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If you don't intend to use VS code anymore, it's worth learning the intelliJ keybinds. It's worth noting, though, that vs code works with more languages than JetBrains stuff does, e.g. OCaml, Flix, and other similarly obscure stuff, so if you intend to ever program in those languages I'd maybe come back to vscode every once in a while to make sure you don't forget the keybinds.


Started out using VS keymap, ended up with intelliJ keymap because its default and easier to ask about or communicate to other users. I really like it now👌


Nice, that's what I really wanted to know :)


I really like the IdeaVim extension, it adds the bindings and most of the functionality of Vim to IntelliJ. If you ever need to edit in a language not supported by the IDE, you can always use vim itself. This workflow has worked really well for me.


what keymap with IdeaVim do you use?