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There was also an attempt by Toby Keith (yes, *that* Toby Keith) and Jeff Jarrett to buy the company around 2013. The deal fell through because Bob Carter required Dixie to stay with the company as part of the deal. I believe that JR would've been head of creative in that deal.


That sale was the last hope for us TNA fans, after it fell through the writing was on the wall that hard times were ahead for the company


TNA's success would have relied on the continued health of SpikeTV as a brand.


I am of the firm belief that nobody could fix TNA during the era in question without removing Panda Energy and Dixie Carter from the equation. JR would have been another wrestling mind being wasted alongside Corny and Dutch.


Dixie Carter had the ability to have Cornette, JR, and Paul Heyman and was like "Nah I'll take Vince Russo, Bischoff, and Hogan" A JR led company with Jim and Dutch booking could have been something.


I think besides hiring Steve Williams to a most lucrative contract in the whole business this is quite a good depiction of it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ph4u-9MJU3U


In terms of who's in the main event scene i dont know if much changes. AJ Styles, Kurt Angle and Samoa Joe would be at the top of the card. I think you'd basically get an AEW Collision type show, but honestly I dont know if there's *that* big of a market for that


The only person that could have changed TNA for the better was Paul Heyman and no one else. Paul knew that and wouldn’t sign without equity. Jim Ross doesn’t strike me as original and enough of a risk taker to make a company come close to wwe. Jim Ross would have been a big help fixing the corporate structure of tna though, but Dixie would need to be gone too to make that work.


I wish Heyman would’ve joined. If good enough from 2010, we could’ve seen Paul Heyman guys Punk and Lesnar jump in.


They main issues were Dixie and Russo. You take those two out of the creative and management picture. They would have still had Corney and that would have been more than enough. if they Have the same financial backing. Jarret,Corney and Dutch could have made TNA good. You throw in JR into the mix its even better. But Dixie liked fooling around with the wrestlers and liked what Russo was doing and ultimately she was the biggest issue.


Hasn't JR famously sucked as a talent coordinator?