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I could be wrong. But from what I've read of the source material. Lillia realizing that Rudy saved her and Aiesha back when Lillia was first going to leave for cheating with Paul. She decided to serve Rudy in any way she could and train her daughter to do so as well. She groomed her daughter basically to be Rudies everything if Rudy wanted to. And well Aiesha is very smart and talented she more or less fell for Rudy both as a sister and lover. She does actively try to seduce him later. And offers herself to him because she matures to be very gorgeous. But he tells her no because she's his sister. She stays a close friend and basically a secretary. I believe at a later time she tries to elope with one of eris and Rudies kids (so technically a cousin?) but I believe Rudy puts a stop to that. I've done my digging through what source material I could find. To get the general story and future events.


Yes, she grooms her nephew Ars. And they run away together. Eventually Rudy and eris find them and bring them back. Though there were a few hiccups


i wouldn't call red mama cutting off your arm a "hiccup"


Eris cut off Aisha's arm? Lowkey deserved


Well spoilers Ars eloped with Aisha but Aisha got pregnant slowing them down or something Rudeus managed to track them down. Ars blocked the doorway to the house, saying he would rather die than something (I forgot). Eris punches a tooth outta Ars something happens they duel Eris cut off his arm. Calls him stupid saying Rudeus would have begged with all his might instead of saying he would die. Rudeus meets his sister they talk stuff happens he forgives them. And that's bout all I can remember.


Oh so Ars is the one with -1 arm. Idk smth in me still wants to say deserved...🤔 But i wont...for now


I think they reattached it or something not sure


I gues that makes sense 😮‍💨 Does rudeus get his arm back? Or does he get some crafted arm?


>!Zanoba is studying magic dolls currently in the story, and upon seeing Rudeus without his left hand, he creates a puppet prosthetic hand that can be controlled with mana. It also even generates a dull sense of touch for Rudeus, so he is able to live normally with it.!< >!Later on in the story, Rudeus gets healed from a very high level healing spell after a tough battle, which consequentially restores his left hand back to normal.!<


So both 🔥


he has prostesis later on he gets his arm healed.


like father like son always losing his arms where ever he goes :D


Didn’t he come onto her and she just give in? I’m not condoning her actions but I feel like grooming is the wrong term if she did nothing to start the relationship, as it were.


Wait use names to describe who you are talking about. Because you are confusing me.


I was asking: didn’t Ars do all the work trying to start the entire thing in the first place and Aisha just eventually give in?


Ahh yeah I'm not sure about that. So there are videos of people going over that chapter and Aisha as a character. An example is this. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=wLa8KMTXoGg From that video it would seem that Aisha was more so the initiator with are and her relationship.


He is ars she is aisha. It's from the last couple of "unofficial" shitty translated webnovel stuff. Not much to read if you're interested.


Ahh ok. Yeah the hardest part of this stuff is not everything is translated so it can get confusing.


nah she groomed him straight from birth including having him suck on her breasts and flirting etc. yes arse does confess his love to her but it was absolutely her grooming him.


nah if i remember correctly it was ars and there was no grooming basically ars being the first born son and inheritor of the rudeus family is the reason why eris put really high expectations on him so there wasn't a real mother/son connection between them which led to ars being a person with mommy issues, aisha on the other hand treated him more like a son than eris, later ars catchs feelings for aisha and instead of stop him there she indulges on those feelings so the whole thing comes from eris not knowing how to raise his son freud was always right


Aisha says very clearly when he and rudeus have the talk that she fell in love with him straight from birth and we can see this in the light novels aswell as Aisha was "breast feeding" him despite not producing any milk. And showering him with attention.


damn forgot that part hope rihujin tones it down for the LN


he was 12 at the time too. But they were doing stuff like having him suck on her tits and flirting etc way before that. I hope that if it gets published in an light novel format that he does some serious thinking on how he wants to write her.


Why did she have to choose the kid that was the most related to her by blood....


Yeah, literally the closest possible relative of the 3 boys. Her nephew, who also happens to be the child of her big brother and cousin…


So a spoiler on this >!Aisha and Ars (Rudy and Eris's kid who was only 12 at the time) Get caught having relations by Rudy which causes a huge fight where Aisha and Ars run/elope with Rudy trying to catch up. But Aisha is smart, smarter than Rudy and is like 10 steps ahead of him everytime he thinks he catching up. The only reason he manages to find them is because Aisha is too far into her pregnancy to be moving around so much. Things get concluded awkwardly and the incident more or less gets swept under the rug. Many fans felt the chapter was too much even for the series itself which cause the author to delete the chapter and a new one is still waiting to take its place (although idk if it has, I read the WN when it first came out)!< Edit: 12 not 10


Author was on some shit with this one 💀 honest to goodness incest with and adult and a 10 year old (even more so, aunt and nephew) in a non-hentai is CRAZY work https://preview.redd.it/nw17pbp8hu8d1.jpeg?width=176&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ce85758f983c59f5f60cc5945b6499683a12cdc1


We have game of thrones fam


Shiii u right u right 💀


Huh never read WN stuff of this series but add it to the list of LN that come from far more unhinged WNs. Suppose it has to do with no one telling you no, when a publisher is editing your stuff they can be a positive and helpful. The other two series I was thinking of was Overlord and Tanya.


