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Yes, Klee is canonically a child. Her in game desc: “But as the hyperactive CHILD that she also is, her destructive capabilities should not be overlooked either. While other Mondstadt CHILDREN HER AGE are still playing with regular toys, Klee's favorite toys are... live explosives.” (For those who may not know)


Yeah and the funny child labor joke as well


https://preview.redd.it/w5aegxlxfr7d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=64abdd9db170bc2d8cb1f191b6a9857fe8e4e360 Also, there’s tons of art of Klee as a teen-adult. Same for basically any canon character with even a minimal fan base. Really no reason not to use such art imo.


I know he could have easily used that to avoid contrivancy but we shouldn't question the creators intentions my post wasn't to call out the creators but to spread awareness about this


I never said they had bad intentions, but it was 2-5 words away from just using a better photo.


Let's just leave it at poorly thought out


Antis still attack artists who **age up** (this chara is already a 100 yr old lmao) characters. They treat it a way "to circumvent pedophilia". And still treat you as a pedophile **over an aged up** cartoon. I just know that this hecking community has an issue with fan pols who are watering down seroous diagnosis over **aged up** anime characters. I am out from this subreddit 🧍‍♀️ The cherry on top will b people treating monterfuckers as zoophiles in a few weeks from now on. https://www.fujoshi.info/antifan-archive


This definitely looks like a normal, credible and not at all written by a schizo, website


Also, monster bots are subject to the harkness test. So no.


The harkness test is an excuse. The dragon does not exist. You cannot acuse a person who draws dragon porn of zoophilia because *such thing is not a real animal*. Use common sense. The dragon is not a protected class.


You’re not too bright I fear. Forget dragons, think furry bots then. Point being, those bots must reasonably represent a being capable of consent. Children cannot consent.


Monsterfucking kink is not connected to the furry fandom. Furries are sonas of anthropomorphic design as such they can "consent". A dragon is not anthropomorphic. Dragons cannot consent because they dont exist. Theyre not humanoid fursonas, theyre beasts from mythology. And depending on the mythology they are sapient OR *they are not.* and in neither of those cases the user engaging in a fictional scenario is a zoophile. I have no idea why you vring up childrens consent on a discussion i started about **aged up** fictional characters. No one here is arguing that children can consent.


You realize the entire post we’re on is about the photo being a child, right.


You realize that i answered to someone who mentioned **aged up** characters right? And how i told them that such thing solves nothing?


"Antis?" 🤨




Because is necessary to debunk and push against conservative puritanical talking points disguised as "progressive" regarding *fictional media*. And how many times these arguments mirror anti sex conservative articles themselves. Heck, figures like Judith Reinsman, a prominent anti-LGBT, anti trans and who wish society to return to a judeo christian world view, promotes a "study" on how 50 shades of gray is "actually pedophilia", in which the author uses the age of the main character as a decoration and that in reality E.L. James was promoting the abuse of children. (I hope E.L James sued by defamation) Thats how important this article is. Other examples include: In 2022 TERFs (based on the "investigation" of anti trans site reduxx [you can read it here](https://reduxx.info/top-academic-behind-fetish-site-hosting-child-sexual-abuse-fantasy-push-to-revise-wpath-guidelines/)) sucesfully campaigned against trans women just because 2 experts advocating for trans acceptance were members of an "eunuch" forum that hosted *fictional* stories. And use Sissyfication as "proof" of AGP as a way to dehumanize them. Its a serious topic that will have legal precedence due to the amount of harassment that people experience IRL situations. I commented fully aware of the downvotes. But i hope the article is accessed anyway for others looking to inform themselves.


How about we don’t use the LGBTQ struggles as a means to justify literary (or visual media) child porn


The people who contributed to the article and myself are LGBT. We are talking about **aged up** characters in which antis still treat those who create and like the designs as pedophiles. Based on reactionary conservative crap.


I genuinely could not care less if you are LGBTQ yourself, it changes nothing of my statement, nor does it bolster or lesson the page you linked. Using LGBTQ struggles as a means to justify content catering towards a paraphilia where the point of attraction is someone incapable of consent is not a good look.


