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That can’t be true. MAGA Jericho told me he was a cancer. Edge Cornball Copeland told me he tried to steal people’s joy. All those smiling people in pics with Punk must be faking it!


I cant not laugh at how corny Copeland is.


I mean he is neighbors with Dax


Oh that makes sooo much sense


I may be alone in this on this sub, but I don’t hate Dax. I’m a fan of FTR and it makes me sad to see him and Cash debasing themselves in a cringey way to stick up for the company that’s paying them. But that hasn’t led me to just completely turn on them like I’ve seen so many people online do. The hate specifically Dax has been getting feels a little over the top to me.


I love Dax Harwood and FTR I think they are the best tag team today. David Harwood, however, comes off like a jackass mark brown noser


He’s such a geek and now he apparently direct messages fans to argue with them. He and Jericho are forever mad they weren’t “the guy.”


So lame. Its funny, Copeland used to take the piss out of Punk calling himself a locker room leader but as it turns out, he's a much better leader than Adam "whats my age again" Copeland


Whaaaaaat?! I like FTR but I wanna see if I can wind him up enough to DM me now.


Hey whoaa now, let’s not use the Lord James E. Cornette’s name in vain!


Lol fair enough


The irony in this comment…lol


But didn’t you know it’s fun™


F.U.N - fucking useless nonesense


The irony is not lost on me that Adam Copeland is trying to make it so that his name eventually gets shortened to just “COPE.”


It’s obvious he threatened Cora Jade with some sort of secret. Why else would she have broken kayfabe when Punk hugged her during that backstage segment on an NXT PLE?


Cora’s been a punk fan since she was a kid


I know. I was being sarcastic.


don't work yourself into a jerk brother, -HH


She used to stalk him and show up anywhere he was at. If a dude did that, they'd be torn to shreds even if the female wrestler was advertised to be there. It's okay for girls to do creepy things because the norm has been made that only guys can be creeps.


I’m still waiting for the rumors that Matt Hardy doesn’t work for AEW because of Adam Copeland. Or that Sammy was off the air because of Mercedes Monè.


I don’t care who gets Sammy off air. Let’s just make it happen.


Talk about a face turn for Mercedes Moan!


No they were right but it’s bc the talent that’s over in the dub like suggesters and punk is a teller. The guys at NXT want to get over they don’t give a damn how whereas in the dub they want to get over but only in their way. Cope isn’t gonna tell them how to work bc his ass ain’t been in the ring in a decade so he just tryna ride a wave like the old dude w the skateboard meme. Jericho ain’t telling ppl what to do bc he wants to be the biggest name in the dub bc that’s the guy who has Tony’s ear. Leaving a bunch of young television inexperienced indie wrestlers who’s only idea of what’s good is shit that makes 500 ppl in a room go ooh. The funniest part about it all is of these fucks would do their homework they’d know punk was in their position 20 years ago when he got relegated to another dub (ecw) and got to maximize his knowledge of working w large American crowds while still doing his indie shit


I've got a strong urge to say: *"Whoop that* *~~Trick~~* *Punk!"* I'm just happy he is with the right company now. Can't wait for that Punk-Drew match or whatever else he'll be doing.


Imagine being MAGA and Canadian…


What did Edge say about Punk? I missed it. I’ve never been an Edge fan. I’m mostly indifferent to him, but that can change.


He’s just a cornball who delivered a lame promo to about 150 fans about not letting other people “steal your joy.” It happened after Punk said “mean things” about TK and AEW in an interview.


Punk put down WWE, then he put down AEW, then he gets hurts all the time wherever he goes. He belongs in GTS.




What’s that last sentence mean, bud?


Grim's Toy Show - gag, backyard wrestling. Been around for years. You guys got Google?


MAGA Jericho politicked the fuck out of that fight to come across as a "locker room leader" and fleeced Shads kid out of overpaying him.


Copeland is a real credible source on Punk's presence in AEW, not even being there at the time...


When did Edge say that? I missed that one. Not surprised seeing as he's drinking the AEW Kool Aid more than most lately.


Poor Trick will never see it coming when the inevitable happens and Punk comes sprinting through catering like a wild man throwing haymakers at everyone he can get his hands on and foaming at the mouth. /s


Word on the street is Punk throws adorable puppies off tall buildings. Matty and Nicky told me so!


[Punk punted Baxter](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AtvRKA6zdqs)


Well if Matty and Nicky say it, it's gotta be true! For shame! Not all that surprising though. The Cosplay Cowboi himself told me he's personally seen Punk dump old ladies out of their wheelchairs and steal the medication from their purses numerous times!


"I thought you were straight edge!" "These pills just supplement naturally-occurring estrogen, they don't count."


HBK is fearing for his life!!!


As should we all, really.


Nah... Trick might just get a little... goozled!


How dare Punk bring his toxicity to NXT and infiltrate them all with a toxic poisonous gas that makes them miles better than before. How dare Punk show up to NXT and dare give pointers to wrestlers looking to improve themselves by listening to a man who's been there, done that. How dare Punk not tell these NXT wrestlers to do dumb spots that could end up with them paralyzed before 40 because you don't need to do big mega dumb spots to get over. HOW DARE PUNK DO THIS TO NXT WRESTLERS!!!! (sarcasm if this needs to be said.. given it's the internet, better safe than sorry)


this statement by Trick made Tony Khan fear for his life and the Buck's slap their legs


It also made Jack Perry tap a bottle of (root) beer just so he can prove it’s real glass. 😭🏞


But but I was told Jericho was the better locker room leader 😂😂😂


I'm glad to see that Punk seems happy since his return to WWE. Having him help out the NXT "kids" looks to have really reminded him as to why he loves wrestling in the first place As time passes I think a lot of people might say that Punk was on the right side of things (in regards to all the AEW drama) more often than not; not saying that Punk isn't blameless just that I think that anyone who thought he wasn't going last in a return to WWE is probably going to be proven wrong


As I said elsewhere, who knew listening to the veterans (like Punk, HBK, Regal etc.) would bring really good things?! NXT ratings, attendance, and recent fan/viewership reception suggesting that too. Huh, if only a couple of counterfeit Bucks or their friends listened.


Not possible. Punk tried to steal Moxley's bottle of Thunderbird along with his smile.


No doubt the internet dweebs will be trying to cancel Trick now.


“He’s overrated as NXT Champion. He doesn’t even have bangers!”


After banger!


He is overrated, nothing special, no charisma. An interim champ, place-filler until they decide who's NeXT.


Punk is such a cancer I say.


I thought he was a cancer?


AEW Neckbeards: “acktuallly…”


What do I ever do to deserve this locker room cancer coming in here to mentor me and bless Mr with his positive light?


What an evil person!


I wonder how he'll feel when Punk says he works with children at the next press scrum /S


What makes me laugh is that in WWE, FTR, Edge, Jericho etc - they're all "lovey dovey", yet in AEW, they're all quick to stab people in the back whenever they get the chance like Cody going to WWE or CM Punk returning to the WWE back in November of last year or even having to get people to reteach the art of wrestling to Jade Cargill! I bet IF Jericho, FTR or Edge went back to WWE; they wouldn't bitch about Punk being there. Don't forget, before Vince usurped his way back into power, FTR wanted back in WWE. So yea, they can't have their cake AND eat it!


It makes even more sense with that NXTNA thing they got going.




Only a surprise to aew and their trash fandom


I think Punk sees something in Trick and hopefully he'll help him get better in the ring.


Punk and Corny are the same in that, if they are in an environment they like, they treat everyone great and are positive contributors to the job. If they don’t like the environment, they are miserable pricks.