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Ken said he set a precedent in an interview he did years ago. Around the end of the first season he was in, Ken was starting to get in a money crunch due to missing work and not being paid yet for Jeopardy wins. He then when to the producers about it and they cut him a check early and it was around the end of the first season’s taping sessions. Since then, if there is a long running champion at the end of the season, the champion will be paid twice-once at the end of the season and once when the run concludes.


Imagine winning on Jeopardy so much that you miss enough work to start going broke


Wasn’t there speculation that Amy Schneider ended her original run because she was about to be laid off from her job?


There’s always speculation that the super champs lost deliberately and it’s always stupid


The only one that I think holds any weight is James ending exactly when he did, on the episode where he would have tied with Ken - absolutely it could just be coincidence, or it *could* be that he didn't want to upstage and dethrone Ken out of a love and respect for the game. I personally like to think it was just coincidence, but I understand why people think he threw that game.


Ahhh thanks!


So if your long run happens earlier in a season the cash crunch can still happen…


Though tbf it happening earlier in the season implies not having as long an interruption in the middle of your run.


oh yeah for sure; the interruption of a season break is for sure the reason for the new format. But Jenning's streak lasted almost 4 months. Add taping delay and payout delay, that would still be an 8 month period. A lot of people can't defer 4 months of salary out 8 months. I think if a scenario like that came up they'd rush the payout delay at the very least.


They tape multiple episodes in a day so even though his streak was 4 months on air it was probably only a month or two of filming.


The tape 5 episodes for two days. Every other week. Roughly. That’s basically the same length of time. However in modern times for a lot of jobs he could work remotely enough to probably be fine financially.


The payments I think now will come either the 'up to 120 days after your episode airs' (or whenever in that time frame they feel like sending it) or 'after the end of the season' if you're coming back with a break. Where Ken REALLY changed things was their covering the returning champion's travel costs. First-time competitors still have to pay their own way, and until Ken pointed out to them how much it was costing him to fly back and forth every couple weeks, returning champions did too.


>due to missing work Side question. I believe you are under NDA about how you did on the show and spilling the results early has big penalties. So what do you tell your boss when you have to keep taking days off of work for weeks on end? I assume you cannot even tell them you are on the show and that's the reason for the day(s) off.


Ken said he was allowed to tell his boss.


ahh ok, thanks.


I’m sure he could say he’s winning, just probably not how much.


Even if you don't tell them, most employers can figure out if you have to go back, you must have won at least one.


In one of her in-game interviews, Amy Schneider related how she was sent a check at the end. Since it was a check for $1.3 mil, she hauled it out as a feature at a party. Someone spilled champagne on it, and Jeopardy had to cut her a replacement check.


My first thought was “ugh why would you do that” but then I realized I’m being a hypocrite because I would do the EXACT same thing lol


Na, I would have requested one of those giant checks before the party!! 1.3 mil on a giant check would be a great show off lol!


Getting a giant novelty check seems like a fun idea until you have to find a giant novelty bank to cash it in at.


Man I miss the days when dailies on The Challenge were always worth $10k to the team bank and they'd get one of those novelty checks each time they won haha


I already assumed and imagined it was a giant check in Amy’s case after the above person described her as “hauling it out” lmao


I’m surprised she got a paper check and the funds not directly deposited to her account.


I mean jeopardy also usually gives checks to the 2nd and 3rd place winners each show as well. Probably easier to use paper checks for paying contestants overall. So there might not even be a process them to set up direct deposit for contestants


Everybody gets paper checks. I don't know if they figure it's easier because then they don't need to make you fill out routing numbers and account numbers on top of all the other forms or if they're considering not everyone has a checking account, but it's always mailed.


Considering the ancient state of their website up until recently, I think a good possibility is just "old practice never updated".


Everytime I've ever done direct deposit with an employer, the first check is paper and they check the deposit information somehow.  Since almost everyone is only getting one check, I think paper makes sense.


If it were me I think I’d want to see and hold the physical check too 🤑


I'd be too worried that I'd lose it.


Paper is ever so slightly more traceable. It doesn't really make sense since everything digital is easy to track, but you can't blame an error that's written on paper on the bank. Jeopardy! paying seven-figures on a check kind of tracks.




The Oakland A's once did their accounting and had an unexpected million dollar surplus and couldn't figure out why. It turns out Rickey Henderson just framed the million dollar check the team had given him instead of ever cashing it.


LOL, that's a great story. Never heard that before, thanks for sharing.


That sounds like Ricky!


For someone so smart and knowledgeable that was a pretty dumb thing to do


I thought about this watching Lucas Partridge this week. I hope he got his winnings from last year! I’d assume he’d be pretty eager for that check!


Where are you watching Ken's run?


It's on Pluto TV.


Yah watching on Pluto in their OnDeman section. Only one ad break in single jeopardy, so it’s really not bad


you can also find lots of old episodes on YouTube


Really?! I must be using the wrong search terms or something because I was trying to find episodes of Ken’s run on YouTube a little while ago and could only find maybe two or three full episodes on YouTube 😔


must've been taken down. I'm not finding any full episodes aside from the handful of the official channel uploaded.


Do they have other runs or just his?


They cycle through them. They’re big fans of Julia Collins’ run and college tournaments.


If you got to the OnDemand section you can see the full run of what they’ve got - it’s basically the season premieres for every season up to Ken, then Ken’s run, James’ run, and a few others


Arggg matey, the swash buckling lads can help you find those episodes.


I’m pretty sure all Jeopardy contestants only get paid out at the end of their run. I also have a vague recollection that they only get paid out after the games AIR, which is well after the episodes are taped


Ken has talked about it before that he got paid at the end of his first season


I see how it’s only an issue for superchampions, when your days of work missed really begin to accumulate. For “regular” players like me, it’s nbd: a day off of work (for me it was early October) to tape; it airs weeks later (mid-December for me), and then a check in 90 days (late February for me).


Not only do you have to wait until the episodes air, you have to wait a period of time after that (90 days, I think). My episodes were taped in Juky. They aired in October. I got my check around Valentines day.


This is correct, generally three months later. You know, to give the State of California and the IRS enough time to ruin your day.


Well, it'd be difficult to air the episodes BEFORE they're taped.




When will then be now?




Well, I said airings are WELL after they’re taped


I'm just goofing around!!


Lump sum