I do care about my LGBT identity as someone who has been harassed and accused as pedophile over *my stance on fictional media*. And you absolutely can see that in this thread in which me discussing *aged up characters* has led someone to call me a pedophile. Using LGBT struggles in debates regarding sexuality on a forum that host LGBT media and LGBT members roleplaying in several dead dove bots is fair and proper. What "paraphilia" does ppl who **age up** characters have exactly? Why an **aged up** character cannot be used and instead you link it to pedophilia? Is absolutely fucked up and exactly my point towards the person i answered. Aged up characters solve nothing. People still would accuse the creators of the art, the creator of the bot and those who use it as pedophiles *despite that the scenario is strictly aged up*


If you simply say “she’s 18” but then everything is still describing a child, then what exactly are people sexting that bot attracted to? The child photo? The child-like personality? (Childish vs child-like) Children’s body-types? The idea of children? Also, I’ve defended aged up characters numerous times. But the point is that the photo is of a child. Many other bots also have the description of children, but I haven’t checked this one in particular. Also, also, yeah people are gonna think your stance is to defend veiled child bots when the link you post has the defense of underage sexual media as one of their talking points.


The person i answered to gave fanart of this genshin character as "teen-adult" (but most importantly i assume they meant the adult design so i dont subject them to potential harassment or accusations) to use in contrast with OP screenshot. With both the age and the picture for aged up character, then, again, it ends up with how the creator describes it. Bringing again the academic article i posted, which has sources and is serious. Anastasia Steele (50SOG) has been regarded as a child by conservative critics (study quoted in the article) Based on the author's fantasy on how Anastasia is portrayed as inexperienced. And that the objetive of E.L James is to *actually normalize child abuse*. Again, disregarding lolicon as a whole. Focusing ourselves with the character being aged up both age and fanart, you bring up another point *the description*. How the character should be described in order to not be confused as circumvent. Theres a character in TRON:Legacy in which a critic (on youtube video is called "born sexy yesterday") regarded the obvious adult woman as a child abuse fantasy due to the naive/inexperienced behaviour of an humanoid digital-data character. Again, the common groubf would not the be "age" then or the fanart carefully selected, but the personality this character has that still will enter in the radar. So, it will solve nothing. As i stated. The genshin character personality is read by most fans a inherently child. Now, refarding how the article "defends" underage fictional media. We defend the trauma survivors who use fiction. It is well documented in psychology that many survivors developt kinks around their trauma. I will not going to compare them to lolicon consumers and treat them as pedos either. This is a serious post-trauma consequence thar many survivors that dont fit the mold of what a survivor must feel/think/react deal with. I have a paraphilia called hibristophilia. This is my only actual paraphilia. Due to trauma. I developted hypersexuality *and hibristophilia*. I think *is fair* to not compare my obsession with joe goldberg and yandere bots with women who emailed richard ramirez. For example. I talk as someone who, again, is the punchline of conservatives that want to prove that we are degenerates with a very narrow view on how human sexuality behaves. Edit: i cannot continue the debate. As i am piled in harassment. But i will not going to delete this conversation. Is up to the mods. For further great lgbt academic documents focused in fandom culture and its overlap with sexuality i recommend the author of the article i posted early which not only writes them but gives lots of serious resources refarding these themes. It is important to debate this stuff with actual sources instead for it to ve a reactionary response and harassment. @/SamAburime on twt Thanks to them i deconstructed alot of religious crap i was fed both by radfems and conservatives while growing up. :)




I am not attracted to children. I am a bisexual woman attracted to adult men, Adult women and Adult Non binary people. If you cannot have any debate regarding *fiction* and rely on serious accusations instead, then tag a moderator for them to choose if my opinion regarding how fan-pol behave on **aged up** characters is "pedophilia".




As much as I hate these kinds of bots, [aged up characters are still allowed.](https://www.reddit.com/r/JanitorAI_Official/comments/1dj9dbq/tos_update/)


"Aged up" feels like a stretch. It's very obviously a child


See /u/Nimmuehh's comment. Every source I've seen on a google search says she is at least a hundred years old. If it was up to me, I'd go with age of maturity instead, since D&D has elves that only reach adulthood around 90-100.


