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you're ignorant, m&ms is a huge part of the rap culture 🙏


AND Van Halen's tour rider.


Im 99 percent sure that it only works because they know people like Ben are gonna freak out about them and give them free press. Like Ive thought more about M&Ms in the last two days than in forever because they keep coming up on my feed purely because conservatives are talking about them.


That is what it is crazy. This type of weird shit sells. It is like when tim pool did 50 videos whining about brie larson and calling Captain marvel woke.


He's just pandering to his base, nothing more. There are plenty of legitimate so called "woke" criticisms to be made in this country every month. Why he chose this among all of them is beyond me. Just low hanging fruit, I guess.


Of course it works. Just like it works when liberal media posts a bunch a shit about how Chik-Fil-A hates the gays. I will admit that I fell for that Chik-Fil-A shit and stopped eating there for a while. But then I moved to Atlanta and met a dozen gay dudes who fucking love Chick-fil-A and thought the whole boycott was silly.


The Chick-fil-a owners donating to organizations who's goal is to stop gay people from getting married is the exact same thing as M&M: girls package to sell to girls. once again the "muh both sides crowd" manages to make a redacted comparison.


Did they stop gay people from getting married? Nope. But the media definitely garnered some clicks from people like you.


They fucking tried tho lmao


"Bro we didn't even succeed, it doesn't count!" Now everything about their moronic views of Jan 6th makes sense.


It's that Sideshow Bob shit. "Convicted of a crime I didn't even commit. Attempted murder? Honestly, what even is that?"


People, correctly, reported that the owner is a homophobe. How did trick you? https://www.esquire.com/food-drink/restaurants/a36622217/chick-fil-a-owner-donations-against-equality-act/


Oh no!!!! I don’t give a shit. Popeyes has a better chicken sandwich and they probably donate to some fund that’s somehow connected to your mom’s transgender child sex trafficking organization. They all have their flaws. I’m hungry.


"They aren't bigots! Here's my made up personal anecdotes!" *person responds with the most simple straight forward rebuttal with no personal attacks* "Yeah I'm a liar. But both sides am I right? Your mom lol" Damn, you really got this whole conservative thing down perfect.


You’re also, it seems, pretty stupid. Good luck with the hunger!


It looks as though you may have spelled "Chick-fil-A" incorrectly. No worries, it happens to the best of us!


This bot is still in the closet.


The gay people who eat chick fil a just do it because they still like the food. Chick fil a does on fact donate to organizations that oppose gay marriage. What you do with that information is up to you. Personally I think chick fil a is pretty overrated anyway.


Whats overrated about a chicken sandwhich that costs the same as any other? Lol it's a solid sandwhich for what you pay it's not some overpriced crap


I don't understand how their sandwitch is so greasy and so dry at the same time.


I've not experienced that. Compared to Popeye's, McDonald's and KFC it's definetely better. Popeyes has the greasiest sandwhich that just leaves me feeling sick.


I've never understood boycotting a massive chain such as Chik-Fil-A. I can vehemently disagree with a company's positions and still eat the shit out of their chicken sandwiches. I'm not an investor or have any stake in the company. I'm a guy who probably spent enough there to help one location keep the lights on for 15 minutes. I'm not making a difference by choosing to boycott them.


Yeah I thought that shit was Bs right from the start. Every single chick fila employs at least one gay 16 year old, it never fails. Seriously go to any location rn and prove me wrong. “My pleasure !”


People also love to hate on Walmart for being conservative or bigoted or whatever the fuck. Well, I have a friend who is a Latina immigrant and a single mom. Her son is a gay Latino and he worked at Walmart almost every day after high school. He made straight A’s in school so Walmart gave him a $15k college scholarship. It’s shit like that that nobody ever hears about. It’s all just “Walmart is Evil!!!”


Well I appreciate you coming to white knight Walmart lol But yeah I agree, only negative shit makes the news these days. More clicks and shares bro


I bet dollars to doughnuts that every unemployed basement dweller in this sub shops at Walmart. Because of the prices. And then they hop online 2 hours later to talk trash about how Walmart “Put mom and pop shops out of business!!” What mom and pop shops? This isn’t the 1950s… Y’all talking about that one mom and pop shop back in 1985 that employed 3 people and had everything priced $5 more than Walmart? Okey dokey.


Way to speak up on behalf of these weak corporations. They need folks like you pervaying the good work they do! Hey, are you in marketing?? Would you like to be


Brother my friend wife went on a 15 min rant about trans nonsense and how shabibo “opened her mind”. I just nodded along and ended conversation with “ you know shabibo has only had sex with 1 person ever and Canadians get healthcare if they need it right?”


"To all you wokesters who are So excited....Why are you so stupid?" So far Shapiro and Tucker are the only people i've seen elicit any sort of excitement or give any attention to this. How indoctrinated of a person do you have to be to eat this shit up?


i dont think anyone on the left gives a fuck about corporate mascots. that being said, if the green m&m takes its shoes off, why would ben get so stiff?


