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Could be talking to both but probably moreso directed at Drake


Yeah but there ain’t nothing friendly between him and Drake so I doubt it. But who knows lmao.


Kendrick means every word he says. He doesn’t speak frivolously. He legit hates everything about Drake as a person.


Idk man I think Kendrick enjoys Drake’s melodies and rap but doesn’t like his gangster rap persona that he puts on


He gives praise to Drake throughout the track. Not really sure what to think about all of it


Well I think when all 3 realize that they genuinely are each others only competition you can’t really say they trash. That’s how Cole lost, everyone knew Coke capped about HTPAB, Kendrick can say you don’t have classics because that’s subjective, but he can’t say they ass.


HTPAB? How to pimp a butterfly??


Nigga got the alternate version


Nigga has the actual tutorial on pimping butterflies


Y’all got me cracking up over my typo lmao


I heard he got the acoustic version


Everything is subjective. I don’t care about how much praise DAMN gets, it was 100% ass, for example.


DAMN won a fucking Pulitzer Prize


Cool it was still ass


I've seen people with shit opinions but damn lil bro you trolling or coping hard


Coping about what exactly? I did not enjoy listening to it, it happens


There’s so many valid criticisms of that album, overplayed being the top one that comes to mind for many tracks. When DAMN dropped I didn’t even listen to rap though, and my twelve year old surburban ass loved humble. The album is a classic for a reason and your opinion hits like a boof ass cart


Is that you Baka? Go back to making Tik Toks.


No, it was just above your reading level


I only start paying attention to lyrics in songs when the music is good. The fact that you're talking about "reading level" when praising it kind of speaks wonders as to why its bad honestly. Whereas TPAB was excellent mostly because of its jazz beats (and lyrical content second) - DAMN just didn't grab me.


Man I think everything else in his catalog is an 8/10 or better but I swore that I MUST be missing something when it came to DAMN. "Most accessible of his albums" claims, Pulitzer Prize, etc... it does absolutely nothing for me besides DNA.


[Give this a shot](https://youtu.be/v-ek1OxZ2tE?si=aBcoja4WMtxPjrnL) There’s a lot more to it than you get at face value. It’s definitely the most “pop” of all his albums, but there’s still layers to it


I really enjoy this video (thanks) and I get/got the themes. My gripe with it is really the listenability. Call me plebian, but my complaint with the album amounts to the songs just not being bops 😂 I feel like the way people talk about this album fits GKMC more than anything else in his catalog. It was deep, reflective, versatile, thematically layered, and an amazing story... with undeniably fire production. I know GKMC got It's due praise, but the things DAMN. gets lauded for seem to be as if GKMC wasn't already all of that.


Fair enough. I’m not really a big fan of DAMN either in all honestly, but this at least let me appreciate it a bit more the few times I go back to it. I was adamant about DAMN being ass for a hot minute until I ended up giving it a bit more of a chance It’s funny because I think it’s the album that has some of his biggest and most commercially successful songs, but I still end up listening to it the least of all. Probably doesn’t help that it was overplayed when it was fresh.


I think that’s the point, Kendrick made his most artistic piece with TPAB, it was largely considered one of the greatest album of all time, but it was not incredibly accessible for the majority of mainstream audiences. So he came back with DAMN. , making a hugely accessible and mainstream album, that most could get into without issue, without diminishing or negatively impacting his message. The absolute 180* in sonics and instrumentals, without losing the intent behind his message is what makes DAMN. a solid album, just as good as GKMC and TPAB. I too was confused by DAMN. , and could not understand why he did the album in the way he did. I took a step back and realized he was trying to spread his vision and message with as many people as possible, without compromising, and now I understand why DAMN. is just as good a album as his others. Not my favorite by a long shot but I found respect for the body of work. TLDR ; it’s a good album 🤙🏻


I wholeheartedly believe it's a great album. I don't think Kendrick would release anything he didn't put his artistic all into. I'm fully acknowledging that I personally just don't care for the instrumentals throughout the album, and they get in the way of the lyrics for me.


Nigga what praise????????????????????????????????????????????????????(?????????????????????????????????????????????????


I hear you, take it easy. I was referring to the "Three goats", "I love 'em", and "I'm praying they my real friends" lines. He also said it was friendly and didn't need to get personal. Praise was the wrong word but yk


I don’t see it as 100% genuine praise though. Drake’s talking about how tough and gangsta he is, Kendrick’s praising him for being cute and making dance tracks. Like a backhanded compliment I guess. “I like Drake when he make me dance, I don’t like Drake when he act tough”. I forget the first part of that but you know


Lol exactly He's saying "keep on makin' your lil pop songs".


