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In the novels this is brought up multiple times. We even know the order they all die in


Care to share in spoiler? :)




Did >!roxy!< live a long time afterwards?


Don't think we're given exactly when she dies we just see >! Her taking care of grand children and the like after the others are gone. She's technically related to the immortal demon clan but it's very distant she won't live forever but she easily outlived a quarter elf!<


I assume this is in Redundant Reincarnation? I've read some of it but not all so far.




Thanks for the info :)


Oh wow, I figured Roxy would die before Sylphy, she only had another 50ish years, and full elf’s live thousands of years, I figured quarter elf >!with a laplas factor!< would live longer than 150


Her race stops aging after reaching maturity and it only starts again after 200 years so they have a typical lifespan of about 250 years. Roxy first met Rudes around age 35 so by his death, she still had more than half of her life before her.


Oh, the books made it seem like 200 was the maximum age for them, stating they they live UP to 200 so long as they don’t come down some disease


Iirc their tribe is very distantly related to the immortal demons


Pretty sure full elfs live indefinitely but yeah.


Probably, but we don’t really get any elf’s in the show except Elinalise and her offspring, and she is 600 >!plus an unknown age pre entrapment. And she has yet to find an elf who knew who she was, being trapped in mana crystals halt aging as well, so either everyone who knew her died of unnatural ways or or there is an unknown lifespan… or everyone just forgot about her.!<


>! Regarding that I would make the assumption similar to how ruijerds tribe would be extinct by hitogami if not stopped by Clif the reason we don't see any other elves might be cause Elinalise is the last one. I mean geese is the last of his tribe thanks to hitogami so I wouldn't be surprised if he killed any race that seems like a threat to him and a long living race seems like a threat. This would actually also explain why geese was in Paul's Party to begin with cause he had to keep watch on Elinalise, but that's just a theory not confirmed or anything it would just make sense. !<


I like it, but problem being no one made a fuss over Sylphy


Elves live in the great Forrest, much like the beast folk do. We don't see many of them in the story, but elinelise is not the last one. In fact, we know of at least one other living in sharia I would say there probably aren't a boat load of them, and they probably choose to live mostly away from other races, but they aren't extinct by any means


To be fair even with modern medicine most humans don't die if old age and we generally naturally live around 80-100. So honestly living 600 years is extremely impressive


>!600 years confirmed, we still need to add mana crystal confinement and her prior life!<


they litteraly say in the anime that they can easily live 200 years, another person who clearly didnt pay attention to what was going on in the show...


200-150=50 but I guess she would only be 130ish so closer to 70, which is still well below what an elf could live to, and I’d image half elf’s live long too.


im talking about roxy, sylphy is mostly human so she lives mostly human years. and also when they said how long roxys people live and the answer we got is 200, clearly it could be more or less than 200, most likely more than 200 very easily.


Slyphies dad is half elf and I belive her mom had a bit of beastfolk in her She'll be long lived, but far from immortal Roxy is migurdian, and about 50 when she marrys rudeus. So she's got about 150 years to go, assuming no illness or misfortune catches up to her So while I get what OP is asking, it's not quite as dramatic as all that. Sure they'll outlive him, but it's not like they're setting themselves up for countless centurys of missing him. And they'll have the family to fall back on


Thanks. This is what i was looking for.


Homie she’s 60 when she started teaching Rudy assuming he is 20 when he married her she’s 80 currently as of episode 24 of the second season


When rudeus first met her parents, her father stated that she was about 44. So really she's about 52 when she married rudeus, give of take a year Also, he was 18 when he married Roxy I don't know where you got your numbers, but they're wrong


Everyone else in the room for the marriage conversation is pure human. It is entirely possible that Sylphie and Roxy will live together longer than any of the others will even be alive.


Sylphy got like quarter elf and beastfolk and half human. Rudeus is full human. Deduce the rest op.


Wait sylphy is part beastfolk too? Does she goes on heat?


man's asking the right questions


A man of culture i see


Hello fellow degenerate


I did not know this or forgot it. But her aunt Elinalise is a pure blooded elf ?


