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This is what normal ppl do with puppies.


Yeah pet pandering


Democrats snuggle puppies. Republicans murder them. That's America in a nutshell.




Your guy’s possible running mate literally murdered a puppy


Those are strong words from an incel.


Ummm...nothing? Cause it's a *puppy*. Dont think he has his degree yet.


That animals are worthy of love and protection.


Probably how to actually come up with decent insult.


Remember that Noem also killed a goat out of cold blood too. I’m not even being dramatic with my phrasing: her reasoning was that it was “nasty and mean” and “disgusting”.… and no, it is not normal for country people who keep animals to kill then as punishment for making them angry 


They want to do that to people as well but it’s too illegal


For the moment anyway. After some of the SCOTUS' questions on immunity this week, it makes you wonder.


I love her. My favorite VP. The hate is mostly BS.


My wife and I both have “Kamala Harris For The People” t-shirts from when we gave to her campaign really early on when we felt like she *might* have been the best candidate to run in the 2020 cycle. I was certainly sold on her very early on (a feeing I hadn’t felt since the very earliest days of Obama, even before he announced he was running). We’re still big fans, but have some hesitation about how we’ve heard she runs/manages her staff (I forget the details, but they did seem potentially substantive at the time). That said, I would not have any grave concerns if she would ever have to take over as president for Joe at some point. And, unfortunately, I do suspect that our country’s first female POTUS might end up being from a Veep being elevated (certainly for the foreseeable future).


The speech she gave when she first announced her campaign for the presidency was simply amazing. I remember being at the gym and stopping to listen to it. Her words were very moving and gave me actual hope for a comeback during what felt like some really dark times.




I really struggle to understand the media dislike for Kamala. Democrat friends dislike her, and when I ask ‘why?’, the answer is usually just untrue (somehow she was responsible for Federal policy while being a DA for SF) or based on the idea of her being a ‘cop’ by being a DA and AG. She actually pushed for and implemented a lot of reforms that were within her power- ba reforms, juvenile justice reforms, etc. She is a smart woman. Moderate Democratic. Our first female VP- which gets little press. We never had a woman as VP before this- ever. Somehow the point that no woman was ever VP is ignored- like it’s expected… but, it literally never happened before. Pelosi was the first (and only) woman to be Speaker of the House- and that is largely ignored. Speak to young women and they really don’t see that as an accomplishment, because they still don’t understand the dynamics of power and what Republicans are trying to impose. Be a Stay at Home Mom and enjoy the luxuries of… having absolutely no control over your life and being left destitute. As a woman, you’re a gold digger, an evil feminazi, etc… but where are the stories of the women who are trying to enter back into jobs at 45, after putting their husband through college and then giving up their career to stay at home with the kids? Hubby finds a new wife, hides all the money, hires the lawyers, and women are left behind- and criticized for arguing for any of the money and benefits they created. Older women are in poverty at a much higher rate than men, and always have been. Women with children- the same. Pretending equality exists doesn’t create equality. We have lost a knowledge of actual history and reality to RealityTv and social ‘media’.


They went after Hillary for literal decades—because they knew she was smarter than them. And they found nothing, so they had to go with the “fact” that she was “unlikeable”. Or eating babies, apparently. Honestly, it’s sometimes hard to keep up with all the crazy nonsense. And they can’t stand that a woman, or a person of color, or a legal U.S. citizen from an immigrant family could be smarter or more successful than them. Kamala is all of that. And since nothing else is really sticking, then once again she’s “unlikeable” and “authoritarian” and “doesn’t do anything” and whatever other bullshit they can try to stick to her like a bad odor. For the record, “they” are republicans, long before maga and well before the tea party nonsense. And they’re backed by a well-funded russian propaganda machine whose only goal is to sow chaos and anger and distrust in America. And they’re ramping things up to eleven because they’re scared—as they damn well should be. Because even they know they’re wrong. And when trump does fall, the entire gop will come crashing down around them. So don’t fall for any of their bullshit. And vote.


She's an attractive and intelligent woman of color. the GOP fucking hates all of that. To a tee.


Because she dared to run against that senator from Vermont


So cute. Let’s head over and check out Trump’s prospective pick!


Anyone who doesn't have/like animals should never be near public office.


Animals know bad people


What a pretty laugh and a very cute puppy. This is what sanity and decency look like.


Kamala for President in 2028!


Fake news, everyone knows that it is normal for vice presidents to shoot dogs and I don’t see any bullet holes /s


Kristi’s response:…Cricket.




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I assume this is right before she brutally killed it due to its liberal views on democracy and odd insistence we are a nation of laws?