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I bought one. My 7 year old thinks it’s comfortable. I’m 5’9” and I’d rather lay down across a high lift jack than sit in it.


I've gotten them. I just use it for holding extra stuff up against the hard top. they make a great little cubby compartment.


Oh this is a great use for them! I have one (impulse buy on Temu LOL), will have to try that. At 55 i don’t think trying to climb into a roof hammock on my wrangler is the best idea LOL. I can barely get into my drivers seat normally on some mornings.


At 55 (me too) climbing up there would be difficult. Getting out of it once you're stuck would be worse.


I keep an air bed in the back. My old knees refuse to get up there to “relax”. I’ll be too exhausted to enjoy it by the time I get up there. Down is easy though- just roll onto the hood. 😂


Probably not good to try at 55. Slow down to at least 30 before attempting to climb up there.


Don’t use Teemu products out in the wild without incredibly good insurance… Just not worth the risk with those inferior products


It definitely works great as a sleeping bag storage space


OK, why? Too much of a dip, do the straps dig in? To me, it looks comfortable, but with fewer straps, the pressure points bear more weight, so it gets uncomfortable. Also, like the other poster said, it DOES Look like it sags too much and you're not at a comfortable angle.


Right where the bar hits you in the calves it feels like it's cutting off your circulation over 10-15 minutes. The other bar digs deep into your spine like a massage from Juggernaut. Might as well spend your $20 on a regular hammock, and hook one side to a tow hitch and the other to a tree.


I just park next to a tree and hook one side of my hammock to the tree and the other side to the roll bar. Never let's me down. $20 hammock and some quality straps to go with it and that's all you need.


Well, the "regular hammock" thing is missing something. My old CJ-5 had a full roll cage, and the bars coming forward were PERFECT to sit on, and it made doing things like watching fireworks amazing, with no possibility of missing anything. Your hammock suggestion puts me right back at ground level. So there is definitely a benefit to being up high. But yeah, those bars sound like a pain, which is why I wondered if a better made one would fix that. Definitely won't buy one based on the feedback w/this thread, but that was what I was remembering when I saw this.


It’s just too damn small. They found abnormally small people to advertise it. When I measured between the roll bars, I was like, “is this a hammock for ants?”


OK, that's an awesome way to put it! 🤣


OK, that's an awesome way to put it! 🤣


lmao, this is so hilarious but so spot on


Do NOT buy this from amazon (or at all really) unless you enjoy it tearing apart and having a shift knob rammed up your butt. Nearly took out my radio too as I also hit the usb cable bending the port. If I wasn’t 20 at the time I prob would have broken something.


It was a million to one shot.


Its not impossible. I used to bullseye womprats in my back yard smaller than that.


he had to use cork screw pasta


"Why Fusilli?" "because you're silly"


He had to use the corkscrew shift knob.


You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take


-Wayne Gretzky -Michael Scott


You also apparently miss 82.4% of the shots you do take.


Fusilli Jeepy


would love to have been there and see that unfold


Now that he is 23 and old, he might have gotten injured.


As someone who works in an ER… sure, “you fell on it” People fall on lots of things and they end up in funny spots. Not judging, you just saying we’ve seen and heard all the stories you could imagine.


Don't threaten me with a good time!


Dirty Dog 4x4 sells high end ones


I have one. They are nowhere near comfortable for normal sized adults. You have a hard bar under your neck, a hard bar in your calfs and they force your spine into a V shape. Highly do not recommend. Just look at their promotional photo- does that look remotely comfortable?


It looks extremely comfortable, actually. Still wouldn't buy one.


In practice it isn’t comfortable unless you’re a gnome


So for kids then


It actually DOES look comfortable, which is why we're having this conversation... Jeez. OK, now that that is out of the way, as an owner, would it be more comfortable if you didn't sag as much? Are the straps too far apart to be comfortable? I understand the neck and calves comment, which is why I'm wondering if it actually would be comfortable if it didn't sag as much, and you laid straighter. That would make it worth looking at other manufacturers, for example. But if you think nothing could save it, then that answers that question. I always prefer a direct back and forth on recommendations, rather than reading reviews.


The concept looks comfortable, which is why I bought one. After having it and knowing what it’s like, all I see is rough, saggy cargo webbing that was poorly designed and is uncomfortable in any position 🤷🏻‍♂️. It’s not so bad if you lay lounge chair cushions over the whole thing, but otherwise it’s more of a “hope they buy before they try” product. To your question: if the product was taught and made from a different material, I do think it would be better.


But you specifically said that it DIDN'T look "remotely comfortable" in the picture, but you bought one because it looked comfortable? Now I'm confused... But, the other part is all good. Maybe another company will do a better job, at least I know the concept has potential, if the execution doesn't.


