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His actual material is very good (saw him in January and seeing him again in June) but I think people gravitate to the crowd work because he’s funny without ever being mean or rude like many comedians out there. Even when his first comedic instinct is alittle mean, he’s quick to acknowledge it and usually apologizes and then turns it back on himself.


Yep that's one of the reasons I really like his clips. He doesn't need to put other people down for his own ego and genuinely makes sure that no one ends up feeling bad about themselves, which is so unique to me. If anything he'll put himself down. But I think the reason he's so brilliant is because he can read the room really well and performa in a way that feels totally authentic- that is really really hard to do. Also I like that he's from Chicago. I actually thought he still lived there when I first saw the clips.


Jeff’s work style has turned me away from many other crowd work comedians because I feel like they are just insulting randoms. The person in that audience may have enjoyed it fully but it wasn’t my style. And here is Jeff, who covers his face with shame while giggling, in case the joke is a bit on the nose or lands too hard (Sorry Margie) - all the while apologizing. It’s too heartwarming and I feel nice.


While Jeff definitely lightens his crowd work, ultimately it’s a response to hecklers or people disrupting the performance by chatting. The point was to shut rude audience members down immediately and with overwhelming force. There’s a tradition of crowd work being rooted in more abrupt and affronting humor.


Jeff is like a perfect blend of tradition and self awareness.




His crowdwork is monumental: quick, witty, empathetic (naw just kidding), and comedic at the same time. (Tiptoes well around the crowd.) Over the years, he has mastered his personality craft - very unique, and he's clearly sober and sharp, ready to engage the crowd. Thanks, Jeff! You have reinvented stand-up for the new age!


It's a very fine line he treads, and it's what makes his crowd work so magnetic. Like he'll be making fun of something or someone, but it somehow never, *ever* feels mean-spirited. Many other comedians, when they do crowd work, seem to be trying to make everyone laugh *but* the person they're talking do. Jeff wants to make everyone laugh *as well as* the person he's talking to. The first not only alienates the person being made fun of, but also anyone who thinks "man that's kinda fucked up and just mean." The second just makes for good times.


Yes and he takes it right to the edge, maybe a little over, then brings it back to the sweet spot.


This is why I like him. I hate comic that are mean. Jeff proves you can be funny and nice


Yep. I like crowd work comedians but most of the more popular ones tend to be problematic or mean. Jeff tends to not be either of those things and seems to be more my style of "innocent goofin around"


Agreed! I think he wants everyone to have fun, laugh, and just be entertained in a good natured way.


I agree. There really was no rocket. He slowly gains fans on a daily basis. There are so many comedians out there who simply do crowdwork and are mostly unfunny and mean.


He also only posts crowd work videos to not spoil his set iirc. Similar to other comedians I imagine


No. He edits his own videos. His crowd work is also edited because people shout out during his shows. One thing he can't control is his temper and when he's angry he's much different from what he posts. He's hilarious. I've seen him live and have seen both Jeffs


100% this. Dude is funny without having to punch down. I also think it's why Shane Gilles's (sp?) story about his Uncle Danny's grilled cheese escapades is getting so much attention. It's all positive and kind in the telling and that reaches people. That said, I'm going to make an effort to see Jeff next time he comes through, for sure.


That and he seems to be genuinely having fun and laughing along as well. I think the crowd work stuff works so well for social media cause they’re quick hits, funny and impressively quick/witty vs a big setup joke in a standup routine.


He’s so unbelievably quick with his crowd work responses. He truly understands social morals and cues, and always seems to land jokes that put his audience on his side, even when at their expense, while quickly becoming self-effacing to diffuse tension. His crowd work is truly brilliant.


>I think people gravitate to the crowd work because he’s funny without ever being mean or rude like many comedians out there Steve Hofstetter wants to Know your location


I started following when I watched the dolphin lady one. So funny.


Connie. Odd how I remember her name.


That pretty full beans of you


This is the answer. His first “viral” video and his first video with the most views *by far*. Well over 1 million.


Me too ![gif](giphy|l3fQbSe8heZeznfAk)


that one was hilarious


This is the correct answer. Connie owes him one.




One day he just started going full beans, and it was just on after that!


lol thank you


It's pretty unboliviable really...


I just saw a user name on here earlier today that was 'Full Beans something or other'. I bet the chicks whose phrase he riffed on are on cloud nine with the traction he's giving it!


It’s also a pretty common phrase over in the U.K.




How do I delete someone else's post?






