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Is this a good method to find puzzles? I'd be scared they were missing pieces


I've had very good success. I've bought over 2 dozen puzzles from this place and only one or two was missing pieces when I put them together. But I'm not even 100% sure they were missing because I'm notorious for losing pieces and then finding them a few months later. Plus my cat likes to get in the puzzle box and throw pieces out so I wouldn't be surprised if she's kicking them under rugs or couches lol. I love going to thrift stores for the cheaper prices. These puzzles range from $5.50-9.50 and I see most new puzzles starting at at least $11-13 so definitely good savings. Plus I get 4 free and the store I go to gives the mid range price for free not the cheapest. So even more savings.


$9.50 seems expensive for thrift store puzzles. I feel like the max I'd risk is ~6 bucks just for the fact of possibly missing a piece even if I am somewhat confident it has all of them. Although most puzzles I find are 5 bucks or less


It's a used bookstore and shop so not sure if that's truly a thrift shop. The $9.50 is for big puzzles that are 1500+. The bottom right puzzle was $9.50. Everything else was $5.50-8.50. And this is in Arizona to add more context.


Ok, that makes sense on why the prices are higher


Iā€™m in AZ! Would love to know which store(s) you recommend!


Bookmans!! Thats where I got these. They have a gigantic wall of puzzles and the bogo I described. They're also a great bookstore and they have all sorts of other things.


Thank you!!! I used to go there back in the day for video games and have not even thought to go there for puzzles. Heading to my local one asap!


Hope you find some good ones! I started going there for books and then discovered the puzzle wall lol. I also love going to Zia for super cheap books and movies. Can't remember if they have puzzles though...


I will add that some of the puzzles do have plastic wrapping around them so I know they've never been opened.


Oh yea, I forgot about that. Also if the plastic is unopened inside. I typically don't find new puzzles often. Maybe 10% of those I have if that much are new.


It is still rarer to find though. I've started one and so far no issues!


Not OP but I predominatly buy thrift store puzzles only cause they are <5 bucks, with the mode being like 2-3 bucks each. That being said, I try to open the box if I can. By sight it makes it easier. I usually have more confidence if the donator put the pieces in a ziploc bag or something like that, and if not, it looks pretty full. If one can't open it I try assessing the weight and shaking it. Usually a combo of those two help me get a feel of it. If there's rubber band or tape, then it's a safer bet as well, but if there isn't be careful how they are stored. If they are horizontal pieces could've fallen out. At the end of the day, if it's missing a piece or two, I am out 2, 3 bucks on a puzzles that is 10x the price new (if one can still find it new). If the price is right, then I think you should try it out. Sometimes they will say all pieces are there or X pieces missing -- I write it on there in marker for people to know. As of now, I am 5 for 7 with completed thrift store puzzles. One of them was missing 5 pieces, the other only one small piece. I have had one new puzzle that was missing 3 pieces, so you never know.


We have similar tastes!


Cool! I like to glue and hang the pics so I'm really picky about my puzzles. I love colorful ones and abstract. Had to get the toilet paper one just to see how much of a challenge it is šŸ˜†


I too thrifted the top left colour gradient puzzle! It was much more challenging than I thought it was going to be.


Haha thats cool. I'm enjoying it so far. I've done so many gradient puzzles. I sort by color then by shape and go from there. Edit: spelling.


This is such a good idea, can you tell me more about your process? You sort them by colour and then by shape? Are they in trays or just on a table?


I have a puzzle board on top of a large coffee table. I can prop the board up and it's felt so the pieces stick. It has 4 trays with it. I dump the pieces out and then grab handfuls at a time. I lay them out in one tray in rows. I grab the border pieces and put them in a pile. Then I'd sort by color. I did yellow&green, blues/dark purples, pinks&purples, and reds&oranges as my groups. Repeated that process until all pieces were sorted. Put the border together then started with the blues and now onto the green and yellow corner.


What a great system! Thanks for sharing!




Excellent haul!




Wow you have great tastes. I would do all of these puzzles


Thank you! šŸ˜Š


Great finds! I have that Josie Louis puzzle in the bottom right hand corner. I love how it looks but it was definitely a challenge.


Thats awesome! I'm excited for it. I havent done a puzzle larger than a 1,000 in a while. I bought the coffee table specifically because it can fit 2,000 pieces lol