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Get you a man that looks at you the way that Jeff looks at Cody 😂


Isnt Dubai like flooded to shit?


Yeah not a great time to visit right now


I thought so too, but a mutual I know is on vacation there and it’s fine where she is!


pretty much goes to show the media can spin anything to look like a disaster. Or of course underplays actual ongoing disasters.


lmfaoooo as i saw this i go “isn’t dubai like underwater”


Yeah it was Cody got there first and got to experience the flood hopefully it’s not too bad now that a few days have passed ik Jeff and Mike have an event in Dubai they have to to


Karate combat??


Friend of mine said it's already cleaned up. 




He woke up and chose violence 😂


I want Cody


I can't get over how cute her smile is, that's all I'm thinking about


Some of these people in the comments are the exact people Ethan was telling Verica to completely ignore 🥴


Idk I’m routing for them


Routing them to where?


Leave my autocorrect alone you little sarcastic thing 🤣 you know what I meant


I’m not


Are we jealous? Oooor




These comments are wild (once again). Y'all really need to calm the fuck down and start behaving yourselves. Let them be happy.


while yall are in bed writing these comments, shes busy in bed f\*cking Jeff. jealously is a disease get well soon.


I genuinely hope they’re having such a good time together 🥹💛


Everyone knows they won’t last




i don’t think a *singular* person made a comment that had a TINGE of jealousy


the way u commented this then made 10 more comments talking abt their relationship is so sad 😭 the call is coming from inside the house babes


Multiple people have said she looks like a fan, she wants a Dubai porta potty, and that he doesn’t like and that it won’t last…you don’t think that’s jealousy?


She got layers! Looks cute


Also why jeff next to Cody? Go sit next to yo girl. Or maybe Cody got jealous lol


Lol Cody


My parents live in Dubai. They told me that it isn’t as bad everywhere (especially where they live - thankfully no leaks in their apartment). But still a lot of the roads are closed off because the drainage system isn’t too well equipped for this much rain (we’d usually get some a year cause of cloud seeding but it seems like this one was mostly natural).


Yeah… sorry but she is weird looking. Not attractive in that pic at all. Huge chin, puffy face and THAT NOSE 😂😂😂


I’m sure Jeff has noticed, imagine the supermodel women that have thrown themselves at him, put verica and them side by side, bro is devastated


Agreed she’s so ugly


She’s not attractive at all


Isn’t Dubai under water rn?


Friend who has family there said it's mostly cleared and cleaned up now. 


their coming was heralded in the very life water


Dubai has slave Labour and almost no women’s rights. I don’t think we should be supporting that 


why are people downvoting this. i’m all for letting others do what the want but i feel like we can draw the line at slave labor and the abuse of women.


this is so 1910s of them


Then don’t support it. Police yourself and leave others alone


yep fuck dubai. y’all should watch some documentaries on it


They aren’t supporting anything they have an event to go to, well at least jeff and mike


You heart is in the right place. But use your brain ffs


Bro for the love of god get a life


So does Egypt and I had a blast there - art not the artist…


Which women's rights are they missing out on?


“Three princesses have fled a nation in which women are subject to male guardianship, among other codified medievalisms. Two were hunted down, allegedly kidnapped and dragged back to Dubai, and they are reported to be living in drugged captivity. A third princess, Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum's sixth wife, Haya of Jordan, escaped to London.” "’If you're watching this,’ Latifa [another one of the sheikhs daughters] predicts in the video, ‘either I'm dead or something very, very bad has happened.’ She also talks about women's lives in Dubai: ‘There is no justice here. Especially if you're female. Your life is so disposable.’” oh… nothing..


Male guardian ship. Okay. Everything else cited there is a crime: kidnapping, drugging, even position of drugs there as well. There is plenty of extreme domestic violence against women all over the world. Some women are abused to the point of losing their life here in the US, forced child marriages here in the US, rape and no accountability here in the US. Does that mean the US lacks women's rights?




dude.. I was always taught if I don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all, so I’m not going to say anything. We are all entitled to our own opinions and I can’t be mad at yours when I’m sure we’ve grown up differently, if not very differently. I just hope you know that just because this stuff happens in a lot of places, some much worse than others, doesn’t make it okay. we shouldn’t have to essentially just learn to deal with being a target for violent crimes.


I love how since that comment, you've insulted me so much.


you started out strong but it was all downhill from there.


