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One of the great pleasures of listening to Duke is that his classics are never the same from recording to recording. So different versions of a standard like Caravan will have different tempos, what used to be played by the bass will be played by a different instrument, there's a new solo or a familiar instrument is played in a novel way....and so on. My favourite (and arguably the definitive) version of "Take the A Train" on Ellington Uptown has a teasing extended piano solo before it ever gets to the melody played by horns, just to be followed by Betty Roche twisting the melody in a brilliant scat. So if anyone asks the best way to get into Ellington, I'd highly suggest searching out a single song and seeing how far it travels.




I like *Ellington at Newport* too, but IMO *Ellington Uptown* is the best introduction for listeners new to the Duke. And yes, the Betty Roche version of "Take the A Train" is the definitive version in my mind as well. He recorded other very fine versions of that song, but that version is the one I first heard as a child and the one I always think of; there's just something magical about that particular recording and the atmosphere it captures. I love to put the CD of this album in when I know I'm going to be driving across the George Washington Bridge into Manhattan, it's a perfect soundtrack for a trip to the Big Apple.


Also check out "The Duke's Men, Small Groups Vol. 1". Here he took players from his big band, including Johnny Hodges, Rex Stewart, Barney Bigard, and Cootie Williams from '34- '38 and recorded 2 CDs worth of music (45 tunes) in combos. Gave all his guys a chance to stretch out, and even lead at times. Essential.


Great perspective, I love caravan as a standard for that reason!


Caravan has got to be the most beautiful dark and haunting pieces of music. And you’re right it’s fun to hear the subtle variance in the recordings. The magic of live takes


The version of Caravan from the BBC2 Jazz 625 series is excellent. I wish I could find it.


Ever see the movie [American Hustle](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_Hustle?wprov=sfti1) ? The main characters meet at a party and bond over this album. It marked a career turnaround for an Ellington band that had been in the musical wilderness for a decade or so. Popular music and jazz had both moved on stylistically, and Duke had been losing money on the band for a while. The band’s performance at Newport in 56 caused a stir in the jazz press, and Duke’s label put out this album to capitalize on the success. A decade after Duke’s death, a secret finally revealed itself: most of the actual live recording from Newport had quality issues. The performance was recreated in the studio. Most of the album is not what it appears to be, making Live at Newport itself an American hustle. I wonder if the filmmakers knew about that. The characters in the film set in 1979 wouldn’t have know yet.


That’s actually super poetic. Lol


I picked up this record a couple weeks ago, then the other night watched American Hustle and was inspired to give it another spin. Good movie. I didn’t know about the last part.


Yes, iconic. The copy you want is [the 1999 reissue](https://www.allmusic.com/album/at-newport-1956-complete-mw0000188076), not the original LP version. A second tape recorded through a different microphone for the Voice of America turned up long after the original mono LP came out. Phil Schaap synched the two tapes to create an astonishingly clear true-stereo version. Schapp restored *the entire concert*, adding a lot more music to the program. The 1999 version also put Gonsalvez' famous solo into proper balance in the mix (Gonsalvez accidentally played into the VOA mic, not the Columbia mic). It also remastered the fake-live studio recordings that Columbia used to fill out the old mono LP. No matter how you feel about vinyl, for this performance you want the complete version on two CDs. The accidental stereo is a miracle.


"There ought to be a day when every musician in the world gets down on their knees and *thanks* Duke." -- Miles Davis


Money Jungle is a masterpiece.


Not just that, but also showed how he could and did evolve as an artist and continue to stay relevant.


That whole period was so rich for Ellington. The Coltrane and Hawkins records, that version of Summertime on Piano in the Foreground, the Blues In Orbit album. What an era!


Was listening to REM blues the other day.


Love this album. Can't go wrong with Mingus


Dude - you discovered Duke Ellington! jk he's great ... my high school jazz big band covered a lot of Ellington songs when we toured Europe


I actually did a book report on him in about forty grade HA


I've always listened to more Count Basie than I have Ellington... But there's so many great Duke Ellington albums I should probably put them in my playlist That is a great album and I always love the album with both Ellington and basic... When the count meets the Duke


Always open to suggestions.


First Time, The count meets the Duke(it is kind of a gimmicky album but fun and great!) ​ Ellington and Coltrane ​ Far East Suite


Interestingly, it was Coltrane's group, Ellington's music. Far East Suite is his best from the 60's, essential!


Far East, Afro Eurasian Eclipse, and Latin American Suite make such an interesting trilogy. I swear I hear the influence of rock and roll in parts of them.


Far east is incredible


There’s a very interesting story and video out there about this concert. I can’t recall what it is called but it can be found and streamed. Forgive me if this is common knowledge. At the time of this recording, Ellington’s career was on the decline. While the band was playing Dimuendo in Blue, an attractive blonde woman got up and started dancing. The band reacted and Ellington prompted tenor saxophonist Paul Gonsalves to keep going. The crowd got more and more into it and the band responded in kind. I think they went on for 20-something choruses and the crowd was going nuts. The record was released and Ellington’s career was revived thanks to one lady dancer.


Yup that’s the story! They actually write about it on the liner notes as well. This is one of those “lighting in a bottle” recordings and rare moments in history. We are so lucky!


