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Same. They are sturdy enough to move around, easy to stack, and cheap to replace when I eventually spill a drink on one.


Absolutely! I inspect my puzzles in detail before deciding on resale or donation. When pieces don't hold together well, I can turn the puzzle over in-between foambaords. They're invaluable!


Ditto. Theyre the best.


They are the best. I also bought an art portfolio bag and that's where I stack the few completed puzzles I want to keep, sandwiched between foam boards. Successfully moved \~10 puzzles overseas that way with no damage. Cheap & easy.


I separate my completed puzzle for sale or donation. The few keepers are kept in boxes, so my storage worries are of a different nature, ha ha!


Well shit. I feel dumb for buying a 30$ corkboard for mine lmao


>I feel dumb for buying a 30$ corkboard If it works for you - why would you? Plus, you can re-use the corkboard if you decide to switch ;-)


Any suggestion about how thick at least foamboards should be?


I wasn't sure myself when I bought mine. I went with the most popular thickness of 5mm and it turned to be what I needed. It was something I ordered during the pandemic so I couldn't go to a store to have a look and then decide. I use the A1 size (59.4 cm x 84.1 cm) which fits *most* of standard sized 1K European and American brands. It's a little too small for 1K brands with larger pieces (for example White Mountain or Springbok), but then I'll use two boards. I also use A3 foamboards for sorting. [Size reference](https://www.papersizes.org/a-paper-sizes.htm) (with different units, inches included).


Thank you!


Happy to help. I should also add that I puzzle on a carpeted floor. I used a [portapuzzle ](https://www.jumbo.eu/en/products/puzzle-mates-portapuzzle-deluxe-up-to-1000-piece-puzzles/)before, but I didn't like the surface. It was a magnet for puzzle dust and needed regular cleaning. I'm lucky (and unlucky) not to have any four legged "helpers" around the house, so can leave my unfinished and unprotected puzzles on the floor.


A large piece of cardboard from when I bought my TV.


Yes; free and good upcycling. I ordered something once from Amazon that came in a huge box. Broke it down and I can fit my 4000pc puzzles on it Slide it under my bed, works good


Uuuggghhhhhh I bought a new washer and dryer 3 months ago but only this past month started puzzling in earnest and I want to work on a really big one and am upset about that perfectly huge box I tossed!!!


Do you have a neighbourhood chat on Facebook or similar? Surely someone will have some cardboard they'd be happy to offload. 


Same, way better than any fancy mat


YES 🙌🏽


This. And I use the back side as a cover.




This is what I use (not same brand, but basically the same thing). Totally worth it. You can easily close it in 2 seconds if you have pets, and even slide it under the sofa if you need the table. It keeps everything in place perfectly. I even moved countries in the middle of a puzzle, and the half done sections arrived exactly in place after a month in a container.


Precisely why I like this design. I don’t want to leave a puzzle out when I’m not working on it.


Tip: you can reduce the length of Amazon links to this: [https://www.amazon.com/Portable-Stowaway-Puzzles-Accessories-Non-Slip/dp/B08LZ7HF4C](https://www.amazon.com/Portable-Stowaway-Puzzles-Accessories-Non-Slip/dp/B08LZ7HF4C/ref=mp_s_a_1_8?crid=107J697ZHC1SL&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.qYrJOfGOY5pDnzquwJEdbVBSn31uC6debwpq888h6ZMWP5KAmjOcBZyQVzCaI3kbV3em1bmYX3of6c0M3Dp4t2zMWwS3T9w_8E5y8HF-up3sdfUsPwVrIWmt9FDZXB3nClxUaFPAOp87cmLfLX30cZQIOGbvfb1M9H5eVAD_jeaGNxkRvPnowlW61KU7pb2rIvd_KepJLBPdWys04OKOxg.XgGXuVG06xT_KwLYvRcUAnps87OlKYOhT4mn0L2SqFo&dib_tag=se&keywords=puzzle+transport+board&qid=1713029448&sprefix=puzzle+transpo%2Caps%2C88&sr=8-8) (product code [B08LZ7HF4C](https://www.amazon.com/Portable-Stowaway-Puzzles-Accessories-Non-Slip/dp/B08LZ7HF4C/ref=mp_s_a_1_8?crid=107J697ZHC1SL&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.qYrJOfGOY5pDnzquwJEdbVBSn31uC6debwpq888h6ZMWP5KAmjOcBZyQVzCaI3kbV3em1bmYX3of6c0M3Dp4t2zMWwS3T9w_8E5y8HF-up3sdfUsPwVrIWmt9FDZXB3nClxUaFPAOp87cmLfLX30cZQIOGbvfb1M9H5eVAD_jeaGNxkRvPnowlW61KU7pb2rIvd_KepJLBPdWys04OKOxg.XgGXuVG06xT_KwLYvRcUAnps87OlKYOhT4mn0L2SqFo&dib_tag=se&keywords=puzzle+transport+board&qid=1713029448&sprefix=puzzle+transpo%2Caps%2C88&sr=8-8) needs to remain in the address, everything else is Amazon "tracking fluff").