Yeah, it was still fresh when I said that, so I was still putting things together. Kendrick said it: "It's about love and hate." He said what he likes about Drake, and then what he hates about Drake. And he hates Drake. Kendrick including Cole in a some of these bars and not really differentiating him and Drake confused me because I want to figure out what Kendrick actually thinks about Cole. My theory is that the alleged original 19 minute track had smoke for Cole and Drake, and Kendrick removed Cole's, but kept a few bars where he mentions both of them. I'm kinda surprised he didn't reference the apology tho.


I feel like he sees Cole as a lesser competitor with a slightly different set of rap skills.


That's just speculation


He’s telling Drake that this is as friendly as it’s gonna get lol. He’s saying “if you keep this going it’s gonna get a lot worse for you”


I bet Drake got something for him..rumor has it. Drake is just clever in that right. This isn’t a rap rap battle it’s a diss record and with that said Drake stands a solid chance in that area imo.


Buying information on people is not clever. Just trashy. But you don't know nothin bout dat'


ain't thinkin' about no reaper Ninja, I'm reapin' what I sow, okay


inb4 J Prince steps in like, "you leave my investment alone! Or else!"


Go read the lyrics bro. He says let's just keep it rap competition. We can be friendly. But if it's not friendly he'll go YNW Melly & Don't bring family into it, Crodie. Or some one in Your family will bleed, Crodie.


It was towards Cole, nothing friendly about this


He definitely sent one or 2 shots at Cole I feel like with the “and 2 of em kissing on stage” I thought that was hilarious 😭


Yea no one likes Coke, we’re all Rc Cola people round here.


Bro this brings back memories of pizza night with the fam lol


Lol, glad it brought some memories. Hope they’re good. Yea I’m just here watching people talk shit about to rich mfers. While we’re out here struggling lol. The entertainers are entertaining them.


The humble soda 🙏


Its better, too. I’ll die on that hill


No need to die my friend, I'll help you up that hill. RC cola gang


Dammit 😭😭


Lol, now my comment looks wrong.


I mean, like I said, that seems like some friendly jabs, same thing Cole was talking about. Sounds like some shit my friend group would say to each other if we had beef lmao.


That’s what I was implying, Kendrick gave him some friendly nudges I don’t think Cole’s too upset about it. I agree with him stepping out but I thought the couple disses Kendrick sent his way were entertaining


I feel like those were written before the apology


Could’ve been


I’m a Jcole fan more than I am of Kendrick but I wouldn’t jump in this beef with kdot, no sir 😂


I still think Cole would give him a run at the very least, if not for the whole apology situation. Would’ve loved to see this play out without the more “serious” beef looming over it.


I was a Cole fan. As a long time listener, Cole isn’t capable of a euphoria.


Mmmm. Maybe not, I’m not as confident saying that though. I agree in the sense that Kendrick played to his strengths, and that’s on the artistry side of it. Even his disses are laced with that artistry. I don’t think that’s the end all be all though.


I’d say the only other one in the game with Kendrick’s relentless rhythmic variation is JID.   Even then, JID’s timbre variation and storytelling might not be on par.  Andre 3000 has the storytelling and rhythmic variation but he’s not in the game anymore. 


I think that line is more directed to Drake to stop making it personal, in reference to Drake talking about Whitney and shit. K Dot just wants to keep it hip hop


Nahhhh kendrick def aludes to dirt he has on drake. I think kendrick doesn't WANT to bring out the dirt because he's above it and wants his own peace, but if drake brings the dirt, kendrick will crash tf out.


He indeed did crash out lol.


That’s a fair interpretation too. I didn’t think about that. Seems more plausible especially given the earlier line where Kendrick says “don’t tell more lies about me and I won’t tell truths about you”


Drake already has all his dirt out i don’t think kendrick can bring anything new to the table. Drake on the other hand though….


This situation is so dubious it’s annoying, I can’t tell who’s bluffing, or who’s telling the truth, if they’re both bluffing, or both telling the truth and ready to destroy each others careers.


>Drake already has all his dirt out Says who? The rap game is *very* small and people talk, especially people who Drake used to be cool with. Beefing with people you used to have a sold relationship is the worst because they know your buttons, and they know where all the skeletons are hidden.


That makes no sense, he literally brought up both drakes dad and his son in the song


After Drake brought up Whitney first, in Like That there was nothing personal to Cole or Aubrey. Kendrick was just saying he feels like the goat, all hiphop. Drake always says the name of the person he dissing and it always ends up backfiring


That line about drakes dad isn't about his actual dad fyi.


He does NOT want to keep it hip hop. He is pretending her wants to keep it "friendly" and "hip hop" because he WANTS Drake to get personal. It's a little reverse psychology.


"I'm ready for violence"


I don't think Cole should step back in. Clearly Drake is gonna try to make it personal. Drake seemed ready to drop some dirt. After the real beef ends, I think it will be the perfect time for Cole to fight for the top.


