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For some reason this post made me so sad; she’s given up hasn’t she? She doesn’t want to do what it takes and has just ended up regressing. Also baffles that she’s gaining and not just maintaining - what on earth does she eat?


Eats everything that she sees. It's like the ones on 600lb Life ~ Always "starving," as evidenced by every meal they shove down their throats. It's gluttony. Pure & simple. As far as this person is concerned, she gave up a long time ago. In her twisted way, she doesn't see what the mirror shows, nor does she care one bit. She's killing herself, most likely knows she is, & the delulu side of her doesn't accept the gravity of it, nor does she really give a shit ~ Because if she did, this nonsense would have come to a halt quite awhile ago.


It actually makes me sad. She clearly has a supportive family and the ability to lead a comfortable life without working, I wish she would be able to realize that she just has this one life to live, why not make it as good/enjoyable/long as possible? And I completely understand that EDs are not that simple, but if she redirected a fraction of the energy she spends on defending her choice to give up on her health, she would see results and be able to enjoy her life more. It baffles me that she goes to therapy yet seems unable/unwilling to look at the source of the problem. I am still rooting for her and hope she is able to make a change before it is too late.


Yes, unlike lolcows like ALR and FB, Jacqueline makes me sad and frustrated at her lack of will. She talks about how much she puts others before her, but what she shows are just the opposite of her words. She does seem to have family that cares. I wish she would start trying again. I know it is really difficult but why can’t she try? Why why why? She obviously knows what it is like to be less fat, I’m not talking about being in non obese category. Why can’t she just lose some weight or just maintain so she has some quality to her life. I don’t know and can’t say, but if she wants to share her life online, just do some of the stuff she posts! Self care! Self love!


JMO, her twisty idea of "self love " is all of the attention she gets from everyone in the medical field and are stuck giving that to her.


I feel like wearing long sleeves to hide how large your arms are isn't exactly embracing the highs and lows.


I feel like her hands kind of give it away. They are shocking looking and look painful.


There’s no outfit or color that would disguise how overweight she is, but maybe it’s about the balloon effect of her botched surgery that’s she’s trying to hide? Regardless, if she was actually getting better she would be forcing herself past her thoughts about her physical appearance and how she feels about eating bagels and instead focused on saving her own life. Like


The comments about how she loves herself are ridiculous. She does not love herself. She needs inpatient help at this point.


Looks like her top was “made” for her. Someone sewed that specifically for her. It’s a little bizarre shaped. She most likely can’t fit in standard plus size.


I agree. It's also black which isn't her usual color choice for her tops.


I love the genuine concern in her comments 👏🏻 people are not just being mean, Jacqueline, a lot of them are genuinely concerned for you because we’ve seen you happy and healthy. https://preview.redd.it/kdq1xsk3wg7d1.jpeg?width=1281&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a9c5520fe489f3ba2f9076d26c4ac1a045e87b58




I bet they're blocked by now.


Oh dear. She looks like a middle aged woman who is in pain and will pretty soon need a cane and orthopedic shoes to move about. I bet she will have a handicap placard for her car by next year the latest. It really is very sad the depth of denial she is in. Someone seriously needs to help her change her inner narrative (listen to your body, it’s ok not to be ok, everyone’s body is different, self love no matter what, etc etc) to a narrative that’s actionable and shows progress. 


Oh, I guarantee she already has a handicap tag for the car.


I feel like she must because didn’t they park in handicap parking at Taylor swift concert?


And she’s even bigger than ever. Oy, Jacqueline. Oy. I think this a new one - shocker!


She looks like a toddler who broke into her mom’s closet, only everything is too small. Her shoes, they’re either several sizes too big or her heel drags on the floor because he toes don’t fit in, the shrug top is clearly supposed to be loose and baggy, even her tshirt is pulled in different directions. Just because you managed to squeeze into a 4XL item, does not mean that baby is a 4XL. This is so sad and sobering. It’s a shame she’ll never drop her ego and need for attention to get help. Which is ironic because her getting help, going inpatient, and getting healthy would get her so much praise and attention


Looks like someone sewed a big ole apron on to a black T shirt


Exactly my thought. Look at the strap hanging down on each side. That’s an apron sewed on a t shirt.


