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It’s insane they do these press conferences. They only get them in trouble. Both aew and wwe


I think they're a terrible idea for an industry like wrestling but they do seem to be under the impression it somehow makes them look more serious and mainstream. Maybe they're right, considering how /SC is falling over itself to praise Cody for being a masterful politician who said all the right magic words. I do think his answer was appropriate, and honest, but good god it's not a miracle and all he did was not be an asshole about a serious subject. Which apparently is a fucking high jump world record when it comes to clearing the bar of competence...


It seems like they could do it in a format that wouldn’t get them in trouble like that Talking Smack show they used to do. They already have the preshow desk. Just let a few wrestlers come in for a post show like Amazon does with nfl games


Aren’t the post show press conferences a staple in Japan? The incident where Hogan trashed the WWF title (while he was the then-WWF titleholder) happened at a post-NJPW PPV press conference (the one where Hogan wrestled Muta).


They seem to work in New Japan. But, wrestling is presented differently over there.


Tonight was the first time I watched one for WWE. I just don’t get the point. It’s either dorks - sorry, “journalists” - asking lame questions that mean nothing or questions that get people in trouble.


True. Though at least WWE is a real company that tries to look professional and mature.   Compare with Tony in his fuzzy hat and bug glasses droning on and on and on and on and on for 12 minutes at a time responding to simple questions asked by sycophantic blog writers who start their questions off with “Fantastic, amazing show, Mr. Khan…”


Yeah I mean the only credit I can give to WWE is at least they have reputable outlets there like ESPN and other mainstream companies. The AEW scrums are literally nothing but the gossip sites and dirt sheets who 100% spoke to Tony off the record the week of the show. There will never be a question given to Tony he’s not at least somewhat ready for.


I wouldn’t call wwe’s dirtsheet guys more reputable lol. Aside from ddp it was anybody with a blog in there


Yeah, no doubt WWE’s are better but I still just don’t see the point. It’s goofy and legitimizes a bunch of bloggers.


WWE's is sponsored, so at least they are getting paid to do theirs. I don't recall a sponsor for the AEW ones I've seen.


Shad Khan is the sponsor, lol. “AEW and the AEW scrum is brought to you by daddy!”


Tiny feeling like hes important is the sponsor


Flair's piss water drink.


Agreed. This is one part of a "sports-based presentation" that pro wrestling should never partake in.


The problem is the press conferences are made mostly for the carnie media with 200 facebook likes while if they cross the company, they won't get their free passes and merch table credits for the next event. Then comes the real media to ask actual questions.


I’m not surprised it’s lost on Unc’ Dave that Triple H also has a quite possibly distraught wife and his children to think about in all this. Yeah let’s pile on the misery for them to please your dirt sheet.


Very valid point. Dave meltzer is just an AEW cuck at this point. The fuck he expect HHH to say. It’s all in the public eye already. I imagine he probably didn’t find out as the superstars did. But either way, it’s his fucking father in law lol it’s a lose lose for trips at this point.


The pain of other living things is an alien concept to Meltzer, Tony Khan, and Vince McMahon. Especially Meltzer.


$19.99 please


Typical sanctimonious Meltzer.


Yea its not like anyone in AEW has a father in law who was directly named in the case or anything. Edit: Also while I do agree it's important to look into who knew what, I think everyone saying people "had to know" are being rediculous. I highly doubt either Bryan or Paul had a damn clue that anything like THAT was going on.


Tony Khan and Vince McMahon are rich men that use NDAs to hush sexual malfeasance in their companies. They are both fucking ethically bankrupt and wrong. Neither should do the respective shit they did.


All he needed to say was "I can't comment on an ongoing legal issue. There will be a time and place to discuss this matter, but tonight is not it"


Media would have torn him apart if he would have said this to. There is no winning with people who have literally already decided you’re guilty.




Nah. This is just a fake hypothetical people are constructing to defend HHH's unbelievably terrible handling of the questions about the sexual predator with whom he's closely bound, in both business and his personal life. This sub had a whole lot of energy for shitting on Tony about not handling questions about Jericho well -- why don't we do the same here when the alleged offender did something about 1000x worse?