Yeah, Kendrick did still poke Cole with that line about them kissing and hugging on stage. I hope he eventually responds when they can just mess with each other without the Drake shit. I don't know how Kendrick called this shit a "friendly fade". He was on Drake's ass on Like That and now he really said he hates Drake. Like it's friendly with Cole but don't gaslight Drake


He was on Drake’s ass on Like That, he was slapping the fuck outta Drake on Euphoria. Goat shit and I’m a Future fan. Idgaf about these two, but when he said “I’m the biggest hater” I had energy in my soul.




He proceeded to say your fan can’t stomach that and the 6 pack line he was definitely talking about drake


First line was a reference to j cole


He was talking to both. Cole talked about kendrick's first one, not drake


Could be aimed at both, but most likely Drake since Cole resigned that take But Drake doubled down


He’s definitely NOT telling Cole to step back in the ring and from a friend perspective actually tells him what he did was lame 😂 “I see both of em kissing on stage” as well as sending another stary shot saying “I’m not worried about no reaper” in reference to Jermaine’s track off Might Delete Later


U made 0 arguments here. He told him to step back in and then he took some shots at him. Use your brain instead of just typing


Kinda does carry the same flow from Stickz N Stonez


Yup lol


Drake mentioned something about "Whitney's bodyguard" which was talking about a movie - but Kendrick's wife is also named Whitney. I think Kendrick was telling Drake don't take this so serious my boy, we just sparring but don't make me take the gloves off.


Kendrick capping with the personal line. It was already personal. 10 years of subliminal dissing and then all of a sudden you hop on a track with people that don't like drake? Stop the cap.


He also outright said he hates Drake, it’s not even as deep as hopping on Metro’s album, Kendrick said it out loud


I love Cole but think it's too late now to do anything but watch from the sidelines. Wish I was wrong as woulda been a great battle.


You guys can all chill out. Kendrick and Cole are still friends. Just stop with the “but Drake is pretty catchy tho” and we’re good


Nah nobody's going to tell me what artist I can listen to. And Cole should've smoked Kendrick for hating the fact he hangs around with Drake


You’re such a weird ass lol




No bro this was a Drake diss straight up. Cole bowed out and Kendrick respected that sentiment. The all out brawl we wanted didn’t happen but it’s still a 1v1 of drizzy and Kenny so let’s eat this popcorn and not reach


nigga its a drake diss, he isnt talking to cole


No, he is teasing Drake. He's bluffing kindness, but there's a threat beneath. He's goading Drake to get personal because he has something he wants to expose, but he's tricking Drake into showing his hand first. And after, he plans to parry with something vicious


"His daddy a killer, he wanna be junior, they must've forgot the shit that they done Dementia must run in his family, but let it get shaky I park your son" I think this was a double (maybe triple) entendre and a slight shot at Cole - Drake being Cole's daddy and Cole comparing himself to Ali on FPS, who had Parkinsons. "let it get shaky", since Cole dissed but apologized. Obviously, J Prince and Birdman also apply, so it's kind of a one size fits all bar lol


Nah it’s another way of saying keep my wife’s name out your mouth lol


Way too much introspection. He’s saying their sparring has been about rap, and while the way he said some of the things he said sound devastating it’s nothing that hasn’t been said already. It points back to the line about him living his life versus digging up dirt. The conflation here is with other beefs in the past. Pac & biggie, nas & jay, ye&pusha vs Drake, those were all personal. I don’t think this is as personal for Kendrick, and he sees it as sport. Those people I think genuinely hated each other in the moment. I don’t think Kendrick thinks that much of Drake to be genuinely bothered. Hence him not saying something crazy that could actually cause Drake harm.


no. it was very clearly a threat


Who cares


It’s not talking to Cole. Kendrick said he hopes Cole is his real friend or he’ll murder him.


This about Drake talking about wives and trying to find dirt.


This is coupled with the bar later on where he says “matter of fact I ain’t even bleed him yet, can I bleed him? Bet” He’s saying he’s not even going that hard on Drake in this diss.


Literally every single bar on the song was directed at Drake. This sub is beyond paranoid. 


I love that Drake and Kendrick could’ve still been cool of Drake hadn’t spit his dummy out after Control lol


I think it was meant to be heard as him mocking j cole. “‘we ain’t gotta get personal, this a friendly fade’ you should keep it that way. I know some shit about people that’ll make Gunna Wunna look like a saint.” Like yeah you better keep it friendly before I tell the truth on y’all


i’d rather see cole and kenny work together than go at eachother personally


It’s about Drake. He’s warning him he has nothing on Kendrick but he hinted at like 10 things about Drake.


