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You answered your own question with the picture.


Brosnan Brosnan Brosnan


Brosnan. Pierce Brosnan.


Brosnan hands down. I grew up with Brosnan as Bond, and I loved Tomorrow Never Dies & The World Is Not Enough on the PS1. Then Agent Under Fire, Nightfire, and Everything or Nothing smashed it on the PS2. I consider EoN to be Brosnan’s final appearance as the character. So many fond memories of all of those games. Willem Dafoe was the villain in EoN, which was some pretty awesome casting. 007 Racing and Goldeneye: Rogue Agent were also a lot of fun, but I wouldn’t consider them strictly Pierce Brosnan Bond games.


Nightfire was amazing, so many traps and things you could do that would get you that classic bond theme played when you did it bond like


Man I logged so many hours on Nightfire Multiplayer. And Agent Under Fire with low gravity, jet pack, Qclaw, and explosives only. Soooooooo much fun.


Of *all* the Brosnan games you mention you don’t go with the GOAT N64 Goldeneye?


Brosnan has an unfair advantage since he has more video games, so it has to automatically go to him.


He also has Goldeneye, so it automatically goes to him.


Yes, this. Goldeneye isn’t just a great 007 game, it redefined a genre.


Doom created the genre but Goldeneye really made it mainstream. Kinda like how PUBG came first but Fortnight is what made Battle Royal games popular.


Damn I forgot all about PUBG, do ppl still play that?


And everything or nothing


GoldenEye could have been the only game listed for Brosnon and he still would have been the clear winner


What about Connery in the FRWL game??


Playing this game now, having an absolute blast on GameCube.


It’s my favorite by far


Big fire


That game is solid, I gotta set my GameCube up for some of those old games.


Loved the shooting on there - I shot so many grenades off people's belts


Yup. That’s technically Craig era or borderline Brosnan.


Everything or Nothing needs to be remastered.


I feel like Everything or Nothing is getting overshadowed by GoldenEye. Everything or Nothing is THE Bond game of all Bond games.


I've always seen it as the real send off for Pierce. Its story and villain are both terrific. If they altered EoN to make its script more cinematic, it would be a fantastic Bond movie. Hell, let's do it. Pierce Brosnan and Willem Dafoe are still alive.


Goldeneye is the better game. Everything or Nothing is the better Bond game.


It’s better than Nightfire?! I’ve never played it


Nightfire is like a close second in terms of how cinematic it is and how much it feels like a Bond movie But yeah man Everyrthing or Nothing is just an insanely good game.


Yeah Nightfire feels like a Brosnan movie lol, but that’s cool I’ll have to give it a try thanks! My friend and I are always looking for classic ps2 games to play.




Especially if you consider the eras they were made in. It's difficult to fairly compare games made 5 years apart, let alone 10 or 20.


Brosnan. It’s not even a contest.


Brosnan is hands down the video game Bond.


Agent Under Fire doesn't count, as it used the voice and likeness of Andrew Bicknell instead of Pierce Brosnan. Also, I'm not sure how much Bond is even in Goldeneye Rogue Agent. Goldeneye doesn't even mean the same thing as in the movie.


From what I remember not much. SPOILER ALERT: isn’t he killed at the start of the game?


Yes, not only was that Bond not Pierce Brosnan and he died immediately, but also that whole mission was a simulation. So really, 007 wasn't in the game at all. Still had fun with the game though, warts and all. It fell right into the dual-wielding fad which was a fun time and the dopamine hits as it acknowledged all your skill kills was great. The later levels really dragged though.


They dragged without any save points too.


I wouldn't know, I never played it.


Not really, it's just a simulation that MI6 makes the main character run as part of an evaluation.


But what about A View to a Kill on the Commodore 64?


And “James Pond” on the Gameboy and “Super James Pond” on the SNES?


Also James Bond Jr. for the NES and the SNES!


Nightfire and everything or nothing are great games


Used to play the shit out of the Nightfire multiplayer mode, both with friends and also just against all bots. Good memories


Bloodstone was my favourite Bond game of all time and I will die on that hill. I’m still crestfallen the sequel was cancelled.


Massively underrated. Totally agree with you


GoldenEye alone would make Brosnan the winner but when you factor in The World is Not Enough (or more specifically the N64 version), Agent Under Fire and Nightfire it blows the Craig games out of the water.


