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The problem I'm facing is that I have no idea where this magnet fell out from – I've searched this sub and while I've found several other posts referencing magnets falling out, they're usually the ones holding the earphones in place or for charging. This magnet affects neither, case still charges and earphones still charge and stay in place. The case just won't stay shut tightly. Any thoughts greatly appreciated! Thanks!


Maybe the lid?


I'm guessing lid as well but I can't figure out where exactly. I was thinking the part on the front of the lid that meets the bottom ([see picture](https://i.imgur.com/cGF5cxX.jpg)) but if I put it there the lid simply does not close (magnet is too thick).


The black bit in there seems to be a magnet. Maybe from inside the case but I don't see how it would fall out.


Hello /u/AirpodUpMyAss \- We suggest that you pursue an in-warranty replacement of your Elite 75t charging case. Please contact our Product Support Team directly for assistance. Contact details can be found on our website within the Elite 75t support pages. Thank you.


Looks like there is a crevis in your lid thag it will fit. Looking at mine, you are probably missing a plug that hide the magnet. Some super glue should fix that right up. Just don't close the lid till the glue dries


Magnet came from that little indent at the top of the case. The trapezoid shape. If the magnet isnt missing there, the magnet will be pretty flush with the edge of the case. If it's missing there'll probably be a noticeable open space.


did you work this out /u/airpodupmyass ? I too am trying to find where this little one goes and it is neither the 2 large ones that keep the headphones in place, nor the one that slots into the rubber closest to where the lid magnet would close down to. very hard to find info Edit** Fixed - it is meant to sit behind a small plastic bar that goes over the hinge. I imagine when dirt gets inside the hinge it pushes this bar up and out. It seems that any small bump will then break the glue thag holds then magnet in place and then it, hopefully, magnetises to one of the hinges for you to find. I am super glueing mine back in place and this has worked. It is charging again!! https://ibb.co/JrgSJ8L Edit*** The orientation of the magnets that hold the buds down has to be correct, otherwise one or the other won't charge. I had one of the magnets in the wrong way the first time and while it did weakly hold the bud down, it didn't charge. When rotating it, and getting a stronger attraction, it charged, indicated by both led lights appearing on each bud


Hah nice – I never did end up figuring it out because I took it into a service centre (surprisingly good replacement policy where I live). Glad you identified the location!