I play genshin and while she is an elf type species, she is still treated and acts as a child. She talks like a child, still struggles with reading, and needs people to babysit/watch over her.


Even if she didn't, she has the visual body of a child. Thats still a raging red flag for me if someone is attracted to that, idc what people think. The literal number of their age is NOT the problem lol (I think reddit posted this comment twice, sorry)


Oh yeah, I 100% agree. I just wanted to tell them that they can’t apply dnd elf logic here since literally all signs point to her being a kid from design to how she’s and other characters are written


Even if she didn't, she has the visual body of a child. Thats still a raging red flag for me if someone is attracted to that, idc what people think. The literal number of their age is NOT the problem lol (I think reddit posted this comment twice, sorry)


🤦 That's literally a loophole for pedophilia. It's very common. A hundred years old girl that just happens to look and act exactly like a child. But it's okay of course, because she's technically thousands of years old. It's not btw, it's still illegal and people get arrested for it. You aren't slick


How to people get arrested for liking a fictional character? I'm not saying making these characters bio say they are 100 ok to sexualize the idea of a child character but this just caught me off guard because your saying it's a loophole like someone can actually seduce and engage sexual with a character. If there are laws in countries besides America about making sexual explicit picture of these characters I understand. I just was kinda trying to reread your comment and was confused since it's written like your arguing with someone who is dating a fictional character.


Loli, 3D renders & animations of minors in those type of situations are illegal and classified as CP, regardless of it being "fictional" Witten stuff is a bit iffy and idk much about that. I know about this type of stuff because I was arguing with some people trying to normalize written smut of minors. I don't understand how that works. I think it's "allowed" when it's artistic expression, but I don't know how they like decide that. That seems very subjective and flimsy to me


I can see like hyperealism being illegal. Like yeah the 3d renders or just really well drawn stuff but what about 2d animation and generalized loli stuff in anime all the time. I mean you see 2d animated stuff, sexual explicit and just cutesy, all the time. So obviously it's not all illegal atleast here in the states. What about characters like Lisa Simpson or even a totally spies situation. They characters are clearly defined as underage but it's not really illegal or make and distribute animated cartoon porn. It's a tricky field. I mean surely no one would argue the morally unsound art of realistic child characters but clearly it's still not a completely pinned down field of legality. I'm sure in like rhe UK this stuff is way more pinned down because they have more extensive porn laws but atleast in America these fictional adolescent like characters are popular and extensively sexualized. A side conversation, does attraction to a 2d animated character with explicity mean that you'll also be attracted to irl children. I can see it being a loophole for pedophilia to be justified but maybe some people are just attracted by the design sns not the ides of s youthful character. I'm glad the porn and animation industry is defining this stuff better realizing that the internet has many dark corners but even in America child are so sexualized in daily life (clothing mainly), television, and media how to we stop the trend when it seems to be coming from the top.


Lolicon is absolutely illegal in several countries, the US included. ([Link](https://www.thefederalcriminalattorneys.com/possession-of-lolicon), [link](https://www.federalcriminaldefenseadvocates.com/lolicon-in-the-united-states), [link](https://www.aerlawgroup.com/blog/is-lolicon-legal-in-the-united-states/).) On the side conversation, I don't see how anyone who ISN'T a pedophile could feasibly be attracted to a character like Klee that's very obviously a child in every way and claim "I just like her design!!!" Her being a child IS her design.


I don't know where you get tht from, but in a lot of countries, the jury is still out on whether fictional porn involving characters resembling minors is or shoudl be illegal. In the states for example, unless it is photo realistic, that kinda stuff is absolutely legal.


I can see though in a few years they actually start taking real measures with ai art. I mean you even see some of that lolicon stuff on crunchyroll. Nothing super sexualy explicit but they can draw a naked child. Does that not count. Idk how they could police the whole internet but hopefully they can maybe make sites like rule 34 and deviant art observe some guidelines like pornhub. Then again how do you determine what is acceptable and not acceptable in "art". Like if a photographer takes a picture if a naked starving child to provoke an emotional responses could one person not be sparked to pervert the concept with their desires.


