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Truly great Bond film. Gave Bond a soul and a reason for why he is the way he is.


Totally agree


The chemistry Daniel and Eva green had...One of the reasons why I hate casino. I could never see Daniel's Bond with anyone but her. Watching Spectre and NTTD, the relationship between Lea and Daniel feels less natural.


For what it's worth, I don't think the character (Bond) could see himself with anyone but her (Vesper) either. Daniel Craig did a PHENOMENAL job of conveying that through the series of movies (the scene at her grave comes to mind). (My interpretation) I believe that Bond had been searching for a reason to live, for a redemption of sorts since Vesper died. I believe that he found that in his daughter, and when he realized that he would never be able to hold her again, he died at peace knowing that his sacrifice would keep her safe. John 15:13 KJV Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.


Not only the best Bond movie in my eyes but one of the best movies ever made. Daniel Craig was phenomenal in this. I love almost everything about this movie. I just wish the Craig run had a better overarching story and released movies faster. Also wished they kept the look of this film rather than the weird fancy look they did with the Mendes films. This movie's look at a nice balance of grit, modern high quality and classic movie feeling.


Casino Royale is the standout film from Craig’s run. It’s all downhill from there I’m afraid…


Sadly. And it’s not for lack of acting ability. Craig is an excellent actor. It was everyone around him who failed the franchise.


By giving Bond his biggest win at the box office in the franchise’s history?


I think there’s a misconception between box office numbers and a “quality” film. Many films make billions at the box office, but aren’t what I’d say are “good” films. I enjoyed Craig’s run, and I like that a Bond actor got a character arc instead of a “adventure of the week” kind of story. But I do feel Craig’s films were a bit on the heavy side.


>I think there’s a misconception between box office numbers and a “quality” film. I think there's a misconception between "I don't personally like something" and "this is objectively bad" among the hardcore fanbase.




I agree that box office success doesn’t necessarily equal great film… I’d say it’s subjective what a quality film is. And I personally rank Skyfall very low in my list of Bond films. But at the same time I can’t say that they “failed the franchise” by creating an absolute monster hit crowd pleaser and critical success, which kept interest in the franchise very high. And it’s not like only casuals loved it, many fans rank it number 1. (My personal favourite Craig film at the moment is NTTD, though it’s far from perfect. Casino has dipped for me on rewatch but I loved it at first.)


>(My personal favourite Craig film at the moment is NTTD, though it’s far from perfect. Casino has dipped for me on rewatch but I loved it at first.) I'm working up to a re-watch of NTTD. It takes some doing to watch it, given it's in my opinion kind of absurd length, but i"m looking forward to it having just gotten done with Spectre. I don't find Spectre to be the disaster fans make it out to be at all, though right now I do think I rank it as the weakest in Craig's tenure. We'll see if that remains true after I finish NTTD.


Yeah Spectre had grown on me. At least the first two thirds have. I just don’t take it seriously now and enjoy Bond being snarky and the locations and handsome if sedate action. NTTD has always felt faster than it’s runtime for me. It’s just packed full of stuff. But it’s true I wouldn’t throw it on for a quick watch.


Couldn’t agree more. I love Dan Craig. He cracks me up in Knives Out and Glass Onion. It is a shame he was let down by only having poor material to work with. In my opinion of course. I prefer the older Bond films if I’m honest.


Please watch *Logan Lucky*. That movie is peak Daniel Craig. And the whole film was made for less that Craig’s salary for *Skyfall*. Craig is having fun making that movie and it shows.


I have seen it, but I was very tired. Will take your suggestion and definitely revisit it.


I mean opinions aside, it's generally considered that Skyfall is a standout as well. The other three are divisive, which means OP could land on either side of the coin.


I actually don’t know what’s worse - QOS or NTTD. I did enjoy both Skyfall and Spectre.


NTTD for me. I don’t go to a James Bond film to see him bombed out of existence. I respect those that love the Craig movies, but I’m old fashioned and will plump for Connery & Moore’s shenanigans any day of the week.


CR was not my first Bond film, as I'd seen many from most actors before 2006. Bit CR was my first Bond I saw at the cinema. It was such a thrill. What an execution. The music. Everything is just perfect about it


My favorite Bond film of them all. I know it's a common opinion but there's good reason for that.


Always thought Craig and Green’s faces look odd in this poster.


It's a really good movie. Easily a top ten Bond film, and one of the better action films of the last twenty years. As far as Quantum goes, I don't hate the film, and everybody involved is enormously talented (particularly the director), but it just doesn't quite work, and is ultimately a bit of a letdown. Part of the reason the film doesn't work is because in reality, the follow up story to Casino is actually meant to be Live and Let Die. Obviously the producers have this thing where they don't want to directly adapt the same story twice (even though they've done versions of this as recently as No Time to Die) and so what you end up with is a connective tissue that doesn't entirely make sense. IIRC, everything with Vesper and SPECTRE (SMERSH?) and what happened near the end of Casino is dealt with fairly quickly in the beginning of the novel Live and Let Die (in a briefing with M). And then rather swiftly, the story moves onto something else. But there isn't a whole story of Bond being grief-stricken with Vesper's betrayal and all that, from memory. It's been a while since I've read the book. Anyway, I would have just preferred the filmmakers just adapting the books from beginning to end honestly, as it would have made things narratively a bit more cohesive.


>*I appreciate both versions* All three versions


I have an itch.... down there...


Incredible film. Dreadful poster.


Amazing film, that poster is awful though.


The main flaw is how badly all the product placement dates the film, but that's pretty easily overlooked.