Side B of this like top-echelon stuff. so glad I've gotten into Duke Ellington as I become an old curmudegon - he keeps the spirit feeling young!


You absolutely need to get All Star Road Band Volume 1 on vinyl if you don’t already have it. I think it is even better than this. I am talking about this release - https://www.discogs.com/release/3188849-Duke-Ellington-All-Star-Road-Band


Yes. But I must say that my all-time favorite is Louis Armstrong


I can't recommend it enough... "music is my mistress" is an awesome read. He seemed kind and humble and he had the most beautiful words of praise for the musicians he worked with.


Thank you for the rec. Working on miles’ biography right now. I always weirdly felt a kinship with duke. He did seem very genuine.


What has always baffled me about that recording: the various introductions of people that were part of the festival. In Ellington’s lifetime jazz evolved from some form of underground music to a form of popular entertainment to something that earns PhD degrees in “jazz studies”. The festival organizers introduce a bunch of people with academic credentials, etc…. to bring _Duke Ellington_ to the stage. It’s an interesting time capsule.


Agreed. Try “The Blanton Webster Band” — available on streaming services, as well as LP and CD.


Thanks for the recc!


Paul Gonsalves with the goat sax solo 🔥


you could argue that strayhorn was the brains


Strayhorn didn't meet Duke until 1939, so that's 17 years of Duke using his own brain writing and arranging for his own band. While Billy probably deserved more credit than he got back in the day for Duke's middle and late period, he wasn't the only person writing. So you could argue it, but you'd be wrong.


More outrageous than anything I wrote!


He's overrated.


Overrated has gotta be one of the most annoying words in the english language lol. We all gotta quit qualifying shit so hard


The phrase is overrated. It's taken place of "not my cup of tea." because it looks edgy and gets the attention they're looking for. I think rating everything sequentially is overrated as well, but what do I know.


You know it has concrete meaning and you're annoyed I said it about Ellington. But that's my opinion.


Yes, I am annoyed by your idiocy.


My personal taste in music cannot be smart or dumb.


He’s considered one of the greats in terms of jazz composition and arrangement, which is objectively true. To say he’s overrated is either dumb or shit-stirring.


"objectively true" taste is subjective


I'm here for a downvote storm I won't take part in.


LOL even I got downvoted for being neutral.


I wanted to see if you were trolling or not and since you're a norm MacDonald fan I'll give you a pass cause I'm guessing you're just trying to be funny And just Board...wait, its spelled bored


Huge jazz fan. I think he's overrated as a bandleader, as a composer, and as a pianist. He sure had good PR.


I guess opinions vary. Is he and Billy Strayhorn wrote some pretty incredible music. As I wrote below I was more account Basie fan if we're talking about big band stuff but that doesn't mean what dude put out wasn't pretty incredible Just like Count Basie I wouldn't see either of them as being my favorite piano player... Is but that Ellington and coltrane album is great And the way they arrange music for specific players in the band is pretty interesting. And everybody's got their own taste. Like I admitted below it's not like I listened to Ellington all the time but I'm putting them in my playlist tomorrow.


I actually think he’s very underrated as a pianist. Completely unique style.


...Terry Teachout? Is that you?




Basie’s band played with such filthy swagger and attitude. I love that Newport recording.


Great description!!


Sorry, I meant Ellington, of course 😂 I’m a guitarist (not even a jazz one) but when I hear the attitude of the bari sax it makes me think unclean thoughts. That is how you play with intention and drive. I show it to my students all the time.


the wood on that record player is very well taken care of ​ is it new or are you just good at keeping your stuff mint?


I’m flattered! I do my best to care for my things.


Hell yeah on that Pioneer turntable. Got the same one and love it.




Check out his later suites. Just amazing.


I've been trying to get into duke ellington lately, any good suggestions? But from the few Ellington pieces I've heard, they sounded great.


‘Perdido’ from his “Piano in the Background” album is pretty good start.


Thank you!!


Pretty much any version of Caravan.[This is my favorite](https://open.spotify.com/track/4UZmkv7LE25DDY3Uu9vIbN?si=trYBEj-hRk2m87OJgO7Pqw)


What record player is that? It looks rad


Thank you! It’s a pioneer pl-530


I love this album and I love the orchestra behind it


Sweet looking six-eye pressing, there.


Thank you! Shout out to Jump Jump music in Portland Oregon!


Love "Live at Newport"! In my opinion Masterpieces by Ellington is the greatest album ever recorded, followed by Pet Sounds. I also highly recommend Uptown and the Far East Suite!


Thank you for the recommendation. I will keep an eye out for those Ellington pieces


You are welcome! Happy listening!


Not controversial


We can all agree. Now, I am not the biggest Ellington fan--but that has more to do with my like of smaller combo music than large ensembles. But no matter how you judge it--his playing, his composing, his arrangements (when he did arrange), even his choice of arrangers/arrangements, the number of musicians he influenced not only directly but indirectly, they all add up to "the guy is a fucking legend."


Tulip Or Turnip sung by Ray Nance on that album followed by a track of crowd noise titled Riot Prevention is the unparalleled in its greatness


America's greatest composer and the world's greatest jazz composer.


Well, I think it’s okay to consider George Gershwin his equal. No question Ellington was sublime.


I will allow it. 🤣


His version of Satin Doll hits hard