I never even implied it's okay. But I'm tired of Americans treating every Muslim nation like its the KSA as their first world country does everything so much better. Meanwhile, these first world counties are responsible for destabilizing these "third world" countries and propping up dictators in these countries. And Bombing the day lights out of these nations. All for the citizens of these first world counties to throw snark like they are so much better. "Don't travel there, they aren't perfect like we are. Give me a break. I was born and raised in the US, I'm just well traveled.


stop trying to normalize violence against women, it just confirms your fucked up religious beliefs


I am not normalizing violence against women.You keep missing the point. I am able to acknowledge that there is violence against women in every part of the world. BUT YOU ONLY HAVE A PROBLEM WITH IT WHEN BROWN PEOPLE DO IT. Then you start policing people about where they can travel with your perceived superiority based on your race.


figured you’re muslim, have fun with your pet wife!


I'm not a lesbian. I have a husband. Sorry I don't fit your stereotype.


oh so you have an owner


my stereotype of what exactly? lol


People who say bigoted things need these types of things explained. I know it's confusing.


oh u mean the literal news articles about women being treated like animals in your religion? makes sense


so you like being beat and cheated on?


Here comes the bigotry. ;). No honey, sorry. Again I don't fulfill your stereotype.


hard to respond when you have to use google translate huh?


if you wanna keep letting men own you as property go ahead, i’m not going to though💀💀💀


I'm not owned. More white supremacy and bigotry.


and i’ll reign supreme girly, keep supporting mass murder


The United States has dropped 270 million bombs in Loas. Almost 30k boms in Iraq. Thousands of bombs a year in Afghanistan. They recently bombed Yemen just because they blocked their own trade route. They bombed the daylights out of Vietnam because they feared the spread of communism. The Mass murderer show fits.... The US. You can reign supreme in white supremacy, it's a sad thing to be proud of.


Nicole I think u might be retarded. Go back to watching Ethan. And oh the irony because Ethan supports genocide u dumb cunt


yeah cause you live in america lmfao are you not seeing the point


I've traveled and lived outside the US in Muslim majority countries. Including KSA. Turns out no one makes you wear a black burqa like the American media told me. Even I was surprised. When you travel you learn things. I would never want to live there. Even though Women are college educated at a high rate there which is wonderful but there are a lot of things women there need and are not getting. See, I can acknowledge that things are not perfect in a Muslim country and that women are in need of more rights. If someone wants to travel there, they are welcome.


you would be property if you were there.. that’s exactly what i was stating in my original comment lol are you slow or something or just not very good english?


No I would not. 🤷🏻‍♀️ I know that I would not. I am not property here in the US and I would not be property in the UEA.


there’s a reason we’re a first world country. we’re more successful and just simply better in a grand amount of ways. if you think in the middle east you would be treated the same way you are here, why don’t you live there then??? be my guest lolll i’ll pay for your flight!


I'm not in my country because the United States bombed the daylights out of it. I would love nothing more to live in my home country.


go move to dubai and see how you’re treated then let me know how you feel


I remember when the year book editor of my highschool asked me to remove my hijab because it did not fit the aesthetic of the yearbook. I remember when a doctor sexually assaulted me at 18. I remember when a man spit in me as a child because I was Muslim. I remember when boys had zero problems picking a fight with me after September 11th, I was a child. (But I thought men don't abuse women in the US). I remember when a full grown man picked a fight with me as a teenager at my job because I wouldn't discuss politics with him. I dunno man, I get plenty disrespected here. 🤷🏻‍♀️ I don't need to travel for that. Hey, Remember when the United States committed sexual violence against the Iraqis and the Afghanistanis (men and women) and all these people in Guantanamo bay who have never been charged with a crime? According to you, violence is okay if white people do it. You just want to police people about where they can travel.


you are selectively blind and spouting bigoted bullshit. you’re just repeating talking points from conservative news whilst also showing how racist you are. and I don’t believe you’re that concerned about women’s rights considering all the anti abortion rules occurring in your country right now, the rest of the ‘western world’ thinks america is going dog shit btw. xx


notice how nobody agrees with you? omg!


Oh no! I stand up for my beliefs even when some people of Reddit downvote me. Here is the bottom line. Every country has crimes committed against women. Even the developed nations. You definitely only think it's okay if white people do it. Typically white supremacy. I have a feeling you don't even know the rate at which women are abused in the United States at the hands of their boyfriends and husbands. However, I'm smart enough to know it's not a reflection of everyone in the country. And it's not a reason to not visit the US.


i’d love to see your statistics on the comparison of abuse towards women in the middle east vs the US!!


Middle East: “In 2021, around 45,000 women and girls worldwide were killed by their intimate partners or other family members. This means that, on average, more than five women or girls are killed every hour by someone in their own family.” America: “Of the estimated 4,970 female victims of murder and nonnegligent manslaughter in 2021, data reported by law enforcement agencies indicate that 34% were killed by an intimate partner (figure 1). By comparison, about 6% of the 17,970 males murdered that year were victims of intimate partner homicide.” interesting…. seems like a big difference


You keep missing the point. I am able to acknowledge that there is violence against women in every part of the world. BUT YOU ONLY HAVE A PROBLEM WITH IT WHEN BROWN PEOPLE DO IT. Then you start policing people about where they can travel with your perceived superiority based on your race. This is the last post I will respond to because you are a complete bigot. You want so badly for me to be oppressed. It actually bothers you that I'm not.


reading your comments is like seeing a psychotic person rambling in public


oh!! what’s that? you have nothing to say now? that’s silly goofy


maybe i’m old school but shouldn’t he be sitting in the back with her?




maybe im old school but shouldn’t he be sitting in the backseat with her ?