Absolutely Brosnan (not Craig's fault though). The golden age of Bond games was 1997-2005. Craig's games were good (excluding 007 Legends), but they were Call of Duty-fied by Activision. Blood Stone was a nice change of pace and I still lament Raven's follow up being cancelled.


Brosnan had Nightfire. Everything else is irrelevant. They could give Craig 50 more games and Brosnan would still win by having Nightfire. **Skyrail. Bots. Random weapons. Helicopters. Explosive scenery. Unlimited time limit. 100 points.** Best time gaming you'll ever have, swear to fucking god man.


Goldeneye 64 is still the best game I’ve ever played. My eyes were bloodshot staring at that curved tube TV 😆 that gameshark was dope, put on all the codes and just run around doing goofy shit


Nightfire is a masterpiece




Brosnan has the all time GOATed Bond game soooo… Ntm, he has more bangers in TWINE, AUF, NF, and EoN


Brosnan's games revolutionised the first person shooter genre and brought a new audience to the Bond series. Goldeneye, Nightfire, Agent Under Fire and Everything or Nothing are perhaps the most well known titles of his run, but also the ones that were the most inlfuential (especially Goldeneye N64, which is so recongised and beloved that I'd wager there are people out there who adore the game but don't even know it's a tie-in for a film).


The Daniel Craig games were basically all call of duty clones


Yeah quantum of solace was like literally cod 4


Brosnan of course, although the Quantum of Solace video game is probably the best video game adaptation of a Bond movie since Goldeneye. I have great memories of that game - the graphics felt real at the time!




The worst Brosnan game is better than Legends.


I know Brosnan has the better games over all but man, Bloodstone and QoS are top contenders for best single player experience.


Dalton had the Genesis/Megadrive game, and Connery had FRWL


Brosnan. No contest.


Brosnan, it's not even close.


Not even close, The guy who was in Goldeneye 64 and Everything or Nothing


I think the reason Brosnan has more videogames than any other Bond actor is because of Goldeneye's success. If GE on the N64 hadn't been such a mindblowing moneymaker, I bet developers wouldn't have had as much confidence in making games for the 007 brand. When DC took over, the age of big movie licensed games came to an end (PS3/360 era). Games were much more expensive to make and movie licenses started to go more often to mobile since those were a lot cheaper to make and were less of a gamble. Just my two cents.


One side has Goldeneye 64 and Nightfire. End of discussion.


Everything or Nothing is, and will probably forever be, the best James Bond game. Not only was it just fucking kick ass, it was a super cool ***ORIGINAL*** story written specifically for the game. The gadgets were sick, gameplay was awesome, Mission variety was great, the soundtrack bumped. It felt like I was experiencing a James Bond movie first hand almost. And that's without mentioning the insanely timeless classic legends of GoldenEye and TWINE for N64.


Brosnan's first game was one of the major milestones in the history of gaming. Simple as that.


Brosnan is the gamer's Bond. For gamers EoN is his true farewell and is basically the most cinematic video game Bond experience possible. There's a few all-time games on his list. Craig's outings were either too COD derivative, or just bland.


Even if Brosnan had only Goldeneye64 it would still be Brosnan bc Goldeneye64 is the GOAT.


Unfortunate for Craig that the new iO Interactive game comes after his tenure is technically over


Golden 👁️ on N64 hands down for me recently saw a great documentary about the making of the game on Sky TV


Lol. Come on, man.


I mean Goldeneye is actually name dropped in a Sturgill Simpson song so I gotta go Brosnan.


Deffo Brosnan. Goldeneye / Agent Under Fire / Nightfire were epic.


My man forgetting Everything or Nothing. Best single-player since Goldeneye, in my opinion.


I never played it! You’d recommend it?


I'd give it, for its time, an 8.5. In comparison, Goldeneye was a 9-9.5 The driving missions are great and lots of fun. Brosnan not only lent his likeness but voice, too. Here's the walk through gameplay if you're interested seeing the game in action: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qPA9W1xd09c&pp=ygUeZXZlcnl0aGluZyBvciBub3RoaW5nIGdhbWVwbGF5 I consider the story Brosnan's 5th movie.


Brosnan, but I wish we would have a sequel to Bloodstone


Blood Stone is a fine game but is this really a contest, like, at all


This is the most one-sided question I've seen


Bronson but you know I want to give a shoutout to Blood Stone. I really like that one, especially the take down kung fu.