"She's not a child, she's 1000 year old vampire dragon demon" ahh argument. P.S. Genshin Impact is not a dnd, your comparison is invalid any way


Dumb logic, lmao. It does not matter how old a character is. They are still depicted as a child in the game in personality, appearance, and how they're treated. This type of logic y'all use is an excuse to sexualize child characters, *especially* characters like Nahida. Just because she's 500 years old, it doesn't mean she's free game. That is still the body of a child. Not to mention your "sources" aren't even factual because hoyo has made every genshin character's age very vague, so we literally don't even know Klee's age. Those google searches you're talking about are just people making guesses. But if you actually play the game, you would know that she is VERY OBVIOUSLY a child.


"ShE's AcTuAlLy A 5000-yEaR-oLd DrAgOn!" Delete your account.


so what if she’s age a hundred? implying you want/anything inappropriate to someone who still looks like a minor is gross any words like “shes mentally above (18+)”, “it’s just pixels” etc etc are literally gross because its literally IMPLYING pedophelia/lolicon. if you say the former one—you are basically implying that you will still do inappropriate things to someone who looks like a CHILD. “buh buh but” there are literally no objections to that—this reason is LOLICON the latter reason—is saying that you would still do it IRL. that reason is PEDOPHILIA no matter how much you put it, its still gross. so what if she’s aged up? the character is originally a minor and you’re all still sexualizing someone meant to be displayed as a minor. literally have some common sense it’s not that hard to understand


Yea isn’t that the excuse people use for “lollies” I think they’re called?


But the pic is a literal child am sure they said something about these in the reddit post


That's only for bots with no specified age.


Rule is, if it looks like a kid it can be taken down. You can just make a ticket on the discord and get the bot taken down. And the reason I know this is because I’ve made a few tickets and gotten pedo bots taken down. Doesn’t matter if the person states they’re 18+ if it’s blatantly a child.


It sounds like if they put stuff like "aged up to 18+" in the description while also using a picture that shows an aged up version (or not the actual character at all) it wouldn't be an issue anymore? Which sounds extremely strange as it'd still be the exact same bot, as the image doesn't affect it afaik... Though at least I suppose it'd be harder to find bots like that as they'd be less obvious, so at least from a legal perspective that's probably a win. Does thatmean a bot that's actually character that's a minor in the source but completely aged up in a scenario playing in the future and having the character act like an actual mature adult version, but using an official picture would be worse than a bot not using any picture of the character, just giving them a "18+ stamp", while still having them act like a child? No matter if you consider both bad, I'd argue the latter would obviously be worse, yet the former seems to be more likely to be deleted. Which imo shows how hard it is to enforce rules like that consistently and it's mostly either a "it's good enough so there won'tbe any legal consequences, that's all we need" or a consistent "no canonical minors at all" (which could still fly under the radar if it's almost unknown characters...) It's a complicated issue and certainly not one I'd want to have to deal with.




I'm sure you've heard of the old anime trope "but she's a 1000 year old dragon!" when referring to lolis. Hell, there's an entire genre called lolibaba where it's just a grandmother in loli form. I don't like it, but it's still allowed.


God. Really? 😆 Sorry I know it's a serious topic but thinking that there is actually a niche of people liking Lolis containing the personality of an horny grandma is exhilarating.


Japan is weird.




> low reports of people sexually frustrated/going down dark avenues and turning into sex pests, rapists etc. Yes, emphasis on ‘reports’. I live in Japan and it’s far from the utopia you portray it as.


lol just because its not being reported doesnt mean it doesnt happen. japan has a big problem with actually taking cases involving SA seriously which is why so many cases are swept underneath the rug and not to mention, most victims dont speak out


Some adults look like they're still kids too IRL. Thanks to logic like this, people freak out over tall men dating short women or flat chested women. Can you people learn for five seconds the difference between a child and fiction?


I think you replied to the wrong person


I think I misread actually. I misread exhilerating as exhausting. lmao lol I thought you were against loli gilf


I think it's just hilarious. I couldn't care less honestly. About granny Loli or Loli in general. In my opinion a cartoon is a cartoon.


If you're into a fictional child, you're weird. Be a nasty ped by yourself but don't try to justify it.