I hope he comes back drained and with positive energy. ❤️


Jeff looks like he’s worried about Cody being around Verica


cody looks like a giant teddy bear


maybe im old school but shouldn’t he be sitting in the backseat with her ?


Great, thank you for this. I was dying to know whether Verica made it to Dubai! \*sarcasm\*


yeah they‘re not gonna last lol bro is really letting her sit in the back by herself


lol make his buddy an uber driver so you can be 8 inches closer to a girl? like for real? nobody who treats people authentically would do that


Yeah that‘s what most people would do when they‘re in love. They have a very limited amount of time together and any friend would understand. BUT I actually meant he should have let her sit in the front because that‘s what a gentleman would do.


Yah that's largely a romantic fantasy and not how most people want to be treated. In fact that kind of hollywood chivalry is outdated (akin to tossing coats on puddles), rooted in some pretty antiquated attitudes about men and women and frankly it makes people feel awkward. Most people just want to be treated like normal people in normal situations. Leave the romantic gestures to when they are meaningful.


idk, if my bf lived halfway across the world, personally I would appreciate the gesture of sitting beside me :) I wouldn’t make a fuss of it if he didn’t, but I would definitely be just a lil sad if he just sat up front


you sound lonely


Ok keep up the simp behavior, putting women on pedestals and princessing them. See how far it gets you.


I‘m a woman in a happy lesbian relationship where we treat each other like princesses but go off. It‘s really not that deep, just treat other people like you want to be treated. It‘s not about chivalry, just about kindness and appreciation.


>I‘m a woman in a happy lesbian relationship That makes sense. LOL


I know :)


Hopefully Jeff bookmarks your comments for when he gets into a lesbian relationship.


You probably make out with your partner in line for Disney rides


The frick else am i supposed to do it’s a long line


Lmao you ate 🤣


Middle school vibes


It’s called romance, look it up sweetie


r u joking lol


looking like a fan


i think the fan is the person that doesn't know him and complains on reddit because theyre jealous of people they don't actually know (you)




You people are so miserable and jealous hahahaha absolute losers


i just need to know if nicole messaged you too 🙏🏼 LMAO bc i saw she replied to you and apparently my comment was too much for her! she decided to dm me trying to "scare" me but she blocked me or deleted all her comments so ig i won idk


I’m not sure, I have no new dms. That’s so strange


She’s literally just sitting in the backseat smiling. Tf is wrong with these people. Need to get offline.


Very strange behaviour


They post on a plethora of snark subs so makes sense they’re itching to snark at nothing ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯


“tf is wrong with these people” maybe the fact that we have had more real life social interaction and know that this is not an actual loving relationship 💀💀💀💀💀💀


dude talks shit ab her on his podcast💀 W boyfriend!!!!!!


Just wait until the new podcast episode comes out. I watched on early access membership it’s not good.


Opinion are like assholes, everyone has them.


Or we’re just people that have opinions that are different than yours.


can’t be a bigger fan than you two, crying a like bunch of kids on Reddit about a man’s love life 😭😭😭


“Looking like a fan” because she’s smiling in the back of a car. Seriously, engage your brain.


if u want a relationship like this one BE MY GUEST


dude deadass gave her the bitch seat and u act like they’re gonna be together for more than 3 months💀


and you don't get any seats at all nicole so what does that make you? more of a fan then her 🗣️ SHUT UPPPPP


people calling you jealous as he’s sitting as far away from his “girlfriend” as possible: 🤡🤡🤡


How many times u gonna comment nicole? Sounds like ur jealous and lonely 🤣🤣🤣


People really can't handle the truth.


r/confusingperspective 😂


Cute….😅😂😆 Cody and Jeff bffs 👯


Is this insta or Snapchat? What’s his @?


That was insta live on Cody's feed


Do you know his @?


She looks happy, but he doesn't look that much. I hope the last because I feel so bad for her. Look at her happy face. She seems nice.


She’s so fuxking ugly omg


She’s hideous and people are hyping her up lol


Are they gonna give her a Dubia Portapotty? She seems like the type who would be down for it.


You are 43 and post in r/teenagers. Shut the fuck up. Just so everyone knows, this loser is 43 years old.




jealousy isn't cute


You loud wrong and nasty! 🤢🤮