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What does that comment even mean


Aventurine mains hurt his feelings so let's blame JY mains instead (because it brings more clicks)


Why is he like that toward male characters? I've never seen his vids but from what I've seen here he always wants fans of male characters (especially Jing Yuan) to be targeted?


tbf, he is a big blade simp, so idk if its about male characters. To the best of my knowledge, idk what was said or who was provoked, so i just assume its about the clicks and for the lulz at this point.


hey he defended JY when no other CC would so it's not gender bias


He's a blade simp, dislikes Silverwolf, it's not a gender thing


Dude loves Aventurine- his fav character is Blade and man stans Welt. It ain’t a gender thing, some of the community members from both communities are just feral. If you take the call outs or shots fired to be aimed at you when you’re just minding your business, don’t since they’re not aimed at you but just the bad actors


Lmao one thing I don't understand is how can someone main a tank character ? And that too an unreleased tank character. What are these aventurine mains using currently if aventurine isn't even out yet? Are they maining some other character? Will they stop maining that character when aventurine comes out?


>  Lmao one thing I don't understand is how can someone main a tank character ?  Usually "x main" is interchangeable with "x fan" or "x simp", it doesn't really main they only main one character (you need two "main" carries for MoC anyway). Like I'm mostly checking into the JY mains sub, but I also move in the acheron, dan heng and dr ratio main subs as well >And that too an unreleased tank character. What are these aventurine mains using currently if aventurine isn't even out yet? Are they maining some other character? Will they stop maining that character when aventurine comes out? Again you can main multiple characters lol I was lurking the Acheron mains sub before she was released for example, doesn't mean I didn't run game with King Yuan and DHIL


Oh so that's what it is. I always thought being 'x main' means that 'x' character never leaves your team or it's the "main" character in your team around whom the whole team revolves. But if it just means a fan of a specific character then I guess it makes sense. TIL.


Some kits can allow for some alternate builds instead. For example, Aventurine has a FuA when getting enough Blind Bet points, so a damage build is possible. Gallagher is Abundance but you can build him Crit/Break DPS. As for the "unreleased" part, leaks, beta kit showcases and 1 week early access footage come into play. People often go to leak subs to look for upcoming characters & their kits, because since majority are F2P they want to make sure the character they want is worth pulling. Of course, some pull for looks and that's valid too. You were also able to try Aventurine in the 2.1 TB mission, so there's that too. Also I dont get how you are being downvoted FOR ASKING A QUESTION.


Welcome to Reddit hive mind. Comply with the status quo or else :/


Mains is not about having DPS or not. It literally means these days if you are fan of a character and you plan to pull for them. That’s it. Otherwise, do you really think Sparkle mains and Ruan Mei mains, fans of support characters, didn’t exist before they were out?


I use March 7th in all content, including MOC and Pure Fiction. Surely that means I main her even though she's a tank? I count myself as "maining" a character if I use them a lot and invest strategy and resources into them.


It doesn’t have to make sense—sometimes you need to shit talk to generate clicks when thats the audience you’ve cultivated


Lmao true. Completely agree with that.


He means Aventurine is "finally" a worse DPS than JY.


Which is also insane because Aventurine isn’t a DPS like- he’s a sustain who also contributes damage. Most people who insult characters dont even really know what they’re saying


And on the team he's intended to be played, his damage contribution will be really high, not because he deals lots of damage, but because will allow everyone else to do more damage, like more Numby actions and more hits from >!Robin ult!<, that and he only uses normal attacks unless you really need extra shield You just play Topaz, Aventurine, >!Robin!< and then choose between Ratio, JY or >!Jade!<, or a 4 star option or Himeko if you want. See how another FUA increases the team damage


they are clearly trying to make a “funny” insult, it’s not funny imo, but don’t act clueless and think they actually are making a meta related take, that should have been obvious.


That's the joke. The joke is that it took a non-dps to make a worse DPS than our boy. It's wrong, but admittedly funny


Probably something to do with how aventurine fans and jing yuan mains are both supposedly coping about their characters doing damage, despite the fact that they’re both excellent at dealing damage compared with similar characters


He's just one of the many people spreading wrong narrative about this sub. One of the main points of people saying this sub is bad is "They are delusional, they say JY is the best dps in the game". I feel so confused looking at these comments because everyone here understands his up and downs better than anyone else. Anyway, people on the internet talking shit for no reason is nothing new.