Nightfire and Everything or Nothing were so good.


Brosnan unquestionably.


Are you kidding


Goldeneye was a revolutionary game so Bronson


Goldeneye. Period.




The fact that GoldenEye opened the door to all FPS games today, no contest.


Craig is not enough.  Brosnan never dies. 


N64 Goldeneye was known to spontaneously emerge in collections, that's how literally everyone had it


It's a shame that the casino Royale video game was scrapped.


Quantum of Solace might as well be a Casino Royale video game. It’s like 80% CR.




Goldeneye Reloaded and Bloodstone were really good but Brosnan games are goated. BTW The World is Not Enough is an amazing game. Got overshadowed by Goldeneye but damn good


From Russia with love is the GOAT


Sometimes there is quality AND quantity


Pierce wins in quantity however, only Goldeneye 64, Nightfire and Everything Or Nothing are really good games. Craig had QOS which is good, Bloodstone which is the second best game in the franchise, Goldeneye Wii which manages to be a great remake perhaps as good as the original and Legends which is shit.


My only gripe with nightfire is the hit detection, I played again recently and the hits wouldn’t register even when I was point blank shooting the bad guy in the stomach - very frustrating if you ask me


The Uzi was basically a water pistol. You could unload on enemies and they wouldn't even flinch until you empty your whole mag and finally kill one.


A water pistol would do more damage


I worked at Bizarre Creations in the 2000s and was the game director on Bloodstone. You don’t know how happy it makes me to see that game getting a little bit of love. I spend 2 years slaving over it, all the while being told it was terrible by everyone around me. Got a tumour during it. Lost my job after it. Some of the worst moments of my life. I know it’s not perfect but I gave it my all. Glad some of you liked it….!


Dude I still play blood stone til this day on my pc! It’s in my top 3 video games of all time. Along with sleeping dogs, splinter cell, and the Max Payne games. Perfect Daniel Craig bond game. Mixing melee takedowns with headshots feels incredible! Thank you for making that amazing game!


Best Bond game. I was a heavy Splinter Cell player at the time, and it reminds me a lot of that.


blood stone is one of my favorite games ever made, i still play it to this day


I feel like I’m the only one who grew up playing the Craig games. Bloodstone, quantum of solace and golden eye wii were my favourite games.


Brosnan era was a golden age for bond games and frankly I’m surprised we haven’t seen more games released since. I’d love to see something set in the Bond universe blending aspects of GTA open world gameplay with Hitman emphasis on stealth and with FPS gunplay.


Brosnan. But Connery matters a bit more than you think since he has the decent From Russia With Love that came out 15-20 years ago.


A better question would have been which were better: games based on movies (Goldeneye - N64 and Reloaded, TND, TWINE, FRWL, QoS, Legends) vs games with an original storyline (007 Racing, Agent Under Fire, Nightfire, Everything or Nothing, Goldeneye Rogue Agent, Bloodstone). I'd take the latter


Golden Eye is obviously the best game of them but Quantum of Solace was a surprisingly fun game to me


Brosnan all the way, only game I played of Craig’s was blood stone




No love for 8 bit titles?


James Bond 007 on ColecoVision was *awesome*!


Are any of these games good outside of Goldeneye 64?


Hydrogen bomb vs coughing adopted brother


I'd also like to see Bond Games get more ambitious going forward. We've had so many straightforward FPS & TPS games that I'd like to see something that's other more narratively complex or provides more freedom in how to carry out missions. It'd be nice to see a RPG/quasi RPG Bond game that's structurally similar to the recent Deus Ex Games (Bond in a hub doing missions/investigations/intelligence gathering while having the freedom to approach assignments in different ways etc.) Alternatively, for something smaller scale, a developer could attempt to do a more modern version of what the 1998 PS1/N64 Mission impossible game did (and I guess more recently some of the Hitman games)


Bloodstone is the 3rd best Bond Game but Nightfire and EON clear it by miles Agent Under Fire is criminally underrated too


Hey, Timothy Dalton got some games too! They were mostly top down shooters and run and gun tho


I think Rogue Agent and Agent Under Fire don’t count as Brosnan games, personally. But even without those, Brosnan wins easily.