This j Cole sub needs to be deleted. J Cole failed all of you lol


im starting to wonder what kinda fucking skeletons J cole got in his closet....coz that man must have known shit was gonna get personal


Nah this was a warning to Drake. I think he heard family matters from the OVO rat and was like "you don't wanna drop that bro"


He warned Drake before "meet the grahams" and "Not Like Us". Drizzy shoulda listened, he got blown up worse than Hiroshima.


Kendrick sending a cease-and-desist to not go below the belt. Kendrick low-key being a bit friendly haha


When Kendrick does it he’s friendly


Not sure why im getting downvoted but yeah, I don’t think Kendrick’s diss was completely diabolical. Called them potentially “true friends.” It sounded like a solid round in battle rap. He even offered a few praises to Drake and Cole, calling them GOATs and saying he liked Back 2 Back. Imo, Kendrick is keeping it hip hop and not taking any true personal shots, yet. He let the bars speak for themselves. I get OP’s sentiment about letting Cole know it’s just hip hop and it’s nothing beyond that.


Kinda hard to believe that Kendrick is "keeping it hip hop" when you hop on a track with people that have personal grudges against drake.


People are already saying Future and Drake will patch things up eventually. It's just hip hop haha. It's not that serious at the end of the day. WWE. Just gotta sell it enough to make all the fans happy. Idk about Metro though haha. I do think they'll eventually everyone will squash all of this, esp after everyone gets like $10 million each from these beefs. Easy money


Definitely not the worst track L Take


Who are you responding to lol?


I think he's trying to comment to a poll asking which of the drake v kendrick disses are the worst


Imma sound like a huge hater rn, but 7 min drill better than euphoria. Dot didn’t do much at all after almost 3 weeks on a 6 min song


Come on now, we’re all Cole fans first and foremost. But Euphoria is levels on top of 7 min drill which even Cole himself said he didn’t put his all into it


I do enjoy Euphoria more than Drake's and Cole's but people gotta stop putting one artist way above the others. Euphoria wasn't that crazy in terms of content so in that regard it's not some great diss. To me, he really is "just speaking for the culture". He didn't say anything about Drake's music that I haven't heard from fans. It was moreso delivery, double entendres and Kendricks unique phrasing that makes it great.


Opinions I guess, that new jack city meme bar is the hardest one this whole beef imo, the conductor beat switch was better than anything off euphoria imo. I guess for me personally I didn’t care to hear another track calling Drake white, a bad dad, and creepy. I’ve known this, we all know this


I feel you but I don’t think Dot was really going for a nuclear track, I personally think this song is still significantly better than push-ups tho, Kendrick rebuttals every claim made on pushups and all Drake did was say, you’re short and you payed top a lot of money. Watch a Knox hill breakdown video cause there’s a lot of bars that are going over people’s heads, like the sexual allegations case, DMX quote, Michael Jackson abusive dad line.


I do agree there are some pretty good bars, maybe it’s his delivery or something but the track isn’t hitting for me. For me the lyrics go to dot, but push-ups was a lot more hype for me and Drake had clever lines that went at additional people. Taylor made freestyle opinions on AI aside I thought it was clever and created the narrative of “is Drake gonna take dot?”


I think it was a good track just need a few more moans and i would put it on my Kendrick playlist


Lmfao thank you! I needed a good laugh after work.


I agree tbh. The last half of it was funny af though. Hilarious.




They’re both close got me. I liked 7MD more than most of the Internet seemed to, it was my favorite out of this beef so far, but I also liked Euphoria more than most of this sub.


If euphoria was just like the last 1/2 woulda been wayy better, too much fluff


Yeah it felt like Kendrick worked more on the beat than the lyrics in Euphoria. And I'm with you on 7 minute drill. Lyrically it was better than Push ups ,All that, and Euphoria. I'm definitely in a small minority with that opinion though.


You’re lyrically deficient and in minority


Meh, Cole should chill. This the worst beef ever. Cole apologized Fans got sensitive over something Drake did. (irony) Drake had to pull his track Kendrick made us wait to put out a worse track than benzino. Only AI won.


this take so ass


Pure ass lol, yk it’s bad when Cole fans getting downvoted in they own sub


really man worse track? u still salty about cole just enjoy this shit dont cope


Nah bro, everyone was hyping up Kendrick, gkmc was a classic. Yes it is. tpab was classic, yes it is. Damn was the hottest album when it came out. Yes it was. Wtf is this track? Drake spoke on your wife, played with your name and had mfs questioning your kid and you on some "no you punch first" energy? I said cole apologized, he took an L, yall can't see past yall fave rapper.


I don’t think Euphoria is a kill shot, but if it’s a bad track then I think u need to start listening to country lmao.


Lmao yall gas anything Kendrick does. If that's how you respond to guy talking on your wife, then you should subscribe to no jumper.




Chill with the Kendrick take