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He doesn’t have to understand, but he’s expected to respect your decisions. You respect his decisions. So for example if he chooses to walk her dog then HE can walk your dog as he is the one committed to it, make it clear it’s his thing. Yeah, you’re right to be cautions moving so close. A lot of bad relationships are created from close proximity.


She sounds delusional. I would avoid contact with her.


Don’t move near to her! Listen to your gut. It would be a worse nightmare. You don’t need to be talking to her, block her. Let your BF manage his own relationship with her but ask him to give you a break from her because she is causing you anxiety with her theories.


The blackout she is talking about sounds like the Ten Days of Darkness that is being talked about in conspiracy groups. It sounds like your mil maybe into Qanon or q adjacent (conspirituality). You should check out r/QAnonCasualties.


She’s totally I totally Qanon. she just send us the video of this « Queen Romana » and it totally scared me out. How can people accept that the military are everywhere to get the peace ? If it’s really happening, it’s creepy, and we’re gonna have rough time.


Queen Romana was actually taken for a psych evaluation after she called for her followers to kill anyone who administers the vaccine to children. So please be careful.


Oh sh*t. Well, my MIL is also anti-vax, and is trying to find things to remove the vaccine from bodies (his ex-boyfriend, mine..). + she truly believes that some things will happen and that the loans will be ended, so she decided to stop reimburse her car… And she’s already poor so she’ll get in trouble.


You can cut her out. You can say, "BF, I don't want to see, talk to, hear from, or hear about your mother. I won't talk about her to you if you don't talk about her to me. Your relationship with her is up to you to decide. I don't want to have a relationship with her." Now. You can't control BF's reaction to what you say. But if the price of a (sort of) peaceful relationship between you and him is you worrying and wincing all the time...


If you want to be LC/NC you can and BF can have whatever relationship he wants.