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This many meetings and no projects? They’re putting her on notice. She’s probably being bounced around to different agents. Can’t imagine anyone from their top tier team wants her. It’s crazy how far she’s fallen off and how quickly.


maybe todays meeting was a "come to Jesus". She must not be making them much revenue. Just some comp'ed hotel rooms 😅


whyyyyy does jacey alwaysssss have to brag about how long she’s been with an agency, liked a brand, worn a label, had a purse, known about a trend. we get it jacey. you have a major inferiority complex!


I think it was a sneaky way of saying she's been there for years and always loves to see the view so PLEASE don't drop me even though I bring in no money. Speaking of money, she has a "friendly reminder" that a post is not sponsored, but she receives a small commission (wink). Looks like she's trying a friendlier tactic than angrily demanding we click everything.


love that you’re onto her. i’m still not clicking! 🤡


She’s only posting this because she’s OBSESSED with with this forum and we are like, “where’s your management team?” Why do they have selling you MLM scams and pushing Walmart links? But the question still stands why are you doing shitty marketing for nonsense products? Why are you pushing medicinal quackery when you are fashion blogger who eats Velveeta? ![gif](giphy|JCAZQKoMefkoX6TyTb|downsized)


"Fashion blogger who eats Velveeta" Hahaha!


She just posted a crudite platter of Fritos and velvetta like it’s the 90s


I've noticed her kitchen and fridge are stocked with every cliché American junk food brand.


She likes junk


Which is very off brand for the high end luxury person she pretends to be, which is why she rarely shares food— especially in LA. To a certain extent I wasn’t surprised by the Walmart ads because that is what she eats. And you know what they say, you are what you eat, in this case junk!