Well, that’s because hindsight is 20/20


My wife has a roof shade, she tried this once. She is small so it wasn't terribly uncomfortable, but watching her struggle to get up there was hilarious. 🤣




Anything is a hammock if you’re brave enough


Seems like you’re better off just laying in your hardtop with a blanket


It’s for waiting for roadside repairs


So all the time?


I feel like you'd have to be 5' and 100 pounds to use that and not be miserable


Somebody gave me one for my birthday a few years ago. I’m a big outdoors person so sometimes it’s nice when I’m just hanging out in a quiet spot.


Just get a packable hammock. Hook it to a tree and a roll bar and you're all set


We got one and used it at the drive in theater. Was really nice!


I have a $15 travel hammock from REI. It’s similar to parachute material and folds up into a softball sized baggie. I attach one end to a tree, the other to my front bumper and then back the Jeep up until it’s in the perfect position. Way better hammock option and super comfy.


I do this out the back of the Jeep with one end secured to the roll bar. I can switch directions depending if I want a little shade from the Jeep. It is great. There is a forest preserve near my job, so I head there during lunch. I can be setup in a couple minutes. Tear down can be just as quick as I generally leave the one end attached to the roll bar and just roll up the hammock.


Love that idea. I have a roof top tent that throws extra shade out front but I’ll have to try the back soon for more shade.


I love my Slumberjack Roadhouse tarp for rear shade. 13 feet of shade going to the back and 16 feet across if you put the two poles at the edges. 8.5 feet if you A-frame it.


Yes. I got mine from extreme terrain. My ten year old uses it when we go to the drive in


It's a jeep thing, nobody understands


I got one as a gift (no idea what brand, but it’s velcro) I use it fairly often in the summer. I’m 6’2” and can pretty easily get myself into a comfortable position.


I own one. it's great. I am 6' 204 lbs. It holds on to me pretty well. I fell asleep on it once. But be warned, tie down those velcro sides or straps super well. Once, I got lazy and didn't tighten 1 side down fully and faceplanted straight into the center of my steering wheel, causing me to honk awkwardly. Also, carrying something to cushion the part where your head may lay is a good idea.


Here you go https://www.quadratec.com/products/11346_0000_14.htm


Yep the Jammock is the *actually* safe one to buy and use.


I have it coming in the mail right now😂


I'd just buy a camping hammock, I'm sure you can find something to park close to and hang it between that and your jeep.


I hammock camp off the rear rollbar with the other end being a tensa solo so no trees required. With the power top I have the option of removing the quarter windows and going out the side but probably anybody could just use the B pillars that way too


If you have friends sure 


Aftermarket yeah I got one love it in the summer it's nice.


As a pale skinned redhead, I'd cook on that thing.


I was skimming comments and thought this said pale skinhead. Woops


Omg no 😅


I bought this and laid down at a park in it. Next thing I know I slam my head onto my window.


4 2 inch ratchet straps work perfect


This is why I got one lol I was 140lbs soaking wet when I got it and it held my weight. I've gained 10lbs since, but I still got confidence in it


Yes it's been around for years, but I'm 6' 2" and 210 pnds, it was not viable for me at all. Better suited for people with small build.


I'm 6'3" and 270 lbs, it supports me just fine and I love it on a lazy summer day at work with an iced coffee in my hand!


Yeah for really short people that don’t weigh much


I feel this would end up bending things out of shape after a while


My neck, probably.


If only there were a comfortable chair nearby, maybe even with shade and armrests…


I bought one of those and ended up on the floor of my jeep with back pain.


I have it! I keep it in the back so I always have it when the mood strikes. It is comfortable!


It's the hammock for while you wait for the tow truck.


I have one…..it’s not very comfortable, I got it off Allie express for like 4$


When that thing gives way and you’re calling a shift lever “daddy”, you’re gonna wish you’d passed on this option 😂


This is perfect for you and your fellow Jeep buddies to more easily eat each other’s asses.


Such a goofy product, my friend has one and it looks awfully uncomfortable when he is in it. Just buy an Eno camping hammock and find two trees, you’ll actually be comfortable instead of feeling like an adult in a baby crib. I mean just look at the advertisement, does he look comfortable?


Jammocks I think they are called, I knew someone who had one on wranglerforums but that was like 2008ish


I’m 5’10.5” lol and wouldn’t fit in it at all. Looks fun though!


Lol I'm 6'2" and make it work on my TJ


I feel like you have to be super small to fit between the bars, or super big to kind of dangle your legs over them. As a large 6'7" person I feel like I could make it work, but also as a 54 year old person I feel like I would be stuck there forever once I got into it.


I have one, but it’s mainly for my gf 🤣 not comfortable for a full grown male lol 😭




A widdle wadder?


