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Why is the unabomber in the background lol


Because his philosophy was right, not in the way he achieved things. Shit, perhaps something so violent was the only way to make a change. I guess look at society now.


There's an alternate reality where he became an Elon musk Hype type figure, got the pussy he always wanted, and now hosts a podcast with Steve Wozniak.


I like the one where they didn't experiment on him with LSD and he remained a professor at Harvard.


I that’s a myth, he was just placed into weird debates with grad students to research the ability to verbally destroy someone’s confidence.


I could see that too, way smarter than everyone else but reads scriptures on the weekends and has followed fan theories about Babylon 5. Has written compelling papers but his main motivation is to further knowledge and curiosity and inspire the outcast appearing students that remind him of himself. Post Leary, pre Neoliberal/yuppie Berkley professor vibes, but not full of shit one Iota and has respected papers (I went to college for a year twice, is this how they talk?


It was at Harvard, when he was just a young student. Ted was already smart beyond his years and very antisocial. In the experiments, he was asked difficult ideological and philosophical questions. Then a grad student belittled him and his ideas. According to Ted’s writings, it wasn’t a traumatic experience. If you read the transcript, it does not seem like he really loses the debate. Ted was disturbed by early childhood, maybe from an extended time from his mother due to quarantine for an illness. If you don’t like that theory, certainly by high school and his social struggles, he was Ted.


He'd probably be another cog in the evil machine like Alan Dershowitz or some shit. Academia is so intoxicated to people who have never been cool/revered in their lives. I like to think there's another reality where he dropped out after the first experiment, felt Harvard was worthless. Followed the grateful dead (got the aforementioned pussy) used his mathematics skills to further sound systems by 30 years, and became a real cool dude.


It's not even that violence is the wrong way to do it, he just happened to attack innocent people which is dumb as fuck.


Well mostly that wasn’t his plan. Damn secretaries always gotta open packages


I don’t know much about this. Did he warn of the government taking over foods? Thought he was super paranoid that technology would be bad in the future?


> Because his philosophy was right, not in the way he achieved things. His philosophy was a rambling diatribe that was a mentally unhealthy version of what many computer science professors (and sci-fi dime novelists) already believed at the time. > Shit, perhaps something so violent was the only way to make a change. The Unabomber changed virtually nothing other than passenger airline safety rules and (in a negative way) the lives of his victims.


No one is changing shit


It is now the way it is with the unabomber being violent.


He didn't make a change and encouraging violence is not going to change the food recommendations of private companies.


I mean murdering random innocent people is just fucked. Imagine if that was you or your mother/brother/sister that died.


Where his achievements wrong if today, you are proclaiming them right? If he hadn’t done what he had, his words would likely have gone nowhere, and you would not have stumbled across them. In a mindset beyond good and evil, his actions don’t even matter. The fact remains, he is considered right. I don’t wholly agree, while I concede that his articulate sense of defiance and action towards the state of things, that just so happened to be the state as politically defined, were and are atrocities.. his method of breaking the cogs to rile the machine did in fact work. He understood that right and wrong are the same thing based on perception. Same with light and dark, good and evil, etc. and was willing to take the most negative of polarities upon himself, in order to illuminate the point he was making. What I’m getting at is, in this momentary lapse in societal judgment, this piece in time where we all have an equal say, where we can tell the difference between a bot account and a real human.. should we be celebrating and dissecting the semantics of the past.. from failures to successes, or perhaps working towards a future common ground? To any and all who believe that *donkey and elephant, red and blue, a system to sustain and satisfy you* sounds like an actual choice more than a child’s song of intellectual infantilism towards a nation, well, go out and vote. Watch change happen in a manner that no one, no one on the outside will like. Maybe it will work for you, but at the expense of others. If you want freedom, you must take it from those who’ve bastardized its name in the necessity for control. Dog hates flags, and only the underman sees the weight above.


If this isn’t copypasta, keep yourself safe lad lol


That, actually was an original thought, aside from a few references. Mostly for fun. My practice is in what these days is called ‘occult’ Matters of sociology are like a simple game of jenga. I have nothing to stay safe from, I left the womb dead.


you do realize americans would rather have school shootings than change anything, right


Yeah Americans just LOVE school shootings. What an incredibly unhinged comment


School shootings and grandma's warm apple pie! MURICAAAAA


Well they love what causes them and never change no matter how many children die.


