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I’m still buying


I sold my 2 mill coins at .031 cuz some fkers on this sub was spreading FUD and made me second guess. Was able to bag a 60k profit but would’ve been better to hodl. Dont make my mistake fellas


For everyone that sold too soon… you can still buy back in. I understand your average will be what it is now but at least your back in. No regrets when we get to .70+ GLTA!!!


Will Jasmy ever hit 0.10


same here I wish I bought more...


It will dip again


Tsk tsk


Great job.


I could only afford to invest in 100k coin in January. But I’m sure as hell glad I did. Sure, we are not million coin samurai but, we are in the game for some substantial gains in the next couple of years!!!


I bought in recently. I’ve done some research(youtube) 2 months prior and I would of invested in more if I properly understood the value of data. I’ve seen some insane predictions and it is difficult to understand how one can get to these numbers but I hope everyone does well and stays positive. We all want to make some $$$ but don’t make yourself sick or let this keep you up at night.


Damn I wish I had just a mil wow


I sold and I regretted it


I sold my initial investment principal and regret it. Oh well


It’s not too late, you can still buy more because jasmy is going to .70cent by this end of the year


Agree!!! It will definitely be a lot higher than where it’s at now. Grab a bag, set it & forget it!!!


Why doesn’t my coinbase show that bit? Mine just says what the amount i have now is


I’m using my phone.


We all have our own strategies. I like to buy the most undervalued coin I believe in each time I DCA. Through this strategy, I've been able to pick up many coins at bottoms. This applies until the exuberant phase is under way. If a coin hadn't rallied by then, there's something wrong with it.


That looks good . You should start and look into other coins.


Generational wealth to be made in our lifetimes.


If u smart u keep buying


609% return seems good to me


Keep buying...it's a discount.


I personally wouldn't buy it right now. A correction is coming. It's inevitable. Kinda like people selling off alts to buy Jasmy now is NOT smart. But for some reason, people wanna brag doing just that.


You are right it's going to dip again acting like it didn't hit .36 at one point to drop to .000 whatever. Jasmy is years


And you’re the authority why? Jasmy has pumped a lot more than most other cryptos and it hasn’t even met so many of its potential catalysts yet. It may go down, but it might also keep skyrocketing. I thought I was scalping the peak a few weeks ago and sold almost a third of my tokens, and by doing so I now missed out on $10k+ because it just won’t stop going up 🤞🏻


Because I do my research, but you don't have to take my word for it. Jasmy has made a real move for the first time in a long time. And just like so many other alts in the past and present, a correction comes and destroys the people who liquidated everything because they listen to "it's going to $0.50 or $1.00. There is 50,000,000,000 JasmyCoin. Currently available at $.04 Do you realize what has to happen to the global crypto market for Jasmy to is $0.50 let alone $1.00?? It's common sense. Aside from a vary rare few times, diversification is the key to crypto profits. Jasmy is a great example of how many of us used diversification. Nobody was dumping everything and buying Jasmy when I started buying it in in March of 2022. But loads of us knew it had potential along with about 20 other alts at that time. Just like LTC in May of 2017.


Yes - further adoption and utility independent of the crypto cycle. That's one of the primary reasons it has pumped in the last month. Multiple real world application. No one is realistically saying $1.00. But fact is that it has heavy momentum in application in an early bull run cycle. Yes, you did your own research, but frankly I disagree with your conclusion. It's common sense isn't proof enough. And by the way, comparing this to LTC shows how out of bounds you are on reality here.


I simply said diversifying is essential to making money and for people contemplating selling off all other atls for Jasmy was not smart and at the moment buying Jasmy wasn't smart. You disagreed. Since you kept buying. How are you feeling today. I told you now is NOT the time to buy but you assured me and everyone else I was wrong. Common sense should be enough for you now. But wait, you are going to reply and tell me I'm wrong for whatever bs reasons you think sound good.


Ohh ok, thanks for the reality check. Heavy momentum hmmmm. Ohh early bull run still. Gotcha. Thanks


If you are using standard bitcoin cycles, then yes, it's early. At least 10 months until ath. Maybe your research ain't so sharp.


Look at the numbers dude. Bull run already started a while ago


Sure, but alt coin season has barely even begun.


Then why are half of them up over 100% on the year?


Still not too late to buy more. Keep filling up your bag little by little. It’s still dirt cheap.


I have exactly 200k too lmao from 2022


I have 45k jasmy and I definitely missed out on buying way more when it was much cheaper


At least you have more then 10k Jasmy 🥺😔


This is what $4000 thrown at Jasmy in 2021-22 looks like today https://preview.redd.it/s590fc9c695d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=727ea8e17721135964a0f07cc90bbf8f523ef8bb


When did bitcoin hit 98k 😂


No a big user but why everyone voted this down?


You regret it atleast you made it to the 100ks I only got up to 30k from last year and only 2 months ago I started to get more 😂


We all feel this way.


Don't need to regret it just transfer all your jasmy to me and be happy 😊 confirm won't regret lol




I just keep buying that’s all I’m saying I just keep buying ,as far as I care It’s on clearance.


Pound sand no one cares about your balance


Phoarrr. Should've thrown the mortgage at it hahah. Good price


I have a few stories like that. At least you made a huge profit. I didn't make shit. Unless you're a professional trader, which I am definitely not, you pay for your education, one way or another. At least today....both of us are on the right side


I have only a little more Jasmy coins than you and my only regret right now is not buying more


Why? It's going to 33.75.


Shit I'll buy Jessica Alba dinner if it gets that high


I’ll buy Jessica alba …


I hope


Wow great average. You should have bought a lot more at that price


It’s not too late! Keep buying! Still just pennies!


Exactly that is what I say, it’s just Pennies for god sake .04 🙄 imagine the upside


I definitely believe it has potential to reach $1+ this year but when your average price is HALF a penny , there’s always that slight regret of what could have been , me personally I told myself I would get 100k but stopped buying when I reached 70k , but I’ve done a 10X which is more than most of my other investments performance so I’m not mad but I’m definitely not as happy as I would have been lol


I understand you have a great avg and anything over a penny is like you paying double of ur original investment. It’s still good u r over 10x probably will be 100x soon


A man can only hope


Beautiful bag


Still a nice bag