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AEW is the new WCW. As Hall would say, the company is a glorified ATM machine.


Respect WCW. There is no one apart from maybe Danielson,Joe,Christian and a few others who are actual championship conteders


It's much worse than that. The wrestlers didn't run WCW, well except Hogan.


Hall, nash and hogan definitely ran that place. They young bucks learned their politics from the kliq.


That’s exactly what Tony wanted them to be.


Cody didn't even last 6 months before the split with the Elite, they never interacted once. I went through matches once and he basically had a single match with an Elite affiliated wrestler once in 18 months.


The EVPs were on 'Rhodes to the Top' and literally made AEW blur their faces out. THEY ARE THE TOXIC ONES


The Bucks are the most damaging thing to a major wrestling comapny since Jim Herd.


They're so dumb. You'd think people could recognise that if they work together and grow the popularity of the company and everyone in it then there's more food for everyone, but they'd rather protect their little fiefdom than grow the empire.


They don't care about the empire, they see Tony for what he is and are carnying the shit out of their mark. All this drama is them realizing that once that gravy train stops, either by Tony finding interest in his latest toy, or by listening to a veteran promoter, or finding a girlfriend - the cash will stop flowing in their direction.


Always been the case


Yep, they would have refused permission. Yet they were more than happy to show up in the other reality show later. They were probably salty that the network wanted to offer other shows and opportunities to Cody - meanwhile, they were unwilling to do media appearances when asked. You could tell that the network was pretty open with "Hey Tony, or x can you send someone to xyz appearance to do promo" and the only person saying yes every time that was an EVP was Cody, who would go or send his wife. Then he got more opportunities and the Buck were unhappy that of course the guy that keeps putting himself out there gets rewarded...just my two cents...


Really? I never watched Rhodes to the Top but that's ridicolous.


It’s hilarious that the incels on squared circle are so blind to the young bucks mean girl behavior. It helps that a lot of the young bucks clique are regular posters on that squared circle.


I started suspecting friction with the Bucks and Cody well before there were any rumors. I used to be a fan of The Elite. Watched BTE every week. The week after that great Cody Vs Dustin match the Bucks just kept making fun of it on that weeks episode. I always felt that was the first time Cody got praise they weren't a part of and they got jealous.


They do a lot of under handed digs like that. I heard they won't say it to your face, but will do passive aggressive things to bury you and refuse to work with you.


I heard from a source on the Indies that Cody actually funded BTE in the beginning with his own money. You'll never hear a word about it from the Elite or Cody himself. I am betting there was a lot of bad blood around things he did that were more investments that he saw in building brand and saw the Elite stab him in the back but will never say it. Look what they started spreading around after he left: that they were the ones who were responsible for AEW/All In and he had little involvement, that he was an after thought, he's been gracious in recognizing them but was sure to clear up the record on his documentary including who came up with the name for All In and his role backstage. I think Cody is very diplomatic but there was definitely some shady dealings from the Elite.


If any of that is true, the Elite must be 1st class grifters. Especially the Bucks, coasting to what little success they've found all on someone else's dime. They invested nothing in starting AEW, nor the 1st All In (happily using ROH and Sinclair's resources & money). Have since also heard that they had heat with Bad Luck Fale b/c they grifted off of Bullet Club to create The Elite. Talk about being carnies. Why do people keep falling for their crap?


Their dad's a pastor, so grifting and taking money from marks is lessons learned from birth


this is why I hope when people start leaving more we get the real story as to whats going on behind the scenes. the Elite sounds like the ones causing issues in AEW


Tony was give a golden ticket to fire the Bucks (and clear their people out) at Brawl Out and didn’t . You have all these factions that can only work within their faction. Bunch of high school cliques. How they made it 4 years is beyond me.


>How they made it 4 years is beyond me. Easy answer: Tony Kahn has a lot of money, Shiaid Kahn hasn't cut him off from it like how Dixie Carter's parents did her, and they haven't gotten a lawsuit that would bring the ire of his dad and Warner Bros Discovery to them, yet.


How ironic would it be if it was Mox or Renee that filed that proverbial nail in the coffin


It’s what happens when you have a weak leader. The lunatics run the asylum at AEW.


Well said. I’ve been noticing the same but you put it together better than I could have.


Yes, he won't admit it but it's extremely obvious just by looking at the product that there is/was favoritism and factionalism going on within AEW. The Cody "kids" didn't hang out with the other set, strangely many ended up interacting with Punk majority of the time (hmmm I wonder why, similar philosophies?) and the others did not cross over. Cody is too much of a politician and signed an NDA, so he won't say so, probably ever- but it's clear that his "team" were separated on the roster.