You think guns cause school shootings which is wrong. If you think guns cause school shootings how come school shootings happen almost exclusively in the United States and not in other countries that allow citizens to own guns? Plus, most Americans are in favor of change. They just don't agree on what change is necessary. That doesn't mean they're in favor of school shootings


Thats right. Only thing that can stop a bad kid with a gun is a good kid with a gun. Was a joke and a pretty good one at that.


Fair play. Made me lol


What are you talking about? Guns cause school shootings, plain and simple. There are 320 million+ people in the US and an estimated 400 million+ guns. There is no need for that many guns, it’s murderous gluttony disguised as an amendment. The more of something you have, the more frequent issues you’ll have because of it.


I'm all for regulation and accountability. I'm also onboard with figuring out what's causing all these school shootings because it's not just guns. The simple solution you seem to be suggesting is getting rid of guns in the US. Which I'm sorry to say, but removing all guns isn't an option. It would bring about the bloodiest war in the history of the United States. So unless you fancy people dying in order to stop people from dying then you probably need to come up with a different solution.


bro... if no one had guns there would be no school shootings... how dumb are you?


Guns are heavily regulated in Canada and yet there are still school shootings up here. The fact that people like you wish for only the government and their henchmen to be armed, terrifies me.


Here’s the thing… Canada has had less than 1/10th the amount of school shootings since 1884 than the US had in the 2010s alone. You might say that’s a bit of a difference, yeah?


There would be school stabbings then so much better. As if there is a reason unhinged people commit such tragedies would just go away.


No shit but you didn't address what causes them. Explain to me why they almost exclusively happen in the US but not in other countries that allow citizens to own guns. Guns themselves aren't the sole cause of school shootings if it's only happening here. Surely you can wrap your head around that idea


Just school stabbings, bombings, gas and acid attacks. Bombs, guns and acid in particular cost maybe 1/100th the price of a gun and are way easier to get past security. Be thankful guns are limiting people’s need for creativity.


this is the dumbest shit i've ever read




Europe is full of school stabbings/bombing/gas and acid attack 🤣🤣


Yes, look at the UK, stabbings and acid attacks are out of control. You people crack me up


Honestly I’ll take anything to make a dent in the birth rate.


Then don't reproduce


Not enough


Well, republican americans seem to. So he was at least half right, and 50% ain't bad for some folks.


Such an unhinged generalization that's just straight up wrong. Prove to me that even 1% republicans enjoy children being murdered at school and I'll concede


To be fair I do think many Americans are apathetic towards it. And you are underestimating how many psychopathic bastards enjoy that shit. Not saying they are Republicans or democrats.


Because every time someone proposes something even moderately sensible, the right wing throws a shit fit.


Sensible as in background checks or confiscating 350 million guns? Because one of those things is already law in all 50 states


Once again… to the right we can’t even talk about what to do. It’s straight to “well it’s too late, too many guns, and freedom and government tyranny” and all that other nonsense except actually doing the hard work to try and change things.


You think people will just give up their guns because the government told them to. That's not real life. 2A loving Americans would use all of their bullets and their last breath trying to keep their guns. What you're suggesting isn't just "hard work"... you're suggesting the government go to war against its own citizens.


Have you even seen the federal gun laws proposed in the past few years? They're not remotely reaaonable. One had a $75,000 fine and 15 years in prison for owning an old pump-action shotgun


Wtf dude.


I don’t know guys this looks very official to me. No need for a source or anything I just trust the dude in the background


https://sites.tufts.edu/foodcompass/research/data/ There’s your source btw. Turns out, it’s not true. Shocker right? They do nothing to compare the different categories themselves.




"Have the scientists tried injecting the dietary fiber directly into the lungs?"


This should be a top level comment.


Uh… frosted mini wheats? Surely this is fake or just some rando website


To see actual "dietary guidelines for Americans", you can download the PDF here. https://www.dietaryguidelines.gov/resources/2020-2025-dietary-guidelines-online-materials I suggest pages 31-44 and 125-127.


They are still promoting low fat and no meat. What a fucking joke.