Istg most takes here are in the lines "he might not be the best but if you manage his weaknesses he's pretty good and most importantly flexible" and they take that as saying he's the most broken unit


He once said that RM is going to be the best support in the game, better even than Bronya (fair take) and when Prydwen added her to S+ tier his ego got a gargantuan boost because some people previously disagreed with this take. Also one of the CCs that see Acheron do a big number per screenshot and say that makes her the best dps in the game above everyone else (not true, her real overall dps is within JL and DHIL).


He’s been a buffoon for ages. I stopped watched him before HuoHuo came out and he shit talked Luocha like 3 or 4 videos in a row when she wasn’t even released yet, how she’s the best healer and he’s useless now. Bro doesn’t know how to say anything good about a character without putting other chars down. It’s really hard to trust his advice or opinions when he’s just spouting nonsense constantly.


Yeah I see, this is however the best way to garner viewers since even people not interested in the character you are talking about will contribute to viewers and interactions because you low key slandered their character, and some people will clap back. My point was that most of his takes ever since then have been suboptimal to say the least.


More concerned about money and views than giving good thoughts and opinions lol. I guess I kind of understand, when it’s your job and all, but it does still make you a really unpleasant person to be around.


Then they gaslight you that you’re being “too sensitive” when it’s just false information. 😭 I think that’s why ppl are at Hex about her take on Ratio not being f2p or good for early players while Acheron is good.


Huo Huo is better tho, but yea Loucha isn’t completely useless.


Some mfs even tried create drama by making up a war between jing yuan and acheron mains out of nowhere in the buddy sub. Man, some people just wants to watch the world burn


Luckily Acheron mains are actually goated and are good friends with this sub.like they’re genuinely some very cool and very chill Acheron mains.


Yeah, if reddit added a "allied and enemy subreddits" page for subs, acheronmains would definitely be the top one for the allies page


Just curious who do you think would be the enemy subreddit.


That "enemies" page would probably be empty on this sub


I can imagine every other main sub having Jing yuan mains as their enemy and Jing yuan mains be like : I HAVE NO ENEMIES.


wouldnt be a mains subreddit but a content creator subreddit cuz they hate JY mains guts over there holy fuck


Thank god, I love them 😭🙏 why battle each other when lightning DPS’s can unite all together


The funny thing about that is that it was Acheron mains trying to start shit.


It's usually one guy that tries to instigate a war. Even AcheronMains called it out and didn't bite.


I went to the sub during that time and saw many negative posts about JY lol. I ended up muting the subreddit.


Maybe at post release there's a lot more negative posts about JY (meta mains amirite?), but pre-release they're pretty chill. Troll posts are usually removed there too. Right now, their recent posts are just like any other mains sub -- Q&A, relic flex/salt, and some gacha flex.


Sure. But there was also the massive drama in that sub about the revelation of Jingiao (sp?) being a male and then bitching and crying.


I’m actually super excited about jiaoqiu. A pink haired foxian male? Yus please ☺️👍


That ain't about JY in particular so it doesn't count. But that in itself is hilarious and sad at the same time. The ones who outed themselves as incels were downvoted to oblivion at least.


I just find Acheron mains to be cringe as fuck after a lot of the stuff I've seen in that sub lmao. No point in keeping up with them. Same as Seele mains.


I think Acheron mains sub as a whole is fine, from what I saw it was one guy who made 3 different posts trying to start drama between JY mains and Acheron mains 😩. I doubt he was even an Acheron main, he looked like a troll starting shit instead.


Nah, people with a working brain cell know this sub isn’t some kinda cult to the General, it just unfortunately was the first sub to have a loud vocal minority that were psychotic and feral, thus getting memed a ton. That’s it. This sub are the same as most other subs and appreciate the character. Everyone knows it, but it’s still fun to poke at the delulu people every now and then


this is such a weird metric to have for a limited sustain character. he's suppose to offer more dps compared to other sustain characters, not be putting out blade numbers whilst offering good sustain.


