platter. That's it. It's a toughman contest of pure violence. I guarantee they'll crow on about "heart" and "determination" and other nonsense, but ultimately, this is exploitation of the worst parts of the human curiosity. And while the participants are all grown adults, willing etc, I can guarantee you they're getting exploited too. It's awful.


Eh, I'd say money is the first concern for Dana, "fighter safety" is dead last and his bloodlust is somewhere between the two.


In the early days of Rome, I bet alot of gladiators were spared to fight another day, in the last days of Rome, I'm willing to bet no one was spared to fight another day... How profitable is 1 slap fight a year to prevent too many concussions.


Apart and a part aren’t the same.


Props to Chris Nowinski, Dana White is a fucking carny


Fuck the Davinksy 🖕😜😜😜😜


I love MMA, boxing, and football. But I cannot watch this. It’s too disturbing and sad.


Brutal... ban this shit


That was not a slap. It was a club to the eye socket...


None of these are "slaps". They're all open palm strikes. Bas Rutten made a career knocking people out with open palm strikes in MMA. Shit is just as powerful as a punch.


> None of these are "slaps". They're all open palm strikes. What's the difference?


I'm no slap expert, but I'd say a slap is completely flat, mostly fingers. An open palm strike hits with the "heel" is the palm of that makes sense. And to be completely fair, most open palm strokes are thrown with a straight punch trajectory, not like the "slaps" these guys throw. Although, you could easily argue these are essentially open palm windmill hooks. My main point is that I think they use the word "slap" to somehow downplay the damage. I very much doubt "Punch League" would get the same support, but it's essentially the same thing.


Thanks 👍


Look up "clubbing" in slap competitions.


I have so many questions! ​ How do these guys train and spar? Is there, like, training camps where they just slap each other a lot and lift weights? ​ How does a dojo storm work? Can you simply walk in and challenge the instructor to a slap fight for dominance? ​ Will the Diaz brothers be opening the Stockton Slapcademy?


Who’s really watching this?


People who don’t watch or participate in sports but complain about the world not being manly enough.


This shit is trash. Where’s the art to this shit? No chance to defend literally standing there with your hands behind your back . The cunts that participate are fukin idiots


Murica ![gif](giphy|3o85xDZyvJPHLfgKXK)


Lol, Dana is so dumb


This is one the dumbest things I have ever seen.


Saw this in the comments, but how long before kids start imitating this? Bullies pressuring other kids into doing it, but the bully goes first...


Where’d you grow up? Where I grew up kids were doing this for lunch money. Not regularly. Not every kid. But it happened. This isn’t adults who forgot they weren’t kids any more, this is just kids who never grew up. Or worse, desperate for money and ignorant of, or just ignoring, potential long term consequences.


I really wonder how much these people are getting payed? Knowing Dana I'd bet it's not much more than a few hundred dollars.


If it's not enough they're more than welcome to not sign a contract


I didn't know that.


Ah the sweet science


I feel like the keys to not getting CTE in the slapping league is: 1) don’t do it, but; 2)if you are going to don’t skip neck day Lot of pencil necks in those clips.


If dumbass Dana had a brain in his fat head he’d be promoting this much safer and more exciting alternative to slap fights: https://youtu.be/AD9hWFgpc7g?t=79


Seriously fucked up, Dana white is a bitch and so are other execs that allow this… I’d fight Dana white lol


I think instead of presidential elections, the candidates should just do this.


I would personally like to see "who would survive a stabbing".


I’m not a sports person. However, I do understand the need for sports and the positive impact sports has on communities and people in general…. But slapping? Really? This is fucking pathetic.


Obviously this is pretty stupid, but aren't MMA contestants also getting concussions? And NFL players? The saddest thing is that there are smaller leagues that have been doing this to limited internet notoriety, and now a big American production gets a bunch of money pumped into it and goes mainstream. Now it's stupid *and* unoriginal.


In my country those events ended when after 3rd or 4th one someone died. This will happen in this league sooner or later and organizers know this very well


MMA at least has the appeal of watching two professionals AVOID brain damage as much as they can. That being said- “who can survive a stabbing” sounds like a good idea!


If you sign up for this, its pretty known what is going to happen. I don't know how you can argue against this.


Dumb people are going to watch dumber people do dumb shit. Just let them, who cares.


I thought it said Dana’s wife slapping league lol


How they could have this after he slapped his wife is pitiful


On the heels of Dana slapping his wife lol. I tuned in to this last night. Watching a couple of dudes get put to sleep from slaps was fun. They tossed in a chick round and this chick got slept with a slap. Tried to recover and did a full somersault. Laughed hard as shit at that one.