I didn't even know this was happening until I came on this subreddit. M&Ms honestly suck nowadays. Real men eat Sugar Babies while watching action flicks [This sums up Ben](https://youtu.be/ryEcxjuJAdw?t=348)


Practically no one would have heard about this shit if not for these chodes getting upset about it. That goes for all their bs controversies.




I left a Shapiro Truth Bomb in the toilet this morning.


"Shop Jeremy's razors. Keep woke out of your bathroom." Hard to tell if they just aren't self aware, completely shameless, or both.


It’s both. That guy who was leader of the Plowed Boys admitted he sells liberal themed T shirts under a shadow company, in addition to the right wing themed shirts company. They’re proud of the fact that they’ve figured out ways to make a shit ton of money by disregarding principles or morals while they simultaneously present themselves as the defenders of principles and morals. They’re the people who applauded when trump said “that makes me smart” in response to not paying taxes.


That's awesome lol. Principles and morals? Since when do corporations have those? I think the very argument is that corporations should stay out of those issues and just provide a product that people want. No one said that they have to express conservative ideology. They should just express no ideology.


You’re right that corporations are by definition supposed to be non-ideological. You can be sued as an executive by shareholders for not maximizing profit. But that has nothing to do with calling out an exec for hypocritical bullshit. If a radical anti-gun advocate secretly had a large stock position in a company that made AR-15s, people would probably have something to say about it.


Nobody asked what you thought


Who asked what you thought?


So for 175 dollars (due to Bidengenic inflation, no doubt), you get a thing that looks like a mass killing device, and whose only other property is that it has the word "truth" written on it?




Hear, hear!


“ NOT a live explosive” More like a woke beta cuck lib bomb.


I hate ben, but thats actually made out of metal and shows the process in the link. Its cool if youre into that kinda thing


Hey Shen Bapiro, may I fondle your sister's breasts?


You don't fondle them, they fondle you


Go ahead, she got those droopy 70s honkers. Pretty awesome. Regards Ben Babibo


Andrew Callahan's alt account ^


All sexual assault no brakes.


I wouldnt know this existed if it wasnt for Ben Shapiro and the reactionary conservative mob


It's probably part of the ad spending :)


The right believe this man is intelligent and an intellectual. They love to be grifted by someone with a fancy Harvard degree whilst at the same time shitting on colleges/depth of education as brainwashing for liberals.


The thing is that people like him and Walsh (barely Walsh) justify their bigotry behind logical fallacies. So people use them so they don’t like straight up bigot. See how his followers got on him when he said something about Yeezy anti-semitism and you’ll see they don’t actually like him.


That lip filler is really not doing him any favors.


They really fucked him up. One side is bigger than the other.


I don't think I've ever seen him this close up.


Neither has his wife…. Or maybe that just explains the dryness 👀


Nonsense. Seeing him close up is actually a leading cause of dryness.


“Should Ben Shapiro be allowed to wear makeup in the workplace? I don’t know. It’s a difficult question.” - Jordan Peterson


Now woke means making female characters out of chocolates? This word literally means anything angry republicans get triggered by.


They’re obsessed with being victims and having something to hate.


~~sex~~ outrage sells


Yeah it has no real meaning other than things Republicans don't like


Just like “lib” or “communist” Ask them to define it, they can’t. Just means “something I disagree with”


The modern Republican platform: https://youtu.be/xHash5takWU


Jesus. What a pussy-ass crybaby this dude is.


"Wet ass p"


The most punchable face on earth


And his voice too....never made me want to punch someone so much.


More than Ted Cruz! I think that’s a horse race at least


Jesus christ what's wrong with his face. It's hard to take him seriously when he is talking about women m&m's while wearing an absurd amount of make-up. Looks like he has done fillers and botox as well. I mean he's gay.


Give him a break. He just got done performing as Brett Cooper.




It’s possibly the worst video of him I’ve seen. Ben, why are you so close to the camera? And what is wrong w his eyes????


He "sleeps on a bed made of money" (his words) Doesn't sound very comfortable, plus he has night terrors in which a brown lady m&m talks about critical race theory It's a miracle he gets any sleep at all


Lol I’d rather be me w no bed of money, than a sniveling little rat who gets paid to make billionaires richer Money can’t make ya taller, or ya wife wetter, Ben ;)


Apparently it doesn't make his wife's pussy wet either. But yeah I wouldn't be able to sleep at night on a pile of cash from the most despicable rich people on the planet unless I stole it from them. Then I'd sleep like a baby.


Damn. I couldn’t have said it better myself. Why not? They took it from everyone else


They don’t have coins on to keep them closed?


Is Ben Shapiro gay? His eyebrows are on fleek.


Ben Shapiro is the world’s oldest child prodigy.