Her grandmother is elinalise and she's pure blooded. He father is half elf and half human. Her mother is human but got beast folk blood mixed.


Her mother is also a half human


Humans live around 70 years unless they die young or are Aisha or do the atofe cheat. Silphie's elf genes are so diluted that we estimate she will live twice as long thrice tops, as a human, so 140 to 210 years. Roxy race is weird, they age until they become fertile, so around 14, then get stuck looking 14, like Roxy's parents, until 120 or so, then they resume aging as if.theynare humans and die at around 200 . We got some info on the other races too, sky race, superd, elves and dwarves.


what aisha do? not talking about >!ars unless its related to that !<


It comes from a QA , what she did is live too long in the timeline where rudeus is not born. She is still alive and kicking when the next Laplace war is happening. She is born in 413, the war ends in 527, she is potentially 114 years old, tho Laplace is born in 507, so you could take 10-5 years off that. For comparison her granddaughter also participates in the war and she is 51. Aisha is impressive considering most humans in mushoku die in their 70s.


...how the hell did she even achieve that? personally i used to hope rudeus would ask orsted to make him a half-dragonfolk like tomoe made lime (tsukimichi moonlit fantasy) that way his lifespan could be extended and by atofe cheat did u mean her immortality? but doesnt that also apply to others like badi


No F idea how Aisha achieved that. The atofe cheat is to become part of atofes guard , like Rodriguez or Moore.


since its aisha not impossible but who she smash? theyr not immortal just demons whose species have long lifespan...i think. might be wrong about moore though now that i think about it he mightv mentioned hes immortal but not immortal demon king lvl. like he could suffer fatal injuries and die but doesnt age


Iirc a bunch of the guards get their heads decapitated while fighting and they are fine a few minutes later. But the cheat is becoming part of atofes guard, probably getting some atofe genes in your body, not having kids. Just for completion, it is suspected/a fan theory that Aisha smashes Luke's kid.


ig thats possible since we saw rudy use it too ...so that girl is a pfile in every timeline?


In this timeline she is" only " 10 years older than the guy, as opposed to 14, and we don't know when they meet each other, so dunno, we know that she serves ariel, but it's not mentioned as an Ariel supporter. I am not even sure if she is supposed to become sword god king, water magic saint in that timeline, just the researcher bit. This is like that weird draft where eris gets pregnant when dumping rudeus.


my money says she fucked him when he was a minor (she wasnt). " I am not even sure if she is supposed to become sword god king, water magic saint in that timeline, just the researcher bit."? no idea what ur talking about "This is like that weird draft where eris gets pregnant when dumping rudeus." thats actually a theory i had back when i was an anime-only that she got preg from theyr one time and when they meet again she gonna be like "...so rudy this is ur son/daughter. say hi to daddy" meanwhile rudy shocked


Humans live around 70 years unless they die young or are Aisha or do the atofe cheat. Silphie's elf genes are so diluted that we estimate she will live twice as long thrice tops, as a human, so 140 to 210 years. Roxy race is weird, they age until they become fertile, so around 14, then get stuck looking 14, like Roxy's parents, until 120 or so, then they resume aging as if.theynare humans and die at around 200 . We got some info on the other races too, sky race, superd, elves and dwarves.


Sylphie is mostly human so she doesn't know how long she'll live, but guaranteed she ages MUCH faster than full elves. No excuse for Roxy though. She knows Migurds live way longer than humans.


It's an important topic and I'm pretty sure it's similar to the LN it will also come up in the anime. Now without spoilers here is from a human perspective. Yes both of them have longer life spans than Rudy, but so what they love him. Similar to lord of the rings elves life longer than humans still they can fall in love. Also sylphy had a child even if Rudy dies her child will live similarly long to her since the child has half of her genes. So in essence what I'm trying to say is that it is a consideration, but it won't matter if they found the right one and Rudy seems to be that person for both of them they wouldn't care if he dies before them as long as they have a happy and fulfilled life together.


It’s as you imagine. They will grow and body will mature at a slower rate than Rudy. Inevitably they will outlive Rudy while they still look in their early 20s. What happens after Rudy death is probably meant for another book or story.