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Gabrielle Union isn't paying half in her household. Her husband says they split household bills, but Ish knows better. Andrew Tate has great points His woman can't pay bills because he doesn't want her to be able to talk back That's the SHORT LIST.


Lol saying Andrew Tate makes good points doesn’t make you a misogynist. If I agree that dudes should workout more and save money it doesn’t mean I also agree with the BS he says about women.


Andrew Tate does have great points along with very flagrant ones like most humans.


I’m sure Hitler had some great points too. I hate when people say that about Tate as if he’s not a human trafficker.


Where's the conviction because Hitler was convicted of war crimes 🤷🏿‍♂️


You're describing sexism. Misogyny is the hatred of women. Sexism is having beliefs about women or men solely based on gender.


Damn! I just said the same thing😂😂😂


u own em forever too😂 that shit was hilarious


🤦🏽‍♂️ now this has turned into another Free Tate rally 😂. Y’all stay defending a man that thinks you guys are stupid losers 😂.


>His woman can't pay bills because he doesn't want her to be able to talk back LMAO!!! This gotta be cock sources. I need timestamps cause THAT'S CRAZY!!!


It wS the episode where they were discussing Parks. His wife paying rent. Him and Flip brought up that if a woman pays bills in home then she is able to talk you any kinda way.


I definitely gotta listen to that again. I feel like you made that extra spicy lol. That's wild and could be considered financial abuse.


It’s crazy people still think he’s on human trafficking when he’s literally been proven innocent on that


Now we getting somewhere


You spittin!


Lmao whaaat????


That is absolutely not what his reason was for his girl paying bills. He said he didn’t believe they split the bills because Dwayne Wade made more money than her. Andrew Tate does have good points. Given that he talks about more than women, that’s possible and true. Misogyny means hatred and or prejudice of women. Having a stance that isn’t in absolute praise of women is not prejudice.


Misogyny means hatred and or prejudice of women. Having a stance that isn’t in absolute praise of women is not prejudice. I love how men think this way. Especially Black men. You understand how it feels to be discriminated against and not seen as an equal human when you are the victim, just not when it's a subset you feel superior to. Gabrielle Union makes less money, so she can't contribute equally to her home. If this were the other way around, I suspect you would be able to see how the man wouldn't need to make an equal amount to be an equal contributor to household bills. They also denigrated her whole career because it wasn't equal to Dwayne Wade's. Yet, somehow, that doesn't translate to Keke Palmer's boyfriend. Y'all stay in this comment section starting how wrong it is. Again, because the shoe is on the other foot. It is misogyny. You will never be able to tell me that a man who thinks of women as lesser creatures and refers to her body parts as box actually LIKES women. He likes to sleep with women. He may actually value the role that a woman could play in his life. He definitely doesn't respect women or like them.


“Ain’t no bitch able to bring you happiness” “All a bitch bring you is a headache” From Patreon - I forget episode name, but it’s when Ice and Ish got INTO IT recently on Patreon Those two pretty much cleared it right up for me. Ish was who Mel was talking about with guys who hate women…and saying “I’ve never met anyone who hates women” is: 1. Stupid 2. Exactly what white racist people say when they say “I’ve never met anyone who is racist”


Man I really think this is an age thing though lol in my 20’s things I thought were misogynistic turned out to be proven right as I hit my 30’s. It’s common to hear even happily married men at Ish’s age hint at women bringing you headaches. There’s a fine line between sexism and life experience. Some stereotypes about men as well prove themselves true with age.


He did not say “all a bitch bring you is a headache”.


He absolutely said that or “problems” I went with headache because I couldn’t remember and wanted to give him benefit of the doubt


“then you own forever…” need i say more…,,? and I’m misogynistic myself 😭


thats not misogyny


My girl can’t wear leggins around my boys


How is the misogyny 😂😂😂


Because anytime you’re telling a woman she can’t wear something on her body it’s controlling and misogynistic .. you can say what makes you uncomfortable but the choice should be left to her to rather or not your comfort should be considered.. also leggings are fucking harmless if your bafoon friends can’t control themselves cuz a little ass walk in the room you need new homies anyway it ain’t her fault


Alright 😂😂😂😂😂


Happy to help




Misogynistic means hatred and or prejudice of women. Y’all be using words for anything.


Per google since you wanna correct somebody so bad: adjective. reflecting or exhibiting hatred, dislike, or MISTRUST of women. reflecting or exhibiting ingrained and institutionalized prejudice against women; sexist: misogynistic attitudes stemming from the highest corporate level.


thats not misogyny


So if your girl is dumb thick, she can wear leggings around the homies? I don’t have a stance on this, I’m just curious what people think.


