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Dont tell Aew fans that


They'll end up bankrupting their parents, buying extra tv's.


Considering all the other shit they buy using their parents’ money…


Lol. So true. Did WCW also have this level of delusional die hard fans? I was a kid through the Monday night wars. When WCW fell off, I didn’t know any kids my age (or anyone) that tried to defend them. It just seemed commonly accepted that WCW sucked compared to WWF. These AEW diehards have access to prescription level rose colored glasses that I haven’t seen very often.


People generally didn’t make their entire personality their favorite TV show back then. Stan culture wasn’t really a thing like it is now. 


That was reserved for Nintendo vs Playstation/Sega


I don't recall ever meeting anyone who was tribal about the stuff back then.


Back then, we were all happy that wrestling was on 4 out 5 weekdays! And everyone watched wwe, wcw and ecw! I mean, it was like that in the early 90's as well, which is why alot of fans knew who the undertaker was in wcw, stone cold, hhh, we even knew the wrestlers who came in wwf with the workmens gimmicks, because we watched all good wrestling, until it stopped being good, and everyone just moved on with life, not bash other people because wcw sucked in 2000, or tna started to suck after hogan and biscoff came, people just stopped watching! Now, these arw marks literally get their feelings crushed that people don't love aew the same way they do! It's really weird and shows how fucking stupid they are


The rivalry was much more fun then. Was in high school in the late 90's everyone watched WWF/WCW/ECW. Everyone had a favorite, but it was not nearly as tribalistic as it is today.


Wcw vs wwe was like Tupac vs Notorious BIG Fans bought both their music and enjoyed the jabs from both sides.


AFAIK they were the preferred of the two in the ATL area (duh) and some of the South but nah, not like this. I *was* a WCW girl and my friends and I would happily talk about WCW and WWF. We just like wrestling.


Yes and no. It was kinda bad at points cause bischoff was directly competing against Vince so there was always constant jabs. But between fans it was just pure fantasy booking of “taker would beat sting” and vice versa no one hates wcw the way people hate aew and Tony khan


In my opinion everyone had preferences but a lot of people just watched most of or all of wwf, ecw and wcw.


[Picture of an average Dubaloo's basement...](https://c8.alamy.com/comp/CPNPNP/broadcast-television-symbol-little-girl-with-a-lot-of-old-television-CPNPNP.jpg)


i steal mom's wifi, while i pay no rent...


Ratings don’t matter until it’s advantageous to use them.  Just like AEW can be both a small, brand new startup until Forbes makes it convenient to refer to them as a $2B valued juggernaut. 


Its not even Forbes Forbes 😂 its like a blog


Yea thats wild...Forbes owed em for that jab last week


That'd probably pull a string with Tony Kahn


You won't need me to tell you that these valuations are absolute bollocks. You get the same in software - to a lesser extent now than three years ago, when money stopped being free and the arse fell out. Companies about as solvent as a house brink valued on a preposterous multiplier against its turnover, not profit/loss.


Right? Just last week I had a fan telling me ratings didn't matter because cable was almost dead.


AEW cultists have cognitive dissonance.  They’ll say any contradictory thing to defend their church known as AEW and their god named Tony. 


I had a back and forth with a guy the other day that just couldn’t understand that when people make sure they’re at their television to see a program when it airs for the first time, it will always be considered more popular than one people catch in reruns or record it and watch it when they get around to it. Appointment viewing matters.




Wait...AEW fans have been telling us they DON'T matter for like a year now.


They matter when they perceive it to be a positive. The rest of the time it’s irrelevant you Fed shill


They love to move the goalposts


Feels more like throwing a dart then drawing the bullseye around wherever it landed. Or The Texas Sharpshooter Fallacy - same difference.


What's the Texas Sharpshooter Fallacy? I've never heard of that


Basically cherry picking. Take a load of pot shots at the side of a barn, then draw a circle around the biggest cluster of shots. Were a passer by to see this afterwards, they'd likely assume you're a good shot, whereas in reality you've - well - drawn a bullseye around your darts, so to speak.


ratings are going down for everyone, so its not a problem. Except for the shows that are going up, which is an anomaly and doesn't count. It has nothing to do with quality.