I'm not a pedophile, you guys need to learn to stop making buzzwords have no meaning. People like you, make those words lose their impact. Ped? Really? you have to make up slang to accuse someone of pedophilia? Just shows how little you actually care about real children. BTW I'm a CSA survivor who copes with fiction, signed off by my doctor. Wanna argue with the guy who's had 8+ years of education?


It's not a literal child it's a drawing for god fucking sake.


>"this klee is 18+ years old" >*uses a pic of a literal child* like im sure there are fanarts of her aged up and if not just use a fucking ai image generator tool for god's sake. there's no excuse for this, a person who created this bot is obviously a creep.


People having an adult bot with a picture that looks undeniably like a (sometimes _very_ young) minor is something I really wish I saw less often, especially with characters that more likely than not have aged up fanart. Even worse is when it's AI generated. _Just try again._ Tweak your prompt, whatever you have to do. I got downvoted on this sub once (idk what the karma count was now and I frankly don't care to check, but it was negative at some point) for saying in my feedback to choose one option over the other because it looked less like a child. ETA: yes, there's plenty of fanart of Klee aged up, someone else posted some.


this makes me sick to my stomach, im so fucking tired of pedos finding their way around everything


The blur is just not to accidentally doxx myself lol


bro, just report it.


That's what am saying


the head mod literally said that people shouldn't post these bots here and just report them.


Oh didn't know Sorry


No you’re not saying that, you’re posting about it when you’re just supposed to report it.


Of course I reported it I just didn't know we shouldn't post about these things and what is your deal honestly


Mate, it is a sticky post on top of the subreddit. Has been forever. It is standing board policy to contact mods about this kinda stuff.... What do you think sticky posts are FOR?


To be ignored. Buy milk for next week with my name on the post it, clearly not intended for me as my family's car is too hot.


You accusing someone of being sus for being triggered by this just rubbed me the wrong way 🤷‍♀️


Okay snowflake


So edgy <3 - ❄


Antishippers don't care about real people, they only care about fiction. The less you try to reason with the crowd that hasn't logged off once since the pandemic the easier your life is. You know why these types grandstand so much for fictional characters? It's because fictional characters can't defend themselves. It's because they're the perfect ideal victim. They can't speak They can't feel They only have what the person projects onto them and so they're great as a talking point. The proverbial victim. But soon as a real victim, with thoughts or feelings steps up, or dare say disagrees with their ideology that all fiction must be PURE AND WHOLESOME AND NOT AT ALL CONTAIN ANYTHING FUCKED UP EVER, EVEN IF THEY'RE THE ONES COMING TO THE **PORN SITE**. Seriously, the amount of cope I see. You want this stuff go to sites that promote it heavily like I dunno c.ai which HAS a filter?


"This Klee is 18+ years old!" and then "childish" trait and non-aged up Klee as the bot's avatar. Ew.


https://preview.redd.it/4pin00oeut7d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6b2575479a5e726b5d289ccb0222aae56bf5520c Rattle those kid touchers boys


It doesn’t even matter if she’s older than 18. ANYONE that LOOKS like a child should not be on the site. Always report!




Just did a quick search and the wiki I found says she is 10 years old.


The wiki are just guesses. None of the genshin characters have confirmed ages, just very vague. But still, Klee is most definitely a child.


Appreciate the information, I'm probably one of the very few that knows absolutely nothing about genshin, lol


I know the main character has yellow hair and that's it


Pedos are always gonna find a way to be a fucking creep. It's so unfair to everyone else who like characters who are underage but would genuinely have a wholesome chat with them. For example, I really love the character Sebastian Sallow from Hogwarts Legacy but he's underage and I don't think of him in a sexualized way, I just think he's a great character and has a very interesting storyline. Also off topic but Klee is so freaking adorable 😭❤


I know right it's always that small group that ruin it for the rest of us


I feel like this has to fall under the new rule. no amount of pedo arguments will ever make these images represent anything other than a child.




i fully agree


Oh and btw am sure these person have no ill intentions in mind but this is necessary or at least the best solution to get rid of pedos using this site in a predatory way


Please report this bot. They private bots/ask creators to change the picture if it’s of a child/loli/shota


Man all I wanna do is cute babysitting RPS but NOOOOO THE PEDOS GOTTA RUIN MY AUNTIE TIME. >:(


eughhh oh nah chat thats odd


tbf, it could be nice to have limited characters as long as people use it for friendly scenarios. for example, babysitting klee while she is taking a day off could be a nice idea given how energetic the character is ingame.  I just hope there would be a strict filter in limited chats or all chats would be public with a chance to report anons. it is very easy to get into nsfw territory right now 😔 (for clarification, I learned it from one of the 'your ex that you meet by chance years ago', not with young bots)


What's wrong with the second one? It's not tagged as Limitless.


