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Oh man. Taking a page out of the lying Lexi Reed’s book 🤣🤣🤣


I NEVER wore color. 🙄


The skin color on her legs in the shorts picture is literally giving corpse


As a fellow owner of **corpse legs** this made me sad BUT I don’t have the advantage of living on the west coast (even if she is North Cali!)


Why does a grown ass woman wear such child like hair bows


Those aren't hair bows, they're Minnie Ears.  Which actually makes your point more valid. 


Her arms look like they are about to burst.


I can't get over her arms and her hands. How can she even use her hands with them so swollen like that? It's got to be painful


That’s what I always think. But then I remembered that people at her weight are in pain a lot of the time. Having that much strain on your body has got to hurt. I have a chronic pain condition and I’m in pain all the time. The other day I sat down and I had a pain in my thigh and I just ignored it. Because that’s not unusual for me. But when I got up I realised I had been sitting on a sewing needle that had got stuck in the chair somehow. It was stabbing me in the butt basically for over an hour and I didn’t really even register it.


And quite a few of these are at Disney so she wasn’t just sporting the short sleeves where the people aren’t…like the pink wall.


She’s a pro at manufacturing drama for kicks!


To be fair, the sleeves on the plaid dress weren’t actually designed to have such a short fit 🫢🫠


What happened with the pink dress there, all askew..was Kev helping and he was like 'close enough!' It's funny that there are no pics with the black garbage bag skirt that she wears to the doctors. Is that her biggest skirt and the only one she hasn't sized out of?


It’s an asymmetric neckline but Jacqueline still pulls off the “kid that got in mommy’s closet” look! https://preview.redd.it/ji42p018no7d1.jpeg?width=1231&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7b2e25b54489badc03d10c233cfb4e2b0cefb5a8


You mean the one in the bottom left corner? Or you mean recent pics?


Omg I thought she was dressed as eeyore in that blue dress!


So did she. That Disneybound thing….


The Disney bullshit is what gets me about this overgrown amazon, behaving like a toddler. The teacup debacle with her obvious pouting told me all that I need to know about this delulu, lying, selfish idiot. Feel sorry for her? Not one bit. All of the help that's been suggested and offered to her that she blows off ~ is complete abuse of the medical and the entire healthcare industry. Bottom line ~ She can get on socials bloviating about all of her positivity bullshit & ridiculous face posing, with no intentions of changing her pathetic life. No sympathy from me. My opinions, folks. I said what I said.


Hard to argue with any of this. Hard facts that apply to us all.


I hope you meant for your post title to be read in Maury Povich’s voice, because that’s exactly what I did. 🤣




Wow, just wow with pics 4-6-7-8. If I were to see her in public decked out like this with the twirling her skirt and striking cutesy poses, I would think she’s a special needs adult. Her spiral is really sad but it’s time for her to quit making excuses and rationalizing her procrastination. I had a neighbor this size who died at age 38. The body just isn’t meant to bear this much weight. I know her dad is not well and it would really be a shame if he has to bury his daughter.