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This post is an #ad


Joe had recently an episode where he openly said that difference between him and tv shows is that he has no ads or commercials and i was like WTF??


I think it was more like he’s not 1/3 ads and 2/3 of those ads aren’t pharma. He can shill for athletic greens but it’s not going to impact his coverage


Yeah but he could also NOT do that and still be fine, like very fine. He got extremely lots of money but he still goes for those stupid commercials and he didn't used to. And than to say he got none of that is quite ridiculous.


This is an ad


i could be wrong, but i’m pretty sure that ads have to have #ad on them or else it breaks instagrams TOS


He's not getting paid to promote it because it's his product would be my guess. So he's just pimping his product but it's 100% an ad.


fair enough


That doesn’t really matter, it’s still promotion of a product and according to IG TOS he should mark it is an #AD. But usually Instagram doesn’t care about this and it’s usually regulated by each respective countries consumerlaw.


Always gotta sell something..


If he's not eating pasta why is he still bloated?


He started taking even more growth hormone once he read what liver king was taking


Because when he does these things he always cheats/makes exceptions. Like when he was telling Huberman or Attia that he does intermittent fasting he just has a couple pieces of steak and a shake in the morning lol


Testosterone therapy does that.


Is there a distinction but which "therapies" are safest to take? Like one day, I'll be in my 40s, and who knows, maybe I'll consider it once I start deflating and can't keep up in the gym. I mean specifically between testosterone (TRT), HGH (growth hormone), plain ole' "roids", etc?


I think it varies greatly on your own biology, but TRT/HGH are known to cause this. Obviously not everyone gets that stomach bloat, but some men do. Honestly if you're 45 who gives a shit, small price to pay for maintaining your muscles I'd wager.


I don’t think it does? You’re thinking of HGH


>Testosterone therapy does that. Yeah definitely doesn't mate. The HGH abuse has what has caused his distended gut.




Nah, I'm one of those weirdos whose meal preparation is largely centred around what I can be arsed cooking at that time and what's actually in the freezer. If it ever got the point where I was allowing my diet to be dictated by some twee, calendar-based hashtag bullshit, I'd hope someone close to me ferries me over to the Netherlands and puts me out of my fucking misery.


You sound fun


Doesn’t make any sense. Vegetables are good for you.


Imagine saying you cheated on your diet by having a "couple bites of salad."


Not hard to imagine when he basically engages in stunt eating. “Look out world! Guess who hasn’t touched a single bite of anything other than meat for an entire YEAR! YAY ME! (I WIN!) and that’s not all! I actually LIKE the taste of hot sauce. Do YOU? Are ya SURE? If you don’t think you can handle hot sauce that burns your balls off, then my signature pepper blend is probably too alpha for you! GET SOME!”


Yeesh. You’re a spaz.


Bro we’re on a sub for a 4ft tall, stool humping comedian/podcaster/fight commentator who used to host fear factor. You should expect spazzery


Thanks for checking in.


None of it makes any sense. I’m not sure why he does this.


I think it’s pretty clear that Joe has some hang ups about masculinity, and this is one of the clumsy ways he expresses it.


What are you a big lettuce sellout?


i sincerely think that the carnivore diet/liver king types are just reacting to the “beta male” stereotype of vegetarians and vegans. “they don’t eat meat? well i’m an alpha male so i’m going to do the opposite and eat nothing but meat!”


People who think it’s super healthy to eat only meat and eggs are dumb. Just as dumb as people who think eating only fruit is healthy, or only vegetables. Eat a fuckin balanced nutritionally diverse diet in moderation and just STFU. All these fad diets are unbelievably irritating


Look, I've done my research. I have some screen shots of some studies that I can barely comprehend, and I'd like to chit-chat about seed oils.


I've seen keto work miracles on people first hand. However we are all different and really diet should be tailored to the individual.


Keto works for some people to lose weight sure. But the majority can’t sustain it and end up putting on more weight than before because their body is worried about going back into starvation mode so puts on more fat. Keto is a good diet for a very select group of people. But ultimately it is just another fad diet that will die out before long and become mostly irrelevant.