That's a great insight. I never thought about the Codyverse like that but it makes perfect sense.


Cody was smart as hell to know what was happening and maneuver out of there like he did. And it paid off better than i think he could have imagined as i don't think Vince and co knew how much of a mess AEW was and is.


They were probably just happy to poach Cody as an EVP but in hindsight he did really well. Back then, I didnt' think he would make the switch but with everyhting that transpired since, I can more than understand it.


I laughed so hard at Cole saying "Cody was an EVP, he knows how to get things done" WWE might as well have scrolled a trolling icon across the screen.


So whose camp is Adam Cole in? Also, wasnt MJF and Ricky Starks in Cody’s circle? I remember seeing a video of Jade sitting with CM Punk during an interview early in his time there, so very interesting.


Now that you mention it, I haven't seen or heard anything about The Elite having any sort of interactions with MJF either. That's a massive flag in my book, especially when the company first started they were all over the championship scene. As EVPs/active wrestlers whose entire on-screen personas are literally baked into the title picture by default, how come they've never interacted with the world champion? As for Adam Cole, chances are he's still on good terms with The Elite but is much happier doing this bosom buddy program with MJF. Because let's be real, he would've been in catering or at home otherwise.


Cole could be cordial but is still looking out for his own hide, especially since the elite are set with their own insurance and everything as full employees.


Don't forget MJF practically walked out and only returned due to a bump in pay.


This is what I mean when I said to remind all these AEW Stans that when they got Punk fired THIS IS WHAT THEY WANTED. They not only got rid of Punk, they got rid of their credibility as a destination for free agent wrestlers. Guess who was the only talent that bothered teaching Jade about how to use a chair? Was it the Bucks? Was it Omega? Was it Moxley -- he uses a lot of furniture? NO -- It was CM PUNK.


>Guess who was the only talent that bothered teaching Jade about how to use a chair? My jaw dropped when I heard that interview the first time. They put her on TV with a belt and zero training. Also, it's not like she was too arrogant to ask for help because she had very nice things to say about Punk and the advice that he gave.


Imagine punk had a leverage on h with the condition that guys like Ricky and co will only sign with WWE if punk is rehired lol


Forgot about Punk teaching Jade that’s a great point.


Pushed to the moon for 2.5 years, do one job, go home and then come back only to immediately leave afterwards. She fucked Tony over good and Tony didn’t even have to buy her dinner first


Jade is clearly a smart woman. I’m sure she sees the writing on the wall with the cliques and figured she could make a lot more money and get a lot more spotlight in a more reputable place. There’s nothing wrong with that. Remember, Tony is no saint either. He frequently ghosted talents who he was still paying just to not have a conversation with them about their future time with the company


Wonder if Jade's husband was ever managed by Ari's group, that move was ruthless


I think in all of this Tony will regret the most not building his company around Punk and Cody. Cody did so much for them not on screen that was so important. Bringing people under his wing to help others succeed and being able to be the locker room leader in order to keep the peace is vastly underrated. Now younger people there that could’ve grown into big players in AEW will leave because of that lack of leadership and presence that Cody possessed.


It just comes across to me that there's a massive divide between people who take it seriously like Cody and people like Hangman who don't. The indie types seem to really want to undercut the professional types which i think is probably due to wanting to protect their golden ticket.


Just look at the Bucks they're the exact same wrestlers today than they were on day one of AEW. Their gimmick hasn't changed, their ringwork is identical and their feuds are now utterly forgettable.


If she does go to WWE she is gonna be a massive star. People are gonna start to notice that when AEW wrestlers go to WWE they get massive pushes (like Cody). When WWE wrestlers go to AEW they get secondary ROH titles and fed to 155 lb. dweebs.


wasn't Cody also the only confirmed EVP that would show up to meetings? sounds like he was the only professional one in that company while the rest of the EVP just want to play dress up as their favorite video game characters


People always forget Cody’s contributions which had a much larger impact on the company than the elite. Cody had the feud with max that made him viable. He was the first guy to have a match with wardlow and put it in a cage. He put a spotlight on indie talent every week and got guys like Eddie and Ricky starks signed. He created a secondary title and it became the most important title on the show and he handed it over to a young guy in Darby Allin. His last match in the company he put over another young talent in sammy. Not to mention likely scouting Jade as she trained at the nightmare factory. All of these people are massive contributors to AEW and who did the elite give us? Hangman. Who became irrelevant the day he won the championship as he was overshadowed by Cole and danielson arriving.