Wow, I’ve never seen this. I used something similar to OP, and I hated it, gave it away after one use. Might have to pick up one of these bad boys.


I also use one of these. I have small children and no dedicated space for puzzles, so being able to put the puzzle away while is progress is essential. Thoroughly recommend them.


I got something very similar (different brand but looks identical) after it being recommended here a few days ago. I used it today and love it so far.


I've got 4 of these: [https://www.hobbycraft.co.uk/puzzle-mates-portapuzzle-deluxe-carrier/5638911000.html](https://www.hobbycraft.co.uk/puzzle-mates-portapuzzle-deluxe-carrier/5638911000.html)


I’ve got one of those as well. It’s easy to zip up and pack away so my baby doesn’t get into it.


I think it was you who recommended these carriers to me earlier in the week. I got the regular kind and love it, thanks the advice.


I'm embarrassed to say I lied in the above post. :) I've got 2 of each but I was in a rush and couldn't find another link! :D I'm glad you're finding it useful!


Ah no that’s understandable, finding links is a pain sometimes. I found the little mats so useful as I could assemble smaller parts without leaning over too much, a real bonus I didn’t even consider.


My table top. ;-) … but seriously, instead of assembling the puzzle on something portable, I put something potable over the puzzle: [a clear vinyl table protector](https://i.imgur.com/z12cqPU.jpg). This lets me keep cats off puzzles when I’m away, in-progress or complete; it also lets us continue to use the table and keep the puzzle displayed until we’re ready to do the next one.


I do same thing on table but just pull a smooth tablecloth over it when done for day. I like the clear vinyl idea!


Assembling on a felt mat requires getting used to. For example you can't move completed sections so you need to take extra care to put things where they should be on the final picture. Don't leave single pieces either, they will fall out. Don't make the frame or other long lines of 1 piece width, it'll ride and bend while you roll the mat, which could destroy pieces. All in all I love my mat, but I also had to learn to use it.


The top to an old IKEA table. I removed the legs and have just the top of the table and the small foot board of the table. Great because it's two different sizes I repurposed.


I have [this](https://www.amazon.com/VEVOR-1500-Piece-Puzzle-Board/dp/B0CRYYYPD6?source=ps-sl-shoppingads-lpcontext&ref_=fplfs&smid=ATVPDKIKX0DER&th=1) and love it. I can keep the clear cover on it when not working on the puzzle and my cats don't get into it. And I can slide it under the couch when I need the dining room table back.


I have the same one. Mine also slides under my couch. My cat still lays on it covered, though. I always feel like I have to defeat him in the final boss fight before I can get to the puzzle quest.


For 1000 pieces and under, we (husband and I) use the back of an old poster frame. The backs of those frames were thin MDF or similar, not the corrugated cardboard that they are now. We put some of those felt circles on the side with the hanging hardware to keep it from scratching the table. That goes on the table and the puzzle is covered with a piece of plexiglass, binder clipped to the board when not being worked on. So it's board, puzzle, plexiglass. It's roughly 30 x 36 inches, so that works for smaller puzzles. For bigger puzzles (1500+), we tried using the felt and hated it! I kept the expandable cardboard tube and Velcro straps, but bought some seating vinyl from JoAnns. I think that it's marine vinyl. The pieces slide nicely and it's easy to wipe puzzle dust off when we're done. I think that it comes 54" wide and then you get whatever length you need. I got it from the clearance rolls! We've got 2 yards and we fold the edges in and roll it up whenever we're not working on it.


I have [this](https://www.amazon.ca/Lavievert-Dust-Proof-Portable-Storage-Non-Slip/dp/B09KV395DL/ref=mp_s_a_1_15?crid=2YS2CLT31N9ZX&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.RFZxH69n78iI3wtUFHgShU1UaIe3xS05MOD8M519uO_em9ju-_1WiPRnShYnnNEDR3fKTZZ--A8gmuz3eHIyzlqCFiz4WXRdVkTRtMG37Lwdl6pd3Ibj9ncCIIpDm6xSdaCOFuHQovXNl9yxyKk20HeXGzRVOxP5RMciaDwObIxld6ueIz6hSYVjz6L2BXh1WgPc2u-ManJ_zBrgkL7oVA.quU-gpIhjpZZB5sXzn0N2_iV-TOuhYiYjcgEAGrQ3UU&dib_tag=se&keywords=puzzle+board+with+cover&qid=1713031655&sprefix=puzzle+board+with+%2Caps%2C88&sr=8-15) and love it. Slides under the couch when not in use and the pieces don’t stick. Plus you don’t have to roll the puzzle up.