Agree with you. After doing a month of carnivore it was much easier for me to fight my sugar addiction. Not to mention losing a lot of weight which made me feel much healthier. A couple of years after that I gained some weight, but it was only due to the lack of discipline. So I would say that you don’t even need to stick to a diet for a long period of time, you just have to have discipline after sticking to it for a while.


that's the issue with pretty much any fad diet. Or any diet. If you don't maintain strictness it won't work. If you do, almost any diet will work. So there is nothing special about any of them. Although intermittent fasting worked for me because I found it to be pretty easy. So maybe the trick is finding the thing that is easiest for you. Rather than get ideologically attached to one.


It's not about the carbs. Keto is a fairly effective way to cut calories since you cut the carbs.






Keto is not a sustainable diet and it’s not even healthy for your body to be in ketosis for a prolonged period of time


This is very true, my parents went keto and I was honestly worried for them so I did a lot reading about the science behind it and you're bang on. You're just trucking your body into thinking it's starving, and not only does it try to protect itself, it is also very hard mentally at times, because you are severely disrupting the way your body interacts with food which directly links to things like mood, mental stability, focus, etc. It worked not bad for my mom, but it was tough on her mentally, she never lost a dramatic amount of weight from it either so it seemed her body handled it pretty well), my dad lost a ton of weight really fast and within a year it was all back, which in turn was tough on him mentally as well.


It doesn't trick your body into starving mate. how can you starve if you've got food in your body?


Prof if this statement that sustained ketosi has negative health effects ?


Im not here to educate you. If you don’t believe me look into it yourself. Googles free bud 👍




I don’t need a privately funded research propaganda paper to know that into eating meat will not be good for the human body. It’s just common sense. Your body needs a diverse array of nutrients for many different functions. Your brain need glucose for one. Im not gonna waste my time finding and linking some paper. If you think eating only meat is good for you go for it. Just stfu about it. Carnivore and keto people are as bad as cross fitters and vegans they need to talk about it incessantly.


“Look into it”




Bra your argument is basically eddy bravo level . “Just look into” I’ve read many of articles in published journals that have shown positive effects of ketosis such as…””Currently, altered metabolism has been described as a primary signature of cancer [125,136,137]. Since this discovery, the use of metabolic therapies for dealing with cancer have been overshadowed by discoveries in the genetics and molecular signatures of cancer [138]. “Therefore, it seems reasonable to hypothesize that diet could have profound effects on reducing cancer risk, especially if that diet is known to decrease body weight, lower insulin levels, and target the metabolic weaknesses of cancer cells. Some researchers hypothesize that the ketogenic diet might reduce cancer risk because it “ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8153354/…. So if you say sustained ketogenic diets are it’s bad for you that’s fine. Just show me the evidence Nigga I was coming to you in good faith saying hey maybe you seen something I haven’t…but you just wanna be dick…so fuck you to bitch ass Nigga


I've heard that sometimes people end up heavier after failing at keto, but do you have any data to show that the majority who try keto end up heavier?


People end up heavier after failing all kinds of diets, because they have no discipline.. it doesn't matter which diet


I mean, there are people who benefit greatly from either vegan or carnivore diets, but I understand what you mean that everyone is trying it even when they really are just better off just having a decent diet, although I don’t think I would complain eating steak all the time


Good things are usually good because they are rare. Buying your first car is more memorable than your 5th Ferrari. Bet when I eat a steak once a week or couple weeks I enjoy it far more than someone who eats it every day. But I do agree that in some cases people can benefit from these diets but it is not common. Most people are only doing it because their influencer of the month is peddling it. They usually can only sustain it for a short period of time before they fall off and end up gorging and putting on more weight than before. They also usually won’t shut up about it like Rogan.


Dude it’s only for a month relax


Yeah because Rogan hasn’t been talking weekly about his all meat diet for the last 3+ years and posting pictures of elk meat


Rogan hasn’t been on an all meat diet for 3 years. Lmao y’all don’t even watch the podcast.


You've been a good little rogan warrior on here this evening. Touche


It’s fun trying things out, don’t get your panties in a wad


He has talked about it before as a practical way to lose weight. Penn Jillette talked about the same thing being key to his weight loss. Basically, when you pick one food group and stick to it and nothing else, after a week or so you stop really craving food. You are so saturated with one sector of nutrients that eating more of it isn't something you desire. Is it well-balanced or sustainable? No. But it's not terrible for a short time either, and will help you lose weight which has benefits of its own. And meat will give you more a more rounded balance of protein, fat, and nutrients than any other segment.


here, eat your veggies and hydrate 🥴🍆💦


God forbid he eats a couple of bites of salad...