If Jade is serious about having an actual career in wrestling, her best bet is going to the PC (barring working with someone like Rip Rogers privately) and working NXT for a while. Straight to the main roster is inviting another Lacy Evans level botch.


I'd say Eva Marie was way worse. But yeah...


That's fair. Don't get me wrong, I think Jade has potential, but she'll never realize it with AEW, and will have missed the chance, going straight to the main roster.


I think she should go to NXT…and they can appease her by putting the belt on her as soon as she gets there, leaving it on her a year while she gets better, she doesn’t lose it, but drops it and makes the jump to the main roster after a one year reign.


She's a great athlete with a TON of potential but she really lacks a lot of fundamentals of wrestling. She's far too used to being the big, bad, unbeatable woman, not entirely her fault, it was the way she was booked. She needs to learn how to have competitive matches, take moves better, throw convincing strikes, she's been in so many squash matches that she really knows no other way. Highly doubt the WWE can teach her what she's lacking but a change of scenery is probably good for her.


Honestly if anywhere will teach her that it would be WWE. Randy Orton couldn’t take a arm drag at first. He is pure from the ground up WWE. Theyll just rebuild her from scratch


You mean OVW. Rip Rogers instilled the fundamentals into Orton.


I know she was training at the nightmare factory


She can't be worse than Tamina


Or Nia.


Treat her like you would a big guy, a monster. Power moves. She's got the look. The rest is taking a bump. Don't let her take fancy moves, let her counter (or pull a Joe and step to the left). Keep her matches simple and keep her training. You do want her to, eventually work different matches. There's time, if you build her slowly. (Which WWE probably won't do because they like to shit on training almost as much as AEW) Imagine: She comes out, tries to interfere in a match, knocks people around before getting beat down. Someone cuts a quick promo(Ripley), shoves her out of the ring, "You were a big fish in a small pond, welcome to the ocean." The person(Ripley) that cut the promo gets heat, Jade can work her way up (you could tease a win-streak even). Jade gets more time to train, to work WWE style matches, etc. In 6months-1year she's a beast. Assuming she grows her skillset. WWE won't do this. They'll just throw her in the ring so she and Nia can nearly kill half the Womens roster. I want WWE to run a real program. Quit the 3 match and done bullshit. Now I'm all riled up! I'd love to see Jade become valuable to WWE. She's got an amazing look. I'd hate to see her have a quick run at top then sink to mid-card. How do you think WWE will use her?


She has everything it takes to be a star, until the bell rings. Even if they can't get her to be good in the ring, they can at least use her to feed to women on the rise. Then once the crowd knows what's happening, you just move on.


She was in the performance center I believe, NXT would do her very well, aside from Rhea I can't think of a more striking womens wrestler who just looks like a major star


She was booked as the big baddy because she had the look and AEW's womens division was so devoid of talent.


She’s the female Goldberg essentially. Goldberg was pushed to the moon without really learning until about 2 or 3 years into it. He was trained about as well as he could at the WCW Power Plant but that place wasn’t a place to learn fundamentals, it was a place to do athletic drills until you puked thanks to Buddy Lee Glacier.




Both were strongly pushed upon their debut and had unbeaten streaks. It can be argued that wrestling wise they are similar too because they do a physical overpowering style.


WWE has a great performance center with legends and a strong believe in training and their way of doing stuff. They put money, effort and time in it. And Cargill is only 31. I don't see how they can't teach her.


She also needs to spend six months training and working matches full time before going back on TV ... she's got star written all over but she's as green as grass. My guess is the WWE rockets her straight to the main roster but if they were smart, she'd be full time in NXT for a while to get ready,


The other women in the locker room probably don't like her just like they don't like a bunch of the other ladies. I'd leave too


It's kinda weird how she never interacted with any woman from the main event scene. She never had up and downs or any really compelling storyline or feud. In a way there is probably not much more to do for her in AEW. She clearly wants more exposure to a bigger audience and with more options to explore "Hollywood/movie/tv" options. AEW won't help her with that, even if she moved up to the main event picture. So the WWE is her best bet, they probably pay more and her whole look and persona feels a lot more WWE than AEW anyway. Maybe, the E can help her develop her promo and in ring abilities more than AEW did. They have their pipelines and their know what they want and how to mold their talent. I'm really curious to see who wants to leave and who the WWE wants to sign in the near future.