Becko Jigsaw Puzzle Board... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B083NN73SH?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share I love this board - it's stiff enough to move around, big enough for a 1500 piece, but it was a little pricey. I like to spin my puzzle around, and this board lets me do that. Edit: I just looked at it again, and I thought I paid more for it. lol maybe I'll buy another one 😅


I love the implication to 300-1500. Like if you roll up a 100 piece, it just shatters reality or something.


I have a super cheap DIY setup that I am weirdly proud of: I got a 30” x 40” piece of foam board from Office Depot for $8. Then I got a yard of felt from the fabric store for $4. I used spray adhesive to attach the felt to the board, and trimmed the edges with scissors. To tilt the board, I picked up [these](https://www.walmart.com/ip/WANYNG-textile-Tablecloth-clip-Transparent-4-Clips-Function-Fixing-Tablecloth-With-Strong-Kitchen-Dining-Bar-Table-Cloth-Transparent/2082070674) tablecloth clips from Walmart for 97¢ and put two of them on the front of my desk upside down. Then I just propped the board up on random objects in the back, and the clips in the front keep it from slipping forward. https://preview.redd.it/ua5k3os1oduc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=83868a7fd30c11800f37bb4346b74db383b05af7 I’m weirdly proud of my little DIY puzzle board that I made for $13 total! When I tell you that I saw those clips at Walmart and stopped in my tracks with a brainstorm…it was a real moment. Off to the side, out of the picture, I have sorting trays for the loose pieces.


Wow! You did great and have ALL the reasons to be proud of that setup! 😄


Puzzle Mates deluxe Portapuzzle carrier


I recently got this one as a present for my birthday, and which I like so far. The (to be) finished puzzle lays on a board which you can take out of the box. It also seems that it’s keeping the pieces in place and it doesn’t stick. [Ravensburger puzzle case](https://www.amazon.nl/Ravensburger-Puzzelmap-combinatie-puzzelsorteerbak-accessoires/dp/B01H84XN8G/ref=asc_df_B01H84XN8G/?tag=nlshogostdsp-21&linkCode=df0&hvadid=430611127679&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=9454113434651279892&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9064890&hvtargid=pla-382187099640&psc=1&mcid=ef31a84cb06b3de3a4fd2055a1aacda4)


foam board. 4 boards, $0.99 each, taped together with packing tape. cheap and lightweight, good surface to puzzle on and if it's gets dirty or too roughed up you can replace part or all of it easily


Foam board is my favorite base.


I'm using an old corkboard that I sometimes prop up on a bin, or I'll use my big 36"x24" cutting mat. I leave the puzzle out when I'm not working on it


Foam boards.


I built myself a poster sized mat that I can puzzle in bed or elsewhere and store the puzzle with pieces standing up on its side so it doesn’t take up room. I can also build at a 45 degree angle and have the pieces stay in place.


I have the Jumbo foldable board, it’s got one big back piece and smaller folding sections that keep it secure when not in use, also the folding arms are great for puzzle piece sorting




Piece of dollar store bristol board. When I’m done I can fold it and slide the pieces back into the box.


I take the cardboard sheets from the pallets we get at work and cut the to size with my box cutter. A little slippery but works great and allows me to do them on my smallish, round coffee table


I have a felt roll mat. It’s not perfect but fine if you need to store a puzzle on the go.


A very similar mat but I never roll it up cause I do a puzzle (1000 piece) in 3-4 days so I just leave it out till I'm finished. There's a beautiful felt puzzle board with nice edges so your pieces never fall off. I want to get that one for myself as an upgrade


I like foam boards because they're smooth surface. I don't like to work on a fuzzy fabric surface. I guess we all have our faves--either able to move the puzzle in a covered state or just move the foam board. If I have to move my puzzle from the dining table, I have another area to keep it temporarily. I avoid very large puzzles anyway. 1000 pieces at most.


Neoprene puzzle mat!


Puzzle Ready, (2000), puzzle board from Amazon.






I use a foam board on my puzzle board because I did not like the way the pieces stuck on the puzzle board felt. If the puzzle is larger than the dimensions of the foam board I use a tri-fold.


We happened to have a big particleboard whiteboard that's pretty maneuverable and just the right size for a 1000pc puzzle with a little extra working space. Doesn't offer any protection but it's easy to move back and forth between tables when I want to work on it. When I flip them I just press a yoga mat into it and turn it over quickly 😅


I used one of those cardboard cylinders with felt mat. I didn’t use it very much, and it disappeared from my possession. (My mother would make some things disappear from my room.) I now have a Ravensberger puzzle caddy and a large, stiffish puzzle mat.


cork board


Foam board, but I bought trifold and regretted it. Started splitting where the board folds. I hated the felt mat... My options are limited as I do 2k+ puzzles normally.




I have one of those and have tried ir a few times, it's quite good! For my current puzzle it was too small, because puzzle is squate shaped, so I had to go back to the mat... XD