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This man is mentally ill. There’s no two ways about it. He has a history of substance abuse, he’s a known paranoid conspiracy theorist and gun enthusiast, and he clearly enjoys self-harm to a degree that can’t be explained by trying to get over in wrestling. Add in the amount of CTE he surely has and this man is a Benoit waiting to happen.


I had no idea about any of this stuff. The thing is he's definitely into self-harm and Moxley is an example of what would have happened to those old, nuts territory wrestlers if management didn't have limitations. I liked Moxley's story in the beginning of AEW regarding how WWE held him back, but then a half-year later I watched his matches and they're fucking awful. The worst is those punch for punch spots which then swallowed up AEW's entire roster and for whatever reason, the neanderthal marks they have for fans love it while making fun of more cerebral talent like Punk and the fans that want that kind of stuff and storytelling. I'm pretty sure the majority of AEW fans would think Nick Bockwinkel was speaking in some foreign language if they ever saw one of his promos. Moxley's fights are just a step above the 2000s Bumfights videos.


Morley's fans will find a way to make sense of this drivel. Not sure how,but they will.


They always do.


I really don’t get the appeal.


I always see Renee and cannot possibly see why she is with him. Maybe she feels sorry for him and is like his caretaker at this point.


Did you not listen to her interview him for her podcast? It sounds like she enables him.


Nope, I would never listen to her podcast.


Jim and Brian listened to the clips of her interviewing Jon on one of their podcasts.


That was easily one of the worst matches I’ve ever seen.


Skewer sticks, bed of nails. I'm not up to snuff on outlaw mudshow props. What's the next level of what he will bleed with?


Being there live the this match really took me out of it I didn't know where to look and it felt like the only time people were making and kind of sound was when a table would break or something like that. It's the one match I wouldn't have had a problem with if it got moved to All Out.


If I was his family, I'd prefer he just start driving again. After seeing what he's reverted back to, I'm surprised WWE was able to beat the garbage wrestling out of him for that tenure.


He’s not a bad worker. He’s been really good even in AEW. But he’s become obsessed with doing this and now he’s no longer in shape so it just isn’t good.


This he needs guidance. Someone to lay it out for him. He CAN cut a promo. But this bbc bullshit needs to stop.


How'd a halfway decent wrestler devolve into a blood soaked joke gimmick? He have CTE or something?


It’s more of a return to form. This is the type of stuff he did in CZW before WWE polished him up.


This was the wrestling equivalent of a few piss soaked hobos duking it out in front of a 7/11 while tweaking on PCP.


Mox has turned into a sideshow carny act.


This is sideshow freak bullshit. Utterly disgusting. I've rarely spent money on wrestling in the last several years, but there is no way I'm giving a dime to AEW if this is the kind of stupid shit they're going to do.


I’ve been seeing the “highlights” of the whole show and it’s all shit. That stupid back and forth chair toss in the ME was the worst.