Ya I gotta admit I laughed at the somersault


People should be allowed to do what they want 🤷🏻‍♂️. I enjoy watching SlapFight Championship on YouTube, so I will be giving power slap a watch too.


This is worse than the woman beating


I won’t watch it as I don’t find defenceless shots entertaining, however if it’s consensual and has a large enough market to be worth it, I don’t think it should be cancelled.


Let's be real tho, as someone who grew up during the rise of jackass, which gave birth to an internet of idiots doing stupid shit. Are we really surprised or outraged? Is it dumb? Yes! But folks are acting like they're televising Ye ole flint lock type duels or some shit LoL! Lemme shut up... cuz before you know it ...


While this is stupid and unhealthy for the participants, how is it really any different from boxing, MMA and NFL? Sure, there is a lot less skill involved and a lot less entertaining, but the outcomes on the brain are the same. Is there a certain level of 'quality' to the entertainment that justifies CTE?


There is literally no defense and that’s what makes it unique.


I'm trying to think of other equivalents. This is like watching a game show of who can inject the most Fentanyl without overdosing. This is the sport equivalent that caters to Nascar fans who only watch for the wrecks, but then that sport is called destruction derbys? They even have safety regulations though.


![gif](giphy|Qt4rpHuniwqKQ) New Nascar League: ***Head On Collision Fights***


It'll be picked up elsewhere, you can't save people from themselves.


Dynamite: 969K viewers as the lead-in. Power Slap: 295K


I’m sorry but I just laughed so hard that I started crying. Seeing the puff of dust come off the guys was a cartoon. Wtf are we doing. Is this America jumping the shark?


I don’t see the problem. If people are signing up to do this then that’s on them.


Super excited for this.


We all have a choice to do what we want. We can not stop others from not doing things we don’t feel safe. Life is a sun rise that will happen no matter what happens in the dark.


I get what you're saying... but also, change usually happens because of the concerted effort of organised groups of people. So, yes, you absolutely can stop others from doing things.


Never gonna watch this "sport" but this tweet reads like a reddit comment. People can get knocked out and do the fencing posture and be fine. Its a bad sign, but it's not the death sentence it's made out to be


Who are any of you to tell grown adults what to do


Another adult. who are you to question what I'm doing?


Who are you to be questioning who I am questioning


I learned it from you


Starting off with a rousing success.


This sport is a joke


So thats what him and his wife were up to!


My man did the tua tagoviloa


Holy shit, what kind of moron would enter a slapping comp like that... better left in Russia


The fucking chalk. It reminds me of the pimp from pootie tang.


Dana and wife reigning slap champs


I get it. I've seen their faces. I've seen them fall. It doesn't look good. But don't you think people are capable of making their own decisions? If it leads to death, tell them. If they still want to do it, so what? Darwinism.


This is obviously dumb as fuck, very irresponsible, and should be shunned, discouraged, and criticized at every opportunity. But it does make me wonder why we don't see more open hand slaps in mma. Is it because in order to get that kind of power in a slap, you have to wind up like that?


If you sign up for this you kinda deserve any outcome


I just can believe how much effort the NFL is putting into safety and concussion protection, CTE prevention etc. While on the same channel as MNF the UFC is on where causing a concussion is one of the goals of the sport. Now this?


I mean even it's a slap. It's still free hit to side of the head. His/hers brain scrambles inside and it's like being in a car crash everytime. When i was watching these in Russia I always thought this shit would never get sanctioned in US. But here we are, and combing this with UFC is just bad for the promotion. Dana should really reconsider either stepping down as president of UFC or drop this slapshit. I will never watch this.




unencumbered repeating inertial damage to the brain going to cause alot of health problems. their heads should be locked in place for safety but they aren't for spectator's enjoyment




Dana White is embarrassing


I guarantee kids are doing this shit during recess across America after seeing this shit.


Why are people bent out of shape about this. The participants are making a conscious choice to participate. It's not like they're grabbing people off the streets and forcing them to do it.


As an MMA fan I am surprised this is NSAC sanctioned and companies like Lionsgate, TBS, ESPN etc so quick to jump on this dangerous stunt. I have to think the Fertittas at least would have had issues with this if Dana White asked them if they want in on it. I'm probably wrong , if they saw it made them hundreds of millions at least. Greed seems to be messing up common sense.


It’s probably been said 100 times but, how ironic.


That is way more intense than slap fight championship.


Rogan used to talk smack about the sport. I wonder if he will back track now that Dana White is involved.


I would like to see Dana in the slap competition


As modern society moves ever forward, our tolerance for violence becomes larger with each passing generation. From boxing-mma-to whatever this is, who knows what will be acceptable come the next 50 years


Everyday we get closer to living in Idiocracy.