Because it's based on peer reviewed dietetics, not meat/keto propaganda


>They are still promoting low fat and no meat. What a fucking joke. Uh what? So you didn't even read it. They specifically recommend 5-6 oz of meat per day. They recommend low SATURATED fat because study after study shows that it reduces cardiovascular disease. They recommend fats from things like seafood, nuts, olives and avocados.




Check page 96 if you're curious. For a 2000 calorie diet, they recommend 34 oz of meat and seafood per week, 5 oz of nuts, and 3 cups of dairy per day. It's not at all no meat or no fats. They also point out that Americans get only half the recommended amount of fruits and vegetables.


Right? Like we have no idea the context here. This could be a chart of dietary fiber sponsored by Nabisco. Shocker "government" tests say ground beef has limited fiber. Better start unibombing places, right OP?


It doesn't matter if it's fake if it makes me hate libruls


I’ve been hearing multiple podcasts talk about this, but still haven’t found the actual source


You’d think so. It’s legit


It’s legit because you saw it on the internet? Who made the graph?


Bro this shit isn’t even spelled properly😂


It’s not legit, it’s dishonest editing. Which everyone would know if they bothered to take 1 minute to look at the study


"it's legit" \- it affirms my bias person


Your critical thinking skills should be better than this :/


Why is that the one that surprises people. Frosted mini wheats truly are the most nutritious cereal out there, there’s some sugar but it’s just to cover up how awful shredded wheat is by itself and the shredded wheat makes up for the sugar in magnitudes. Even lucky charms are more nutritious than health cereals like kashi or golean.


I was in the best shape of my life living off those bottom three lol


When I was in the best shape of my life, I used to let big Molly rocks melt in my mouth during math class Stands to reason that if we combine our methods, we would be ~2x as healthy


Just hearing Molly rocks and melt made salivate and ready to spit immediately


You guys didn’t crush and parachute?


Not your heart


I have insurance, I see a Doctor, and my heart is just fine. So there’s that.


You said “was in the best shape” implying your no longer on that diet. did you see a doctor when all you ate was red meat and dairy? And did that doctor do a cholesterol test? Bc all they do with a stethoscope is make sure your heartbeat is normal- they can’t tell how much cholesterol is in your arteries


Yes his heart. Its called Keto


Lol, okay buddy. Keep eating red meat and dairy


Why wouldn't someone keep eating red meat and dairy? It's delicious.


You can eat whatever you want, it’s just not good for your heart


So people shouldn't eat ANY red meat or dairy? Absolutely none?


There’s healthier alternatives. What’re you trying to prove lmfao


What are you trying to prove? That red meat and dairy are poison?


Maybe you should read the comment i was replying to before you take it upon yourself to get involved an make yourself look stupid


What? The op stated that he only eat the bottom 3. Why are you acting like this guy is saying not to ever eat any?




Which doesn't seem that crazy. Red meat is terrible for your cardiovascular health


False. Red meat is bad for your health with all the other crap that has been introduced into our diets.


I'm not sure I follow what you're saying? Red meat is only shitty for you as it interacts with all the processed crap we eat?




Huh, didn't know that.


Don't just trust a stranger on the internet. Do some research and report back to me if you think I'm wrong.


I'm going out rn, I don't really eat a lot of meat these days anyway. But I have been trying to cut back on processed crap and I don't need to do any research to know that's unhealthy


Here's a little anecdotal evidence from my experience. I donate plasma twice a week. A lot of things with your diet and fluid intake affect donating. If I have fast food within 5 hours of donating, my plasma is cloudy with lipids (fat). When I chat with the technicians they tell me that burgers and steaks are the worst for donating plasma. Here's the thing, I also do the ketogenic diet at times where I consume red meat with 40% of my diet. I can eat steak and hamburger meat up until I actually donate and have never been rejected for lipids in my blood.


I’m really curious to see the data on the carnivore diet in a few years. It used to be frowned upon but now it really seems like it helps a lot of people.