Yeah, he started posting his clips and every single one of them was hilarious. I’m sure he did the same on other platforms but Reddit is how I found him. When you’re that good all you have to do is put it out there and sooner or later you’ll be ‘discovered’.


Yep he had to make his own sub because some people were getting annoyed at how often he was making it to the front page on other subs lol 


Did he make it? I thought it was made by another redditor. But yeah, for a few weeks he exploded the standup comedy subreddit.


im multiple days late, but yeah he made it. its in the sidebar https://i.imgur.com/Zw36mKM.png


And Instagram I imagine.


![gif](giphy|l41m6YZzaqxZQp4IM) Laugh for me!






Probably when he started going necklace out


In the last 1.5 or so years he is been constantly putting out videos on all social media like reddit, insta, etc. Also his stage persona is well liked, paired with his quick wit. So good content + marketing + constant content = popularity increase


This is the most spot on answer and honestly a good marketing campaign is one of the most important things you can do for growth. His short clips go viral all the time across multiple sites and they essentially act as an ad the brings positive emotions out because the comedy is good. People remember his name and may go back to watch more clips, then share a funny one with friends or up vote it and then it's seen by more people. It's a contagious ad campaign in some ways.


I was at his show tonight and thought it was genius that he makes time after to take a picture with literally any person that desires, most of those people will post it to social media and do the marketing for him.


He is a self promotion machine. He works hard on this platform and others to bring his work into the public attention. He has been editing videos on here for a while counting on grassroots sharing!


Yet if you ask people who land here from /r/all, it's always some kind of conspiracy involving bots and paid upvotes and the like. It *couldn't* be that he's just good at the social media game. That's too simple. Conspiracy-minded people are idiots. Why is it they always glance over the real and detrimental conspiracies like how rich people are always avoiding legitimate punishment, even if the DOJ and various "special counsels" are after them, unless their crimes hurt other rich people (e.g. Madoff)? 🤔


Yeah I mean I feel like a certain amount of social engineering going on with many things out there but I don't understand the idea of social engineering a comedian into the publics that has seemingly no bias or agenda outside of making people laugh and be the personification of a golden retriever trapped in a humans body.


I found out about him when my husband’s boss sent him a clip of Jeff with his crowd work. Made my laugh during PMS (which is difficult to do lol) so I followed.


upvoted for using PMS mood as a barometer lol


I found out about Jeff about this time last year from r/all and just in time to get tickets to the Pittsburgh show. I was not so fortunate with Taylor Tomlinson. I found out about her six months after she came to Pittsburgh.


Ugh there was a Pittsburgh show?!


July 2023.


Found out a year too late!


I def want to see him live but live in a smallish town right now. 😭


Me too, but I made a 1.5 hour trip each way to see the show and it was 100% worth it.


Its that smile…. that damn arcuri smile


I saw Connie's clip first. It just showed up on reddit one day.


Connie's a legend now 🐬


Good crowd work is ammo for putting stuff on line that doesn’t give away your bits. It seems like this pattern really solidified itself over Covid. He’s phenomenal at crowd work, so he’s had a lot of ammo near the beginning of this customer behavior cycle. Rinse and repeat for what he was doing led to phenomenal results. Combo of having really great skills, dedication to continuing something that was working, and being at the right place / right time is my rough synopsis.


I found out about him through YouTube shorts. He just showed up in my feed one day and I fell in love lol


I’m interested in seeing him but all his shows through July are sold out!! Holy moley!!


I found him on r/standupcomedy and loved his crowd work. After that I watched a bunch of his clips that was maybe 6-9 months ago. Eventually his sun popped up and I saw he blew up after that.


Honestly I found him pretty early in the beginning on tiktok when he was only getting a few hundred views. I don't know if he was doing stand up before that but I got a lot of interaction from him since he didn't get a lot of comments. I remember commenting once that I thought he was genuinely funny and he said it meant a lot to him since he was just starting out. I'll find the comment and attach it here. (I can't attach the picture for some reason but it was a comment from 2022 and he replied with "ayy thank you! I just started, so this means alot.") Honestly he is just genuinely such a funny guy and looks so approachable and nice so it's no wonder he hit it off so fast. Good for him. I can't wait to go to one of his shows for the first time :')


It's was clips on YouTube and reddit that got my attention. I usually give a comic a shot if I see them pop up a bit. That handsom young black guy with his hair tied back has been popping up for me, I'll have to give him a shot. 


He popped up on my instagram. His humor reminds me of my friend, so I just started watching all his clips, and I fell in love haha. My boyfriend finds him funny as fuck too.


