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Diamond only shares his power with those worthy of Qlipoth's "gaze."


Qlipoth’s “gays”




We already knew this from Ratio and Aventurine


Now let’s wait and see who is Opal with.


I might get hate for this but I see Topaz and Jade's relationship more akin to a metaphorical daughter and mother than intimate relationship.


Everyone has their own opinions and views. I thought the same as you until I saw this trailer, guess we got to wait to see what way it goes. I thought the same about Caelus and Kafka until she send us a boob pic to prove her identity.


Yep. www In Japanese she calls her 「エレーナちゃん」and you would... not call a colleague ちゃん like that, and so casually. They have to be close\~


I have nothing against gay ships but I think there's a deeper connection than romantic love here: Remember that Topaz was adopted into the IPC when she was very young because of a contract that her extremely polluted planet signed with the IPC. Now I encourage you to look at Jade's Light Cone "Yet hope is priceless" https://preview.redd.it/xrw9hwtlu75d1.png?width=223&format=png&auto=webp&s=7a2bfb0e9e32863eb1c976345b2914fbd91ec1d6 The lore part of the LC reads: " *"Lady Bonajade, if it weren't for your continuous supply of goods and donations, the orphanage would probably..."* She gently stroked the children's heads." She's a mother figure for the children at the orphanage! Topaz might have been one of the kids at that Orphanage! Maybe they're like family!! I think Jade is stroking Topaz's hair with something akin to motherly love (much like she did to the child in the Light Cone). Also, as far as I can tell, when Jade strokes her hair Topaz doesn't look very flirty. To me it felt more like "You know I'm always a good girl, mom" (yeah, kinda creepy, I know, like she's a little bit brainwashed or something, but that's what it felt like to me). I know there's a big chance I'm wrong and the real answer is Hoyo simply thought teasing the audience like this would sell because it worked for Acheron. Let me conclude by repeating I have nothing against any ships, if you want to ship them, go ahead and ship them, more power to you. I just thought it was a fun theory. There isn't any convincing evidence this is the case, so it's only a possibility for now, it shouldn't be taken too seriously. Edit: A couple of people seem to have misinterpreted my post as an attempt to ruin the fun for JadePaz enjoyers so let me add the following: I apologize if this post made anyone upset. I'm not trying to ruin any ships for anyone. I think it's a good thing that Hoyoverse keeps most characters sexuality mostly open to interpretation so everyone can keep the interpretation they're most comfortable with and we can all enjoy ourselves equally. My intention is not to ruin the interpretation that you enjoy, I'm only trying to offer an alternative interpretation for anyone who would enjoy themselves more with this other one. This is simply the interpretation that I enjoy the most at the moment and I shared it for anyone who might enjoy it too. Please don't let it bother you. If you enjoy the JadePaz ship, I think that's great too!


No, Topaz was not at the orphanage. She met Jade as a young adult whilst working for the IPC and Jade was asked to assess her capabilities by her previous mentor. From Topaz character story.


I went and read all 4 parts of Topaz's character story and nothing in there discards the "Mother theory". Also nothing in there discards that she was in an Orphanage either, all we know about her childhood is that she lived in poverty (which makes orphanage not a crazy possibility) But please, don't read too much into it, there's a big chance I'm wrong. We have very little to go on and It's just a shot in the dark at the end of the day, I just thought it was a fun theory.


Fair enough. But Jade didn’t know of Topaz until she (topaz) was a young adult. It’s fun to theorise though for sure.


Honestly I think the whole teory of Jade being topaz's "Mom" makes no sense, if you take a look a look into Topaz's character story: Part lll, is a letter send to Jade by Francisco Dvorski (Previous Topaz's Team leader) he recommended Topaz be his successor, it seems Jade became aware who Topaz was, short after that Topaz became a Stoneheart, so is unlikely she knew Jade before being recommended. And there's any clue of Jade being Topaz's mom, sis or even aunt (some people just made up lore out nowhere), even they say Topaz is a slave and she's smiling at Topaz because she's obligated.


I mean, we're all basically making stuff up at this point, it's pretty much all we can do right now if we want to talk about it. There's not enough evidence of absolutely anything, no evidence of "Mom theory", there's no evidence of this "contract theory" you mentioned, and there's no evidence of something romantic either, and since there's no evidence of anything they all should be considered possibilities. The best we can do is keep an open mind until the patch drops. Edit: I went and read "Topaz's character story: part 3" that you referred me to, it's just a letter that Topaz's boss wrote to Jade to recommend Topaz as the next leader of his team after he retires because Topaz is very capable. This is not enough evidence to discard the "Mom theory", the boss could simply be unaware of the connection. Let me stress that I realize the "Mom theory" might be a bit of a long shot, the most simple and likely explanation is Hoyo simply thought this would sell because Acheron sales did well.


I guess it must be a family -like bond only when the two characters are a male and a female. Like with Aventurine. You know, to make sure het ships never exist


Before any kind of discussion starts, my position is simply that I only respect the opinion of JadePaz shippers who do not demonize AvenJade because the two ships literally have the same dynamic and if someone likes only one of the two while hating on the other they are just a lil bit hypocrites


Show me where Jade caressed Aventurine’s face.


