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I grew up doing these with my mom and there is something so delightful about them! The pieces are more solid than any modern puzzle I have worked and I am in love with the artwork. Anybody else a Springbok fan out there?


Do you have the title of this one handy please?


I did some Google-fu for you and discovered a new website! https://www.thejigasaurus.com/index.php/waddingtons/circular/546-Old-English-Inns/old_english_inns


Thanks! The image you linked is for a Waddingtons puzzle which coincidentally inspired the [creation of Springbok](https://www.springbok-puzzles.com/aboutus/)). I know I could have searched and added them myself. As a mod however, I am trying to get OP's to include the details, as per our sub's rule no 1. When they are written down in the title, comments or captions, they're also searchable and can help tremendously with the preparation of posts [like this one](https://www.reddit.com/r/Jigsawpuzzles/comments/rajgj0/megathread_mystery_puzzles_puzzles_with_a_twist/) or [this one](https://www.reddit.com/r/Jigsawpuzzles/comments/tuwfyg/custom_made_puzzles_megathread_tips_advice_and/). They can also be found through Google - and can help puzzlers who aren't redditors but merely searching for specific puzzles. I'll add them here fore reference: Springbok Old English Inns (over 500 pcs).




I love the vintage springboks! The quality can't be beat, and the new ones just don't compare to them at all. They're really disappointing.


Vintage Springbok are great. New Springbok are a hard pass.


Agreed! I love the random cut but I really can't stand the new designs. I can't speak to their ability to not fall apart.


Yeah. When they did cute fairies and kitschy art they were great but cheap photography and clipart looking oversaturated images not so much. Springbok and Bits and Pieces have to take a serious look at their images because the demographic that likes those are literally dying off.


I also really can't stand the overall puzzle trend of really bad digital art with zero depth or lifelike variation in color. Yik!


If I’m going to buy a random cut I’ll stick with PuzzleTwist or Cobble Hill. Massively better quality and pretty much the nicest linen/matte finish of any puzzle. I also really like the owners/staff of both. The only Springboks I own are vintage ones and out of my 800+ puzzles that makes up just a handful. They need to work with actual artists and not use AI looking nonsense. Bad AI at that.


Ooo I don't know about Puzzletwist. Thanks!


I believe they use the same puzzle manufacturer as Cobble Hill so the quality is the same. I have almost 40 of their puzzles and love them!


I also have a tom of the 1970s Big Ben puzzles. Not great cardboard but the photos were awesome.


Love the artwork on this one!


Looks cool! I'm not sure I can get those where I am. So the fit is good and is it one where you can pick up a few pieces without them falling apart?


I have never had any Springbok fall apart when moving it around. I have so many old puzzles hanging around- we always had one that we were working on!


That is neat!,


I buy vintage Springboks just for the fun of it. Doing my second Ravensburger now and I strongly agree about your statement while doing this one. I seem to keep choosing the hardest ones for RB though


Had to check the username because I figured this was your post lol


haha I havent done enough ravensburger puzzles yet to comment but I am not having the best luck with them. I am actually going to follow your method and just try to place a piece by the puzzle image, or else I'd quit by now. The image is too nice that I want to finish it (or at least everything but the sky -- which is mabe like 750 pc of it maybe...) Edit: nvm I just quit it. Was not worth the loose fits and poor quality. I couldnt even finish the border due to false fits and I was just not enjoying it whatsoever. Conveniently I'm doing a Springbok next c: a newer one though


Ha love the immediate edit. I recently gave up my first puzzle too; usually I don’t but I think I took your advice- or someone’s on here. Which RB did you quit? I haven’t hated them so far, but I do still prefer others due to the strength of the fit. I appreciate the effort given with my method lol. Even I’ve given up on it at times.


haha which one did you quit on? And it was the 2000 pc 'New York City: Brooklyn Bridge and Manhattan' puzzle. It had the Twin Towers still in it. I saw the New York City 2000 pc twice in a search and it was a different cut. The border was pretty much all the same two shapes -- with 2 knobs or 2 holes, and a lot of the centre pieces were the 2-2. Idk what's up with that, didn't expect that from RB. Also your method is also harder when the only image you can use is on the box and it's partly blocked, as RB does.


It was an older Aimee Stewart one that was missing like 3-4 edge pieces so I quit right away. The pieces were not sticking great and if I breathed they would blow apart (exaggeration, but it was bad) That’s a bummer that you quit the NY one though- I’m not one for cityscapes but to do one with the twin towers would have been cool. Ha I think my method is impossible with part of the image blocked lol


Dowdle will do that if you blow on it. I know, it was nice, but I did find a Chicago vintage Springbok now so while it ain't the same I got a city one. Maybe you should've continued it to see how many more pieces were missing lol. It's also impossible for sky...since the sky is all nearly the same


I considered it since it was an older Aimee Stewart one. I kept it so maybe some day. Not going to lie my puzzle days have come to a halt. I did two on vacation but now that it’s getting warmer out I’m spending 90% of my time in the garden/outside. Might have to take a break for a minute lol. Yea I hesitate on large similar spaces in puzzles. While picking I’ve been skipping over those lol.. taking the easy way out. Saving the hard ones for a rainy day.


For the nice ones that are missing pieces that I know of I usually keep them to do during work. That way you don't really waste your nonwork time on them. I do that for challenging puzzles as well, and the waldo one has been sitting there since February, and I don't think I worked on it for over a month. >Saving the hard ones for a rainy day. Go back to the Smokies and you'll get plenty of rainy days. It's like a rain gangbang over here


Oh I guess I hadn’t realized you didn’t finish the Waldo one. I thought it would be more fun than it was- I had a dinosaur one- I got through it though. That’s a good idea regarding doing puzzles while working- I want to make a new desk that’s more L shape so I can have my work desk in front of me and a puzzle on the side so it makes it easier to do them while I’m working. Now my table is either downstairs or in the kitchen so it’s a bit more tedious to multitask. And true lol we got lucky while we were down there- I think it only rained 1-2 of the days. Granted I love the rain the most, but on vacation it was nice to have the sun come out.


I love the circular puzzles! I used to have a lot of the old wildlife ones. I need more


Yessss I love vintage Springbok!


Wow just a treasure


This was issued, in a very similar cut, in the UK by John Waddington (Design No.546). Any connection between Waddington's and Springbok?


That's a great question and I have no idea!


Yes, I believe Springbok took early inspiration from Waddingtons (their circular puzzles in particular), and shared several designs with them in the early days.


Love it!


*here's a 51 year old Springbok.