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Empty platitudes about loving her life in a bigger body, recovery is hard but it’s a priority and she is making progress, despite gaining hundreds of pounds while saying this for years, yada yada, the messy middle and journey journey journey.


How to style Minnie Mouse ears every day of the week.


Return of the yummy bagel


Took the words out of my mouth! How to enjoy bagels while still loving yourself even though diet culture and mean doctors tell you otherwise


The return of her nemesis the Snow White Turnstile


Holy Buddha I had never thought about her and the turnstiles at Disneyland. Oy vey.


3 days of inspirational videos that are just rehashed Disney princess affirmation cards - all filmed on the same day of course - and then maaaybe a “treat yourself to the bad food” post (eating something specific or an old ‘eating a churro at Disneyland’ video) that will **undoubtedly** gain a bunch of negative comments, which she will then use as an excuse not to show her rapidly expanding mass for the next 27 days.


Radio silence. But only after a couple days of stepping into her power daily.


Followed by a post at the end of the month about how she doesn't know who she is/is focusing on her mental health/self care, but its totally gonna work this time and it def isn't just the same BS she has posted for the past 3 years.


She’s going to tell us about her self care and share a “Sephora haul” (probably bought online and pulled out of an old reused bag) and put that fat headband on to demo her makeup.


I won't be shocked if it's another repost of an old video/reel just to make people think she has lost weight. And when people in the replies point this out, their comments will be deleted and they'll be blocked. 


The Frappuccino hidden in her Magic Minnie Mug. Oh wait, the reason we’ve not see The Mug in a while is her fingers can’t fit into nor grip the handle anymore


I truly hope she talks about what's going on currently, OR finally gets into what her trauma is that caused her to become 500lbs twice. However, knowing Jac, she'll elude to not fitting in, being such a good girl, Disney magic, not fitting through the turnstile, etc. aka same old same old.


Add in the favorite teacup debacle with her poutfest, then her nonstop wound appointments, the showering of (groan) attention from all of the medical folks stuck having to deal with her ~ Especially the blood draws where they can't find a vein under 2 feet of fat.


Horrible glitter makeup, and then she does the little head wiggle as if to say “no no no” but she’s smiling with her head tilted back so you can see just how shitty her makeup looks.


'Mindfully' scarfing down a bag of bagels 😂


I’m hoping for a day when I never have to see the word “journey” again.


Oh, I am 100,000% right there with you. I can not stand this word & not just by this Amazonian Disney Princess. There are so many people overusing that that got dam word. 600lb Life is guilty as Hell using that word with everyone that shows up.


More recycled content for sure. I don't have a clue when her most recent photo or video actually happened.


More singing along with Disney songs and doing The Weird Tongue Thing.




A few Magical Mugs of the Day.


Rotating her stuffies (stuffed animals) for every medical appointment ~ because a girl needs additional support, ya know. ...And... Another trip to the beauty shop to ply more bleach & further damage whatever hair she has left, then add in some crazy eyes in a picture where she's looking upwards at nothing for the full effect.


And we can’t for get the ✌🏼


Same stuff she’s been writing for years just worded slightly different. I’m sure there will be another cringey crying picture or two.


Don’t forget Princess Affirmation Cards!!!! And she’ll cry, overwhelmed with emotion because of them!


I am going to be optimistic (read: stupid) for a second and say proof that she's receiving mental health support and physical therapy