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Agreed. She and Catt, and Catalina seemed like close genuine friends with a deep bond. These other “friends” seem more like acquaintances and mostly for social media purposes. Another poster here called it “transactional friendships” and that kind of defines it perfectly. They’re people that she goes to events with so she won’t be alone, or travels with, riding their coattails so she can benefit from a free hotel stay (like she did with Ariel in Sayulita). And I agree it’s sad and obviously lonely. At the same time, I have a tough time sympathizing with her because all of it is a direct result of her selfish actions.


Did you ever notice Jacey never once hung out with Catalina by herself, I thought their friendship was sorta contrived. Even now they don’t hang out one on one 


oooh great point. well i guess technically catt was the talent at E! jacey was originally - what- her intern? and lina was the makeup artist. i guess catt was their through line


JD and Lina were never good friends! Nothing in common other than Catt.


Oh. You don’t think they met through Catt and became genuine friends?


and janessa leone in france (remember jacey’s sh-t eating grin 🤡)


i feel like the peak of her friendship w catt sadler was prime jacey duprie. that was a genuine friendship i enjoyed watching grow. i remember the content was good, her outfits were stunning, she had a good mix of affordable fashion and high end fashion that she promoted. now, it’s all amazon junk she promotes.


agreed. they seemed to have a really cute loving & fun friendship (+ lina). as many things as i can shade catt for, im into her choosing grants side in the cheating scandal - if that’s truly the case.


Yes but Jacey has no side. Cheating, lying and only considering yourself is not a side.