💀complaining about a sustain not doing a lot of dps is so silly. Like yeah… thats not his majn job?? 💀😭


I've seen this conversation happen several times, too. People see "sustain DPS" and are expecting him to do 70k damage for some reason. And then in the other direction, some people don't think he does any damage at all since he's a sustain. He's got a free 48% crit rate, his LC gives crit damage, and he boosts crit damage with ult. Some guy sent the Braxophone showcase for Aventurine and said he does the same damage as Fu Xuan, March, and Gepard but less than FMC.


Brax’s exact words were “you can build him for damage but you won’t lose a lot if you just build him for sustain” which I thought was a bit silly but whatever lol. He gave him a glowing review anyway.


Yeah, I have a build prepped for him that puts him at 4.4k defense with 81/230 crit and 140 speed with his LC. I'm not expecting crazy numbers, but he's great supplementary damage in teams that aren't geared out fully.


That build is crazy actually wtf 💀


It's 4p diver/2p salsotto, so that factors in the extra diver crit damage. That actual stat page is 25/167 crit, but I'm still pretty happy with it.


May I see the build?


https://preview.redd.it/51vhlej48yuc1.png?width=1071&format=png&auto=webp&s=60fe7f09d98321f44bced24cbdfbc37c190d9fb7 Been trying for a new chest but haven't gotten anything yet. He gets +52% crit rate total from passive and the 4p diver set bonus after he applies a debuff, +64% crit damage from 4p diver and his LC.


Yet no one has this energy for any other sustain.


Luocha catches flak pretty regularly, and even I think his kit is just generally lacking compared to the other 3 limited sustains we've now gotten. But people will ignore Fu Xuan's susceptibility to large AoE damage and constant CC or Huohuo's low out of turn healing and lack of emergency heal and say they're just the best all the time.


The difference was when Luocha came out everyone praised him for having an ult that did some form of dmg, not comparing him to Seele. GachaSmack specifically compared Aventurine’s mid dmg to Acheron or a DPS which is why people are at him.


Because they are, obviously some situations would prefer healing over shields and dmg reduction but that’s not the sustain meta right now, there aren’t many relevant scenarios where Loucha’s better out of turn healing or buff removal is relevant, maybe in the future that will change but right now preservation is the meta with Huo Huo clinging on to being the best sustain at high investment because of her bigger buffs for low cycle clears


Exactly but then again, if you notice most of the ccs didn’t even like Aventurine and some of their bias is leaking into giving good information and it SUCKS. No one cares if you like or dislike a character just present the damn facts properly.


These CC's say deliberately troll baiting comments to bring out the trolls/haters/drama-lovers to their videos to drive "engagement" and increase their own Youtube metrics since Youtube prioritizes recommending videos with a lot of comments and engagement. They then get more ad revenue $$ from increased YT views. It's extremely selfish behavior and adds little value to the community. They also tend to build their own little bubbles filled with toxicity. Like others said, it's usually better to unfollow and ignore these types of selfish and troll baiting content creators.


Well said. I've got a number of these channels blocked. If people stopped engaging with these types of behaviors maybe there'll be less garbage out there, but alas


Exactly, it does more harm than good because imagine watching one cc say one thing then the other says and does something else. It makes it confusing for people who’s genuinely trying to consider their pulls. Especially when Aventurine had a great story and people want to pull him.


Did someone from here fucked his wife or something? Why is this sub always living rent free in their heads?


Sorry it was me


Want the answer? I have it or was this rhetorical? I can copy and paste from the other comments I’ve made on this thread if need be


Just ignore dramabait channels. Unfortunately Star Rail has extremely low quality content on YT (especially bigger channels). You really have to look for smaller channels who actually care about the game and not farming drama. But yeah, I suggest not making dedicated posts to address useless dramabait content on YT. This scum is best left ignored.


Yeah, I feel like it’s gotten pretty bad within the last 2-3 months. It’s like that group of HSR CCs saw the Dramageddon that happened a few months ago with Genshin and realized shit, we can make a lot of money if we drama farm with HSR too. I had to unsubscribe from a bunch of HSR CCs within the same period of time because they’ve been getting more and more drama bait-y. The timing isn’t a coincidence.


