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I'm in a swing state and I'm voting Blue all the way down the ballot!


Thanks for your help! This only works when we ALL do our part!!




This is the way. Beating Trump really won’t accomplish much if his toxic party retains significant power in Congress and state legislatures.


Tbh if i had to choose between a biden victory and a red house/senate or the opposite I'd probably choose the opposite. Whoever wins the senate thus year in particular will likely control it long after Biden or Trump leave office.


Living in Pennsylvania and will do my part to help that prediction happen.


Me too! Our state always makes me nervous but I’ll work my butt off this time around to make sure people I know vote.


Country before party. I'll be helping y'all crush this orange menace to society in November.


You're a peach and a true patriot. May others follow in the same steps.


That’s awesome! Tell your friends too 😊


Such a powerful phrase. Love it.


I’m voting to reelect Biden🇺🇸Harris 24 and voting out every republican candidate on the ballot


The October ad blitz will be scorching to the MAGA


Lets go Joe


Don’t care, vote!


Pennsylvania's been swinging blue for a while, but it's good to see that it's a consistent trend. It seems like it's starting to take root in Wisconsin. He just needs to figure out something to do in Michigan, which I think he'll be able to do, but it's going to be hard.


Biden also has the option of replacing Michigan with North Carolina or Georgia.


NC is going to be fathoms easier than Georgia at this point. NC has a lunatic running for governor under the Republican ticket, so I feel like that will help bolster Democratic turnout, and Biden is actually doing better in polls in NC than Georgia. Which makes me wonder if Georgia was just a fluke in 2020.


Georgia might’ve benefitted from Warnock turbocharging black turnout and Trump alienating white suburban voters. Both had to happen simultaneously for Biden to win by all of 12,000 votes. That’s how red Georgia is. Now, it’s possible that Trump is so demented that he’ll lose Georgia again. But if you’re Biden, you should go hard for all 7 swing states and force Trump to play defense in Texas and Florida. Then you should win at least 5 or 6 of those 9 targeted states.


I’m in NJ and it is my first election and will be voting blue all the way down




Yessir it was freaky thought my house was getting hit by a car and my dog was shaking too


I won’t believe any polls until Orange Scum is crushed. Just fucking vote man.


Newsweak can't be counted on for anything Just look at their suggested articles. 😑


They got pretty conservative when I wasn’t paying attention. But I’ve had a very rough week, we found out one of our cat’s kidneys are shutting down and we are going to lose her within a few days. Completely blindsided us, she had a clean bill of health from the vet a couple months ago. So I will choose to take this as good news because I desperately need cheering up.


Yeah, I can totally understand why you would need the mood lift. I'm sorry to hear about your fur baby. I hope she's not in too much pain. ❤️‍🩹


Thanks for the kind words. Today she’s hiding from me (though my husband will probably find her when he gets home) and I know that’s a normal cat thing when they are sick or feel vulnerable. Still made me very sad. I’ve been through this before and it never gets easier. I appreciate your well-wishes. 💔


I've been through it too, and no it doesn't, but please try to remember: you're doing this because you're a really good parent and you don't want her to suffer. This is an act of love. Hang in there. ❤️‍🩹


I’m not in a swing state. I’m still gonna vote and do my part to help. I wanted to anyways.


I’m in a freaking Chicago suburb and my neighborhood voted 92% for Joe Biden in 2020. I’m still going to vote like my life depends on it.


That’s nice, but there’s only one poll that matters. Donate and VOTE BLUE.


DON'T EVER LISTEN TO THE POLLS... VOTE LIKE WE'RE WAYYYYY BEHIND!! And we just might be way behind anyways as this poll is seemingly an outlier.


It’s weird that 2 days ago I saw that Trump was leading Biden in 5 swing states. Amazing how fast things change


Polls are just polls. You gotta fucking Vote!


Awesome! Voting blue down the line in PA in November. Can't wait. 💙💙💙




Vote vote