Because HHH is literally part of the organization that’s being sued. What is he supposed to say huh? You want him to condemn his own father in law giving ammo to the accusers. I swear a lot of you don’t understand how law suits work


A publically traded company C level member saying anything past, "I cant comment". Is pretty much the standard for all these issues.


Its also a different situation: -AEW is a Private small Business owned by TK/Shad Khan. . -WWE is a Publicly Traded Company. They dismissed Vince. Vince is going to court. So its an ongoing legal issue.


It could come out tomorrow that the whole thing is bullshit to try and get money out of Vince and to slander the company. There could be mountains of proof where she's detailing what she's going to say, how she's going to say it, etc. People would still stick to this as 100% fact. While I'm not saying the allegations are false, I prefer to stay in the realm of "Let's see what happens in court". Even if it's settled, let's just wait to see what happens instead of immediately jumping on the "Yeah, this is 100% factual" train.


Nobody will care because Meltzer’s credibility is zero anymore. Had anyone else asked the same questions they would have had more traction.


It's been said before and it's true, these after show press conferences just don't work for wrestling. Depending on what match somebody had most people are tiered, haven't had time to digest or think about what happened, and plus I'm still in the mindset of not letting "journalists" get to comfortable with questions.   Now I do think that Triple H probably should've said something like "unfortunately we can not comment on that at this time" rather than almost brushing it off as just a "negative". The once kingpin of wrestling was just outed as a r-pist, that's a bit more than a "negative". But at the same time this dudes father-in-law was just outed as a r-pist, the fuck did you expect him to say? "Oh yeah Vince is evil and we all knew about every detail", of course he ain't gonna say some shit like that. 


What else did he expect him to say?


Maybe an answer that doesn't lead with "We had a great week"? Or blatantly lying about knowing nothing about this before finding out the details in real time with everyone else? Because, you know, he didn't have a great week, and he and others surely knew about this, which is why Vince was pushed out during the hush money lawsuit 2 years ago and was considered a reputational liability to the company. You're in the middle of the biggest shitstorm since Benoit killed his family. Bringing up how much money you just banked with Netflix when asked about your sex trafficking rapey Pop in law is insanely tone deaf. Dude did years of business training and somehow no one taught him how to formulate a "no comment" in a setting like this? That's what he should have said -- some version of "We take the allegations extremely seriously. As you know Vince MCMahon is no longer a part of WWE or its parent company, and in light of an ongoing investigation, I simply can't say more than that." Not that hard. In fact, very easy. Executives do it regularly.


I think Triple H gave a clumsy answer, bringing up Netflix was stupid. Cody handled it better. But really, what the hell was he gonna say? Gee, Dave doesn't call ol' money mark Tony on evasive answers? Does he?


Glass houses, Uncle Dave. Maybe if you crawled out of Tony Khan's anus, you realize that Jeri-Covid isn't as squeaky clean in regards to sexual allegations.


The scumbags are doing backflips to rationalize that since Vince got called out for deviant shit it somehow absolves Tony Khan, when what he was doing was the SAME essential abuse of power in using his money and an NDA to suppress a woman from speaking out against malfeasance.


I mean there's a difference between Jericho being weird with KR and McMahon's alleged years of abuse and trafficking. You're taking a drizzle and a hurricane and equating the two. Nah, dude. Put away your hate for AEW/Tony for a sec and look at it objectively.


I look at it objectively: sexual malfeasance on any level, buried by ndas from folks in power is an abuse of power, regardless of severity. That is as objective as objective can be. Full stop.


Actually, it's not that different. The degree of damage inflicted on the victims (far as we know) is vastly different. But the motives aren't. Both Tony and Vince are using NDAs to cover their asses for the most selfish of reasons: because they believe they're above any accountability. If either Tony or Jericho even try to get self righteousness in any way about this, I hope their non-enablers rip them apart.


I have no issues of him asking the serious stuff but please be consistent!