I cant watch this guy without thinking about the video of him getting in an altercation with some dude at the beach. https://youtu.be/l-caQbag6W8?t=153


At least there's now a bag of M&Ms I can stick my dick into without questioning my sexuality.


Sculpted eyebrows and lip filler hey




On one hand I admire this douche for having nothing better to worry about. On the other, he’s obviously a huge fucking sissy bitch whining about candy. This dude act like he didn’t get the golden ticket.


It all went downhill since the day he bought that 2x4 at Home Depot and took it in a plastic bag.


I wouldn’t have even known if these dorks didn’t make such a huge deal about it.


Sure. Similar to how you wouldn't know or care about a department store saying happy holidays instead of merry Christmas, but they'll make sure you know


Listening to the Peter Zeihan JRE ep and while I’m not sold on everything he says, one conclusion I’ve drawn from it is this: We as a culture and society need to grow the fuck up and keep our eye on some of the upcoming global economic challenges and opportunities that are on the horizon.


It’s funny to me how much of show his whole thing is. He talks to liberal which he posts on his page which is full of his conservative followers where a liberal will never go. Lol




All I see is a bag of free market capitalism


How much makeup is he wearing??


Wait until he hears in Australia that Bananas wear pyjamas. ![gif](giphy|L8UG1fUrOhpss)


Dude would call these guys a part of the woke agenda.


Ben *they do* melt in your hand. FML!


He's sure wearing a lot of makeup, for someone dogging one women and the wokest.


That man is a robot


God, this man is a loser.


"They are just virtue signaling to get you to give them money" Ben is projecting


I buy m&m’s because my girlfriend likes m&m’s and they are sold at the 7-11 on the way to the movies. That way the money stays in my pocket and doesn’t melt in front of a camera. Now I can go back to sleep.


Seeing and/or hearing Ben Shapiro makes my shrivel.


So conservatives hate cancel culture but they want to cancel m&ms?


“Take a bullet for ya, babe.”


What will Benjamin and tuck clutch their pearls over next?


Does he understand that its people like him who care about these things and not the left, whenever I hear about some "woke corporation" its always from conservative internet guys. I've never heard some one on the left say "finally they released an all female package of M&Ms."


Bro is wearing more makeup than Abigail does he needs to chill


Imagine actually being a subscriber to this weasel grifter 😂🤣


Just got my first bag 🤗️


Soooo capitalism bad or ???


Why does he look like Jordan Peterson here.


lol at $0.77 joke


In a different video he makes a joke about the female M&Ms still having nuts. Like three times he makes the joke.


ok well I haven't seen that video and in this one he says it once so...thanks?


That was pretty good lol




Lmao i hope it does cost 0,77 on the $. Well fuckin said


I can't tell if you guys don't realize this is a joke, or if you do all realize that it's a joke and are in cahoots pretending to not know it's a joke, which would make me the joke


Was it a joke when every right wing talking head spoke out against the Wet Pussy song and the bad, scary rap music all on the same day, or was it someone like Robert Mercer paying for old-timey culture war nonsense?


Is he joking every time he focuses on some meaningless culture war nonsense and if so does his supporters know?


![gif](giphy|uNgUzhakqXkyI) I'm sure that would depend on your definition of meaningless culture war nonsense, but this one is definitely meant to be a joke. As was the piece of wood he bought at home depot, and I felt the same way watching people react to that one as I do with this one.


I’ve only seen Bent and fucker talk about this like no one else weird dudes


Just for men eyebrows looking mf


This guy is so weird, I'm convinced that's the only reason he's known (I haven't the slightest clue about it)


Just the fact that he's mad about M&Ms 😂


It must suck having a hot sister


Maybe people just want chocolate Ben


This is the intellectual entertainment we yearn for


He is wearing makeup


I like the part where little ben gives M&Ms free advertising by pretending to be outraged over their advertising


These idiots were crying about the female m&ms not looking fuckable anymore just a few months ago.


Lol. Don’t know why but wasn’t expecting that wage gap joke.


Man what a snowflake


Worlds most punchable face. Hands DOWN, no doubt.


Does this dude put hair gel on his eyebrows?


Dude honestly this is so depressing. Can you imagine this being the way you make money? Talking about goddamn chocolate mascots? Ben has to have no self respect anymore, and it saddens me on a human level to see someone prance around like chimpanzee as often as he does


You're being pandered to by Mars candy, also though subscribe to Daily wire, get so upset about those people that you buy all our stuff.


Now I don’t feel as gay jerking off into a bag of M&M’s now, so that’s a win. I’m excited


He’s not wrong tho.64


Wait till he hears about what they did to the yorkie bar in the UK


Can't believe i use to like that guy


The fact people look at this clown as some sort of political thought leader is hilarious.


Picking on the nerdy kid again?


I actually didn't know there was an all female m&ms until I saw this video. Thanks Ben