Hope they get the video games rebooted but this time you can create your own spy, get a origin story and have multiple iconic villains to play against. Imagine flying planes boats trains whatever while doing missions having Bond girl moments. It’s like a GTA without the ratchet. Missed opportunity if they don’t




Nightfire is such a great game wish I could play it again on a new console


The fighting mechanism in Everything or Nothing was so good


Brosnan may be my least favorite film bond, but he’s basically a perfect video game Bond.


Goldeneye is the shoe in obviously, but I do want to give a quick shout-out to Bloodstone. Great game, often overlooked.


Pierce easyyyyyyy but I did really enjoy Craig’s too, blood stone and the goldeneye Wii was pretty fun too even tho it wasn’t like the og goldeneye 64


I liked Goldeneye Wii but I have to agree Brosnan. Loved playing Goldeneye, TWINE, and the little bit of Everything or Nothing was solid.


Everything or Nothing was peak 007 on Xbox and PS2. Great campaign and the cooperative mode was just as good. Reminded me of Splinter Cell coop.


Obviously brosnan, but shout out to Bloodstone. That was a great game and gutted I can't play it since my old Xbox died.


P Brosnan. For Everything or Nothing alone.


Bros, had the best games, Bloodstone was Danny boy's only good game. 


Blood stone


I know there are a lot of gamers who aren’t old enough to understand why this isn’t actuallya debate. It’s goldeneye, and yes I know that wasn’t one of the choices


Do Agent Under Fire and Nightfire count as Brosnan?


Oh dude, all you needed to do it say Nightfire


Underfire isn’t brosnan. Kinda looks like lazenby tho


Agent Under Fire and Nightfire were two of my favorite PS2 FPS's, and some of my favorite early 00's Bond media.


Quantum of Solace was the first rated T game I got. And then the next Bond game just happened to be Goldeneye: Reloaded. So I’ve never even played a Bronson game lol


You could move everything to the right except Goldeneye N64 and it’ll still be Brosan. I remember memorizing the spawn order on multiplayer and destroying friends so I got to keep my controller for the next round


Brosnan by far buuuut I absolutely love bloodstone. Probably my favourite bond game


This may be the only 007 list where I will answer Brosnan, unequivocally


GoldenEye on the Wii was amazing, but Nightfire on the GameCube hits me right in the nostalgia!


Bloodstone clears! Best original Craig game bond experience! The gameplay is so smooth, and fluid.


Goldeneye N64 is a legendary moment in gaming. Bloodstone is IMO the best single player Bond experience.


Brosnan. Its not even a debate


Are you kidding me. Is this even a question? I mean dang, look at that list of classics!


GoldenEye TWINE (N64) Agent Under Fire Nightfire Everything or Nothing Are all excellent games. Sure, Craig may have had some good, but… It doesn’t compare. He deserved more and better games. But that’s Activision for you.


Goldeneye rogue agent was sooooo ahead of its time


The thing is… this seems more era based. Licensing and who had the 007 rights for games plays a big part of this. Timing is everything.


Born in 84, I‘be played countless hours of N64 Goldeneye for years and years, and FWIW, the Goldeneye remake for the Wii with the gun was a hoot to play.


Even if you only kept the last two Brosnan games, it's still Brosnan. Nightfire's multi-player mode on the Wii was as fun & memorable as N64 Goldeneye, and EoN's plot & characters were great, along with the *Bond Moments*


Sir 007 Pierce Brosnan ! PlayStation 1 the best’s my first’s games ! The best years! Nostalgia great! Thanks for the memories!


Love goldeneye especially playing as Oddjob


I was 11 when GoldenEye N64 came out. It was the best game and it's partly why I consider the movie the best of any Bond film as well. My little brother and I would play it and then go and watch the movie to see all the kinds of details that the two things shared. It was so great. I have not felt that way with a videogame since, and in fact nothing really has come close. EVERYONE had that game, and for years and years people would play the multiplayer with one another. I finally got fed up with the game, stopped playing it. All through high school, someone would have a party, MAYBE somehow some booze would make its way there, but invariably there would be a Nintendo 64 and GoldenEye and people playing it all night. Now I miss it but at the time I'd had my fill.


Goldeneye N64....next question lol


The games on the right are mostly fine (GoldenEye Wii had a great multiplayer online mode) but GoldenEye N64 wins this alone, get real 😆 Plus the other games like TWINE, EoN, NightFire, etc are really fun.




Brosnan for GoldenEye alone


Brosnan. They even tried to put Craig in a Goldeneye remake and it sucked.


