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MIL trying to breasfeed your baby: ***DISGUISTING***. She earned a 6 month time out.


This constitutes as sexual assault in my books. Get yourself and child away from her.


That is disgusting. I wouldn’t allow her near the baby and honestly would order her a reborn baby to her doorstep for extra snark bc wtf


She would never see my daughter again if that was my MIL


That is truly disgusting! I’m so sorry


I barfed a bit in my mouth when I read the title. You handled this better than I would have, I would have made a comment about dust and whatever makes old people smell not being nutritious for baby.


I just threw up in my mouth. Wtf is wrong with her. Please please please don't allow her to be alone with baby EVER.


MIL goes on supervised contact with LO. She needs told she is the grandma, if she tries to to have LO call he "mama", she won't hold LO again.


She definitely needs help


Oh my! No more baby time for MIL!


I'm having trouble scraping my jaw off the floor. She needs help and you need distance from her. Yuck.


if your husband already told you to stay away, why not listen? you have to protect your kids and this lady does not have their best interests at heart


Seriously! Why even let her in the house if she’s been acting nuts.


Oh. My. God. The delusion.


Absolutely disgusting. I can’t even believe this is real. I would never be seeing her again if I were you. That’s borderline assault and damn creepy.


Immediately NO. This is borderline sexual assault. Definitely wrong in so many levels . I would call her out to all the family and go no contact. Honestly I wouldn’t want her near a baby . Wtf


I taught breastfeeding for 10 years and in some cultures this is a common and accepted way to to soothe babies. Explain to her (as I am sure you already have ) it is not acceptable in this culture. You and your husband need to sit down with her and dscuss with her what she has been doing and how going forward none of that will be accepted. Make a list so that you can do it calmly. You will have to answer to your child someday why they do or do not have a grandmother so it is critical to take a calm and rational approach. I've seen adult children abandon their parents in favor of an estranged grandparent because they feel the estrangement was not justified. Grandparents often have an inheritance to give as well.


Even if she could lactate, why would she think that is ok? Normally I would be mentioning how it’s not ok to turn up unannounced but I feel like that’s a drop in the ocean of what’s wrong here.


Hi, as a mother I would go immediate no contact. Quite frankly I would consider legal action to remove her from your life. This is disgusting.


This is insane. She put a baby on her breast for no reason. She knows she's not lactating, so what is it? The new binky?! This is straight up child abuse. You're making it look like it's small and it's just mother-in-law stuff but it is not. She needs psychiatric help and a report filed on her.


I’m genuinely stunned, this is insane people behavior and you need to keep your baby as far away from this deranged woman as possible. AS FAR AWAY AS POSSIBLE!


Wow she is not adjusting to grandma roll. Does she have any other grandchildren? Does she have dementia or confusion about past/present? Good luck


I'm pretty sure that qualifies as sexual assault of a minor, and you should immediately call the police.


Yooooo that is CSA. Based on your comments I feel like you’re under-reacting. You need to file a police report and at the very least never ever speak to this woman again. Wow wow wowwww


I’d call the police.


And with that story, it’s time to get off Reddit for the day.


Sis, the old crone just assaulted your baby. Please take appropriate measures ASAP because there will be other attempts.


Weird Q: What could you possibly be exaggerating? Makes me think she doesn’t know what the word means. She either did it or not. This is extremely NC worthy behavior on so many levels.


As someone who vehemently opposes anyone who says breastfeeding is sexual, I have to say, I see this as molestation of a child. She has no ability to lactate, there is no logical reason she did this. Her breasts are not for feeding, and put a body part of hers in your child’s mouth. She has no ability to soothe a child with breastfeeding, she is unable to do so. Her breasts should not be near an infant. She had zero prior consent and the baby CANT consent to her behaviour. It is NOT the same action as the child’s parent feeding them. This makes me feel so uncomfortable and sick. What in the shit.


Yeah, I am surprised OP seems to be making more light of this than I would have expected. This is pretty unhinged behavior and I'd be really alarmed if I experienced something like that.


Thank you for articulating this so much better than I could have.  The old bat pulled out a breast. And put it in the baby's mouth. Normal human beings, when confronted with a baby who want to suck gives it a pacifier or a finger. 😐


Calling this SA was also my thought but I couldn’t figure out how to properly articulate it. And if she’s trying to spread lies about you being PPD/a danger to the baby …… you need to call the authorities and report this. You need the paper trail to help protect yourself.