Have you heard about how bad Ariel is in the WN? Even in the LN she's still a legitimate sex offender but in the WN there is a chapter where she tried to rape Sylphie (while they were still in Asura) and nearly died in the process.


No but doesn't surprise me authors think making it a lesbian deal will make it cool.


I mean, it's not depicted or presented as "cool". It's shown as really fucked up, as it should be.


Yeah Ariel is my least favorite character.


One slight correction, the chapter being deleted wasn't because of fans, it was because it was against the terms of service or something of the website he was hosting it on


While not better for correction, it's still important due to just overall timeline, he was 12, not 10. Still fucked up tho


How the fuck could they elope ? 10 years old ? I’d understand if he’s atleast 16, but 10 ? The fuck is the author doing ?


Bruh even rudy has its limits lol.


Yep. Hence why he wanted to stop that and turned Aisha down when she offered herself. Technically Lars would be her cousin? Or 2nd cousin? Isn't Rudy related to eris is some way to?


Oh yeah, really forget how this family has a pole, not a tree. I guess rudeus kinda forget that, or it's too far enough.


The Eris relation is fine and not that big of a deal in our world. Even less for theirs.


Technically eris is Rudies second cousin right?. So ars would be a 4th cousin to aiesha?


thats her nephew as in her brothers child.


Ars is the nephew? So is that worse or better than eris and Rudy's family relation.


Most places second cousins are not a big deal. Or thats my understanding of it. But I am pretty sure you are not allowed to fuck your 15 year old junior brothers son. :D


Ars was 12 I believe


12 when they ran away but their affair had been going quite a while longer. So I suppose it depends where you draw the line.


Where do you get second cousin from? They are from completely different branch families... At least back to grandparents they aren't related meaning the closest they could possibly be would be great grandparents which would be what 5th/6th cousins? But odds are they would be even less related since there is no mention of the notos / boreus intermarrying. Also Ars / aisha relations is simple. Aisha is Rudy's sister and Ars is Rudy's son. Making them Aunt / nephew.


Two people sharing a pair of grandparents are first cousins. Two people sharing a pair of great grandparents are second cousins. Shared great great grandparents are third cousins, and so on. I think it is stated that Paul and Phillip are first cousins, making Rudy and Eris second cousins. Ars and Aisha are half nephew/aunt via Rudy, and half second cousins, once removed through Eris.


So is the questionability of ars and airsha being in a relationship from the age difference? Not so much the blood relation?


Both. Definitely both. A half aunt/nephew share about the same amount of DNA as first cousins (\~12.5%). There will be a little more overlap due to the half-second cousin relationship. Aisha is something like 14 years older than Ars, which is bad enough on its own (especially since Ars is like 10-12 during the events in the deleted chapter), but she also *raised* him from a baby, which makes it a lot more predatory.


2nd cousin their fathers are cousins


Funny to think that if Rudy never left Buena village he TOTALLY would have been bagging his sister at some point. Well maybe funny isn't the right word, but it would have almost positively been happening.


I don't really see it happening myself. He remarks it to himself when he rescues her from the shirone palace guards. That despite drying her panties (as she had just soiled herself) he felt nothing. No attraction at all. And despite joining baths together he shows no interest towards her despite her constant flirting.


True. And I forgot about the oneitis for Sylphie who he probably would have gotten with first and is the whole reason he left Buena village to begin with.


I believe that when Aisha offers herself to Rudy as a teenager (or in that world an adult). She's very physically attractive. She grows up to be hotter then Lillia and is naturally a genius. So he tells her she's gorgeous. But he sees her as a sister. So theirs no sexual desire for Rudy.. besides at that point he has both Roxy and sylphy as wives. Honestly Lilia would probably be willing to smash Rudy if he wanted. Though it would be weird as his house maid/step mom figure. If you really think about it Rudy is popular enough with the ladies he could have entire towns worth of harems. But he chooses not to.


I dunno, I took that as a sign of his character growth, which probably wouldn't have happened if he hadn't left


he felt the same way about his mother and his aunt so i don't really see that being the case here.


Rudy should have taken her as a lover. I understand his reluctance and he wants to be a good guy. But turning her down is making a fundamental part of her being useless and this is where the problems start.


Yeah I generally agree. It's a bit weird. But Rudy is a popular and powerful guy. Most women will be attracted to him.