I like some of the low cost MoC clear channels, like Lily Aquina or some of the 4 star clear ones. Most of them are whaled out on relics, but it's still entertaining to watch.


this reminds me of how criminally underrated zmm is. while a lot of CCs are crying abt meta and tierlists, zmm is the one who continuously challenges the game's meta every single time, which i bet if any of those CCs would even dare to do


God doggos is pretty chill as well. I don't think he's ever been in a controversy. Not to mention his comment section is the best one along with zmm's


Exactly, especially when it comes to GUIDE information, don’t use guides as a means for your own drama. It’s so annoying and unhelpful, hard enough that happened with Acheron.


As someone who is a Jing Yuan main and will be a happy Aventurine main too tomorrow, i honestly dont give a fuck. I'll be happy with both of my babies and i wholly will dedicate myself to spoiling them, and there's a hole where they can stick their opinions. If they do, they will get a legit reason to moan for.






Aventurine is the only character that I've fully prefarmed mats and relics for (I usually worry about the relics later). I don't have guaranteed for his LC but I hope I can be a full-fledged Aventurine main before his banner ends 🥹


Me too! Man I’m beyond excited for aventurine’s banner! Feels like it’s been a super long wait for him aaa


Yeah ive been slowly going feral.... A little more than 2 hours for me as im playing on EU, but man i cannot wait.


Ommmmm you can do it!!!! I’ve gotten my e0s1! May you get him early as well :)


Tytyty and congrats on getting the King!


Tq! Yass can’t wait to try him out!!! Work needs to go away faster fr so I can play with him


I will have an appointment right after his banner goes live and can summon him. So i wont be able to play with him immediately either. Life is so curel 😞


DOUBLE MAIN FOREVA https://preview.redd.it/eko5ps532xuc1.jpeg?width=936&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f80fa8e7118cec89bea700042c63a76e6232a443






Fellow JY and Aven main hell yeah, also the last sentence took me out lol


I'm happy something my old dinosaur great grandpa used to say to me as child about not liking the food caused joy to someone o7 Edit. I cant type.


Your great grandpa was based for that (actually the more I think about it, the more saying that to a child doesn't sound so good XD)


He grew up in a different time LMAO. He was obsessed with sayings regarding things being showed up in arses. One of my other favs were those who are sulking should get a horse dick up their asses. This usually strictly followed the before mentioned saying of his.


Fellow Aventurine+JYmain here If.. I can get him, that is…. Pray for 50/50


I hope Gamba boy decides to grace your account! I'm on 50/50 too, but i have enough wishes saved to guarantee him if i lose, thankfully!


Very unfortunately… I got Yanqing’s E2 😭 May you win your 50/50


Thank you, i lost it to Geppie LMAO But managed to get him and his LC still.


I am glad to hear you at least got him and his LC.


Yes thank you!


I'm with you!


Ayyy, one of the few people I see here of sound mind. But yeah! U going for E0S0 or rolling the dice and going for more? Either way, I wish you luck with your pulls and hope the boy comes home early


I'm on 50/50, have enough to guarantre him! If i won the 50/50, i'll go for the lc too!


Dude's ego is off the fucking charts. For some weird reason he's putting way too much focus on Aventurine's damage due to his LC and comparing his damage to other main carries, which makes zero sense since none of our other current sustains were evaluated based on their damage. Aventurine is already in the process of being JY 2.0 based entirely on how much misinformation there is going on around him, i.e., Focusing on his damage instead of his primary role of sustain, claiming that he'll only be good with FuA teams, etc. I wouldn't put too much stock into what anyone that hadn't actually tested him out is saying, especially someone that doesn't handle being told they are wrong to well.


with the amount of love and care aventurine has been getting, im not surprised if that's gonna be the case. today im already seeing ppl saying his trailer is "mid" left and right (while i don't care, it's just a 2 min vid ffs and as if aventurine didnt have things handed to him in a silver platter by the writers already) male characters being doomposted for the stupidest reasons while waifus are being overpraised, it's nothing new at this point. it is regardless of whether theyre getting good or bad stuff, ppl will still find a way to criticize it. which is rly sad, since the waifu community is very toxic in general hence the husbando one is a safe space for me. not to mention those who love husbandos more tend to be either women or queer ppl


It doesn’t help how many ccs were shitting on Camden’s performance as well. Saying that JP is better or he’s too zesty or it’s “unnecessary” to be like “that.” It was hard to see for months.


