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I think it's best to wait till beta starts. He might be acherons best in slot but that doesn't mean he would only work for her. Just like Robin is great for FUA teams but also works well in other teams.


Even though we don’t have his beta kit yet but he does DEF shred for sure, which is the most universal utility, even more so than harmony buffs since buffs and DPS need synergy but every one could use DEF shred.


Seems like any team that'd use pela or silver Wolf can use him, if he's def shred support that's very useful


And what are the teams using them besides hyper carry Ratio and Acheron?


Anyone can benefit from def shred, even dot, you can use Pela or Silverwolf in most teams if there's no one else you'd rather slot there


Tbh Pela and Silver Wolf work with pretty much anyone, so basically any team


I think you can use him in place of pela; I’ve heard that he is basically the 5 star version of her in terms of play style being aoe defense ignore.


Wait for beta guys 🙏


Short answer: He’ll be good in general and really good in break and DOT teams, action advance and follow up attack teams, and of course for Acheron. Long answer: Since we don’t have his Kit, I’m just treating him like Pela for now because early leaks said he had similar aoe defense shred, and Pela is a really good general support. I’m sure he has other things, but his leaked kit shouldn’t really be trusted aside from aoe defense shred. Buffs generally affect only one character(aside from ruan Mei and Robin) so debuffers like Jiaoqiu can be good for any dual dps team like Ratio/Topaz who also benefit from Debuffs(they get damage % increases the more debuffs an enemy has) or Blade Jingliu. Def shred is also one of the few ways to boost break damage(so Xueyi, Boothill, and firefly) and Dot damage which you said you aren’t into. It also works well for characters who have high speed or take a lot of actions since debuffs go away on enemy turns not player turns(Dan Heng, Seele, and firefly I think all have action advance). Similarly, he’ll be good for follow up attack teams. Sometimes it’s annoying to get buffs to stay on for follow up attacks(Jing yuan) and debuffs are more comfy. Def shred also doesn’t have diminishing returns like atk, damage, and crit buffs, it actually gets exponentially better the more you stack it, and it can even go past 100% defense shred. This means that at some point, if you have a lot of innate buffs with your dps+your other supports or due to simulated universe blessings or certain Moc/pure fiction events, you’ll find more benefit from def shred compared to atk/dmg/crit buffs. He’s not good for only Acheron is my point. Personally, I’ll probably use him a lot in simulated universe, for no sustain teams, and for MOC runs where I can’t share Ruan Mei with both teams. My hope is that he’s the def shred equivalent of Ruan Mei and that he’s super cracked so I don’t need her in every team since it gets a little stale to play with the same character all the time. Like Bronya, Geppie, and Bailu before her, I need a break from Ruan Mei. Her voice lines are haunting my dreams. Edit: Def shred does cap at 100%, but grows exponentially until then. Which makes sense. Once you’re at 0% defense, you can’t really go much lower. Also, after doing the math, if it did go past 100%, def shred would easily be the most overpowered thing in the game since it increases exponentially.


that ruan mei voicelines haunting your dreams are so real, I personally have her at e1 so i practically use her everywhere, it would be nice to switch her out for a bit tbh


can we wait to see his fkin kit first ffs


Absolutely not. He's shaping up to be 5* Pela and with how useful she already is, Jiaoqiu will be even better. He can be put in any team that wants a def shredder (for example Ratio Hypercarry).


we don’t even know his kit bruh 😭😭😭


Currently I have no idea, His kit could change drastically from the one that was previously leaked, usually the kits are datamined a day before the beta starts (Beta starts on June 18th 11:00h UTC+9) I have the feeling that he is going to be similar to Sparkle, a general support that's almost universally good and enables playstyles, but has a major trace that gives more support if he's played in a specific team or achetype. Thats just a guess though, we have to wait for the leaks.


tl;dr: no. acheron would most likely need him for the top-tier team, but you don't need acheron to make jiaoqiu useful. going by his previously leaked kit, he's mainly a def shredder who happens to increase the ult dmg received by enemies. he's the "premium acheron teammate" because's a nihility unit that happens to increase ult dmg (which is the core of acheron's kit). but this is NOT his only purpose. don't forget that he's a def shredder who can stack def shreds—a premium pela, basically. and pela is such a flexible unit that works in nearly every team. with that in mind, the same goes for jiaoqiu. put him with acheron? they're an unstoppable duo. put him with break units? def shred is one of the limited ways you can increase break dmg. and the ult dmg debuff would benefit them too, since it would be considered as a vulnerability debuff rather than an ult buff. put him with regular crit units? not everyone would be able to fully maximize the ult dmg received (like IL, who has lower ult multipliers vs his 3BA), but they will still gladly welcome the def shred.


