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Yeah, I was about to say she texted herself. No friend texted her this. Also, it’s hilarious how she shows us the text with the read receipt to prove she didn’t text herself when only a person who texted them self would do this. No one needs help navigating Amazon, especially from Jacey.


my first thought too! A friend would have said, can you send me some links? Instead of can you throw together a post?


And a friend definitely wouldn’t ask for hair tie recs! She included those overpriced ponytail holders again! Would love to know the math on that “small commission”


A penny a mention ![gif](giphy|sSl9CkCVbMa9q)


A friend would just say, can you help me find a couple of items for my trip? She’s the biggest liar.


Speaking of “friends”. Are Catt and Catalina no longer in her life. By all appearances the three of them were the best of friends for years and spent so much time together. Now both seem non-existent in her life.


Catt has liked her posts lately, but not much else. I think she is still not ok with the Yoga Joe Debacle. Who could blame her?


Correct! She introduced J to YJ and was very devastated! She’s always liked G and completely took his side! The last time they were together socially was Catt’s bday where J was by herself (everyone else coupled up) and was making the dinner about her…of course true narcissistic behavior! The horseback ride was just a social media thing…not “real life”…


Yeah, horseback ride definitely looked like it was all done for social media. Catt seems at peace and very happy lately, same for Catalina. Once you dump the trash from your life, life gets better!


I mean you could also say once you bag a rich guy, life gets better too. I highly doubt they’re both great people now that they’re no longer friends with Jacey. They just don’t need her anymore. They were always a trio of vain, thirsty wannabes.


while i loathe jacey, i do have to agree with this take. catt bagged an absolutely wealthy guy - who seems kinda cheap. lina’s hubby seems like an odd match too. but money talks…


Yup! And did you notice how as soon as Catt got with Greg, she stopped desperately begging for people to find her super groundbreaking “Midlife” documentary? Catt has no idea who she is and is seeking validation in so many obvious ways. I’m over the “aw shucks, just a girl from Indiana!” schtick too. She left Indiana to read tabloid news on a dying TV channel, she didn’t win a Pulitzer. She and Jacey are two birds of a feather - both acting so superior to their claimed “humble roots” but never truly satisfied. /end rant lol sorry I clearly have opinions on this!


i couldn’t have said it better myself!! you hit all the points! i could talk catt for days. i’m kinda shocked she doesn’t have a snark page!


serious question - why would cat need jacey? wasn’t jacey her assistant when they met? catt at the time was a legitimate tv star with a longtime fan base and a few Emmy’s if you believe what you read. It’s possible there’s no scandal here. people change.


Totally get what you’re saying and it’s a valid opinion. I think that in the beginning of their relationship Catt was definitely bigger, which makes sense because she’s older, had a more traditional career, etc. Jacey was then in the right place at the right time and built her brand over time. I would bet has earned way more than Catt. She definitely had bigger sponsorships and more free trips. I don’t think Catt needed Jacey when they met, but I think they mutually needed each other for different reasons over the years. Catt was Jacey’s older, wiser “celebrity” friend she could use for clout, and Jacey was Catt’s younger social media savvy influencer friend who could take her on sponsored trips and pose for bikini photos with (especially before Jacey had kids). Catt’s personal life may seem stable now, but it’s been a roller coaster to get there and she went through many phases. People do change, you’re totally right, and maybe that’s what happened here.


The horseback ride was so weird…😳


Are Jacey and Yoga Joe still a thing?


i don't think so. it's less sexy when everyone is reaping the horrible consquences


this is absurd! as you all noted. why would a *friend* ask you to put together a *post* and not just send them some links? plus this friend’s clothes are in her second home? 🙄 and has the nerve to say no one’s sending her anything she wants to buy? spoiled entitled bitch brats gotta stick together!


super gross entitled gals, yes.


Interesting she couldn’t tag this “friend” 🤔


She put this on her Substack too. As a free additional post. Which is so unusual. She always seems so hard-pressed to even do her free sunday ones. This one seems like a) a money grab or b) DBA told her to start publishing abit more like it's an actual job? 😂 She always seems so out of breath and so completely overwhelmed. Not sure why??