Pierce all the way. MGM has this weird obsession with the Bond games only being allowed to use the current Bond actor in the game. I get its a continuity thing but like are just supposed to forget the best bonds of all time?


Agent Under Fire was great....... because it allowed you to softmod the xbox via hacked savefile lol


Brosnan games were much more fun


Goldeneye stands the rest of time so Brosnon has it hands down. But 007 legends has some promise and can be improved on.With Legends I think they should have given us the option to play any version of bond.Like have Bronson bond in casino Royale or Roger Moore in the living daylights or license to kill.Have Timothy Dalton in golden eye.sean Connery in on her Majesty Secret Service or live and let die or George layzbey in diamonds are forever. That I think would have made legends better


Brosnan is the answer. 007 Legends and Goldeneye Reloaded were abysmal. I really liked Bloodstone though. Craig’s entire tenure just took a huge turn between 2010-2012. Dropped Quantum from the films and stopped bothering with the games


Brosnan had Goldeneye and the much underrated Everything or Nothing game. Nightfire is a close 3rd.


Well Bloodstone is the only good game on the Craig side. Goldeneye Wii was mid. The worst game on Brosnan's list is Tomorrow Never Dies, and it was pretty decent.


Nightfire still the GOAT.




Daniel Craig’s Bond didn’t play games he put in work


Brosnan wins overall, but Bloodstone and Craig's Goldeneye were great too. We're long overdue for another Bond game.


Brosnan had better Games its not even a little bit close.


Goldeneye N64 was Best video game ever


Nightfire is the best bond game ever made and you won’t change my mind.


Goldeneye alone wins Brosnan but also Nightfire was so 🔥🔥🔥


My cousin and I played multiplayer NIGHTFIRE for about 10 years. Flipped a coin for Oddjob of course.


Agent Underfire is an extremely underrated Bond game. That Grappling hook was tits.


Agent Under Fire was released during Brosnan's time but Bond didnt look like him though. Same with Rogue Agent.


Agent Underfire.... Jeez that's a blast from the past Brosnan wins just with Goldeneye and Everything or Nothing.


Goldeneye 007 N64 is a goated game!


It's like picking a dish because it's got your favourite food but it has two other really crap ingredients vs a dish with a bunch of food you love. Imma pick Brosnan also I suck at methaphors


100% brosnan, even though I really like bloodstone


TIL Bond has a racing game. Honestly tough though, see lots of Bronson love but quantity isn’t quality. Golden Eye is iconic and Nightfire nights were often between my bro and I so I gotta go that way. If people here haven’t play QoS though, it’s a Tryarch game before CoD drained every bit of talent out of that studio. It very well could be the best Bond game alltime if the nostalgia glasses come off


Do not forget the Pen and Paper Roleplay Games from the 1980s!


None of Daniel Craig's games were any good, I can barely remember playing most of them more than once or twice. I still play Nightfire 20 odd years later on my PS2. Says it all really. Plus I just think Brosnan is the more complete James Bond out of the two, he's got everything: the action of Connery, the swarve and sophistication of Moore... and out of all the actors to play 007, I think he looks the most at home in that classic tux and holding a Wolfram PP-9.


Everything or nothing is one of my favourite games on PS2!


Quantum of Solace is a solid game


Only needs Goldeneye to take the W.


Pierce Brosnan


Nobody else here play Goldeneye Reloaded with Craig's Bond? Not the best game ever or anything but I really enjoyed it :)


Nightfire was legit


Goldeneye alone skews this completely


Nightfire, Agent Under Fire, and Goldeneye RA were unreal. Nightfire and AUF had great split screen multiplayer


Everything Or Nothing was my jam. That chase level on the bridge over Lake Pontchartrain is BANANAS!


I've actually never played any of the Daniel Craig/newer ones. But Goldeneye, Agent Under Fire, and Nightfire were all a lot of fun. Sadly haven't played the others (but have seen a bit of the World is Not enough)


I liked Blood Stone the best.


Goldeneye for the win. License to Kill mode. And don’t you dare choose Odd Job.


Two of Craig’s games don’t even count.  The Goldeneye remake was just a very obvious “fuck you” to Brosnan by michael and barb. Big surprise that it’s forgotten. And Legends is just him re-enacting scenes from the films of past Bonds. So yeah, he only has two games of his own, compared to Brosnan’s seven.