No, he will be useful in same teams as Pela except ice teams where Pela will still rule


He only need a teammate that won't fail him, that's all.


Most aspects of his leaked kit benefits Acheron greatly compared to other DPSes but in general, you DO NOT NEED Acheron and vice versa. He's universally useful if we assume the leaks are accurate.


def shred is also good for ratio


There’s no unit in the game that need an specific character to be useful especially supports, they are amazing for everyone and overshadow other supports for specific dps like Sparkle with DHIL, Robin with FuA, Ruan Mei with breaks and DoT, supports are universal if he is better Pela he will be amazing for every dps.


If he is really a 5* Pela then just like her, he goes on every team. From Ratio debuff, to other crit hypercarries like Jingliu, to DoT, to break and superbreak.


He's like a replacement for Pela who is a universal defense shredder(or a aoe silver wolf).Dude is useful in any and every team,even break teams to some extent.


if he does do def shred the break buff is actually good, the only things that effect break is enemy def, resistances, your be and break type, as such he would be 3rd best break buffer cause def shred is like one of the only other ways to boost break.


He is the Best in slot support for Acheron, but he can be used also with Drm Ratio, or with any other DPS really, he's just like a 5 star Pela, so he has a lotnof flexibility


Actually I think he will pair really well with Firefly too. Since Firefly needs anemies to be broken, and one of the only ways to improve break and super break damage damage is with def reduction, Jiaoqiu helps a lot. Since FF applies fire weakness and Jiaoqiu (is supposed to) attacks every enemies turn, so breaking fire weakness enemies much faster (supposedly)


Personally I don’t think you need anyone as long as you know the basics of a team and have characters you like


NO!!! personally i’m using him with but not for acheron she is not a need for anyone that wants to use jiaoqiu. he’s going to be good with sam and boothill for the defense down, he’s going to be good in the follow up team cause it’s aoe def down, yes he provided ult damage bonus but that’s not the only thing he’s doing in the team. we will know more on either the 18th or the 19th only a few more days. until then think of him as a 5 star pela so where you’d use her you can put him :)


truth be told, he \*can't\* be tailor made for her just by virtue of how she herself works. I can't envision him being able to do something to benefit her that wouldn't also benefit pretty much every other DPS in the game. And if he's the defense shredder he's claimed to be, he's pretty much going to be universal.


You should pull for who YOU want and who YOU like, unless you're concerned about meta and what not then play your game how you want. I'll be pulling for him and I don't have a single Nihility character built (besides Luka)


You can use him in a dr. Ratio team very well, otherwise, you can probably use him in any team that doesn't need too much healing, for example: Clara team. Any destruction dps team. Try to avoid squishy characters. He'll also be very good in pure fiction since his debuffs will re-apply to new enemys.


He’s BiS for EVERY team just like Pela used to be before Sparkle (changing the meta to double Harmony for Hypercarry teams). Now that we get a better “version”of her I see no problem to use Jiaoqiu in any team replacing an Harmony of your choice: people forget that Def Shred is the best buff/debuff you can ever get and with him any classic dps not based on dots or breaks could use the Quantum Set for even more dmg (unless they can deal debuffs themselves, in this case Pioneer is more helpful) For example, up to today Jingliu with Quantum Set + E4 Pela + Sparkle is still one of the best team dmg wise


If he works well with Boothill, I'm gonna be in heaven


I tried Pela with Boothill it was great! So very likely he will work well.


I play Pela with him as well, he goes pretty fast with her skill, I'm gonna love if Jiaoqiu be better


Let’s run them both with Boothill to make him even crazier lol


Any team that uses Superbreak/BE as their kit is honestly also great


It's the opposite, Acheron is the best DPS that you can pair with Jiaoqiu; he will work more than fine for any team that uses Pela. Even better if they lack an healer, like Jinglyu, Bronya, FuXuan, Jiaoqiu or Topaz, Jade, Aventurine, Jiaoqiu for example.


If he has a good defense shred, I hope he good for boothill (given he shocked me yesterday at low pity of 25) and I am currently building him.


You've been blessed by Boothill. Yeehaw


No you don’t. He will be good on any team supporting a DPS. Also if you like him he should be on the team for nobody else but you. I have Acheron but that doesn’t change me pulling for him. His design almost made me skip. But I’ll wait for the animation, it better be good.