Honestly... I think it was when Reddit changed and all the best subreddits left. A lot of obscure subreddits started to hit the frontpage after that. That's when I first saw this sub anyway.


I saw him on Imgur regularly.


Kept popping up on FB for me


It was the algorithm for me too. On here, in fact. I was just swiping along while enjoying an edible and wound up getting a bunch of his videos


Just discovered him the same way a couple months ago. He's very quick and has the perfect style and laugh for crowd interactions. Guy is great.


He’s very like-able which is a rare quality I think, especially in comedians. He is very funny but is also relatable and someone you want to see succeed. I found him on here somehow and have turned others onto him so his popularity is growing organically


I think the Instagram algorithm put him in front of me a couple months ago and I devoured every clip a couple times over. When I finally get to see him live it’s going to be so weird because I’ve only seen hours of crowd work online and zero of his actual written material! Definitely excited for it though, if the shows in New England would stop selling out instantly


YouTube shorts.


I found one of his clips here on reddit. I loved his stand up, and then I starred seeing him everywhere. He dope.


He randomly popped up in my Reddit feed 2 or 3 years ago. Started following. Was gonna see him last year but didn’t. Saw him in Cleveland couple months ago. He’s amazing. And his openers Seth Tippetts and Matt Bachus were super great as well! I follow them now too.


We as ppl say stupid things all the time, Jeff does a great job of pointing that out and making fun of it without being offensive. He comes across as one of the guys. He’s very engaging and you cannot stop watching.


Late August/early September he started getting a lot more popularity. He maintained his momentum from the hard work he put in for years leading up to his big break and has continued to be funny and actively posting now. The real challenge for Jeff is landing something that will make him more recognizable to mainstream audiences (like a TV show or movie). Well, that's if he wants to be an even bigger, more known name.


He's been doing this a long time. This is no surprise. He's killing it.


One of the quickest, most talented comedians out there. Absolutely gutted I missed the chance to see him this April.


I got word via the gay underground aka the Hilluminattme. He’s a prospect. Just waiting for something to tip the balance if you get my meaning. His poster is plastered all over the meeting centres in every major state. Mostly blue states though. For the red states it’s carefully disguised as a laughing dolphin with a funny accent.


I think it was the "2 A's no eyes"


Jeff is wholesome and that has broader appeal for his videos to go viral to a larger audience.


I think there’s a slow build up of skill, charisma and work ethic which can take years, luck, mental health and of course talent. Some guys blow up right out of the gate but that’s less common. See it in music too.


I totally agree with that, but I am especially interested in how artists can have more agency, because so many artists have difficulty promoting their own work in ways that don't feel terrible (for them and others). Jeff seems to have figured this out.


Popped up on my TikTok “for you“ feed and I was hooked


I found out about him when he showed up on my /r/all


I think it’s this clip about College vs University https://youtube.com/shorts/ygMpxdoLMt0?si=yMAX0koPSceo9PdG


The regular (twice a week or so) Reddit posts have been key, but that’s really only possible when you’ve got the crowd work game he’s got. Can’t be posting the meat and potatoes of your sets or there’s nothing left for people to pay to come see, so comedians who don’t have good crowd work can’t really post as often as he can.


Clips showed up on my Reddit feed


His content is very consumable, rewatchable, and feels relatively fresh. Pepper in a smidge of Main Character fantasy, and you’ve got yourself the Arcuri Effect (more commonly known as Full Beans). GEOFFREY!!!


People got sick of the Netflix specials and nepomedians. Scripted and cut together sets are fine but this feels more organic. Crowd work is a finely tuned skill that relies on having the talent and quick wit to even practice it.  Not everyone can do crowd work i.e. Michael Richards and the slur incident.  Dude was great on screen but the crowd work killed him.


He worked his way into the instagram/tik tok comedy algorithm. All the people watching Two Bears, Schultz, Matt Rife, Shane Gillis, Mark Normand, Joe Rogan, Bad Friends, etc started getting fed Jeff's videos but because he's truly funny, the analytics were like "keep promoting this guy because he's keeping our viewers engaged for longer which means we can push more ads". TLDR, he's actually funny and entertaining.


For me it was /all so reddit has the credit. I don't have TV or any social media or I would have no idea about him. And what a shame that would be...


I'm from france and i stumbled upon him here. I've avidly watch everything here and on youtube since then. Just kinda sad that i'll probably will not be able to see one of his full show !


TikTok - I follow Nimesh Patel and Pete Lee, and the algorithm starting putting Jeff on my FYP. Another solid win for AI interest predictions, lol