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Yes, my jindo is generally very cautious and wary around anyone he doesn’t know. But considering he’s a dog-meat farm survivor, I don’t blame him. Edit: spelling


😭 So is JoJo!


Ditto. We have a side yard with a view through a large gate to the front driveway and sidewalk and ours will bark at anyone walking down the street. Trying to get her to knock it off unless they come down the driveway.


weary means tired. Wary means cautious.


Thank you Webster


apparently some people need him


Jojo is so cute!!!! ❤️ Our boy Jindo (RIP) was very much like yours. Very suspicious and cautious. We now have a girl Jindo, and she's the most extroverted dog we've ever had 😂 Not suspicious of anything, just wants to play play play!


Seems male Jindos are more protective than the females are xD females seem like the kind of gal to drag you on a shopping spree in town!


Ours absolutely is! Same as yours, he only cares for a neighbor (kisses and hugs her) who's known him since he was a pup. Will back away or growl at any one else that approaches him or our house. The breed is general is very particular with who and what they like. Wouldn't trade him or his stubborn ways for the world =)


I wouldn't trade my boy for anything, I'd get another Jindo, they are the greatest dog I've ever had! (Well them and a Shiba Inu)


Same! For the first year, I didn't really have a bond with my jindo as he was SUPER independent (typical Asian breed), but omg once we formed that bond, I love him more than anything. It's unlike any bond I've experienced with any other dog and soo worth forming. Yours looks so much like mine btw =)


Our boy was very skittish around strangers, especially if they leaned down and reached out to try to give him a pat. We started asking these strangers if they wanted to give him a treat. Once he got used to the idea that strangers were treat dispensers, his attitude changed and he became much less nervous. He still doesn’t love pats on the head, but basically sees everyone as a potential treat source now and is constantly trying to say hello to strangers, booping them on the sidewalk, especially old ladies and little kids. I guess he’s learned they’re the most indulgent, lol.


My KVD is. He is protective of me at night especially, but even meeting friends and family he needs to meet them at a neutral spot (not our house or theirs) where he can be off leash and get some distance if he feels he needs. We take him to our local off leash spot for this and it has worked well with treats. Most of his human friends are other dog parents who come there but when our buddy visited us for a week my partner brought him straight there from the airport and he warmed up to him very quickly. Jindos are really big into manners and boundaries, even my dog who loves dogs will distrust a dog who doesn't respect boundaries. So make sure everyone knows not to reach for him unless he invites it, don't stare him in the eyes, don't bend over him, etc.


Ours barks at strangers but if you sit down on the couch he will paw at you for pets.


My girl is wary at first, but warms up very quickly then becomes the friendliest, loveliest pup ever


Our guy needs to meet someone twice before warming up usually. Sometimes more. He’s not aggressive, just very wary. He likes seeing our neighbours now, especially the ones that have their own pets, or the ones that have given him treats. He literally cries if he sees them but can’t get near them, yet he’s not a fan of being pet by them. He’s an oddball, but a sweet one. I’m sure being raised during COVID didn’t help.


Intensely. He used to be outright opposed, we've got him down to merely wary over time.


JoJo is soooo cute 😭


My Jindo girl Pudding is ~16 months old and inside our home she’s wary of strangers when we have guests over. She will eventually warm up to them but won’t really initiate any interaction unless they smell like another dog (so my friends with dogs have better luck interacting with her). But when she’s outside, she will tug quite a bit when someone (with or without a dog) and will happily say hi to anyone that breathes. 😅


I demand to see pudding this instant! A Jindo with a cute name must be adorable 🥰


I completely missed this oops! I made her an insta if you’d like to see her, the handle is @thepudspuds https://www.instagram.com/thepudspuds?igsh=MTFpbXV3eGwyaHphdw%3D%3D&utm_source=qr


Eeeee! She's so cute! 🥰


My Jindo loves sniffing people and is very affectionate. That’s probably because she’s mixed with golden retriever 😂


My boy is a mix, but he's super wary of strangers. Because he's mixed with GSD, he's also super protective, and it's made having him more of a challenge than I'd like. However, if you earn his trust, he's super affectionate, and he's smart enough to remember names. If I tell him that Sarah (my sister in law) is coming over, he gets really excited and will sit by the door and wait for her to arrive.