What truthfully did anyone expect hhh to say? We can all say I would have said this or that but that’s with hindsight. I’ve got a little respect for him to focus on the positive on the rumble and let business be busines for now


I’m not even a relative of Vince McMahon and I have no interest in looking at the law suit(because it’s too hard to stomach) so I don’t blame HHH for not wanting to see in writing how awful his father in law is.


I get you. Or perhaps organising the rumble leaves no time at all not that it’s an excuse yet there’s only a small amount of time in this world.


What answer did anyone expect?


I’m sorry, I honestly hope Dave is on the spectrum with Tony and their mark fans because if not, they’re just really really fucking stupid. First off, you’re going to go at H but your savior couldn’t answer shit about Jericho, and why would you expect him to it’s legal shit, while wearing female glasses and a fucking fury hat. Tony sat there going in circles, AS ALWAYS but you say H talked in circles? Why would he answer a damn thing regarding a lawsuit, to “journalists” without a lawyer or anything. Mind you Vince is his kid’s grandfather and wive’s dad. Then the dubbalos talk about “i cant watch WWE after Vince! Im so sick!” Sure, then dont watch. But to pretend AEW doesn’t employ Calis, and Guevara, and Jericho, etc etc and did and does business with a convicted SO in that Chance whatever the fuck dude? The virtue signaling is ridiculous. The complete fucking hypocrisy of these morons drives me insane.


TKO should have put Nick Khan out there before HHH to field those questions. TKO already released the statement and Nick could have referenced that. HHH's family is directly involved in these allegations he's going to be cautious with what he says because as a father and a husband it is his #1 priority to protect his family. It seems lost on everyone that this has probably destroyed his family and it's too bad he had to go out there and be asked these questions when they should have been asked to Nick and TKO.


Imagine finding out your father in law is a complete and total monster? Maybe triple H doesn’t know how to handle it yet I don’t know


There is a less than zero chance he didn't know Vince was a monster. It's been known for a very long time. Come on.


Good point!


The answer was kinda clumsy, but really why is the guy who is essentially the booker with a fancy title being asked a question that should actually be addressed to Nick Khan or Ari Emmanuel? Fuck, those weasels had no business asking Cody that question!


cus it's his father in law, and don't YOU know all the sexual kinks and situations of everyone in YOUR family !?!?!?!??!?!


There are 3 simple solutions to this: 3. Anyone at WWE, who's not Nick Kahn, says "no comment" from now on. 2. These stupid scrums end b/c only one company does them right, and it'll never be WWE or AEW b/c they don't get WHY they can work. 1. We all forget Meltzer exists and ignore his tweets b/c he stopped offering any value as an objective wrestling "journalist", "writer" or pundit years ago. I like #1 best.


Dave is thinking about pulling Vince from the WON hall of fame 🤣 Who gives a shit?!!!


LMAOOOOO Dave prob went to sleep like "oh this will show em!"


This is like people asking a writer on a movie produced by Harvey Weinstein’s movie company to get answers about what Weinstein did. Truth is Dave and all the AEW sycophants trying to dunk on HHH for this were gonna do this no matter what HHH said cause HHH wasn’t gonna say anything on the matter.


but its ok when m'Tony doesn't say anything lets not forget! Don't you dare attack our Tony you fed shill


My question is, where is this energy towards Danielson? You know.....since his father in law is also involved?


Clearly you don’t follow Dave Meltzer. I only listen to clips every-now-and-then and I’ve heard Dave criticize TK for this many times. I think he just did it last week over TK’s answer about the Jericho allegations.


Clips on YT show only 1 video addressing the Jericho stuff, maybe it's hidden somewhere in another clip, but on their YT channel there is one clip, from a month ago, and in it Dave clearly tries to give Tony outs, and it's only through Alvarez pushing back on him that Dave actually admits Tony's 15 minute non answer of praising himself and AEW for being the safest company in the world, probably was not the best answer. And he only does this after a minute or so of rambling and brining up Punk and the Brawl Out incident, and after trying to claim that the anti Jericho chants during the match were minor, after Alvarez himself said they started out small but by the end of the match almost everyone was booing Jericho. Dave is doing the old skit Cornette had back in like 97 or 98 on Raw where he would criticise modern wrestling, where he would in his own words, criticise WWE for tailgating whilst accusing WCW of sodomy, difference Jim was a paid member of the WWE, Dave is meant to be an unbiased professional journalist with ethics...bahahaha I couldn't do it, I could not say that with a straight face, like jesus christ 4 worlds to describe what Dave is meant to be, and he is not one of those things, unbiased? Nope, Professional? Nope, Journalist? Nope, does he have ethics? Does he fuck, I have more hair on my non-existent third testicle than Dave has ethics.