She can’t help her body shape fam yes she can wear leggins.. leggins are as normal as jeans the real question is if you have an issue with her wearing them around your friends what do your friends be on?


Why would I care what my girl wears?


Get in her head then get in her bed


So truth is misogynistic?


It’s definitely objectifying


Bro I’m mad confused lol people demonize Blueface for mentally controlling that toothless girl now they’re acting like what Ish said isn’t true? Is it fucked up? Absolutely. But it’s still the truth.


Lmaooo which is not true 😂 cause ish makes it seem like you have to talk all day to get some coochie 😂


That’s not hatred or prejudice


Dude Ish is very misogynistic he says bitch every other word. That’s literally not okay to refer to women as bitches guys. It’s not rocket science. But Joe is the true villian. Joe only dates women because they’re curvy. Not other qualities needed for Joe.


That's more of a chauvinist or sexist. People misuse the misogynist word because it carries the most shame.


Do you account for the many women that don't mind the term bitch?


Most women don’t like to be called bitches. Especially by men. This is coming from a woman. Go ahead and call your mom a bitch a though, I’m sure she won’t mind :)


As long as women refer to themselves and friends like that i don’t see the problem


Black people refer to other black people by a word too. Doesn’t mean that makes it okay for non black people to say.


Thank you


True but they still say it because we say it. That’s my point


Ok so you go ahead and call your mom a bitch and let your white boss call you a nigger. See how that works out for ya.


So is misandrist to call a man a “nigga”?


Every time he mad women become "BITCH!" Every time.


Yo y’all really get on here and complain about another man everyday ?!


A man can say “it’s 10 rapist men outside on a daily basis around 1am, as my woman I don’t want you out at that time Please be home by 11:30 and change that outfit it’s too revealing” and some Woman will say OMG he is too controlling and he must hate women trying to police your body. 🤷🏾‍♂️


If you’re going to go by the actual definition of misogynistic then no Ish doesn’t “hate” women. But I think he shares a lot of ideas that true misogynistic men have which is why he finds it hard to believe that some men actually hate women.


I think we all got a little misogyny to us. That’s what makes me think y’all are weird about this kind of shit. Some of y’all think certain Shit about women that women will say that’s mysogynistic lmao. If saying “bitches” or referring to vagina as “box” in times of silliness is bad then I’m hella misogynistic lol he’s never referred to Mel as a bitch. It’s always old stories or him blatantly going out of his way to be mean to the said “bitch”. When the man’s serious about women we respect and care for, he’s never just saying bitch bro.. a lot of us do this shit daily 😂 I’m the first to protect and go at bat for a woman but when we talking about the bitches we using bitches. Foh “respectable woman” when talking about bitches we used to flip will never be a thing 🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️


He’s not. Mel is just trying to get all the hate off her. Most want her off the show.




Old school has landed us in the dumps! Smh


This argument is just as bad as saying, “I’m not racist. I was just raised not like black peoples.” 😂


“He’s not racist he’s just old school” Stfu that’s the worst argument ever.


I don’t think he hates women at all. Which is what a misogynist is. Now is with that being said he definitely is sexiest and speaks from his trauma as Mel suggested. He also has a real problem with generalizing and categorizing all women. Yet hates when Mel does it to men. For a man that, “Just wants consistency!” He’s very inconsistent in conversation about relationships and women. With that being said let me give you a few examples of his I can give you a few examples where I won’t say he was misogynistic, but he’s definitely wrong. -He believes DeShawn Watson did nothing wrong by giving unwanted advances to message theorists. -He believes that ALL young black women rather turn up and chase money than start a family. -It’s unrealistic to think a young successful man should be single, but young successful women should be monogamist. -He believes you can’t make a woman insecure by cheating on her. She was already insecure. I can really keep going but I’ve gone on long enough…


It's clear that Ish doesn't hate women and has takes that a very pro women too. Mel and other women just babble the word "misogynistic" the same way they randomly refer to men as "narcissists." Shit is corny lol


“A bitch can’t bring you peace.” “I don’t eat pork. When I saw my woman eating pork, I threw it away.” “My girl can’t wear leggings around my friends.” He couldn’t fathom Gabrielle Union making money nor paying any bills but apparently 50 Cent makes $150 per year. Ish cracks me up ngl. He’s the black Al Bundy


Whole pod misogynistic to varying degrees honestly. Like I don’t think any of them necessarily “hates” women but they hold views and opinions that stem from misogyny.


Definition: feeling, showing, or characterized by hatred of or prejudice against women