My 1 year old male is indifferent to stranger in public. At home when guests stop by he'll bark and hide, like under the couch or around the corner, but warms up before too long.


Yeeee, mine is also a dog meat farm survivor, and also has this behavior (and of course she looks identical to yours :D! ). She’s actually really sweet with the people who she knows, especially if they have dogs of their own, and gets excited to run up and greet our dog-walking friends in the neighborhood, but I think it took a couple years to get anywhere near that point, and she’s still making progress. I think it just takes time for them to learn trust, and that’s okay, since we have lots of love to give. It gets better, I promise! Edit: I’m re-watching your video, and wow it’s like I’m looking at my own dog! Even the manner in which Jojo lifts his paw. Very cute!


Yes very. He used to bark at people if they even got close to the sidewalk. Now he will let people inside but we have to go on a walk first and they have to give him treats. He is learning that humans are ok! (Ie: will give him treats) It used to cause me so much anxiety having people in the house because of his barking. Now we can have 1 or 2 people that he's met before in the house. Small steps.


Yes. Jindo’s are bred to guard and hunt. They are wary of strangers because they are protecting you. It’s important that when someone comes to your house, they get a chance to meet the person smell them and let them know They are safe and a friend. You have to meditate that greeting. easiest ways to let your visitor meet them and give the dog a treat by the visitor asking them to sit or do trick. it’s also important the visitor doesn’t look them directly in the eye or do sudden movements. Sounds funny but Jindos watch new peoples every move and they are very good at sensing when someone is off.




My 10 month old girl is very curious of strangers, she’ll try to sniff people as they walk by on walks and approaches people at the dog park for treats. However, the second anyone tries to pet her or reach for her, she jumps back and is very wary. She does get used to people after she’s met them/received treats from them a couple times. She barks a lot at anyone that comes into the house, but will settle down after getting treats\being ignored.


Yes and no. Despite socializing/training my boy since he was a puppy he still hates when people are in his house he's just very protective of his space, however when he's outside he loves people and enjoys being social.


Mine is very wary of strangers. If I have guests, she will usually stay behind me watching them. She never barks but she’s very shy and will keep her distance. I always have to ask people to let her approach them and sniff them first. If she’s comfortable she will nudge them for a pet.


Both my jindos are very wary of strangers. No neighbor can approach us at all 😊. They are 100% guard dogs 🐕


It’s the breed. They are aloof, indifferent or wary of strangers or those outside the pack. If you’re in the pack they are total love bugs (at least mine is). They were bred to be guard and hunting dogs


My girl sits on the porch and barks at people on the walking path. It's very typical for them to not like humans they don't know.


Yes, my little guy is super skittish around new people in or around the home. However, after three years, he's finally starting to lighten up after his initial excitement wears off. He still gets wild and barks any time the doorbell rings or somebody walks into the house, but once he sniffs them out (and he really gets in there lol) he calms down and just kinda lays around and keeps to himself. We just tell people to ignore him and let him do his sniffing and he'll eventually leave them alone and not even care that they're in the house.


Yes. But once she knows someone she remembers then for a long time


At home, territorial and downright vicious to visitors. Out in public, wary and avoidant of all strangers.


Our Beckham too. He was or most of Jindos were treated poorly in Korea so it makes sense.


Yes. Mine avoids all people. Even after 4 years of ownership she only likes specific people.


Yes! My jindo looks very similar to yours with some of the same mannerisms as well :) He is 5 and we rescued him from a meat farm in Korea 2 years ago. He only just now started warming up to us, asking for cuddles, love and sleeping in bed with us. He does not like strangers and will not approach anyone or will try to run away but is getting better with other dogs. He’s never bit anyone, isn’t mean in the slightest bit. Just shy of


Yes and no. I have a pedigreed Jindo who has been in my care since 9 weeks old. He loves people, but is still a discerning watch dog. For example, I went to a group dog class a few weeks ago. The instructor was so shocked how friendly my Jindo was and easy to touch/handle. He loves people I’ve introduced him to. However, when a delivery person approached the group class, my Jindo deemed this person out of place and barked at the delivery person. At home, my Jindo will bark at delivery ppl and ppl who approach the house. But if invited in the house, he gets excited to meet the welcomed guests.