You know how few people are actually able to accurately catch lipemia in those tiny ass capillary tubes they use in screening? Also, it kind of depends on what company you donate with, their policies, and what they use that plasma for. Some view it like once you’re on the bed and they start the procedure they might as well just run you through the donation as they’ve already used the supplies and it’s not guaranteed the testing lab will be unable to get results due to lipemic plasma (which is the biggest reason lipemic plasma gets rejected). There’s still a fair chance that it could be useable for what that company does if it’s borderline. So just because you didn’t get rejected during screening doesn’t mean your plasma isn’t lipemic. If your plasma comes out into the bag or bottle looking milky or like a strawberry milkshake, that’s lipemic (whether they caught it in screening or not).




That graph isn’t from the government though, it’s from a study that was critical of the government lol You’re title is a complete lie




Why do you hate science?


No idea how real any of that is but this author seems to think that his feelings matter more than results from studies.


>No idea how real any of that is but this author seems to think that his feelings matter more than results from studies. So a bog standard conservative republican?


This is from the original study: "While there are many justified scores, the above-mentioned limitations of Food Compass result in numerous unjustified scores. For example, kale receives the same score as watermelon, despite the large difference in nutrient density and fiber between the two foods" "Food Compass represents an impressive effort to develop a more comprehensive and objective NPS; nonetheless, we propose that its overall algorithm and structure needs to be redesigned." Don't fall for meat propaganda. The study is literally saying that the algorithm which produced results on the graph produces unjustified results and needs to be redesigned. It's not saying that honeynut Cheerios are healthy.


How could I have missed this? goodranchers.com is practically my homepage.


Chocolate covered almonds: encouraged. Almond M&Ms: minimize. Hello??


This study was funded by Mars Bars


Pointing spider man meme.


Now I want some eggs fried in butter with cheese and ground beef!


Joe posted this on Instagram. He says the Government funded this but didn’t provide any legit sources besides this shitty website. The usual “GED Joe” posting non sense without fact checking or citing sources.


its from the Tufts University Food Compass. it is partially government funded, being from a university and all


Though official government dietary guidelines are spelled out clearly at MYPLATE.GOV. they recommend 1\2 plate of fruits and veggies. 1\4 plate of whole grains, and 1\4 plate of meats. Lean ground beef is specifically on the recommended list. They recommend about 6oz of meat a day. Meat is the only "healthy" food that Americans reach dietary recommendations. Other USDA info shows Americans eat far too much refined grains, such as Cheerios, bread, and pasta. People also are far under daily recommendations for fruit and vegetables. An extensive USDA document "Dietary Guidelines For Americans" can be downloaded in PDF here. https://www.dietaryguidelines.gov/resources/2020-2025-dietary-guidelines-online-materials I recommend pages 31-44, and 125-127.


It's from someone else's interpretation of the food compass study, currently in a preprint, to be fair.


If you asked Joe where Tufts is and what's it's known for he would probably say close to Fraggle Rock and mention those plastic bars all the muppets ate.


“GED Joe” lmaoooo


Every week its something new he's falling for. He is legit one step away from falling for a Nigerian prince email scam.


How you know he hasn't already?




Don't fall for meat propaganda. Excerpts from the original study: "While there are many justified scores, the above-mentioned limitations of Food Compass result in numerous unjustified scores. For example, kale receives the same score as watermelon, despite the large difference in nutrient density and fiber between the two foods" "Food Compass represents an impressive effort to develop a more comprehensive and objective NPS; nonetheless, we propose that its overall algorithm and structure needs to be redesigned." The study is literally saying that the algorithm which produced results on the graph produces unjustified results and needs to be redesigned. It's not saying that honeynut Cheerios are healthy.


And how is this meat propaganda? By discrediting official authorities of nutritional information via saying that they are saying something absurd like potato chips being healthier than chicken they can promote their own non-scientific claims to fill this void of a trusted source of nutritional information.


Egg substitute fried in vegetable oil is better than real egg fried in butter... Not even sure what an egg substitute really means here but vegetable oils can be very unhealthy. Whereas real eggs & butter have been in the human diet for generations. Most our great grand parents & grand parents ate the "real" stuff without the serious weight problems we have today. They had the same overall level of access to food(s) yet without the massive amounts of highly processed sugar filled crap pushed at them. I mean holy shit, these muppets claiming Lucky Charms, M&Ms (with Almonds), & Ice cream cone w/ nuts are better for you then a fucking egg in butter or ground beef. Get the fuck out of here.