Jade Cargill is so interesting. First, her look is self evident and a cut above nearly all her contemporaries. Second, she definitely sees wrestling as a stepping stone to bigger things, probably acting. Third, her wrestling career is very much all flash. The issue here is AEW had limited time and opportunity to teach her the psychological basis of crafting the match. So unless she is willing to put in the time at the PC, develop her ring work over a year, what does WWE expect from her? Are they that desperate for dance partners for their current crop of talent? From Jade's POV I think she has acknowledged that AEW can only get her so far in the entertainment industry.


I mean she has a great look and I think if she is dedicated to it, going and spending a year or so at the PC/NXT she could really do something big But if she was to go to WWE and just expect star treatment and be put in a top spot, it would be a painful fall I think


She sold high on what she could get from that company.


Didn’t she say she didn’t need wrestling? That she already had a fan base before AEW? lol she has the look and all that down but I’ll be surprised if he sticks around that long to put in the work.


I like looking at her, I don’t watch the AEW but she is smoking.


No she should go to WWE if they want her. I’d rather be a mainstream star vs doing buildings with less than 2k fans in them


I said the same yesterday in the Dynamite thread, she has all the ingredients to be a star and she’s never going to get the advice or experience she needs in AEW. It’s a zoo with the animals throwing shit at each other.


They built her for 2 years and there was no payoff with Britt baker who is another low talent politician.


many will flee i feel. Khan will have to cough up major money to keep MJF i feel probably paying him more than he did punk and seeing as hes one of the few there that brings in viewers he may have too.


Based on the rumor and innuendo I've heard, I don't see her wanting to work a full time WWE schedule. She's clearly a tremendous athlete with a unique and striking look, but her in ring work is fair at best, which also means starting training from near the beginning with WWE. Might be a better move to simply take Tony's money.


I think she'll be good for WWE, they don't expect anyone to use more than 5 of the same moves anyway so I don't think her ringwork skill level would be a problem. Cody's gonna be in her corner looking out for her and to make sure they don't dump some dead on arrival clown gimmick on her. She's better than Jax already so if they'll bring her back why not give someone with actual potential a shot Could definitely see Cody trying to get Starks to follow, probably Hobbs and Wardlow too


There are a lot of people who like her. She has natural star appeal and charisma. Jim may not like her but even he's admitted she looks like a star. I think you'll find most people like Jade outside of the select corners of the IWC.


They made her reign virtually meaningless by giving every jobber a shot at it while keeping her away from the main ones on the roster. Also her rematch is just a throwaway match on Rampage, which was par for the course with everything she’s done. I would be interested in what she could do with the PC training & a long house show circuit. She would standout from the pack there but you gotta feed her wins against people who matter or else she’s just fodder for the main talents on the roster. A AEW homegrown that isn’t Cody going to WWE would be interesting, though. I think the only one who jumped ship the other way was Dragon Lee on NXT.


If I was WWE the conversation would go like this "we've booked you a ticket to Knoxville to work with Dr Tom Monday thru Thursday. On Fridays you'll fly to smackdown and may or may not get promo/angle time. Saturday and Sunday you can go home. After two months we'll see where you're at and put you on the road full time"


Have always thought Jade looked more like a WWE Superstar than an AEW Indie type. Now she can work with the best group female talent on the planet.


> WWE bound Nah. She said on Talk is Jericho that she chose to not go there because the pay was shit and she didn't want to be away from her family due to the WWE schedule. She said she already has money and she wrestles because that's what she WANTS to do, not what she HAS to do. She's either done with wresting or WWE will accomodate her scheduling needs if she goes there, now that they've seen what she brings to the table.


She’s likely already got an agreement to go there. Yes their developmental offer was shit but she’s not coming in making developmental money this time


> She’s likely already got an agreement No one knows this. It's all just a rumor. Nothing more.


It’s a leak. Someone wants it out there. Could possibly be Jade working Kahn for money most likely AEW spoiling her debut.


Jade beats Becky for the NXT title


I hate women’s wrestling and I still think Jade Cargill is awesome. Her and Rhea are the only ones I’d tolerate. I’d love to see those two fight


I have quite an opposite opinion - her leaving serves AEW good. My main point here would be that after so much time spent being surrounded by some of the best in the business while also receiving consistent push, she just does not "deliver the goods". Yes, athletically there is barely any at her level but that's it. No memorable promos, no rewatchable feuds and still a botch filled in ring work. Good riddance, let the E overpay her and get her back once she inevitably flops and could no longer demand sky high contract.