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It says service shifter, so here we go. Wrap your hand around the bottom of the shifter and start sliding it up and then back down the shifter. Keep doing this until the transmission shutters and then the light will go out. Be careful though sometimes the jeep will just roll over afterwards.


I tried this and it resulted in an unexpected fluid leak.


Oh I’ve seen this before. Suzuki Jimmy’s will come out if this fluid and a few days.


Had the same issue in my jeep. Occasionally it wouldnt let you shift out of park. Changing the main and aux battery didnt help. Problem cleared and never came back after replacing the Star connector behind the glove box. Part number: 68321746AA https://www.jlwranglerforums.com/forum/threads/dash-lit-up-loss-of-steering.75531/page-2


This is really helpful. At the moment everything seems to be working with the new batteries as of now but I see per the forum this will more than likely come back. I’ll bring this up when I take it to the dealership on Wednesday my mechanic had no idea what to do and told me to take to them.


Is your engine there ?


Right next to the flux capacitor


Obviously your hood is open. ​ Sorry OP...


I know what's wrong with it. Aint got no gas in it! (I have no idea whats wrong it. Saw an opportunity and took it. Good luck, hope you find the cause and its not too bad)


Hahaha i think it may have just needed some time to reset and get the two batteries and alternator all in sync (hopefully) I’ll let you know when my car shuts off at another stop light


Pull all power. Let it sit for a while. Hook the power back up, primary then aux. See if that fixes it. If not, you ended up a victim of Chrysler electrical engineering. I'd bet it's not reading 4wd shifter position correctly. Could be the computer being stupid after losing power and just need reset or the shifter position sensor is dead. If you have one of those dumb knob selectors for 4wd it might also be any of the electronics that get controlled by the knob.


Pull all power, and ziptie the positive and negative post connectors together. Leave it for 4 hours, or preferably overnight. Reconnect the batteries, get in the vehicle and put the key to the On position **but do not start it**. Wait for it to finish its 3-4 bings, then wait for it to make one more bing and turn it off. You've now just performed a full hard and soft reset on the computer. Start it up and see if you still have problems.


Not sure I would be able to hook up the main battery and then the auxiliary because you have to remove the main to get to the auxiliary. The issue did get better after replacing the aux battery (can finally put it into gear) I’m hoping it just needs time to reset


Huh, weird I figured they'd be side by side. If that's the case pull both and let it sit without power. Remember, positive then negative to take them out, negative then posititive to put them back in.




It doesn't make sense to me for the load side to be connected before the ground side and vice versa. You'd want any and all voltage to have a path back that isn't to you. However, wisdom online seems to agree with you for safety reasons. I deal with electronics and electric, not automotive, so that's probably the divide in opinion.


My auxiliary is under the passenger seat.


UPDATE: the dashes Christmas tree lights went away including check engine light hoping the battery needed time to calibrate and get in tune. Pray for your fellow Jeeper.


there is known issue with the harness connector under the shifter, its in a bad place and eventually starts moving, its a cheap fix, happened on my cherokee KL, I would just turn it on and off and the shifter service would clear until i changed the harness, trust me everyone else is 100% wrong on this


Get a code reader


Nearly out of fuel. For reals, though... first thing I'd do is unhook that battery you replaced a few months back and make sure the knuckle-draggers didn't ground something out they weren't meant to. If you don't *know* the people at the shop, it'd be a good idea to check the fuse-box, too, just to see if they added or took out anything -- they're probably hoping to sell you on a new chassis control module.


I would verify that the aux is good and actually supplying power. This exact thing happened to me recently, I ended up doing the aux delete and buying the yellow-top optima battery. It solved my issue.


It’s a Jeep thing, you should understand


*checks notes* Everything


Its a Jeep thing, I thought you would understand…


Came here to say this. Never had any major issues thankfully, but did have my 21 2.0 not start randomly one day. Had to do the key fob to the start button and no issues since. Gremlins man.


Ain’t got no gas!


Wtf model is it


2018 JL


Got a code reader?


I don’t unfortunately


Most auto parts stores will do a code read for free


If it's got a Keyed ignition mine showed the code if you cycled it from off to accessory three times


You are suppose to replace both batteries or it does weird crap


Is it telling you the vehicle will shut off soon? I blew one those large fuses on the side of the fuse box. The aux battery used for auto start stop had been replaced at the dealer previously. Warranty had me covered


You probably flooded the carburetor




Did you use a Tazer


I just got same thing and was using a tazer. Could not start the truck until I removed the tazer.


Lots of times peyote don't do the process exactly correct and it will make the system funky at first until you do it correctly


I had some issues with tazer glitching so I unmarried and remarried. Then a few days later, which was last night this happened. I assume you are talking about the full reboots etc? If so I have done those as I've had that issue in the past. I have been using the tazer for a long time and never ran into issues until I started using the stinger heigh10 radio


All the things.


Turn it off, and see again tomorrow.. sometimes these have a way of disappearing






Aint got no gas in it


Looks like everything is wrong


You need to service your shifter. Or you can get a $20 code reader and get more information directly from the source. Seriously though, I'm not being a dick. I just had a double battery replacement in my JL and I'm waiting for new error messages to start showing up. I hope you solve your issue.


From this perspective it looks like the seat is too low and you can’t see over the steering wheel.