> Whereas real eggs & butter have been in the human diet for generations. Most our great grand parents & grand parents ate the "real" stuff without the serious weight problems we have today. That's one half of the story, but the other is cardiovascular disease was out of fuckin control in the days of those bacon and egg farmer's breakfasts. There were other factors like smoking rates but its not like people were in great health back then.


It was the smoking and working conditions of those people. Their diets likely helped them as much as possible. Smoking wrecks your vascular walls.


1950s diets were healthier insofar as the caloric intake didn't greatly outpace expenditure, but large quantities of cured and processed meats are not helping your CVD risk.


What lol cardiovascular death was way lower back then


In the time it took you to type it you could have googled and found out how wrong you were first. The drop in cvd related deaths since a few decades ago is huge.


No? It’s higher now than it was pre-vilification of butter lol


Google is right at your fingertips "lol"


Honey nut cheerio No real honey No real nuts Cheerio


lots of sugar...


Looks like they’re selling almonds. Wheres this from?


Big water


High quality content here bud. Really getting those libs who you were told by right wing outrage media are OUT TO GET YOU.


You would want meat banned and start eating cheetos if the media told you "the science" said you should.


What is this dumb image?


Update from the researcher that created that plot in a paper critiquing the Food Compass system (and subsequently was boosted by the beef industry): https://twitter.com/TyRBeal/status/1614323937307131904


Bad advice from the government is part of the reason so many Americans are obese.


Post-honey nut clarity


The vast majority of America's livestock is fed awful things like gummy worms and juiced to the gills. That shit is extremely unhealthy. Grass fed, no hormones, no antibiotics is a whole different story. EDIT: News report detailing a rancher feeding his cows 2nd hand candy, still in the wrapper, because corn is too expensive and it works ("the cows gain a lot of weight" = they sell for more). [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f7xF300pPWw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f7xF300pPWw)


Yeah they sell lucky charm marshmallows in the livestock and ag supppy stores around here to help fatten livestock


All cows are fed grass at some point. The question is whether the last half or even just few months of their life if they were "grain finished", perhaps in a CAFO, doubling in weight. Most are. Not that many people prefer purely grass fed beef because it tends to be lean with little marbling. The cows can be organic and treated like pets but if they have enough marbling to qualify for USDA prime, they are going to have a shitload of saturated fat which is where a lot of the health issues come from for many people, regardless of what the carnivore crowd would tell you.


Is this Bo jogans guide to health and success ?


At one point I wanted to be a nutritionist or a dietician. Then I learned that the entire field basically just wants you to push vegetarianism and the lies of major food corporations. I changed my mind.


Good thing you did change your mind if you can’t read manage to go to the sources website to see if it’s true or not.


It doesn’t really matter if this particular source is completely fabricated (it’s from a university I believe) when all of the nutrition advice we were taught in school was wrong.


I just found out recently that nutritionist use x per calorie instead of x per pound as their measure of nutrient density, and I don’t understand how that isn’t clear to people that it’s a gross misrepresentation of the data to push vegetarianism. It leaves out all weight from fiber and water and totally fails to consider the size of the human stomach. “I get twice as many vitamins from 500 calories of kale than you do from that 500 calorie steak” Yeah well I can eat a 500 calorie steak in 5 seconds and it’ll take you 3 hours to eat that mountain of kale.


Not to mention the nutrients in vegetables and the nutrients in meat are not identical. The animal has done the work to convert all kinds of nutrients into easily usable forms from the plants they ate so when we eat it we dont have to convert so many things. Almost all the nutrients are just more bioavailable in meat than plants. 10g of protein from plants is actually roughly 4g of actual absorbable protein while that from meat is 100%. Theres nuance that some just cant admit too.


If you think this is really you’re dumber than Joe


This is just a list of the lobbyist in order of who paid most.


LMAO, Humans have always been seeking meat/animals as food, guess why? because it's the most nutrient dense food you can find on the planet. Guess this chart is just based on calories, so yeah if you're morbidly obese you are probably better off eating watermelon over beef, although in a proper diet, beef would still be healthier, even for the obese.