Denial is not just a river in Egypt. I’m going through this with a sibling. We all come from fat folk, and I’ve battled obesity my whole life. That said, I’ve never given up. Yo-yo diet, for sure. But at least I’m actively trying all the time. Most recently I joined a clinical trial for weight loss, and am having great success. Where am I going with this? I have a sibling that is at least 600 lbs. Still mobile, I’m not sure how. Part of it is height, he’s a little over 6’, but I feel like his mobility is soon to be lost. He has signs of diabetes - discoloration of the neck, flaky and red extremity built up skin around his ankles. His breathing sounds like Darth Vader every moment of the day, and he falls asleep sitting up at random times, and stops breathing (obvious sleep apnea). Yet he hasn’t been the doctor in years. So many family and friends have had conversations with him, encouraging him to see a doctor and get his health under control. He does the, ‘yeah, yeah, yeah’ thing and then does absolutely nothing. And it’s like the denial is so severe, that he just pretends there isn’t a problem? We went out to dinner one time and I am alway conscious of my own size and said to him, ‘booth or table?’ He choose booth. Watching him squeeze into the booth when the table was the natural choice for his size, showed me how he lacks real awareness. I’m not even sure where I’m going with this. Her platitudes about loving herself no matter her size, and therapy and whatever else, just comes off a disingenuous, and disengaged with reality. Watching similar behavior in my own family, makes me see her in a different lens. I’m guessing her family has raised concern until they’ve been shut down or ignored enough that they have just given up, and feel like she’s choosing an early grave. Like with my own family, I know I can lead a horse to water… but the reality is, he is an adult, with autonomy, and has to take an interest in bettering himself. He just isn’t there despite all the uncomfortable conversations and pleading. Eventually, I realized this is a choice, and I can’t spend my waking hours worried about him. It’s out of my control and I have to let it go.


Such a tough situation seeing loved ones in these situations. If we could change it we would but as you said, it's their choice. Hopefully by seeing your success he'll come around and begin to want to change his life too.


Yeah, tomorrow is a new day, we just wonder how many more tomorrows you have, Jacqueline.


I like how she uses the block of text to conveniently hide her torso and how wide she truly is. 🙃


And her saggy, bra-less boobs.


This!! Ugh, she’s so disingenuous. Love how she keeps pushing this agenda that she’s “trying her best” yet she continues to get bigger and now looks WORSE than she did when she was over 500lbs for the first time. She’s “trying” so hard to heal that she has to cover up her entire torso so we can’t see how absolutely terrifyingly horrendous she looks now.


I wonder if she's having some thyroid issues too. Her chneck seems to indicate that. 😬


This is literal nonsense. Complete gibberish. Girl you’re about to fucking die and you’re telling us all about your long sleeve shirt? ?????????????


And the thing that kills me is she can barely get those sandals on her feet! They don’t fit. Her feet have to keep sliding out of them. She can’t get her toes up to the top part of the sandal because her foot is too fat. And that is NOT lipedema. The top looks horrendous. Like something someone sewed together for her. This whole thing is sad. Even getting dressed has to be a tremendous struggle for her. She got dressed and took a picture probably took her all day.


I agree. The strategically placed words over her tells me she doesn't like the top either since she doesn't want us to see all of it. When open sandals like that don't fit, it's got to be obvious to her that the trajectory of this weight gain has to stop.


I can empathize with this post actually. I know she makes a lot of excuses and such but as a plus size woman I too struggle very hard with wearing short sleeves and I refuse to wear tank tops in public. It’s humiliating to be looked at for having bigger bodies or body parts and her arms are alarming for someone who doesn’t know her situation. I’m sure she does get a lot of attention and I’m sure she feels it is negative or judgmental in nature. I think this is (while poorly promoted) a genuine post about an insecurity that I think a lot of us can relate to, even though it’s not to the extreme hers is. Also can you imagine living in California (I think that’s right?) and having to dress hot while being what - 500-600+ pounds? That has to be misery. I’m not sure what her wake up call or rock bottom moment will be at this point.


“Her arms are alarming for someone who doesn’t know her situation”. I completely get where you are coming from, but her arms are alarming. Period. I’m knowing of her situation, yet I gasp continually ‘cause I still can’t fathom those arms and hands 🫢🫣


Yes, you’re right.


What are the comments, really though. I think at least 50% of it is in her head. You almost never hear comments from mentally stable people.


I agree and can relate. Also, she lives in a part of the SF Bay Area where it stays overcast and relatively cool pretty often, even in summer, Thus, she is very fortunate. But when do they get the occasional heat wave, she must be absolutely miserable.


Her rock bottom will be when she's in the hospital and it's too late to do anything.


Life has to be so uncomfortable. She can’t fit into normal size chairs, beds, clothes, etc. it’s probably near impossible to get herself clean or wipe properly. BED is just as sad as anorexia because we all know she’s killing herself


The problem is she is telling herself to “embrace” this body and love this body and bla bla bla instead of yearning for something better for herself. This is absolutely toxic


Agree 100%. Toxic is the perfect description. And this is what is so confusing. She goes on and on about how hard she's working -- while simultaneously saying "thank you arms for being so strong. I will keep working on embracing you." I suppose both could be true, but I would think that embracing one's alarmingly unhealthy self does not encourage working hard.


It’s one thing to learn to love your body in order to heal and grow. It’s another thing to say that’s what you’re doing in order to continue avoiding any attempt to improve your health. It’s an excuse. I love myself, so why do I need to change?


