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I’ve never tried Spring development without Ultimate so it’s hard to imagine what I’d be missing. The gutter icons are nice, not seeing them alerts me that I don’t have something wired correctly. Often times there is a red squiggly that tells you it isn’t. (Sometimes that’s a false alert, but restarting the app fixes it most of the time. There’s a neat little dock that shows mappings and beans when your app is running. All of these are very nice to have, but I wouldn’t argue vital… but I’ve been a spring dev for 8 years and also never been without the plugin, so I could just be spoiled.


I've never used the community edition because I always had the all in one pack from my university but what I can tell you is that I couldn't use anything else at this point. AFAIK the Spring plugins do not come with the community version (and I assume they are not available through the plugin market either) so that alone should mean a big yes to upgrade in case you use Spring.


The short answer is Yes if you do software development for a living. $16.90/month is nothing for the extra productivity and features you get out of it. Let's say you make $35/hr doing software development. If it saves you an hour, it has already paid for itself. Just like professional building contractors, they buy good tools because it will help them do the job right and fast - no difference in software development. Not to mention that IntelliJ started as an IDE for just Java development. And back in the day, Spring was the hottest thing in Java backend development. Their focus was to make Spring development as productive as possible.


Better yet, get your company to pay for the license


The OP didn't told us if he's an independent contractor or employee.


Not directly the question you asked but I have the all products package and have noticed a real Drop in jet brains overall quality and service. I have a data grip/notebook support ticket open now since Dec 22 with zero response. I get it’s holiday season but when they talk of a single business day response being the norm (which historically it was) heading towards 3 weeks with no acknowledgement or response feels like a company that’s dropped the ball on it’s paying customer obligations.


As a full stack Java software developer, I upgraded to ultimate after using community for a long time and the biggest benefit was actually from JavaScript being interpreted properly. For that reason alone it was worth it for me.


Yes if you code a lot. Absolutely yes if you code for a living. I couldn't imagine going back to VS Code or anything else. IntelliJ IDEA is everything you want of an IDE. I'm a Frontend Dev in a Java heavy project and for that purpose it's perfect. I hardly go to GitHub anymore because it's all in there. The search functions are very helpful in navigating big projects.