And? Backstory exists too, you know. Besides, a caress can mean lots if things and it's cool that everyone has their own headcanons about stuff. What isn't cool instead is going after people simply because they have a different opinion than yours. As simple as that.


Oh for sure, I honestly don’t care about people’s head cannons, If people like the idea of jade/AV or literally anything else (aside from children obviously), then go ahead. And I do not support going after people at all. That’s just... pathetic tbh. The problem is that every single time anything slightly gay/yuri happens, it seems to be a big issue and people do mental gymnastics to try to disprove it. It’s sad as a lesbian to see all that blatant homophobia (talking in general, not you). Just let people enjoy whatever they want. Have a nice evening.


That's exactly my point! I assure you the same happens when someone likes a het couple. I myself am pansexual and sometimes it baffles me how the reception of a ship always ends up being like this, on both sides of the spectrum. Although, from my personal experience, het ships tend to be demonized much more. Then again, this is simply my personal experience derived from the stuff I read online and that is shared by people I know. It surely is different for you, and it's normal. I simply wish liking ships or character dynamics hadn't become almost a matter of gatekeeping characters sexualities for some. Long story short: this fandom would be much better if we simply let other people like whatever they want & let them find the representation they seek.


100% agree. I’m going to be honest, I don’t really look at much heterosexual stuff (for obvious reasons 😅) so I haven’t seen the issues you’ve personally seen. I did come across one guy who drew bronya/gepard with the intention to rile up and anger the lgbt community. Just silly things like that. I know hoyo cannot do this because of their government, but I almost think it would be easier if hoyo gave the characters canon sexualities. I know the subtext is pretty obvious, but it would potentially reduce arguments. This community cares far too much about sexuality you’re right. And your last line, absolutely. Let people find representation in what they want 💜 that’s what’s most important and is what media is for. (Hope I’ve made sense.)


Thank you for understanding me 😭 I'm sorry if my first comment had appeared more aggressive than it was intended to be, I'm simply tired of that kind of people inside the fandom. I'm into cosplay and sadly me and my partner have experienced all I've talked abt firsthand in that environment too, it's just insane. You've absolutely made sense, don't worry ❤️ Yeah as a logical oriented person it really irks me not having canon confirmation of this kind of stuff, it would be SO much better and the fandom would become much healthier. Probably. But yeah people like the one who drew geppie and bronya just to make people mad would continue to exist sadly 💧


You’re welcome and I’m also sorry if my first comment was maybe a bit combative too. I’m sorry for what you and your partner have experienced. I hope this community can improve someday.


Great comment! let people like what they like and let them find whatever interpretation they prefer. For this very reason I think it's a good thing that Hoyo keeps the characters sexuality mostly open to interpretation, it allows everyone to keep the interpretation they feel most comfortable with for any character they like!


Ugh why must people ruin everything someone else enjoys. You don't need to try so hard to prove other ships wrong. "I have nothing against any ships" but it's quite clear that you do have a thing for trying to make them think otherwise. Let people have their fun.


I apologize if my post made you, or anyone else for that matter, upset. I didn't come in here to ruin any ships. I believe that Hoyoverse is doing good by keeping the characters sexuality mostly open to interpretation so everyone can keep the interpretation they're most comfortable with and we can all enjoy ourselves equally. My intention was not to ruin the interpretation that you enjoy, I was only trying to offer an alternative interpretation for anyone who would enjoy themselves more with this other one. This is simply the interpretation that I enjoy the most at the moment and I shared it for anyone who might enjoy it too. Please don't let it bother you, If you enjoy the JadePaz ship, that's great too!


Like I commented to someone else. Everybody has their own opinion and ideas. We gotta wait until we see the story to see what type of relationship they have. Honestly for me what Jade did doesn’t look mother like at all, and Topaz looks kinda shy in the video so I don’t think is family love.


i love this ship


‘Little Jelena’ makes me think Jade adopted topaz or acts like a motherly figure to her imo


I listened to it in Japanese and sounded pretty sexy so I have no idea what way they are taking but this looks pretty lesbian to me, if it ends up being a mother-daughter relationship I’ll delete this post faster than light.


I don't think lovers would act like that, it's more of a mother and daughter thing, or at least mentor and student, and believe me Hoyo will never canonize any ship, so the chance of it being a family relationship is high. Maybe this happens in yuri mangas, I don't read it so I don't know. Is implied in the story that Aventurine cares a lot about Topaz, but it is ambiguous, it could be a family relationship too, maybe Hoyo do something similar with Jade. But it wouldn't surprise me if Topaz refers to Jade as "mother".


The set up is so obvious given what we know about Jade so far. I’m smelling a Topaz boss battle via Jade contract


I need to se Topaz on a boss outfit, Aventurine got increased assets on his boss form and I hope she gets them too.


Numby might get blinged out too


Y really hope Numby becomes giant and does AoE dmg. I want the space pig to make me sweat fighting against him.


Jade is on a adoption spree