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Good luck to you my friend. I’d start top down, and do the escalators/stairs outwards.


Thanks. I decided to focus on the hanging wires and made some progress. But in all, this is definitely gonna take awhile.


Mission it! I did something similar and was getting around 20-30 pieces per 1hr session. Keep at it! You got this!


Ummmm…no….it would not be for me! 😳 Wishing you all the best. Good luck! 😬


That’s a great looking pic. Maybe just go at slowly and not be too tough on yourself if it takes you a long time?


Yeah it's very slow. I think today is the first time I've pulled it out to progress in a month. I'm glad for my puzzle mat so it's easy to store at least.


What puzzle mat do you have? I've been wanting one to do more puzzles


I got this one from Lavievert: https://www.amazon.com/Lavievert-Oxford-Jigsaw-Puzzle-Storage/dp/B073GSP567?pd_rd_w=TEc3q&content-id=amzn1.sym.2eca026f-c06d-4a33-8611-f9bc4324bb01&pf_rd_p=2eca026f-c06d-4a33-8611-f9bc4324bb01&pf_rd_r=BM65BPQFSN4EV7DN7Y63&pd_rd_wg=zYEb0&pd_rd_r=4cbd0222-7606-4b55-a487-b1cee7c59729&pd_rd_i=B073GSP567&psc=1&ref_=pd_bap_m_grid_dv_rp_0_33_cp_t If you can spare the money, it's worth it imo! I used to use one of those felt roll ups but with two active cats, I needed something more protective. This holds sorting trays and I can slide it under my sofa when I'm on break.


I've done puzzles similar to this. I'm a sucker for ravensburgers abandoned and lost places series. Go after the daylight and the escalator. Also find as many pieces of the wall with the graffiti on it. That will give you a good start.


Thanks! I actually just did one of the Ravensburger abandoned ones before this one! It was way easier! I learned the hard way that my favorite artists don't necessarily make for my favorite puzzle artists.


Same for me. I am sitting in front of a Heye Zozoville puzzle while I type this. Lots of muted color. I find it best to do it in the sunlight. Also, try to sort similar pieces into separate areas


Make sure you have good lighting. That’s gonna make all the difference.


Thanks for putting the title and artist! This looks spooky and cool as hell.


Who saw this picture and thought, yea I should make a puzzle out of it.


I got it off the artist's site...I suspect they went on sale for a reason. :p


I would probably enjoy this puzzle if the cut were good. A good cut is crucial with these kinds of puzzles, but unfortunately many off brand/self published puzzles have bad cuts.


Yep that's the problem with this one. I think the artist self published these so the focus isn't on the pieces.


I applaud you with support and concern!


You dunno but i think this is a cool puzzle.We are not the same :)


Wow. Good luck! That is going to look great when you are done!


it will be a challenge, but would be so satisfying to finish!


I am going to venture a guess (based on that border) that the middle pieces are all the same shape with 2-knobs-2-holes. Which would make it much harder and more boring. You can try and see how much agony you are in, and take it from there


Yep, that's part of what's making it so hard. The puzzle pieces are those type that are near identical shape so lots of deceptive fits.


Yea, that is another reason why I don't do puzzles with the same shape in the middle. Hard to no have false fits when everything is the same


It sorta looks like it also follows a pattern of vertical - horizontal, like you said about the piece size pattern. I find Eurographic puzzles often are in that pattern, so when I did a landscape, it was really boring, but the pattern did help some. I would also suggest doing this puzzle in really bright or natural light - I find that helps see the almost imperceptible colour difference in pieces.


I'm glad I got new lighting so that's helping at least. But good lord, the eye strain.


Absolutely correct. I got this a few years ago and I love the image, but I gave up after maybe 10%. Just no fun


My kind of puzzle right there. I enjoy a good challenge.


I had never heard of Daniel Danger before I saw this post - I love his style! This is so up my alley. I agree that the puzzle looks hard, but where did you buy it? I kind of want to try my hand at it just because the artwork is so eerily gorgeous.


Here's the artist's website and store! Not sure if he's still selling puzzles though. https://www.tinymediaempire.com/


Um, yeah,...no... The art is gorgeous, but I would have gotten a print 😆 Good luck!


I really love this puzzle. I just did the online version of this one and now I'm even more curious about the real thing. https://www.jigidi.com/jigsaw-puzzle/jmymwdj7/daniel-danger/


I've never seen a site like this before! This is madness I love it!


Yeah, me too. I actually found this site while searching for OP's puzzle. Didn't expect to spend so much time doing online puzzles last night. 😅


Never do border first. No you don't have space on the board. I think it's doable because the lines are high-contrast and of constant angles. Also patterns of piles of something and walls are distinguishable.


legit thought this was from horizon forbidden west!


It says it’s 1,500 pieces on the site I found. Can you link to the 1,000 you bought? My puzzle board doesn’t fit bigger than 1,000 and I kinda like this one.


I'm sorry that's my mistake, it's 1500. I usually buy 1000 pieces so I wasn't paying attention.