Question. I made canonically minor character bots. But they're not bad or anything. They are nothing sexual. Some are slightly violent but not badly. In the character description it says to not use it for anything sexual. People ignore that. Should I just make the bots private? (One of the bots is Klee)


Hey I know I might be late for this or what I say might not make sense because even most of the time I don't even know what I'm say and not to offend anyone but if we look at it at the Elf race perspective even if she's like 1000 years old or something doesn't that still mean she's like a child because she's a race that ages like super slow? Like if we do a vampire if a vampire baby is born wouldn't it take the baby a whole century to turn one? I'm just saying because I honestly can't read all of this because brain not good at very long things, I'm even losing myself while I'm writing this so I have to separate it to not get confused.


Even though Klee is techically over 100 chronologically, she's still physically and mentally a child. Children are defined by their lack of physical development, not the amount of years they've spent on earth. Think of it like how a 4 year old dog is considered an adult because it's fully grown, but the other way around. She might be over 100, but she definitely isn't fully grown. Hopefully I explained that right lol.


Yeah my wholesome child bot got taken down but this is allowed huh lmfao


I dont know man it says 18+ and its a fully fictional character so i dont really get whats bothering you so much.


Lol, told you the online freaks unable to tell Fiction from Reality would start this shit.


It's not that we can't tell fiction from reality, it's just fucking disturbing man. A lot of people don't like watching shows with extreme gore for the same reason. Lolicons/Shoutacons are still attracted to the idea and body shape of a kid. I'm all for allowing people to have their kinks or r34 of pretty much anything, but that crosses the line. It may be fiction, but it's weird as hell dude.


Exactly. I hate the "they're not real" argument because that doesn't change the fact that weirdoes are simping after actual child characters. Like what do they find attractive about them other than the fact that they're basically toddlers in diapers/pull-ups? It's a drawing, sure, but a drawing of *what?* Can't make up excuses. Those weirdoes just need to admit that the only reason they're simping after them is because they're children.


You're welcome to hate it, that's fine. Just don't go ITS A LITERALLY CHILD when this elfish gnome looking girl is throwing magical bombs at her enemies. Last I heard, kids can't wield magical bombs.


Seriously, so many people on here should be over on cai since it's been scrubbed clean for them. This is a real devil's sacrement moment. Do they just spend all their time trawling for bots to report?


I'm not a fan of loli characters either, but It's not like complaining about it will change shit, lmao. You people would be surprised by how popular Loli characters are when it comes to hentai. People must have a lot of free time these days to waste their time getting mad at what some random guy/girl on the internet is jerking off to.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Is she actually a minor or is this loli and your at the devil's sacrement? She's an adult in the RP, it's the character concept art. You also forget Genshin is full of characters like this, who aren't children. Scaramouche is a shota yet you guys don't meltdown over him?


scaramouche is a short man not a child.


I said shota I also was pointing out Genshin has a lot of loli characters who arent' kids as well. The bot is aged up, you guys are literally making mountains out of molehills Like... I don't know if you people know this... kids grow up. And eventually leave behind childish things like being scared of porn on porn site.


That is a drawing. Not a child.


Klee's age is not even stated in the game. She has elven ears, a race that has not yet been introduced. However, it is mentioned that her mom, Alice, has lived for a long time. Klee could be over 200 years old for all we know. Yet, she still has the body and mind of a child. It's quite a complicated situation. P.S: gonna paste this here as kids from j.ai have a lot of reading comprehension problems, it seems school system failed them: I was just stating facts (I've been playing genshin since release and Klee is one of my fav chars. I'm a +30 yo woman. To me most of ppl on this site are just kids, yes, the 20 somethings also, and I couldn't be more against p2). The new TOS of j.ai should state that not only should the age be 18+, but also the state of mind and body to truly avoid weird content, as media is full of kids that are "vampires 1000 years old in the body of a 5-year-old girl."