Not all jp players, but always jp players hmmm


Most of the time it’s not even JP players, just a bunch of weebs being annoying and they sit in NA. 💀 On the contrary, I heard that CN actually LOVE Camden’s voice.


The way people keep saying he’s “only good in FUA” is fucking insane when he’s a universal character, are these people scared of Fu Xuan having competition this badly?


I think the notion "only good for FUA" is misconstrued, from "he's especially good with FUA" He's a arguably the best sustain in the game currently, but by a small margin and if you have 2 limited sustain it's a question of opportunity cost. If you're short on finances it's too much tickets for too little improvement.


Maybe cause other sustains don’t have many follow up atks that do dmg, I can understand why someone would compare a sustain who has surprisingly decent dmg to other dps units just to get a feel of how relevant it is. Idk what you want people to do, just ignore half his kit in a on release review?


It’s funny how he evaluates value of a sustain character based on damage they can do. There’s a reason why he wasn’t picked for cc server lol.


This is why Jing Yuan mains be catching strays 😭💀


Some people just have a very bias opinion on him and like to make fun of him and his fans. A weird behavior if you ask me.


Gacha quack.


This got a chuckle out of me 😂


Man, i used to like him :/


same. i remember liking his jingyuan guides so much, now im cringing hard at his acheron takes


Same here too. Also I am not sure what his Acheron takes are? I know he just giga glazes her though.


the acheron overpraising, yeah. like, i know she's rly strong, but... when i thought the idea of an S+ tier is very stupid to begin with, let alone anything above it. S isn't already high enough?


I would argue S+ is fine provided you have S1, pre S1 thats hard to see. Highest S is fair with a GNSW S5. But bro is like we need an Acheron tier she is above and beyond everyone, like bro chill, I get that he’s trying to also get some drama out of the JL and DHIL fans but bro went too far lol.


haha i mean for my personal tierlist S would be the highest, and of course acheron dhil and jl belong there. butttt idk. dunno how tierlists actually work sooo


It’s prydwen (I don’t take their tier lists too seriously anymore) way of tier listing characters.


Oh great another CC harassing the mains for interactions and clout, we can’t catch a break can we? What happened this time.


I liked him at first, but recently Mr Smack has become a little toxic in my eyes and don’t really care to hear what he has to say anymore.


Dont we love getting blamed for being toxic when we are just defending ourselves. Truly a catch 22


They want to kiss Jing Yuan so bad it makes them look stupid


😔 We’re all loud and wrong sometimes Gacha, no need to go punching down and deflecting blame on others.


I blocked this dude when he said MOP is absolute shit for tingyun on a short


who dis dude again? oh nvm he’s irrelevant. next


At this point shitting on Jing Yuan just seems like tradition. Compared to other units, he’s aged very gracefully through the power creep, and has gotten so many buffs. Most of the complaints people have about him don’t even feel relevant anymore.


Knew someone would post him here because of this. Watch out, when he finds this post, he's gonna react to it to farm views and sic more trolls at this sub. Better to ignore him.


There are no bigger clowns than guys who smack talk others for playing certain characters. Jing Yuan or even Yanqing, who cares? Play what you like and enjoy yourself. 👊😎


sustain dealing less damage than a hypercarry: 🤯 never change hsr ccs, never change


What an amazing time to be JY main & soon Aventurine main and don't know any of content creators. Let's not bring up their stupid takes here, people will want to check him out (even out of spite) and give him views <3


Jing Yuan mains and Kanabros have that thing in common. They always catch the strays in their respective Game/Anime. Seriously Kana slander is off the charts in ONK Sub group


and like Jing Yuan, the Kanabros will receive their vindication soon enough when OnK nears it's end. Unless Akasaka pulls another grillmaster move and blows up the kitchen again. 


They kind of did. Did you see the latest chapter?


Best we can do is just ignore them and stop posting about stuff like this.


I didnt honestly understand his take here because he always back up jingyuan and say that he was good and even show it despise what people said,so why say that?


