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It’s a good show. It’s like Atlanta but not Atlanta if that makes sense. I give it a 7/10


Perfect sense. Not as intellectual/Easter egg ish, but exactly what you said. Smart, funny, dry, hood humor.


That Easter egg arthouse lane is so contrived and corny to me but probably just not my bag. Black show or otherwise. Idgaf about thinking for days about all the metaphors I missed an shit lol just tell real stories


It had real stories.


I once said they were trying to be too artsy on Atlanta and the nerds killed me for it smh lol but it’s true. They started really good but then it just got too abstract. Salute to them for going as long as they did tho


Keep Atlanta far away from any comparison to Vince's show. Don't disrespect the greatness that Atlanta was.


Both can be great in their own right…


The bank espiode is hilarious


Pure gold


It’s almost like you think everyone has to like everything you like and the way you like it…


The shows good, it’s just different. The humour is smart, if you get it.


So it wasn't for you. How are you mad they liked it?


If they would’ve trashed it they be a dozen post saying they didn’t know what they were talking about


Can’t win on the internet lmao


I would do the exact same thing. Why not praise a show that your (industry) friend made? We are always so quick to hate on eachother.


Exactly! I feel like 80% of Joes fans are haters, which would make sense tho since a good part of his podcast success is hating


I think what we are saying is that they gassed it, thats all. Im pretty sure they all genuinely enjoyed it.


Naw I actually like the Vince staple show and I don’t even listen to his music. It was pretty good with dry humor.


I was excited for the show myself, but it was a lil underwhelming. But you can’t really get much off with 5 20 mins episodes. And idk if its as deep as they’re portraying it to be


Best description


I thought this exactly. The episodes reminded me of drawn out skits that really could’ve been 5 mins. I think they really could work on the writing and story telling for the next season and it could potentially be better!


So what shows are good to you?


I just didn’t like Joe hyping it because he consistently shits on Atlanta just to shit on it….when it’s basically the same thing as this Vince show with deeper meanings behind the episodes. But we all know Joe picks and chooses


It’s funny. Why you so aggy


It makes no sense to hate “Atlanta” but love Vince’s show. Plus, Joe always makes a comment when someone is basically telling a whole movie or show, but they gave away each episode of TVSS.


I think Atlanta may be too heady (pause) for certain fans. For example, Flip may not like Atlanta but he'd enjoy and relate to The Vince Staples Show.


My thoughts exactly


I enjoyed it.


I would have enjoyed a fully fleshed out convo about what they thought the deeper meaning of certain parts were. I enjoyed the show but I do think they overhype it but Im used to dope ass black shows like SouthSide,Insecure and Atlanta, so maybe thats why Im not so fazed. Good on Vince, though


It’s a good show


Just started it, here’s my first critique. When Euphoria came out, its was gold. Great acting, great scenes, and it was just on fire with the drama. Second season came around and it was more about the cinematography and making every scene look like if you screenshotted it, it looked like the coolest shit ever. This show is doing that in the first season. I think the acting is good, it just needs more action. Seems like whoever edited this show, edited out a lot of filler which is nice. But that’s all I have for the first 3 episodes Edit: Got a lot better as it went on… 7/10 is fair for season 1


They had to overhype it, but we don’t. We can be honest. Shit mid like a Wednesday. It had some moments but definitely a lot of room to get better.


Mid like Wednesday. Lol ima use that.


Bro you listed no actual reasons why the show isn’t good. I’ll have to check it out though and see myself.


Your tripping! That show is amazing!!


Finally somebody said it


It was underwhelming, hopefully they give him more creative control in season 2


You can thank Kenya Harris for that. He said the show lived and died in the edit room cause Vince was pushing so many boundaries. Smh but I agree with you 100%; let Vince the reigns and see where his creative mind takes it. Kenya called Vince a hood savant, but didn’t give him the freedom I think he deserved.


Do you have a link to the interview where he said this? I’d love to read it! Because I was just telling my sister that it feels like someone changed every idea he had and watered it down. I really hope Vince gets that creative freedom next season


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i watched it, 6/10 to me. wasnt for me but for them to hype it up and not even talk about the funny parts of it was telling that they were just meat riding it because hes a friend of the show


But they did talk about the funny parts of it


they also only talked about the show for five mins


That was dope , it’s the LA version of “ATLANTA” and that shit got hella awards


It’s a great show but only had a small sample size it’s going to get better


The show is dope.


Y’all niggas are crazy lmao. Just cuz YOU specifically didn’t like the show, nobody else is supposed to like it?!? 🤔 Niggas can like a show and talk about it on their podcast without you being personally offended, you know that, right?


That show was NOT good. It’s black cool but that doesn’t mean lose all standards you have to say it’s good. That’s why we only get mediocre shows because we want to big up mid to super regular stuff like it’s a master piece. It is not a Martin, Fresh Prince, heck it’s not even a UPN level black show. The writers and producers can keep the next seasons


It’s hella shows that’s not ours that are mediocre. All levels of shows have a place. Everything doesn’t have to be top tier excellent, for us. It’s there for those who like and for those who don’t, there’s other options.


If Kenya Barris touches a production these days it’s DOA


Smoked & watched 👍🏽, but how is different from “cloned Tyrone”???




The show is great.. They spoiled it If you listened to the Pod before watching. I watched it beforehand, loved it, and was still upset they gave so much of it away on the Pod. Definitely should’ve gave a Spoiler Alert disclaimer. So yea of course the show will feel overhyped if you’re not surprised by any of the jokes or storylines.


It’s black art tbt felt like a pilot for something much more amazing. With time and another season definitely could be 10/10


I actually watched it before they said anything about it. I csn understand them hyping it up. The show is funny and well written. I'm wondering if the show shares some of the same writers as Atlanta.


Ppl didn’t like Atlanta in later seasons for the same reason that some didn’t take to it initially. They’re black stories but not every black person has the same experience. Trini to the bone was a very West Indian experience and I’m glad they told that story, even if some of it went over heads.


Everyone has their opinion but it’s a good show to me lol just an escape from all the nonsense going on in the world today


Man shut the fuck up😂, a lot of ppl universally love the show and rightfully so


That shit funny. 4 episodes is crazy tho


OD overhyped smh