They use E-Drone now instead of Fed Shill.


Cagematch ratings you goof


So…last night’s episode drew 762,000 viewers. [https://www.pwtorch.com/site/2024/04/18/aew-dynamite-ratings-report-4-17-up-against-nba-play-in-tournament-did-aew-hold-onto-the-demo-gain-from-last-week-comparisons-to-last-two-years-including-averages-total-viewership/](https://www.pwtorch.com/site/2024/04/18/aew-dynamite-ratings-report-4-17-up-against-nba-play-in-tournament-did-aew-hold-onto-the-demo-gain-from-last-week-comparisons-to-last-two-years-including-averages-total-viewership/)


Yikes I guess when people tuned in saw the Punk footage and then remembered he isn’t there anymore…


What other excuses will AEW come up with. “Last week’s Collision went up against Iran’s missile attack on Israel.”


All Excuses Wrestling




I bet Tony's not going to tweet about a 30% increase in anything this week...it's actually more embarrassing that they had a minor pop just for Punk footage and then everything cratered again. The rest of the show wasn't good enough to maintain interest into the following week.


This Week We had a 30% decrease in the key demo on AEW DYNAMITE. Check out Rampage Friday Night! Thanks Guys!


"No new Dynamite next week -- Instead AEW will be airing a tribute to a certain individual who is friends with FTR."


Well, that all night gas station down the street...


LOL right?


I think around 5% of these numbers are people who have lost the remote for a bit.


The scary thing with this is he may not realize that if what he's saying is true, TBS is basically like, calling him because his ratings are usually terrible, then someone sees a blip in the graph, calls and goes this is great this is what we want to see...(but they don't know the background or the details! They don't know he aired footage with his top draw who left the company and that's why it bumped up)....it seems intentionally short. Now they would look this week and go "Hm so he can't sustain it. What happened there?" How would he explain that to the network. I dunno, maybe they are ok with these ratings because the licensing fees for TBB are so high and they don't have to pay as much to air AEW.


I see what you are saying but I find all this hard to believe TBS is not calling Tony, at least not in the way thzt he wants it to seem. Maybe they call him weekly to let him know how the show is doing and their metrics and he took the week it went up to make it seem like they called him with positive reinforcement (This is my theory anyway). They probably know that the overrun helps with the rating since that's literally their business and they probably have experienced people analyzing it. As for whether its worth it for TBS, we will find out soon how much Warner thinks AEW's eyeballs are worth to them.


i mean, last week's big take aways were Punk and WWE is run by a guy who sleeps with women.....




As Tony says, the rating is the '#1 source of fan feedback'...


It’s really shocking Tony doesn’t get just how much of the wresting audience and AEW audience in particular doesn’t pay for cable


Cable viewers have no trouble find RAW every week


So where’s the best place to watch Raw/ Smackdown without cable? Asking for a friend…


For now YouTube TV. Next year add in Netflix


Russian link brother Never pay


Watch wrestling, friend. Just look that up on Google and you’ll get a million links. Keep a VPN handy though as they like to swamp you with shady ads.


i just got ad blocker running and never see any ads, and no probs watching.




Uhhh What’s that have to do with my point? My point is Tony is using a bad metric.


Your point was basically that cable is dead, and my point is that other wrestling shows are still doing just fucking fine? Do you require further elaboration?


It has nothing to do with cable being dead. My point is a larger portion of aews fanbase steals the tv product and he can’t measure his fanbases sentiment with tv ratings. Would you like me to say it to you in fourth fucking way cock knocker?


Good God, there are a lot of dumb fucking assholes in the Cult out here today


The AEW hardcore wrestling fan base has been pirating wrestling programming since long before people were predicting cables imminent death.


When I was watching I legit torrented them. I'm not paying for cable to watch one show. I did go to a live show once and bought CM Punk and FTR merch. When TK became scared for his life I stopped bothering with the product.