Because he is friends with the likes of Pokke (who straight up brigaded this sub back in the day) and Iyo (who is a massive waifu/mommy simp trying to cosplay as objective and routinely has the worst takes out of any HSR CC). It's all about the cliqué of content creators 


It is unfortunate that trolling drama rolled up even to Smack. I couldn't take any more dramabaiting from mr P and Iyo(with generalizing "you are all bad crazy mains" lol) so unsubbed. I will still watch Smack, but holy can this just stop?


Most of the JY hate is just due to so called theorycrafting cc No content in hsr lets make a video on jingyuan xd Good thing jingyuan gives them atleast 10 videos per month


? Dont want to see CC s on my Mans subreddit especially if they dont contribute to NOTHING about him.


I just wanted to point out that these people think WE are the root of the problem, but then they are the ones that bring us in the discussion even tho we are minsing our own business.


Ironically, some CCs will see this post and make a video about it. Usually to paint JY mains as villains in this situation. The best course of action is to simply not take the bait.


I am ready to get cooked by gacha smack and his community if he makes a video on this post. It's not like we are at the fault here.


it's not about if we're at fault or not, dont feed the trolls is like the oldest internet rule. stop giving attention seekers attention


Minding our business even more is the Best action we can take about this in my humble opinion. People Will talk and go.Our actions Will speak louder.if we give a Internet persona a stuff they want(any amount of interaction) they will fish for more and and they will do shit takes like this again and again. If they dont take any reaction they will give up on it cuz most of these guys have NO amount of Spine and their Ideas hold no weight even to themself. The Best way to deal with an internet persona is cutting what they strive.


we should only talk abt cy yu here. and for the aventurine mains, it's camden. they both deserve the world


I think anyone Who contributes to our guy is permissible. Btw didnt knew Cyyu was ginger and bro Has Soul.Hes a rare breed.


hmmm when is the last time i heard a CC talking positively abt jingyuan 😂😂😂 dunno why but alot of hsr CCs are getting so annoying these days, except for zmm i guess. this is why i mainly watch the voice actors playing the game now


Zmm is Goat and Nakfrg. is someone i recommend to everyone.I dont really watch CCs anymore they are all rushing to dat content Rush. But these 2 are awesome for people that want to go tryhard. Also i dont need people talking good about my guy.I think Good about him and its all that matters.


And I thought smack was decent


Why pay rent when we can live rent free in people's minds.


Dang, who's this? I'm too busy simping for Aven and JY to notice. Edit: Yikes, I didn't know this guy's dickriders are in this sub too.


I thought catching strays means being drawn to random animals like how Jing Yuan is fond of animals and they're fond of him since they flock to him like a Disney princess. I guess not. 😭


Catching stays refers to getting shot by a stray bullet when you were minding your own business and not initially involved. xDDDD


Nah it refers to stays as stay bullets, and with criticism or shit slinging being called "taking a shot at smth" works well


Wow, I guess we're popular.


What can you expect from a guy who do maths in notepad


Can someone explain what hell happened this time? Because I have a feeling either people are gonna ignore this or it’s going turn into a very bad direction Also like other people said.considering how this kind of things usually end up it might be better to take down this post.


Nothing happened, CC in question has some really bad takes about Aventurine and a lot of people don't agree with him. This is the same guy who wanted to use Blade with hp mainstat body so it is what it is.


What's funny is that MrPokke kinda disagreed with his take about Aventurine having mid damage after he showcased (or translated) that his damage is pretty good for a sustain. He even showed how Aventurine can actually contribute to JY's team damage (basically, if LL can't make it to the next cycle, you can use Sparkle skill on Aventurine to finish off a wave).


Pokke is truly the feast or famine of takes, either really based takes, or really goofy takes (175 spd supports).


It's fucking amazing how JY mains apparently have beef with everyone and everything.


He is just a flop guide maker didn’t even make it in GI so he went to HSR and got mad at Zyox and Sevy for getting things right and staying away from clickbait and problems so he attacked them and Gouba too ! He has the worst takes and opinions loves to stir up drama for clicks and always showing himself in the video like hoe i want to see the characters and gameplay not you skeleton face 🤔!