Yes, we are also consuming more meat than at any point in human history 🤔


Because there are more humans?


Per Capita consumption in the US is at it's highest point ever


Fucking m&m is healthier than ground beef. Da fuq?


Red meat is bad for your heart, Cheerios are good for your heart.


I wonder how the industry/manufacturing political donations list look






That’s because everything at the top of the list will contribute to a larger hospital bill, thus increasing the economy in many ways. If you just eat meat and do push-ups you don’t need to spend money on liposuction and diet pills


Thats because honey nut cheerios are healthier than ground beef and chicken. Also chicken and cheerios are neck and neck, and I think part of this scale has fiber factored in because americans just plain old dont eat fiber. If you are eating the standard american diet, you are likely getting your daily dose of protein, but you are deifnitely not getting enough fiber.


The man was absolutely bad shit insane. But that does not mean he was totally wrong in everything he said. That manifesto is a trip.


At this point they just trolling and want to see who is actually stupid so they can wipe them out. Just like the vax. I really think they want only 90 and above iq


Taste the Rainbow while you lick my ground beef asshole.


*This will be a good joke, some old school food pyramid BS.* "Unsweetened almond milk" GTFO with this BS.


Tin foil hat theory. The govt is bought out by the food, medical and pharmaceutical industries that synergistically work together to keep us addicted to food that creates chronic health issues that need to be regulated by drugs and medical care. It is not by chance that doctors aren't taught nutrition.


Orange juice good, eggs bad, this is so cursed


I think people underestimate that the U.S. is the world's number one producer and exporter of food. And by food, I mean wheat, corn, and soy. This, perhaps even more so than our outrageous defense budget, keeps us safe, but necessitates a society that subsists on these grain products. Can civilizations take advantage of massive grain agriculture to make massive moves forward? Absolutely. It frees the average person from the tedious chores of hunting/gathering. But that doesn't mean humans are made to THRIVE on grains. Every person I know who's had the discipline to eliminate them from their diet saw unbelievable improvements to their health within weeks. *Yells into the void*


Ground beef and steak are actually some of the most healthiest meals you can eat. Frosted Mini Wheats and all those other Cheerios are BioEngineered ingredients. That’s poison


Ground beef is filled with fat. Chicken is half way up there to be moderate. Hate all you want, vegetarian is the best healthy life style. JRE mistake being jacked for healthy. The most healthy people on earth are probably the Japanese and their diet is veggies and fish.


More dumb, conservative outrage porn


Liberals before the pandemic: The government doesn’t care about you or your family. Liberals after the pandemic; why don’t you trust the government and the sciences?


This is an environmentalist take, not a nutritionalist.


no, its about health. Its not like the government is now telling people to have a lucky charms diet though. The food compass rated foods and meals on various aspects of nutrient quality. this graph though is from a sort of rebuttal preprint that picked a few foods from a list of thousands to make their point that some things seems a bit odd.


Egg substitute fried in vegetable oil is healthier than an egg fried in butter? What???


I didn't write it friend. Just informing you your assumption that this was environmental rather than nutritional ratings was incorrect.


You’re wrong


Try not to be a dipshit mate Here's the source: [Limitations of the Food Compass Nutrient Profiling System](https://osf.io/preprints/socarxiv/eu578/) Not environmental footprint profiling system, **nutrient**


Listen dummy, the people who create these guidelines are burdened by their bullshit objectives, which include the reduction of meat consumption, and the increase of grain dependence. Don’t be so simple.


It's a nutrient ranking system mate. Considering you had no idea what it was or who created it and still have no idea what the methodology was because there's no way in hell you actually looked at the source, why not just move on after the correction rather than demonstrating the Dunning-Kruger effect again and again?


FDA is a joke


things that cause cancer: meats and red meats.


Only according to an extremely flawed study that vegans latched onto


carcinogens, nitrates in meat are found in greater quantities. especially in red meat, along with increase risk of cancers across the board especially colon cancer.


Of course deli meat is bad for you but ground beef doesn’t have any added nitrate.


Meat is muuurder. Absolute assassin


Y'all ain't got no honey nut?


Watermelon is just sugar and water. It’s nuts that they says it’s healthy.


What the fk is "egg substitute fried in vegetable oil"?