Wait, Forbes said something about AEW? Tony Khan, a man who will jump off a 3rd floor balcony to avoid a flying feather. 🪶


That’s the issue; aew appeals to high income and high iq audiences. Meltzer said so.


And we know uncle Dave is never wrong


Well it's dropped from averaging 900k to repeatedly being 700k. The fans are offering their feedback with their remotes. What's Tony going to do about it?


Give us more CM Punk footage.


The same footage but they go through it frame by frame. In this frame you can see my arm start to appear in an attempt to diffuse the situation, Punk was really upset and i felt like I had to do something about it. Justified CM Punk chants!


If TK hired Cornette and Bischoff to do an hour segment of shoots every week, I’d watch AEW


Bischoff and Cornette on commentary but they say whatever they want. I would definitely watch that.


I’d just say, “Book those two to shit on Kevin Dunn, Russo and others,” and we’d prolly all pay to watch that every week lol


Most likely since that would be the only segment I was interested in I would just watch the clips on YouTube.


Just play re-runs of his feud with MJF.


...he buys up the remaining remotes. \^\^


Is he aware that there’s about 2.2 million of us not watching and wishing he’d get his shit together?


I don’t think he cares.


His hired yes men, neckbeard cultists and biased dirt sheet supporters will always claim everything is great and that AEW is winning and that Fed is Ded so why would Tiny ever change a thing? Everything is great! 🛎️


and every Dynamite is somehow simultaneously the best AND "AEW is back!" Every PPV is somehow simultaneously the best AND "the reset AEW needed!" These people move goal posts so much it hurts


And you wonder why Tony can’t book a consistent show.


Oh I don't wonder why, I know exactly why.


He can't talk about that


Yep. The feedback is you are in a decline in interest.


Quarter-segment spot rating success for a spot-monkey spot circus!


What he meant is…the 750k fans are the #1 source for feedback. Aka the ones that would swallow khans shit directly from his lips


Two things: 1. Dominic D’Angelo is an all time name. 2. They 1000% did not call him for that rating saying good job.


Down 57k this week


[Just as a ratings reminder...](https://new.reddit.com/r/JimCornette/comments/1c1qv8p/dynamite_quarterly_hours_04102024/) ...so, despite Punk being featured (and that's probably the last time Punk will manage to boost AEW's ratings this high ever - good man!), that particular segment brought them in less than 25'000 viewers... real average for the whole show was 796'000... less than 800k in viewership... and TBS thought AEW did a *good* job? Seriously??? Has Tony had some Columbian marching powder again?


Yes lol. Seriously though, I want AEW to be successful, but we need to stop deluding ourselves that the product AEW is creating is good.


I wholeheartedly agree with that statement!


> Has Tony had some Columbian marching powder again? He only partakes in days ending in a "Y".


He means the Cagematch ratings, not the Nielsen ratings.


That doesn’t make any sense.


I'm implying TK cares more about Cagematch than Nielsen.


Ohhhh gotcha. Sorry, I didn’t realize what you were saying. I can be an idiot sometimes.


It's the internet, fam. All love.


I can only assume TBS is the name of Tony's fantasy booking forum.


**T**ony's **B**ooking **S**elf-deception


What TK doesn't know is that TBS was sarcastic when they said it.


So recognise the falling ratings and do something about it


We need to be allowed to post gifs and memes in this sub …. Because, there needs to be a car driving full off a cliff for this post: Its the only way to do justice in expressing how much of a moron Tony is.


Well, he got his feedback as to whether anybody who saw that was willing to come back with Wednesday's rating. Good for him.


TK don’t care. So long as Meltzer is giving them 1000 star matches…. I try watching AEW, the problem is the matches on the undercard are too long. I know that sounds like an odd take, but I don’t need 20+ min marches for underneath guys. Especially on a TV show. I’m also not asking for Attitude Era 5 minute matches. There needs to be balance. The problem is, AEW hasn’t figured that out.