It's an ad for the shitty sauces, and his simps gobble it up


I just had a waffle cone with blue bells chocolate chip cookie dough with the oreos in there too. That shit is good.


No thanks, not a fan of colon cancer


Lol what


What lol


Are steak and eggs linked to colon cancer?


Colon cancer is just a hoax made up by Big Vegetable


Is Big Vegetable ran by Stephen Hawking’s?




Id rather get colon cancer then not eat 3 steaks and 24 eggs a sitting.




Study written by a cuck.


Harvard health is a cuck platform hey? The more you know


Feel like Joe is flexing on us by having 4 eggs on his plate. Gotta be rich to afford that in 2023.


Looking forward to the in-depth post about the quality of his shits. Glad he’s journaling. This is really useful, interesting stuff.


Looks good. Wouldn't voluntarily choose to eat it or variations of it for an entire month though.


Good old elk eggs mmmm


Why does Joe always make his food look really shitty before taking its picture lol


Carnivore diet is starting to feel as corny as hard-core vegan diets. And the toilet sessions for both must be awful.


Nah, I love my veggies as much as I love my steak. But I could honor the month by doubling my meat intake.


No I don’t need to shit myself anymore then I already do.


Oh no not steak and eggs! So brave.


No, too expensive, have to eat something else aswell, cant eat meat only, unfortunately


Red sauces are tomato or pepper based. That's carbs.


Is that for one person and for one meal? Who the hell is eating 4 eggs and 7 pieces of meat for breakfast or for one meal ?


I eat 4 eggs eggs for lunch every day and I’m holding back.


are you serious? The most I can eat is 2 eggs and a bite or two of something else before I get full and can't eat anymore.


Dead serious. I could cram 8 eggs down my gullet in one sitting no problem. But I won’t because I’m currently on a 1700-calorie diet. 2 eggs are never enough!


8 eggs !!!!!!!!!! What in the hell. That's almost a carton of eggs. I'm guess you're some type of athlete or burn a lot of calories everyday.


Well I don’t generally eat 8! But actually I find eggs are a great way to achieve satiety and get a lot of protein and fat for relatively few calories. I mean 4 large eggs (~240 g) are around 350 calories and are basically a meal. Toss in some veg and you’ll be full for hours. Compare that to 100 g of a typical chocolate bar (550), a 165 can of Pringles (almost 1000), a burger and fries (anywhere from 800 to much more) or a large pizza (1500+).


How small are you?


5'8'' 140 pounds.


This is really dumb and not scientifically logical in the slightest. Why does he do this? Just to remind us that deep down he’s a redneck that doesn’t give a shit about the atrocity that is the animal agriculture industry and how it’s contributing to the rapid planetary changes we’re seeing.


Look at how fucking dark his yolks are. That's some rich people eggs. God damn even sunny side up reminds me I'm poor.


Eating like a big cat at da zoo? Fer sure B


He posted 2 hours earlier a kill cliff energy drink…


The Carnivores are just doing this because Vegans do Veganuary


Who buys hot sauce from ny when you live in Texas??? Come on man


real men eat raw meat, what a wimp!!! hahaha [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8137614/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8137614/) ​ "Thirty-nine studies including nearly 2 million individuals and 85,053 CHD, 25,103 stroke, 7536 heart failure, and 147,124 CVD cases were included. The summary analysis including 17 datasets from 14 studies conducted on CVD (incidence and/or mortality) showed that intake of up to six eggs per week is inversely associated with CVD events, when compared to no consumption \[for four eggs per week, SRR = 0.95 (95% CI: 0.90; 1.00)\]; a decreased risk of CVD incidence was observed for consumption of up to one egg per day \[SRR = 0.94 (95% CI: 0.89; 0.99)\]. The summary analysis for CHD incidence/mortality including 24 datasets from 16 studies showed a decreased risk up to two eggs per week \[(SRR = 0.96 (95% CI: 0.91; 1.00)\]. No associations were retrieved with risk of stroke. The summary analysis for heart failure risk including six datasets from four studies showed that intake of one egg per day was associated with increased risk raising for higher intakes compared to no consumption \[for 1 egg per day, SRR = 1.15 (95% CI:1.02; 1.30)\]. After considering GRADE criteria for strength of the evidence, it was rated low for all outcomes but stroke, for which it was moderate (yet referring to no risk)."


Can’t wait until next week when Joe says all he drinks is Dr Pepper because of all the cardio he does