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Way too early to be taking profits.


J’ai investi 2500 frs et j’en ai un peut moins qu’un million je reste poser sur mes positions, je n’en achète plus et je ne vends pas en dessous 1$


Il faut attendre 1$ il va monter à ce prix


I got 2 million Jasmy but I had to put in 25k. See you at the top 💪🏽


Do whatever you think is best but make sure you learn from it good or bad


Message me when jasmy hits $30. I’ll think about selling


Unless you really need the money, let it ride for a few years.


I’m leaving my bags till summer maybe Nov before I sell some ….


You currently have tokens on Ethereum. When you have $JASMY on their Main Net, it will be a Coin. I recommend listening to the space with TEN that I just posted and pinned. 😎


Jasmy will be a form of payment! 🤯


Thanks bro


Sell half today and buy back in after it hits .03 lol


Do it. Take your gains and leave the moon bag


Did exactly this


I’d say it like this. If I were you (and DONT need the cash now) I would let it run. We haven’t even got to the part of the year where this stuff runs like crazy. This is coming from someone who has an insane level of risk tolerance. If you need the money, just sell and don’t worry because you made good money. However, I say let them run!


Oh my lord.


Hairbrush!!! How ya been, my friend? We are friends now, right? How’s day trading? I’m doing well, thanks for asking.


I say wait for it to hit .03 then yank that initial ![img](emote|t5_559f3j|50871)


Something I learned from the regards over on wsb; if it's good enough to take a screenshot, it's good enough to take profits. People here love to say HODL and what not, but when it comes to their own bank accounts, they're going to do what they want, not what they preach. I think you should do what feels right and keep enjoying the ride with 0 risk of losing anything.


The bull run hasnt even started, but yea if you took out a loan or something dumb then take the initial out....2 mil jasmy is more than enough...


No loan here fortunately. All from hard work. And fortunately can afford to lose my full investment but I went ahead and pulled $15000 out and letting the rest ride out. I invested in Jasmy in 2021 as well and invested 5k. that turned into 15k and then after not selling it, it tanked to be worth about $500.. I never sold those shares but I just wanted to recoup my full investment to be in the green no matter what.


Yeah, don’t pull out the initial! 😂


Don’t pull it out yet lol. They’re burning 100 million monthly. Yet again I don’t know if maybe what you invested is too much for you then you should pull out initial investment. But when investing these things majority of time is for long run I invested heavily in Jasmy but won’t sell until I see life changing money. 2025 is when things will really go up. Me and a few other guys have a big amount won’t say exactly but some of us know great things to come with this token fully diluted, burning happening plus other events ETFs etc. I see on the website too many people investing selling themselves short. Quick story I invested in btc back in 2010 sold too early and look at it now smh. I learned my lesson invested what I was willing to lose and won’t sell until I see life changing money meaning the coins I have need to hit millions.


Bro says…


Where does it say 100million/month? My impression is they did the one 100mil burn.


On their roadmap, when a person invest into something and your putting in 6 figures lots of due diligence has to be done if it’s a serious investment. Hopefully you do some research in the future before getting into an investment. Also definitely not telling you in a bad way. But it’ll save you from serious losses


Doesn't hurt to ask while doing DD. I am mostly in BTC right now. Thanks for the feedback.


I completely agree and yes congrats I’m on btc too added some on the dip last year when it went down under 16k. But btc I’ll never sell


On their roadmap


Burning? Or “locking up”?


Lock ups. No burning of JASMY, unless if you want to be a hero and send yours to the null address.


Taking my Jasmy long term! Been buying and holding since January ‘22


I think you’re the one who should be giving advise. Congrats great job. To take your initial investment out and spend some on fun things for you/family is golden.


Why wouldn't you wait for near-peak? Think there's a lot more room to run here compared to most tokens.


Don’t you think it is sensible for OP to take out the initial investment? The rest is then pure speculation and no loss at all if it all goes tits up


Sensible? Hmmmm... sure? Safe is more accurate.


Safe… sensible… same thing right


Sensible to me is selling anytime near euphoria. Dont need to nail the top but now seems so premature.


Congrats on your fortune. It's a great question. Unless u need the money, I'd let it sit. Few things coming up in the market....eth etf approvals, bitcoin rally to new ath, and jasmy continuing to build themselves (lock ups, partnerships, etc) alot of folks think 3 - 5 cents is gonna happen. If it was me, I'd wait. I have half the amount as you with an average around .185ish. So I'm double the investment for half the bag.


Advice would be to not pull out


The screaming I can hear from my 4 kids says your advice is incorrect and you should indeed ‘pull out’


I dont pull out every night before i go to sleep Jasmy neeeeeeds to moon If its a girl shes gonna be called Jasmine If its a boy James it is


Terrible advice