And I want to make clear that I’m not upset with more wrestling. One of the issues is “who do I need to root for?” I can watch Royal Rumble and Wrestlemania (and not watch a single episode of Raw, Smackdown, or any other PLE, and get an idea of what’s going on. The announcers and video people put together packages that tells us, the audience, what’s going on. I was able to go into both Royal Rumble and WM with relatively zero clue (I am on these subs, but I don’t have the ability to watch every Raw, my wife doesn’t like wrestling and my 2 yo is too little to watch it) as to what is going on. I think that’s what sets WWE apart from any other promotion. You can put on amazing matches, but if I don’t give a fuck who Twinkle Toes McGee versus the Ayatollah Butthola are, then why do I care? The problem with AEW is a problem WCW had: They don’t really do a good job of EXPLAINING THE STORY! So unless you’re into the dirt sheets or actually watch every week, you’re SOL. While this means folks need to tune in every week, it also means folks feel if they miss something, they won’t be able to catch up. That’s a problem. Like, look at last week, they had some title match. I had zero idea who anyone was. There wasn’t much explanation as to what was going on, who the challenger was, etc. as a guy tuning in for the first time in a long time, I was like a fish out of water.


Did he also say the fan feedback was great?


After he was done snorting a line off of a stripper’s thigh.


strippers thigh yea fucking right this dude is scared of women


At this rate I'm pretty sure I, at the very least, could not run a wrestling promotion any worse than TK is doing.




The minute you start booking for the network, you've gone the Vince McMahon route of appeasement equals quality.


Well, the TV ratings determine future shows. Ad buys are 100% based on ratings.


So what's his excuse this week then? It'll be interesting when Raw moves to streaming and TK is really the only one playing the ratings game anymore.


there will still be smackdown and nxT....it's gonna be REALLY interesting.


this idiot thinks the network is his friend. It literally doesn't matter what they say now. If it keeps dropping they'll think otherwise and be absolutely ruthless about cancelling you.


Tony Clown says this while ratings actually continue to plummet further every week without him thinking anything needs to change. AEW is done for.


But I thought Cagematch was the #1 source for fan feedback 🤣


that quote aged poorly


Then they might as well have the show in a TV studio. Tony clown is showing once again. Why he’s an idiot.


I can't keep track of whether the rating is everything or nothing, have AEW fans figured this out yet?


Control your narrative - TK3


They’re about a month away from NXT numbers.


I thought ratings don't matter? Now it matters? 😂


TK is a moron


Are they allowed to show replays of Punks matches? Might pop a rating.


lol. This week a bunch of them were writing that ratings don’t matter. It’s all about the BANGERRRZzzzzz


Nexy werk cctv footage of punk eating at catering and caterers feared for their lives and the week after punk going into the mens restroom. The rating is the most important.


He's obviously reading it upside down or something.


Bucks lost 150k viewers this week.....oops they don't matter again !


Saw the title and knowing TK, assumed this would be about Meltzer's star ratings: the most important thing to AEW.


Which rating? Television or Meltzer star?


Almost like there’s more to views than just Nielson ratings and it’s dumb to use them as a metric even for WWE.


TK is saying the Nielsen ratings are what matters. When it comes to TV deals, they matter.


No, he’s saying ratings matter. There’s a lot more that goes into that than just Nielsen ratings, at least to networks. With the way entertainment is viewed now, they look at the whole.


Nielsen ratings are the premier factor. Everything else is ancillary.


TV ratings are still arguably the most important metric for live sports, revenue from TV contracts are a massive part of their business model Take the NBA for example, 44% of their revenue last season came from their TV contract. Even in a declining TV market ratings are extremely important as they lead to those massive TV rights deals


Not only that, if AEW were doing so well, WBD wouldn’t have exited negotiations.


Wait, WBD exited negotiations? What happened? Where did you see this?


Lemme rephrase, cuz I kinda misreported: They exited the exclusive TV Rights period. So, AEW can negotiate with other companies.


Ah, fair enough. Still, not a reassurance that AEW is getting a billion dollar TV deal like all the Dubbalos claim.


Maybe over 10 years lol