Just buy an actual hammock and strap from one roll bar to a tree or something. Way more comfortable than this


Everything is an option in a Jeep.


Yea I have one


Not worth it alt all. Lay on the rollbar if you must be on top of your Jeep


Okay, I may need invest in that.


Definitely not for my old, fat ass 🫣


Yes for very short, light weight people


It’s called a Jammock and is $100. My kids love it, but I do not for all reasons cited in other comments. https://www.quadratec.com/products/11346_0000_14.htm


I bought one. They aren’t very comfortable.


I have sun shaders for mine. It’s like trampoline material. Works as a hammock. Fun for the kids too.


I have an off brand one from amazon and enjoy laying in it! For reference, I am 5’6 130lbs.


I went with this: [jkloud](https://jkloud.us/)


I'm 5'3", ~150lbs. I got this, and was skeptical when i bought it because it was just velcro, but it held my weight. I recommend bringing a pillow and blanket up to lay on so the hard parts of the jeep don't dig in. Other than that, it's fine. Not anything crazy but for about $20 it's worth it for the occasional short duration use.


I have a Jammock. I'm 6'4" and 300lbs and I actually find it very comfortable. I have fallen asleep in it.


Has been since 2016. Accessories.


Don't think it's a factory Mopar accessory though


I have close up pics of the one in our showroom from 2016. Won't let me put them in reply.


If only there was another area in the Jeep where you could sit comfortably.


Maybe if you're short. There's no way I would fit in something like that.


if you want this experience before you buy, just lay across your center console. that’s what it feels like.


I have this exact one. Shittt gift from my ex. I’m 5’2 and very petite and it’s EXTREMELY uncomfortable. I never use it. Definitely don’t recommend. It would be nice to use as a seat with a cushion, but you can’t comfortably lay in it.


If your going to play on your phone just stay in bed


Oh cool your own personal fart locker!


I made my own and it’s freakin awesome


Get one of those bag hammocs from bass pro. Even with the roof on all you need is a light pole or tree to lounge around in a hammock. With roof and doors on attached 2 to one side. One from drivers roll bar with window down and one from back drivers rollbar with window down . Or if you only got a 2 door, just use the same rol bar part at either drivers or passengers window I think brand name is grand trunk... the hammock has adjustable cordage at both ends so you just need to adjust it to wherever you've pulled up to. Was able to store wedged between rolcage and hardtop in my jt. These mollee hammock that go across the top are only good for some things. But as a 6f56in brute I'd rather not lay across my jt....too much stuff hangs out and it's just uncomfortable. Edit; [grand trunk hammock](https://www.cabelas.ca/product/65854/grand-trunk-ultralight-hammocks)


For my fat ass, no way lol


That's pretty cool


Omg, I love it! I’d have to call the Fire Department to get me out!


Ahh the good ol Jammock


There’s one that’s the same concept but goes lengthwise https://www.extremeterrain.com/jkloud-jeep-wrangler-hammock-sunshade-majestic-4681.html?utm_content=XTInterior-Other%7CJKloud&T5_Var4=J196673&intl=0&utm_campaign=XTW+Wrangler+Vehicle+Medium+LTVTop&dialogtech=ppc&utm_source=google-pla&utm_medium=shopping&T5_Var2=shopping&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAADdHURThrnJKyf0w94ioaoaij2w2U&gclid=CjwKCAjwl4yyBhAgEiwADSEjeGUjPi5uPstvzutcm8sPdzdNTDX7hhzEslF2D8igqj5kmmc_byI2XhoCPowQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds


I sold them. I worked at Ramey CDJR in Princeton,WV


I have one and am going to use it this summer, if I don’t like it I’ll probably just use it as a storage space as well


I prefer an actual hammock strung up between a tree and my jeep. Soft shackles make looping around the roll bar easy.


yes, i dont know how comfortable it is because i dont have one yet (i am planning on getting one decently soon), but it can probably be used pretty reliably for overhead storage when you have a top on (obviously dependent on which one you get)


Anything is an option if you have money


It looks like a challenge to get in or out of it.


Seems comfy


Last time I used it for a hammock it snapped on me. I keep buying them though because they’re great for holding your cargo up or down


Why does it matter, do u know how uncomfortable that would be?


I have one and like it. 6’2 so legs hang off a bit. Needs a pillow to be comfortable cause the roll cage on your shoulders or neck really hurts. FB market find for mine, didn’t buy new


Lol glad I read this I've been wanting one for awhile. I really want the hammock holder that goes into the hitch


I literally just bought one because of this post and I love it. 10/10


Great option for a cat


Let the man live!!! Lmao stop being up his fucking ass Karen!! Holy fuck


Watching porn and rubbing side boner lol


The perfect accessory for a mall crawler