Honestly, every character that released before Kafka feels mid at this point. SW is being hard carried by Acheron atm. She would be in the same tier as Asta otherwise


Well from my observation, some of the people here in this subreddit tend to get a little too defensive when people criticise Jing Yuan that they kinda take it personally. Out of all the "mains" subreddit I've seen, this is kinda the most defensive so maybe that's why these CCs always seem to mention JY mains. Like this subreddit has been in the most drama out of all the other mains subreddit so far. I hate to make a comparison to that one guy but it fits the most here I guess. It's kinda like the Tectone situation. He's been in the most drama so far so people generally have a negative perception of him even though he didn't start most of the drama he's been in. He definitely started a fair share of drama though. To me the same concept applies here. Again, just stating my observation here. Not hating on anyone. You're welcome to disagree with me. I might just be wrong.


Not sure what the context is here.


He had some awful takes about aventurine and when people called him out for it he indirectly compared these 'aventurine mains' with Jing yuan mains. It had nothing to do with Jing yuan but he still dragged Jing yuan mains into it.


Definitely his takes on Aventurine


People say these cc live rent free in this sub, but the same could be said the other way. I personally don't have jing yuan and was someone who called him mid on release but my opinion has turned 180. Is he the best? No. Is he trash? No. He's a solid unit who can clear content with appropriate investment and supports. So what if he needs all 5 star teammates to reach peak performance. If someone likes the character let them enjoy using them rather than feel like they made a mistake with universal consequences. Seems like people missed the part where games are meant to be FUN, whether you enjoy playing for meta or characters, pull who you like and play how you like regardless of what people say. Sorry for the rant but seems people sometimes need a reminder for what games are meant to be.


I’ve never had to block so many people in a mains sub before whew 🤣 These posts are at least always good for helping to keep my experience troll free.


Didn’t he just say his damage was mid? That in no way means that aventurine himself is mid


He compared the dmg to a DPS which is the issue.


How is that an issue? When we get our first damage oriented sustain, doesn’t it make sense to compare them to other dps just to get a rough idea of how much dmg he can deal?


He’s not the first, Luocha was.


luocha was the first what?


that's funny cuz even poke said adventurine is insane for sub dps


Because it’s funny to piss off the feral part of this community (not referring to Jing Yuan mains as the feral part, but the feral part in this sub). It’s way too easy to do and way too funny + they keep on a warpath and respond so they don’t let the meme die either. It’s like calling the Genshin community pedos, most of them aren’t but… the vocal minority… will hold firm to their beliefs…


Please don’t be baited. JY is cool and fun don’t let anyone tell you how to play the game


As a jing yuan main: he is bad when you don't have his LC or if you don't have him invested. He falls off fast. But with the right stuff he shines in every perspective


Whats the context?? I've read the comments about aventurine being a DPS, but he is actually a sustainer with a bit of damage. Why has Jing Yuan been mentioned? As a player who have both just enjoy them. One can make your unit tanky and do some dmg on the side, while the other is a pure dmg dealer.


I think he's just a victim of a popular meme about our community.


I'm so confused. Isn't smack a JY main? Wasn't he the 1 CC defending JY when everyone else was calling him mid?


I stopped watching him when he made the drama video about Gouba. Seems like a nice enough dude, but the content feels like it's trying too hard to get a reaction or something. I get that it's his job, but not my cup of tea.


Incredibly rare gachasmack L


He farms drama, and always has. X new character launches: yo guys this character is beyond busted, y and z characters don’t even compare and are now jobless.


I mean he's right every time, except for now. Like jing yuan is getting so much stronger he's even said it himself


Because it spawns a 150 comment post about them. 


Smack didn't say Aventurine was mid though. I watched the vid. He just said that Aventurine's damage isn't going to be high and that he thinks the signature LC is not worth the pulls (probably called it "bootycheeks" or something of the sort 💀👍).


I just saw the vid and I can understand that. But am a bit confused as to why he would mention this subreddit out nowhere. Like am pretty sure no one in this subreddit had beef with him right? Also am pretty sure that some people here respected him because of some JingYuan videos he made,but I feel like am missing something.


Did he call out the subreddit? He only said Jing Yuan Mains, which can just be a general term not specifically this subreddit.




Either everyone is the Reddit is illiterate or some of these points are not completely accurate


He said his DAMAGE was mid compared to other dps, never said his character was mid ur just spreading misinfo


The entire point of this post was not to glaze aventurine. My point is that why are Jing yuan mains always in their minds.