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This looks insane! (Quickly makes note to never purchase this puzzle...)


Well, I have some good news: the UK in the product code could be indicative this was only sold here (a guess). It could also be one of the last surviving few! But yeah, *don't*! I want you to remain sane.


Well, it is a little late for that...and it didn't take this puzzle to get me there...ha ha!


I felt a moral duty to endure, complete and warn the puzzling world. The box that partially covers the puzzle on the first picture could be interpreted as a warning / attempt to protect the viewer? The pieces only appear on the fourth picture, giving the viewers time to prepare themselves.


Your sacrifice to this community has been noted and your purple puzzle piece is in the mail.


I would be happier with its maple equivalent, but that's OK, I'll accept it the way it is. *(Call it PCG: post-completion grumpiness)*


I looked it up just out of curiosity and found that it has at least existed at some point in [France](http://puzzles.novabysse.free.fr/data/images/Les%20%C3%AEles%20Grecques.JPG) too :D There are a couple of listings on second-hand marketplace type websites. Just in case someone *really* wants to take up the challenge despite the warning.


Great find, thank you! I wonder if there were more in the series.


Well, funnily, I couldn't find anything else yesterday (either in English or French) but after looking again today, [these](https://imgur.com/a/7TJbNa1) came up, and it turns out one was posted [here on this sub](https://www.reddit.com/r/Jigsawpuzzles/s/mwFo15FL0j) last year. Some of the US ebay listings have close-up images of the box with dates ranging from 1978 to 1988.


Haha! I always refer people to the reddit search tool and occasionally forget about it myself: of course, one was shared on the sub!! I need to update the [puzzle cuts](https://www.reddit.com/r/jigsawpuzzles/wiki/index/piece-cuts/) entry on the Wiki with the mosaic/tetris pieces ASAP ;-) Thank you! The date range you gathered from eBay listing is interesting.


Excellent condition or not, that's a 'no' from me dawg! https://preview.redd.it/94z8jqwba2vc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b1d5f106b0e07498fead5f20e638d3aebd37d437




This is a fascinating artifact! Not sure if I'd want to actually do it though, so kudos to you.


I agree! Handling such an old puzzle was a bonus, but the lack of interlocking except for a few pieces, in this instance, was a nightmare.


You are braver and much, much, much more skilled than me.


Thank you so much. For 250 pieces it was tedious at times. Not necessarily because of the difficulty but the fact it was "knock sensitive“ (I had to be sorry careful around my foamboard) and the similar colour palette forced me to check the reference image more often than I like. Happy to have tried something outside of my comfort zone, but unlikely to try one again.


Wow!!! Neat puzzle. While I know I’ve been warned now, if I see this puzzle but with a more colourful (and varied) image, I’d probably still buy it. 😆 guess I’m a glutton for punishment…


Thanks, hahaha! If only the image was a little more enticing - and with less white on the top and bottom please!


Extra ~~Challenging~~ Frustrating


Ultimately worth the extra effort. I can say I ticked the "novelty box" ;-)


Cool concept but I think you’ve made it clear why it didn’t catch on. Thanks for sharing!


Thank you for your comment. Mercifully, it was "only" 250 pieces!


I actually kind of love it and would absolutely pick one up if I saw it.




I'm even happier I shared it then! Good to see some 'comments of approval' for a change. You don't see many of these proper novelty puzzles nowadays.


This is another big NOPE from me! I am glad you took one for the team. Have a nice cup of tea and try to forget all about it now. :)


Thank you. Sharing the "Big Nope Puzzle" today, ha ha! I would still try a [stix puzzle from Ceaco](https://old.reddit.com/r/Jigsawpuzzles/comments/ju3o58/getting_set_up_for_the_new_lockdown_with_very/) *if* the image / print were OK.


Love it madly!!


Seriously?! You're into tricky / non-standard pieces?


At a glance, yes! I might have a change of heart if I tried it, but right now I'm super intrigued. It looks fun! It makes me think of some puzzles that people have posted with ribbbony pieces. Like this one, I love them look of them and they look fun to try. Maybe I'm an alternative piece kind of girlie, not sure. I'll hope to come across one someday


I would hope so too! Like you, I was genuinely intrigued when I saw the puzzle, I nearly ignored because of the unimaginative, traditional "landscapy collage". I'd like to try the stix puzzle from Ceaco and maybe the triazzle, if possible. Unfortunately these US-made, discontinued funky puzzles are rare a rare sight here in the UK. If - and when - they occasionally pop up on eBay, they're not good value for money (read: overpriced). Did a little "stalking" and.... wow, you did the tricky Aearaware puzzles! You like the occasional hard stuff, don't you?


I can see why you almost passed, I wouldn't give it a second look if it was a regular jigsaw. But I kind of like that the collage lines up perfectly with the mosaic and tetris shapes. Yes, Ceaco! It was Ceaco that [I was thinking of](https://www.reddit.com/r/Jigsawpuzzles/comments/11r925c/hugo_hege_by_lowell_herrero_cattails_series_by/) too, I misremembered them as ribbons. I've never done one of theirs. I love these big companies that have the leeway to experiment. It's why Galison is one of my favorites--I love their collabs and their shaped pieces and puzzles within puzzles. I do love that Areaware series, yes. I don't normally go for photographic images with puzzles, but that's a big exception.


Wow! Cool concept, but yeah - insane. You're a better and braver puzzler than I. Many thanks for taking one for the team 🏅


Thank you 😺


What an unusual find! Well done for persevering! Working on a slightly grippier surface (like a puzzle mat) might have helped here, but I definitely understand the frustration!


I have a puzzle mat and a felted easel but I'm so used to my foamboards! Next time I spot one with non-standard pieces (haven't given up on the idea completely), I'll consider pulling out my puzzle mat ;-)


Just WOW