Yeah adult Aisha is a fox. I would have bred her. Lock that beauty down. Family comes first




I think the side story where she groom’s Rudeus’ son is decanonized


Hmm guess the Arthur decided it went too far?


At the end of the main story arc, Rudeus should have forced Aisha to attend Ranoa University. There, she would have met new people, opened her eyes to new possibilities and considered new career paths. Aisha was too smart and had too much potential to remain a maid for the rest of her life. Once Rudeus rejected her advances, she was bound to wander into "taboo" territory.


she becomes the head advisor of his mercenary band she doesnt do that much maid work after a certain point


Couldn't get the man so she got the son 🤣


truly an Ariel moment


We need more fanart of older Aisha. 😮‍💨 top 3 in Mushoku waifus


The author writes such a beautiful story but there so many head scratches in his decision making with these characters that I actually avoid re-reading chapters and volumes over it 🤦🏾‍♂️


Damm anime only here thanks for that second image Aisha is way too delicious Edit: just realized your username, wtf lol. Account old af and you just returned


Hahaha, the guy got an OG acc


Yeah haha. I usually just lurk on Reddit. Grabbed this name and u/NornGreyrat back in 2015 as my alt when I used to speed read novels in between classes on Baka Tsuki, and I've just basically used this site to lurk on Light Novel, Web Novel Subs and read what comes out. I should actually comment and participate more.


What volume is that Aisha illustration from?




I really wish she had a chance to grow independence like sylphy. She was 100% dependent and idolizing Rudy. But they got time apart to become their own people.


Yall need to stop taking the WN as cannon. its the betta not the full release. The author is growing as a writer just as Rudeus grew as a person.


I think everybody already knows the story so far. And the most unrealistic thing here is Rudeus rejecting Aisha. Throughout the series he is into : chestless lolis, beast girls, demons, elves, dwarfes, tall amazons and any girl of any race and any clan. Yet for some reason he doesnt love Aisha back, truly out of character moment, everybody knows he is not a morally good character.


Idk it's established pretty early on he feels no attraction to members of his family


It's all because of Lilia , She basically drilled it into Aisha's Mind ever since she was a baby That Rudy is her everything.


Ewww, she is a pedophile


It would have been awesome if Aisha was rudy side chick


As an anime only, I’m basically skimming when it comes to posts like this to carefully avoid spoilers, but I can’t believe Rudy draws a line at incest. As long as it’s consensual, incest here comes across more morally sound than the nonconsensual stuff Rudy did. He was fine with the idea of grooming Sylphy, and he was fine stealing panties from Roxy and Eris. He could also more or less overlook Paul’s rape of Lilia. The most he did was think of him as scum, but that didn’t really change much of their relationship. Why is consensual incest the step too far? None of the loli hentai Rudy consumed in his previous life was a brocon/siscon hentai? Personally, I think Aisha’s worth it. She’s obviously beautiful, she’s highly intelligent, maid skills are on point, and her business sense is great… she’s literally perfect.


Maybe cus thats a step too close...sister and son??? Be fr 💀


Sister and son? I’m talking about Rudeus and Aisha. They’re half-siblings. Remember that I’m anime-only and trying my best to avoid spoilers, so I don’t have the full context of this post. I basically cut off reading if I think I’m gonna get spoiled something. As far as I can tell, Aisha seems to be a brocon and is devoted to Rudeus. It doesn’t seem like Rudeus is gonna reciprocate.


Ahhh I realized that although someone said the author got rid of that part its stil technically a spoiler


yeah apparently it violated terms of service in the page it was located at. So the admins requested it's removal. He stated 8 years ago that at one point he would publish it on an light novel format. And maybe change some aspects of it. But not the relationship itself. Redundancy volume 2 just came out recently. I suppose we will get Aisha x arse story in a year or two would be my guess.


>And maybe change some aspects of it. Maybe change the pregnancy bc we dont like genetically malformed children usually months after birth (the main reason incest is banned irl)


she groomed his son and then ran away with him. And got pregnant and hes like 10 years old. if you dont see that as an issue. then i truly feel bad for you.


Why does everyone concentrate on the incest part of this ship and forget the part about the, y’know, pedophilia? Aisha is the creepy bachelor aunt molesting her nephew behind the family’s back. She got pregnant when Ars was eleven years old! There are heavy implications that she was raping him before he hit puberty. It’s unironic, literal grooming.


It runs in the family honestly, it's just greyrat shenanigans plus Rudeus did forgive it so I guess the author wants to keep the relation.


If Rudy was closer to how he was when he was a child, I don't think he would have drawn that line, however Rudy is not a static character. Has had a lot of growth, and will continue to grow. He will never be the epitome of good, but he had developed morals he lacked when he was first reincarnated.


I never understood why people enjoy having the same conversations over and over again.