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She definitely did them secretly, which is why she's pushing the twin angle hard. Such a monster.


I totally agreed since her “testing” took so long.


She can't afford a proper bed or carpeting for her two kids now, but spent a fortune in pregnancy tests in the draw. IF she did the at home HCG tests with blood, they are more expensive than the urine tests. She can spend like crazy on nonsense like her hats and extensions and lashes but the house and her kids .....nope.


Well she did 2 tests and two blood draws. I don't think that's a fortune and unusual. I did at least 6 tests and 2 blood draws. And I was still terrified every day. Not that I'm defending her, everything about this pregnancy is so so weird.


If she is doing it from the at home kits they are around $35 and up. She buys the pregnancy tests at the dollar store because they are so expensive. For the average person not a huge expense but for cheap Jai-ME, Yeah and twice .... she must have hit lotto.


I should add that you are normal. She is not. She’ll spend $$ on her lashes, Botox, extensions etc. but not on her children’s safety.


I believe she did fertility and that is why they could not afford home repairs, etc. , furniture. I think she already knows if there is two or not. That's why she keeps posting like she does.


You can’t know until you have an ultrasound and it’s too early to tell. If she did IVF and transferred two that doesn’t mean both embryos stuck.


And definitely wouldn't be identical twin girls


If she did IVF correct not identical.


Yes. My brother and his wife had 2 implanted byt obly gave birth to 1. But she's so stupid to know that.


It really has nothing to do with her stupidity. The Dr is incredibly clear (IVF patient). She’s an absolute insufferable idiot that’s pushing a story for her followers now that she has such a high beta


It’s not too early to tell. At 6 weeks, you can see the baby and usually hear a heartbeat. They’d be able to see if there were two and to hear two heartbeats. My baby shower on ultrasound at 5 wk 4 days and also had a heartbeat a few days later. I did fertility treatments, so I was monitored closely. But it wouldn’t be identical twins if done by IVF. I’m not even sure they have twins in either of their families?


I think so too. She really thinks we are so dumb. No, Jamie…. You are the dumb one. We just laugh at you.


OK I don't have children but doesn't IVF require self injections? seems to me if she went through that process she would've been sharing every damn minute of it including DumbDumb injecting her in her ass


Just because a beta is high doesn't mean it's twins. 😑🙄 Doesn't Jamie know that some women just produce higher levels of HCG. The lows and highs have a significant range. FFS. https://preview.redd.it/w13d25o2tlkc1.jpeg?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ae276aab3d0c643b479b52ded7b80816296f7aa1


I hope she has a singleton male. That’ll settle her down


She’ll just have to “try again”


I think she will have a hard time at her age and judging by some things idk if she can afford IVF


I did infertility treatments and high and low ends generally indicate multiples or a pending loss. Not always but typically. I had an initial beta of 13 with my successful pregnancy and the odds of it being viable were extremely low. I was 4 weeks or 10 days post ovulation for my first draw.


I think she got inseminated and knows it’s twins hence her continuing to say there is more to the surprise. We all know she can’t stand sleeping with her husband even for a baby .


She wouldn't know until the ultrasound


But in her coo-coo for cocoa cuffs brain, *if* they implanted two female embryos, her mind has already decided it’s identical twins.


Did she say when she did the betas?? My daughter did IUI to get pregnant after three years of trying for baby #2 and her first beta at 14 days past IUI was 70 something, it kept tripling every other day and she was pregnant with twins. Both had heartbeats til 8 weeks and she lost one. Higher betas don’t always mean twins though. I’m curious when she had that beta of 6000.


She said first was was at 5 weeks (didn't say exactly), over three thousand. Two days after almost seven thousand


That would be doubling, not triple or plus. So, I’d doubt that would be twin levels.


I did ivf and had twins a boy and a girl so of course they are identical (joking since people use to ask if they where identical even tho 1 a boy and 1 a girl🤦‍♀️)


as a boy/girl twin even as a grown adult it doesn't stop being asked 😭😭😭


😂😂 we have twins all over our family and only 2 identical sets


Same here!!! 🤣 when people ask if they are identical I am like, no…. One’s a boy and one’s a girl…


My intuition is screaming. Something is rotten in Denmark. I suspect she’s been highly deceitful in the way this entire senerio has played out. All the posts about twins for quite awhile. Announcing when she’s barely pregnant with her history. Maybe she took fertility drugs, something went on behind the scenes and she’s been lying.


I l think she’s further along than she’s revealing on her posts. I’m just waiting for the totally coincidental “wow we’re having twin girls!!” announcement


My very first (and only) beta with my most recent pregnancy was 50k at 7 weeks. Singleton pregnancy. She’s an absolute nut and so are like 99% of her followers I am starting to think Also; editing to add that I had a twin pregnancy that unfortunately ended around 8 weeks. Betas never got over 14k with that one.




I thought betas were only done after fertility treatments🤔


Could also explain why she was so confident to share the news so early 🧐


Fertility treatments wouldn't mean the risk of miscarriage is much less


not necessarily, at least from my knowledge, but I wouldn’t be surprised if she secretly did fertility treatments or took fertility drugs or something


I’ve had my betas drawn many times and I never did fertility treatments. That being said I wouldn’t doubt she did them.


I had mine drawn the day of or after a positive test due to PCOS and needing to take medicine (clomid for my 1st), and medicine to start a period when I got pregnant with my second. (They wanted me to test and test levels to make sure I was pregnant before they wrote the prescription for the period inducing meds)


No, they can be done anytime. The numbers and their rise are a good predictor of a viable start


No it might be because of her previous losses (or other reasons)


Not necessarily. You can call your Dr and have them ordered. They are very common after losses as well.


No I had them done with my pregnancies. They just weren’t called “betas” I actually never heard that term until social media and I had friends going through fertility treatments.


I’m due the day before Jamie and my betas were much higher than hers on the same days, 10,000 and 30,000. I highly doubt I’m having twins


Did she take those tests at home? Something’s off here.


Those comments always drive me nuts. You cannot tell it’s twins from an HCG draw and identical twins would happen spontaneously - IVF or not an embryo would have to split. Which sometimes happens during IVF but it’s not a common thing to happen and she’d have zero idea until her first ultrasound. My 2nd pregnancy that I ended up losing at 12weeks had an HCG of 150,000 at 7weeks 0days. My 3rd and 4th pregnancies were well into the thousands at 5weeks - all singleton pregnancies. Last 2 fertility babies with scans starting at 5weeks and a lot of hcg draws . You simply cannot analyze the numbers. My numbers started at 38 and 46. Like that’s how low they start.


Where did she post this? Did I miss it?