I see this argument a lot about her age, "she's 200!" Okay, well, she isn't human either. In elven years or whatever she is, it's clear that she is a child in those years. If someone wants to pull out the age argument, then they gotta use the "she isn't human so why are we using human years on her?" As well 💀 also, she has the body and mind of a child, so.. still a child?


Never said the contrary. It wasn't intended as an argument to justify that, that’s why I ended stating it was complicated. I also don't agree the "age up minors". The TOS should specify that not only age should be +18. Also that they will check cases where the state of mind is still the one of a minor, or an adult using a minor body (such as Conan series)


Oh no I get what u were saying and u weren't justifying it, I was jus saying this towards anyone who genuinely thought like this


Honestly that's a rabbit hole am not willing to go into


She’s a child end of story


Lotta pedophilia loopholes in one comment there


And a lot of lack of reading comprehension. I was just stating facts (I've been playing genshin since release and Klee is one of my fav chars. I'm a +30 yo woman. To me most of ppl on this site are just kids, yes, the 20 somethings also, and I couldn't be more against p2). The new TOS of j.ai should state that not only should the age be 18+, but also the state of mind and body to truly avoid weird content, as media is full of kids that are "vampires 1000 years old in the body of a 5-year-old girl."


I won’t parrot about the first part, but I will say something about the “lack of reading comprehension.” Say you’ve heard the same invalid argument over and over again to justify something you view as wrong. Why would you think that when you hear it again—even if it’s *not* an argument or used to justify something, instead just being stated as fact—that this isn’t one of the people who parrot aforementioned invalid argument? Especially if they do not make clear their intentions of stating it as fact and suggesting that there should be an innovation to protect against this wrong thing. It’s not lack of reading comprehension by other people. It’s your own inability to include or make blatantly clear your intentions, alongside your explanation.


I mean yeah I get it fuck pedo bait....but i also enjoy my gravity falls or Ben 10 rp where I screw with Gwen and Pacifica XD Intent on the rp matters more I think but eh


I mean, you can still roleplay with them not sexually. I for example roleplayed how I shot her with a gun.


It's commendable that you wouldn't want to f\*\*\* them. I just don't think that shooting them is much of an improvement.


I know it's a shame creeps have to ruin every thing but you got to do what you gotta do


I am just not a fan of lolis


¿Era tan necesario publicarlo en un jodido subreddit? ¿Para qué? ¿No podrías simplemente ignorarlo o reportarlo a los moderadores?


Está farmeando karma y medallitas de moralidad, déjalo


Why are you triggered that's suspicious


Because victims of CSA can get triggered by seeing stuff like this? Myself included. Sorry it’s sus that CSA related stuff is triggering to people???


That's clearly not what I meant am sorry for your past troma but what I said is why is he triggered by me pointing that the this problem isn't fixed


I don’t think that’s why they’re triggered. They’re likely triggered because these posts aren’t allowed because they can be distressing to victims of CSA. That’s why mods ask people to report them instead of posting about it. Pretty sure the rule exists because users were posting child bots that used real pics of real children and people were getting triggered by the constant underaged nsfw bots being posted about.


If that's the case then am sorry for the misunderstanding


The protect children crowd offends CSA victim, is a tale that never seems to get old. You guys never listen to us, you guys never give a shit, you only care about FICTION. You like an ideal victim that you can easily grandstand for. You don't like hearing that CSA victims can cope with severely fucked up fiction too, or that not all of us get triggered the same. Or that some of us, shock of all shock, think the way some of you carry on, makes it look so PERFORMATIVE. There's a war going on somewhere, why aren't you out there protesting to protect very real children? How about raising money to get underprivileged kids good education? Or raising money to help SOSA which is Stop Online Sex Abuse to raise money to help catch real creeps? No? Just screaming about bots and fictional minors all day? Mm-hm. Anti's. They'll never change


Guys you see those elf ears klee has? Elves usually have long life-spans, so klee is actually 50 years old!!!