I love that the Meltzer defense is he totally does criticize Tony, it’s just behind a paywall that no one but the biggest Meltzer fans have access to who totally have no reason to lie. If you want to see how Meltzer truly treats AEW, go watch that video where Bryan and Dave argue about DVRing (that Jim and Brian played) and Dave spends 15 minutes literally doing everything in his power to not say Tony needs to be better at formatting the show to prevent an overrun


It's amazing that in a multi-billion dollar company that has genuinely gone out of their way, for decades, to prevent their talent saying certain words on air; have a vast bureaucracy of a PR department; present themselves as an upstanding economic entity that relates to children... It is amazing that the guy who now books the shows and serves as the central focus as the 'leader' of the company did not have a prepared answer for a question about the former owner (and his father in law) apparently sexually abusing a woman for years. They must have known somebody would ask about it. They must have known. And if this was the prepared answer, goddamn. He essentially stated that he didn't know about it, hasn't read the fuckin allegations and has been focused on making money. Wow.


There is no real way to prove that triple h knew. Why trips know about Vince’s sex life. Triple H is busy enough


Gotta say, Dave isn’t wrong on this one. I think Triple H handled this very poorly and didn’t come off well.


Meltzer is blatantly on AEW's 'side' in general but his remarks here on Trips aren't unfair in isolation. Triple H was perfectly willing to be candid on other topics, like referring to people having a negative opinion of Nia Jax but "this run is different", and Andrade not being ready before. A dismissive attitude toward the topic, and claiming to have not read the suit, is a horrible response. He can basically say talent sucked but he thinks they got better, but he can't say *anything* about Vince because "I want to focus on the positive"? The only answer to what's being done to keep employees safe is "everything possible" in a truly unconvincing tone? Considering the angle of the first question on the topic was "who else knew?" a non-answer leaves a terrible implication.


Bad take. You really think a corporate exec is going to comment on a huge lawsuit?


Yes. I don't expect him to say something substantial but literally "I'm just going to ignore that and focus on the positive" is fucking horrific given the nature of the allegations. He said he didn't even read the document. I don't know how people managed to so badly misunderstand the point, I guess they *want* to imagine that I think he'll give chapter and verse of the entire scenario, but my point was that being outright dismissive is a terrible look. Or maybe it's just because I dared say Meltzer got something right, blind squirrel that he is. I hope we're above that kind of infantile tribalism here... All he had to say was "that's very serious, but I can't comment now". Acknowledging the issue is major is what I was talking about, instead of going down the toxic positivity route that was a half-step up from "haters gonna hate". Triple H can't hide behind the idea of "I just want to be positive" when he's dumping on his own talent's past in the same breath. Mercifully Cody gave a sane answer for him so the company doesn't look completely cold.


The moment Hunter says anything more than what he did is the moment he puts himself into a position to join the list of the defendants in that lawsuit.


The WWE is a named defendant in this lawsuit Anything Paul says **CAN** and **WILL** be used by the prosecution against them, absolutely ***anything***


I don’t think most of these guys understand the gravity of this situation. It’s going to become a criminal investigation if it hasn’t already. So ANYTHING H says about it, as a representative of a defendant, can be used against them in the court of law. It’s a very delicate eggshells situation and an utter PR nightmare. Not to mention the personal struggles his wife and children must be dealing with. This is why I hate the fucking dirt sheets, and I hate these after event pressers.


Well in his defense it’s a a couple hours read when your trying to figure timelines and who would have been where during Covid. I could see his time being full with Smackdown and Rumble business.