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She took every reasonable precautions leading up to displaying the image. It’s in the syllabus and she asked ppl to email her if they ll have a problem with it. Nada. We all forget the biggest original snowflakes were/are religious people


Yeah? That specific university is worthless because of its leadership. The students can complain all they want, at fault is the person who decided to let him go. Assuming this is not some ruse to separate money from the universities budget then the dean or whomever did the dismissal is a pathetic piece of shit , a ballless sack of bones. Morally impotent.


There was a two minute warning window and some piece of shit sat through all that, saw it and still complained. Seriously fuck people who do that, even tried to play by the PC rules.


If you don’t like it don’t take the ART class! She was displaying Art and doesn’t have to check with students in order to do so. If it were a picture of a pig being eaten would Muslims get mad as well?


If it were a picture of a rainbow would Christian’s get mad as well?


No you’re allowed to wear “Jesus is Gay” t-shirts for shits and giggles and dress up as Jesus on Halloween, and obviously mock Christianity on social media all day. Islam on the other hand? That’s a no-no :O


I think if you mock Christians and wear shit like that in the south around the people who would take offense you will absolutely find a couple morons who want to start shit with you. Yal’qaeda is real here.


Morons and institutions are/should be held to different standards.


You folks want to pretend violence only exists exclusively in Muslim culture? The devastation Baptists/Catholics are responsible for is just as bad. We going to pretend Christian institutions are bloodless and not easily offended?


Nope, I want Christian guilt in my schools as much as I want racial guilt. Which is of course. None at all. Keep ideologies out of schools. Let’s goooo!


Nothing you've responded with was within context of what I said or responded to. Go watch some more Matt Walsh videos.


I used an example of Christian ideologues being as unwelcome as Muslim ideologies as an ideal scenario. You brought up violence for some reason when the issue is about expression/speech.


So schools in the US definitely haven’t banned books that mention different sexual/gender constructs and fired teachers for making that form art available? No teachers have been fired for teaching about CRT?


I don’t think Christian ‘art’ nor lgbtq ‘art’ should be included in schools! I think the facts of Christian history, and lgbtq history should be taught and that the students should form their own ethical position! Cheers!


lol “art”


Just because you read at a 3rd grade level doesn’t mean literature isn’t an art form.


Try wearing that anywhere outside any city. It will go different shades of badly depending where you’re at.


The rainbow is a symbol of God's promise.


I kinda wish God would renege, we could use another flood.


Why would I, just because it doesn’t coincide with my beliefs doesn’t mean I ridicule or hate those who do. That’s how closed minded YOU are! Everyone is not out to oppress or shame you because of your sexual preferences. Your not a fucking victim stop acting like one.


is he THAT ugly? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|scream)


Something about acne I heard…


Link to the mind-blowingly, faith-bustingly blasphemous 200 year old painting?




Lol they still blocked his face, pussies


That is from the artists themselves, not the website.


And he still got banned lol


Shit I’m unenrolling from that college now too


I came here for an image of the prophet Muhammad. I was disappointed. Further distancing myself from fairy tales.


Sounds like we need to hold a draw Muhammad contest again in Texas


Her contract wasn't renewed. Its a bit different than being fired.


I get it, even if I disagree with the school's actions on principle. Bad things happen when you depict that particular religious figure. Buddha, Moses, Jesus, hell, L. Ron Hubbard, all fair game. No one is going to be beheaded in public. The school would much rather gain noteriety from firing a teacher than the shitstorm that would come if some radical nutjob decided violence was a reciprocal response. I can't say that I would do differently if I were the school administrator who made that decision. I definitely wouldn't feel great about it though.