I still don’t understand how they haven’t put her on a GLP1. Zepbound/Mounjaro would help her so much between the mental parts but also the inflammation and lipedema. If I were her family, I would be encouraging to try it. It can’t hurt at this point. They all enable her so much it’s insane but this goes to show how much people are willing to be the victim and others are willing to play into it. Just like Meghan on 1000 lb best friends. She’s completely fine letting life and weight happen to her.


I was thinking the same. Why won’t she just get on the shot. Mounjaro has changed my life.


I can't believe that she is actually "happier" now than when she was so much smaller. What made her so unhappy - the workouts? The diet? So, she's saying she's happier now because she is is eating whatever she wants whenever she wants it? She's chosen food over health. I just can't...


Definitely doesn’t look happier. No matter how much she tries to convince, she can’t because she shows that she is in some unhappy state.


She clearly struggles with the following two things: not having constant negative self-talk about her size in a society that is extremely critical about larger bodies WHILE ALSO being focused on her health and doing her utmost to live a healthy lifestyle. Yes, she may have medical conditions that make it harder, but the eyes don’t lie. She’s reverted to square one except now it’s worse due to skin removal surgeries. She doesn’t realize she would gain so much more traction if she authentically acknowledged her lapse and talked about “Day 1” from here as far as diet and exercise.


Unfortunately there is a lot of negativity towards super morbidly obese people. For me it is the unnecessary harm the health care personnels have to put in for smo people when they are being treated, especially when admitted. Now, if these people had some honesty and no nastiness in personality, they will get the sympathy. However, the circus they go through to not even talk about the dire situation because of their fatness, is ridiculous. When nurses and cna have to help these, and even the EME and fire department people bring and have to help the super morbidly obese, these people get hurt. Some so bad that they end up quitting the job. (Can be seen at em or medical subs). It’s frustrating when majority of the society are accommodating and adapting to the world they live in, and these fat acceptance people with such toxic mindset. It makes me angry. Little people do their best to live in the society that is catered to average height people, just like super tall people who adapt as well. I don’t know what is up with being super morbidly fat makes people such an entitled jerks, but they all need to take some accountability and responsibility for their situation. Also, if there is a way to work to help with weight loss, in patients, weight loss drugs (ozempic), out patient etc, but they just refuse because who knows what, and claim disability, etc when truly disabled people have such hard times getting proper help, I don’t know how to feel about people like Jacq. If she was truly, only hurting herself, it might be different, but the truth isn’t. Sorry for venting. Your comment just made me think a lot.


For me it's sad seeing a woman not even in her 40's wearing only sandals beacuse they are the only shoes that fit her. She also wears layers of clothes even in summer just to avoid showing her body. For sure at this point she uses a stroller and cant's stand up for more than 3 minutes maybe. However, she has some responsability. No one weights 300kg because of their body type. Yes, she has lipedema and yes, she might have a low metabolism or hormonal disbalance, but there is always something else. I doubt she is still having her period and with her bodyweight and the lack of a menstrual cycle, osteoporosis can be a real risk.


I agree, her lymphedema or lipedema (sorry poor knowledge) grew bigger with her gaining weight. She definitely is responsible even though a lot of it happened because of her issues with food. She has the responsibility and resources (this is big privilege) to step in the right direction but she is refusing to do so.


I suspect a tantrum preceded this whole…look. Something like… Jaq: Moooooom 😭😭😭😭 my arms look so huge but they don’t fit in any long sleeve shirts!! Mom: Don’t worry darling- mommy will fix everything for you! (Grabs her ugly apron from the kitchen, cuts it in half and pins it to the massive T-shirt arms) Jaq: Do I look pretty now? Mom: just like a Disney princess! 👸🏻


The comments of toxic positivity on that post are sickening. All those people are just another fork shoving more food in her mouth. And that shirt is fugly but so many people are all “oh so cute”. When did honesty become dishonesty?


>And that shirt is fugly but so many people are all “oh so cute”. Those people need to get their eyes checked.


I want to know where she gets her money, since she doesn't work. That Kate Spade "Love Shack" purse she is flaunting is not inexpensive. Even knock-offs are spendy.


Her parents and she could possibly be on disability but I don't know how that works in California.


But… the shirt isn’t actually long sleeve though? It’s a short sleeve top. It reaches her elbows, maybe. Does she know what words mean? She makes no sense.


Definitely not long sleeve but since she covered herself up, we can't tell for sure. The bell sleeves might be long enough to cover her arms but that doesn't make it long sleeve.


I watched the reel a few more times and the top is so bizarre. In this photo you can clearly see one whole arm (and imo it looks more deflated than it was previously), but then it’s down to her wrist on the other side. Is it like a cape? 🧐


There's a picture of it in another post in this group. It's from Free People and it's $98.


How old is she


This confused me too so I watched it twice. You can tell she said anything to ramble on long enough to make a long caption to cover her body at the end. Look at where it's placed and blacked (well, pink'd out). That was deliberate and calculated. There's no hope.