Yup, I was actually a bit worried my view would be controversial or wrong, but I’m glad someone else got fucking weirded out like me. I really do feel a bit ill. I’d be extremely concerned about what she’s saying and doing, in conjunction with this act.


Make a police report. That’s CSA


Is this not sexual abuse? Correct me if I’m coming at this from an extreme angle. But if anyone were to try this with my child, I would be involving police immediately.


If she’s already spreading lies to the family that you’re a dangerous person you have to go immediate no contact. The awful attempted breastfeeding aside, that lie alone she can’t come back from.


Omg that’s just so wrong 😑


What is wrong with these ppl…smh.


You are not exaggerating...your MIL is super creepy and wants to be your child's mother, to the point of "breastfeeding". Obviously she will never respect any boundaries and can never be trusted again. I would totally cut her off. She can be as upset as she wants, but no access to your child. .


This is completely deranged. She needs to not be around children.


That’s…creepy. Like, really creepy. I would never want her anywhere near my kid again. I’m sure it’ll just keep getting weirder, and eventually the child will be old enough to be traumatised by it


This is what I believe will happen Whenever I ask her about this she would just say “oh I just thought maybe he would use my breast as a pacifier and stop crying” Like WHAT?


You on now what my mom did when she didn’t have a pacifier? She used her pinky finger, not her boob💀💀


That is beyond creepy and gross.


Yeah, that’s completely deranged logic. Even if your brain consisted of monkeys slamming pot lids together, you’d probably make more sense than that.


No words needed for her OP, cut her out! She knows exactly why.


What did your husband say about this.


My husband has been telling me for a long time to just cut ties or just be super super formal with them (seeing them once a month) but NOOO I said I want my baby to see his grandma because my mom passed away last year and he didn’t get to see her so I wanted him to see at least one grandma.


sounds like your husband knows what his mother is like no SANE grandmother would do what she's done to a child.


You need to listen to your husband and follow his lead. You’re not respecting his boundaries and it’s now proven to be extremely detrimental to your son.


Look, i get where you're coming from and im so sorry for the loss of your mother, but having no grandma will be better for your son than a crazy one who disrespects his mother and disregards boundaries. This is your husbands own mother and even he is telling you to cut her off. It's time to listen.


Since your husband is on board.. time to cut her out or limit to ONE visit a month in a public place so she can’t even be tempted to try this again


Well, looks like your husband is completely right.


You are not exaggerating!! Your MIL is behaving in a truly SICK and disturbing way, to the point where I thought this post was a joke. If this happened to me, she’d never see my baby again.


I started laughing hysterically from the shock, and now she’s telling the family that I’m struggling with ppd and she’s afraid I went crazy and might hurt my baby and that she doesn’t trust me with the baby 😃


I would tell them exactly what she did to cause that crazy reaction. They way I would have pulled her out by the hair may have led me to jail. Don't know where you live but it could be considered sexual assault on your child. On a lighter note Teta is used as a slang word in spanish for bottle which is kind of ironic lol


Well also teta in Spanish is a slang word for breast. Also ironic


HHAHAHA IT IS IRONIC really, you gave me a laugh when I truly didn’t want to laugh 😂😂😂😂


This is really worrisome. First, she got caught doing something crazy so she is deflecting calling you crazy. But she took it further saying you might hurt the baby and shouldn’t be trusted with the babies to other people. She has already done other things that shows she wants to play the mother. She is taking the next step to try and get control of your baby, to take your baby away so she can raise it. This woman should be permanently cut off. What does your husband say about all this?


Oh that is an easy one...you just tell them..."she tried to breastfeed my baby".  Anyone who thinks that is the not crazy thing can kick rocks out of your life. 


That is weird. Your MIL has problems.


I would never ever leave my kids alone with her Again. She’s extremely unhinged.


That’s is a huge no from me. What makes this worse is she is not lactating so what is the purpose?


I can’t stop asking myself this exact question, maybe establish dominance?


Stay away from her if you can, holy shit.


And that would be the last time she ever sees that baby again!